Browse Items (3 total)
- Tags: Morris, Joseph
Oral History of Arthurene Wilson Cook
Tags: 1st Street; Anthony, Dottie Von Turbulis; artesian wells; Austin, Louise; bookkeepers; cancers; Carey, North Carolina; Celery Avenue; Chase & Company; Columbus, Georgia; Cook, Arthurene Wilson; Cook, Sherry; Cook, Walter; courthouses; divorces; Downtown Sanford; drafts; elections; Family Loan Company; First Baptist Church of Sanford; First Street; Florida Fashions; French Avenue; Great Depression; Historical Society of Central Florida; hurricanes; Linda McKnight Batman Oral History Project; Longwood; Magic Kingdom; Maitland; Morris, Joseph; multiple myeloma; Museum of Seminole County History; Orange Avenue; orlando; Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; railroads; railways; Sanford; Sanford Civic Center; Sanford, North Carolina; Sanlando Springs; Seminole High School; SR 46; tax collectors; Ted Davis Furniture Company; The Villages; trains; Von Turbulis, Dottie; voting; Walt Disney World; Wilson-Maier Furniture Company; Wilson, Arthurene; World War II; WWII; Wynwood, 25th Street
Oral History of Dick Groskey
Tags: Altamonte Springs; Atlantic City, New Jersey; auctioneering; Bithlo; Brookville, Ohio; Canadarm 1; CBI Theater; China-Burma-India Theater; contractors; D. M. Dennett Auctioneering; Dave Shaw; Dayton Cooperative High School; Dayton, Ohio; Dick Groskey; Don M. Dennett; Florida State Road 50; Fort Knox, Kentucky; Fort Thomas, Kentucky; Historical Society of Central Florida; Japan; Japanese; Joseph Morris; Karen Groskey; Larry Groskey; Linda McKnight Batman Oral History Project; little patients; Martin Marietta Corporation; Merris Walker; metalworking; Miami; Morris, Joseph; Museum of Seminole County History; Myitkyina West; Myitkyina, Myanmar; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; National Cash Register; orlando; Orlando Naval Training Center; Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; Reg Company; Ronnie Groskey; Rusty Groskey; Sharon Groskey; Shuttle Remote Manipulator System; Springfield, Ohio; SR 50; SRMS; tax; taxes; Tokyo Joe; tourism; Trade Tool Engraving; U.S. 1; U.S. 17-92; U.S. Air Force; U.S. Army; U.S. Navy; U.S. Route 1; U.S. Route 17-92; USS General M. B. Stewart; veterans; Walnut Hills; World War II; WWII
Oral History of Ima Jean Bostick Yarborough
Tags: 4-H; agriculture; Argentine Bahia; atomic bombs; Betty Schlusemeyer; Betty Yarborough; Bevel, Grace; Black Angus; Bo Yarborough; Brahman; Bridges Academy; bulls; Bushnell; butcher house; butcher houses; C. S. Lee; C. W. Yarborough; Catherine Kilby; cattle; cattle breeding; cattle ranch; cattle ranches; Center Hill; Central Florida Fair; Charles Simeon Lee; Charolais; Chuluota; conscription; cow-calf operations; cows; Davis; E. H. Kilby; Econfina Creek; Edward Yarborough; Ferguson; fertilizers; Florida State Road 46; Fort Sill; Francis Yarborough; Geneva; Goodwill; Grace Bevel; Grace Yarborough; Gracie Yarborough; Historical Society of Central Florida; horses; Ima Jean Bostick; Ima Jean Yarborough; improved grass; improved grasses; improved pastures; J. K. Kilby; J. W. Yarborough; James Kilby; Joe Morris; Joseph Morris; Kissimmee; learning disabilities; learning disability; Lee, Robert; Linda McKnight Batman Oral History Project; Little Rock, Arkansas; Lynn Yarborough; Mary Dunn; Methodist's Children's Home; military drafts; Morris, Joseph; Museum of Seminole County History; native grass; native grasses; Ocala; Oklahoma Lawton; Olberry; Oviedo; Oxford; PACE School; Palmetto Avenue; pastures; Pearl Yarborough; Pensacola; Pensacola Bahia; Piggly Wiggly; Reba Yarborough; Robert Lee; Robert Yarborough; Ross Allen; Ross Allen's Reptile Institute; Rural Heritage Center; Russell House; Sanchez Avenue; Sanchez Street; Sanford; Seminole County; Seminole County Cattlemen's Association; Silver Springs; Snow Hill; snow Hill Road; special education; SR 46; St. Johns River; Sumter County; Tuscawilla Park; University of Florida; Vickers, Savannah; Volusia County; W. E. Yarborough; W. G. Kilby; White-Faced Heifer; Winn-Dixie; World War II; WWII