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- Tags: civil rights activists
A History of Central Florida, Episode 18: Time Pieces
Tags: 1st Street; A History of Central Florida; Alexis M. McCrossen; Apopka; Atlantic Standard Time; Before His Time: The Untold Story of Harry T. Moore, America's First Civil Rights Martyr; Ben Green; Bob Clarke; Boyd Street; Brevard County; Central Florida Railroad Museum; Central Standard Time; Chip Ford; citrus; civil rights; civil rights activists; clocks; Cross, Philip; CST; dairy; Daniel Velásquez; Dickens, Bethany; Eastern Standard Time; Ella Gibson; EST; farmers; First Street; Florida Memory Project; Freedom Avenue; Geneva; Harry and Harriette Moore Memorial Park; Harry T. & Harriette V. Moore Cultural Complex; Harry T. Moore; Harry Tyson Moore; Industrial Revolution; J. T. McLain; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Lake County; Leesburg; Library of Congress; Mark Howard Long; Mark Long; Mims; Mountain Standard Time; MST; Museum of Geneva History; NAACP; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; National Railway Historical Society; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; orlando; Pacific Standard Time; podcast; PST; railroad conductors; railroads; railways; Robert Cassanello; SMU; Southern Methodist University; Springarn Medal; Standard Time Zones; sundials; time; time pieces; time zonez; UCF; watch; watches; Winter Garden
Florida’s Purge: The Johns Committee Witch Hunt
Tags: Aaron Hosé; Adams Street; Adrien Mills; Advanced Documentary Workshop; African Americans; Alex Boyce; Alex Wood; Allyson Beutke; Amy Simpson; And They Were Wonderful Teachers: Florida's Purge of Gay and Lesbian Teachers; Anita Jane Bryant; anthropophagy; anti-Communism; anti-communists; Art Darling; ArtServe Fort Lauderdale; Atlanta's Out on Film LGBT Film Festival; Barbara Washington; Barry Sandler; Barry Sefteur; Behind Closed Doors: The Dark Legacy of the Johns Committee; Ben Taylor; Bill Young; Black's Law Dictionary; Bob Ewart; Bob Graham; boycotts; Brigitte Hosé; British Columbia, Canada; Broward County Sheriff's Office; Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka; Bryan W. Knicely; C. Lawrence Rice; C. W. Young; Charley Eugene Johns; Chelsea Echols; Chip Burpee; Chuck Woods; cinemas; citrus; civil rights; civil rights activists; Cleveland; colleges; communism; communists; courts; Dade County; Daniel Robert Graham; David Mariutto; David Messer; David Morton; David Starner; David Strickland; Diane Maurtie; Don Uhrig; Donna Zell; Durban Gay & Lesbian Film Festival; education; educators; Elizabeth Forbell; Elizabeth Jensen-Forbell; Emmy Award; FAU; films; flagellation; Florida Atlantic University; Florida Citrus Commission; Florida Film Festival; Florida Legislative Investigation Committee; Florida State College at Jacksonville; Florida State Legislature; Florida State Senate; Florida State University; Florida State University Marching Band; Fort Lauderdale; Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival; Frank Rose; Fred Fejes; Fred Ottle; FSC; FSU; FSU Marching Band; Gasparilla International Film Festival; gay; gay clubs; gay marriage; gay pride; gay pride parades; George B. Stallings, Jr.; George Stupksi; Governor of Florida; governors; Graveville; Greenwich Village, New York; High Springs; higher education; homophobia; homosexuality; Homosexuality and Citizenship in Florida: A Report of the Florida Legislative Investigation Committee; homosexuals; International Jury Award; interrogations; investigations; J. Wayne Reitz; J. Wayne Reitz Student Union; James Monticello; Jennifer Campbell; Jeremy Mayeres; Jesse Monteagudo; Jim Noah; Joe McCarthy; John E. Evans; John Perez; John Tileston, Sr.; Johns Committee; Jon Bowen; Jordan Henry; Joseph Holbrooks; Joseph McCarthy; Joseph Raymond McCarthy; Judith Poucher; Julia Andrew; Julia Monticello; Julian C. Chambliss; Julius Wayne Reitz; June Sellers; Karen Graves; Kathryn Paulson; Kathy Marsh; Kevin Mixon; Killer Tracks; Kim Oliva; Kip Piper; Lamar Bledsoe; Larry King; Lawrence Dietrich; Lawrence Harvey Zeiger; Learning Institute for Elders; Lee L. Foster; Leo C. Jones; lesbians; LGBT; LIFE; Linda Maddocks; Lisa Mills; Lisa Soros; Logan Kriete; Love Your Shorts Film Festival; Marie Cassanello; Mark Howard Long; Mark Long; masochism; mental disorders; mental illness; mental illnesses; Metropolitan Community Church of St. Augustine; Miami; Michael Calderin; Michael Greenspan; Modern Music Masters; Monica Monticello; movies; NAACP; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; necrophilia; Newsweek; orange juices; oranges; orlando; Orlando Film Festival; Out & Proud Veterans of American; Out Twin Cities Film Festival; Panama City; parades; Patrick Fenelson; Paul Fasana; perversion; piquerism; psychiatric disorders; psychopathy; pyromania; Rachell Cappellini; Rafael Sanchez; Red Scare; Richard O. Mitchell; RICHES of Central Florida; Robert Cassanello; Robert Lupo; Robert Williams; Ruth Jensen; Ruth Jensen-Forbell; sadism; Satu Lamarca; Seminole State College; sex crimes; Shay Cambre; Sheridan Square; short films; SSC; St. Augustine; St. Petersburg; Stanley Wheeler; Starke; State of Florida; state senators; Steve Crowley; Stonewall Inn; Stonewall National Museum & Archives; Stonewall Riots; Stuart; students; Suncoast Emmy Award; Sylvana Fernández; Tallahassee; Tallahassee Bus Boycott; Tallahassee Police Department; teachers; Terri Williams; The Committee; Thomas Cappellini; Tim Reid; Timothy Brown; Timothy George Brown; Toronto Canada; Travis Pilch; Tri-M Club; U.S. Supreme Court; UCF; UCF Burnett Honors College; UCF Center for Distributed Learning; UCF Department of Film; UCF Department of History; UCF Office of Instructional Resources; UCF Office of LGBTQ Services; UCF Office of Undergraduate Research; UF; UF Police Department; universities; university; University of Central Florida; University of Florida; Vecruse; Wellesley Street; Williams E. Owens; witch hunts; Yonge Street