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- Tags: guns
Oral History of Ray Sturm
Tags: 210th Field Artillery Brigade; 34th Infantry Division; accountants; Advanced Individual Training; advanced training; AIT; alcohol; alcoholic beverages; alerts; AR-15; Army Special Forces; basic training; beers; budget cuts; cold war; colleges; Columbia, South Carolina; Community Veterans History Project; comradery; CVHP; David Lee Roth; defense; defense budgets; Desert Storm; desert training; E-3; E-4; education; Enlisted Rank 3; Enlisted Rank 4; enlistment; Federal Republic of Germany; firearms; First Gulf War; First Iraq War; Fort Irwin & the National Training Center; Fort Jackson; Fort Stewart; Frankfurt Airport; Frankfurt, Germany; FRG; Georgia; German Air Force; Germans; Germany; Gulf War; Gulf War I; guns; Headquarters and Headquarters Battery; Herzo Base; Herzogenaurach, Germany; HHB; higher education; Iraq; Iraq War; James Earl Carter, Jr.; Jimmy Carter; Katie Hollingsworth; Kuwait; Kuwait War; law enforcement; Luftwaffe; M16 rifles; military training; Mojave Desert; music; musicians; National Training Center; NCO; non-commissioned officers; Nuremberg Trials; Nuremberg, Germany; Operation Desert Storm; orlando; Persian Gulf War; PFC; police; police brutality; polizei; Private First Class; range shooting; rapid deployment forces; Ray Sturm; Republic of Iraq; Ronald Reagan; Ronald Wilson Reagan; sergeants; shooting; shooting ranges; soldiers; Special Forces; Specialist 4; State of Kuwait; supply; terrorism; terrorists; Thirty-Fourth Infantry Division; training; Two Hundred and Tenth Field Artillery Brigade; U.S. Army; U.S. Army Special Forces; UCF; University of Central Florida; Van Halen; veterans; veterans' benefits; Warrior Thunder; weapons; weather; West Germany; Wilson Jones; Winter Park; World War II; WWII
Oral History of Lawrence Paul Levine
Tags: accounting; advanced training; Airframe Repair School; airframe repair specialists; airframe repairman; airframe repairmen; airplanes; Amarill, Texas; Amarillo AFB; Amarillo Air Force Base; anti-war movement; basic training; Boeing 707; Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker; Brown University; BU; Bureau of Customs and Border Protection; Burlington County, New Jersey; C-141 Galaxy; colorblindness; Community Veterans History Project; conscription; Custom Service; CVHP; Detachment 51; draft board; draft lottery; drafts; education; enlistment; Europe; F-101; F-105; F-4; fast food restaurants; fiber glassing; fiberglass; firearms; Frankfurt am Main, Germany; G.I. Bill; Germany; Good Conduct Medal; gun ranges; guns; instructors; Ishihara Color Test; jet; jet fighter; jets; KC-135; Lackland AFB; Lackland Air Force Base; Larry Levine; Lawrence Paul Levin; marching; marriages; Mary Hughes Young; McDonald's; McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II; McDonnell F-101 Voodoo; Mcguire AFB; Mcguire Air Force Base; metal; military draft; military education; military training; pacifism; pacifists; peace movement; phantom jets; planes; protests; Providence, Rhode Island; pylon; Republic F-105 Thunderchief; Rhein-Main AB; Rhein-Main Air Base; RIT; riveting; Rochester Institute of Technology; Rochester, New York; San Antonio, Texas; Selective Service System; Sergeant; Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944; sharpshooters; sharpshooting; Shaw AFB; Shaw Air Force Base; sheet metal; Staff Sergeant; Sumter, South Carolina; TDY; temporary duty; The Platters; TI; training; U.S. Air Force; U.S. Air Force in Europe; U.S. Army; U.S. Army Air Corps; U.S. Bureau of Customs and Border Protection; U.S. Customs Service; United Service Organization; USAFE; USO; veterans; Vietnam; Vietnam War; World War II; WWII
Oral History of Connie Reuter
Tags: Abingdon, Virginia; active duty; Airman Apprenticeship Training School; Baldwin Park; basic training; Beechcraft T-34 Mentor; birth control glasses; boot camps; chapels; chow halls; church; churches; cold war; Community Veterans History Project; Connie Reuter; Corpus Christi, Texas; CVHP; Delayed Entry Program; DEP; drill teams; education; educators; enlistment; eyeglasses; females; firearms; Fleet Week; G.I. glasses; gas chambers; gig lines; glasses; graduations; Ground Zero; guns; Hines; inactive duty; Ingelside, Texas; instructors; Leanne Wiggins; Liberty Call; Lone Sailor Memorial Project; LSMP; Martha Reuter; memorials; MEP; Merritt; military education; Military Entrance Processing; military training; NAS Corpus Christi; Naval Air Station Corpus Christi; Naval Air Station Ingelside; Naval Air Warfare Center Training System Division; Naval Training Center Orlando; Navy Buddy Enlistment Program; NAWCTSD; New York City, New York; NS Ingelside; NTC Orlando; orlando; peanut butter; Petty Officer, Second Class; photographer's mates; photographers; photography; Recruit Training Center; Recruit Training Center Orlando; recruits; RTC Orlando; sailors; ships; suicides; T-34; teachers; The Grinder; training; U.S. Naval Reserve; U.S. Navy; USN; USNR; USS Blue Jacket; veterans; weather; woman; women; World Trade Center; WTC