Browse Items (4 total)
- Tags: artesian water
Tobacco and Leather
Seminole Soil and Water Conservation District Long-Range Program, 1975
Tags: agriculture; artesian water; Betty J. Palmer; Bureau of Environmental Education; C.A. Wales; Charles A. Wales; chloride; Civic Clubs; climate; community development; condominiums; conservation; construction; Department of Education; education; encroachment; environmental improvement; environmental protection; Farm Bureau; farming; farms; forests; geology; grant funds; ground water; ground water resources; highway planning; housing developments; Hubert Bagwell; Hydrolic Features; industrial expansion; irrigation; J.A. Hopkins; land development; Larry Morrell; livestock; mobile homes; open space; Orlando Sentinel Star; Outdoor Classroom Conservation Plans; Planned Unit Developments; population growth; poultry; radio; radio station; resource development; retail; road planning; Sanford; Sanford Herald; Seminole County; Seminole Soil and Water Conservation District; shopping centers; soil; Soil and Conservation Service; Soil Map; soil survey; SSWCD; subvision developments; toxic soil; U.S. Department of Agriculture; urban expansion; urbanization; USDA; water; watershed; wildlife; WTRR; zoning
Program of the Board of Supervisors of the Seminole Soil and Water Conservation District, 1963
Tags: abandoned flowing wells; agricultural development; agriculture; artesian water; beans; beef cattle; birds; Black Hammock; cabbage; carrots; celery; Charles A. Wales; chlorides; citrus; conservation; corn; cropland; drainage; egg production; Elbert Cammack; environmental protection; erosion; farmers; farming; flowing wells; Geneva; industrial development; irrigation; Jack Dodd; Lake Harney; Lake Jessup; Lake Monroe; lakes; land development; land use; leguminous cover crops; lettuce; livestock; nemeatodes; overgrazing; pasture development; ponds; poultry; poultry farms; Puzzle Lake; Ralph Hammond; recreation; recreational land; row crops; Sanford; Sanford Junior High School; Seminole County; Seminole Soil and Water Conservation District; soil; Soil and Conservation Service; soil depletion; SSCD; SSWCD; St. Johns River; streams; U.S. Department of Agriculture; USDA; vegetables; W. W. Linz; water; water control; Wells; wildlife; wind
Program of the Seminole Soil Conservation District, 1948
Tags: artesian water; artesian well; asparagus, Boston ferns, water; beef; black bass; bream; C. A. Wales; cattle; celery; census; Chase and Company; citrus; conservation; controlled burning; dairy; drainage; environmental protection; erosion; farm ponds; farmers; farming; farms; fire protection; fishing; Florida Experiment Station; forestry; grazing; Hairy Indigo; hay; hogs; irrigation; lake basins; Lake Jessup; Lake Monroe; land use; leaching; livestock; Oviedo; pasture development; pine timber; R.F. Cooper; R.T. Milwee; reforestation; saline; Sanford; Seminole County; Seminole Soil and Water Conservation District; Sidney A. Stubbs; sink holes; soil; Soil and Conservation Service; soils legend; SSCD; SSWCD; St. Johns River; T.L. Lingo; Tom McLain, Jr.; truck crops; U.S. Department of Agriculture; USDA; water control; Wekiva River; wildlife; woodland management