Browse Items (9 total)
- Tags: citrus processing industry
Letter from Harold L. Moody to J. W. Woods (April 24, 1967)
Rotarians Hear Report on Four-Rivers Basin: Engineer Discusses Lake Apopka
Tags: agricultural pollution; citrus processing industry; civil engineering; Dale Twachtmann; dikes; engineers; Florida State Board of Health; Four Rivers Basin Project; FSBH; Gene Cappleman; Green Swamp; Lake Apopka; Moss Bluff Lock and Dam; muck farms; sewage treatment plants; Southwest Water Management District; water quality; Winter Garden; Winter Garden Rotary Club
Even Shad are Dying Says Authority: Federal Evaluation Sought On Lake Apopka
Tags: agricultural pollution; Board of Lake County Commissioners; citrus processing industry; Clarence Carswell; D. Lackey; Eustis; farming; Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission Research Laboratory; Howard Young; insecticides; Lake Apopka; Lake County; muck farms; National Marine Water Quality Laboratories; peat farms; sewage treatment plants; water authority; water quality
Leesburg Committee Conclusions
Tags: agricultural pollution; algae; aquatic vegetation; C. W. Sheffield; citrus processing industry; Claude Kirk; Claude R. Kirk, Jr.; East Central Florida Regional Planning Council; Federal Water Pollution Control Administration; fish meal; Florida Air & Water Pollution Control Commission; Florida Department of Agriculture; Florida Development Commission; Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission; Florida Park Commission; Florida State Board of Health; FSBH; FWPCA; Gourd Neck Spring; hyacinths; Lake Apopka; Lake Apopka Technical Committee; levees; Mick Sheffield; Mickey Sheffield; nutrient removal; Ocklawaha River Basin Planning Grant; Orange County Board of County Commissioners; Orange County Water Conservation Department; pesticides; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; water quality; Winter Garden Citrus Products Cooperative
Memorandum from the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission to the Florida Air and Water Pollution Control Commission (June 13, 1968)
Tags: \ improved breams; agricultural pollution; algae; American Fisheries Society; American gizzard shads; aquatic vegetation; Beauclair; black crappies; bluegills; cherry gills; chinquapins; citrus processing industry; Eustis; fish camps; fish kills; fish meal; Florida Air and Water Pollution Control Commission; Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission; garfish; Georgia breams; green algae; hyacinths; Lake Apopka; Lake Carlton; Lake Dora; Lake Eustis; Lake Griffin; Lake Harris; lakes; largemouth bass; Leesburg; Lepomis microlophus; levees; Little Lake Harris; Mount Dora; Mt. Dora; nutrient removal; Ocklawaha River; pesticides; redear sunfish; rouge ear sunfish; seining; sewage treatment plants; shellcrackers; sport fishing; sun perch; sun perches; water quality; Winter Garden
Rx for Lake Apopka
Tags: agricultural pollution; algae; aquatic vegetation; C. W. Sheffield; citrus processing industry; Claude R. Kirk, Jr.; Claude Roy Kirk, Jr.; eutrophication; fish camps; fish kills; Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission; Florida State Board of Health; FSBH; Gourd Neck Springs; hyacinths; Lake Apopka; Lake Apopka Technical Committee; levees; Mick Sheffield; Mickey Sheffield; nutrient removal; Orange County Water Conservation Department; pesticides; sewage treatment plants; sportfishing; water quality
Agreement to Establish the Oklawaha River Basin Improvement Council
Tags: algae; Bill Chappell; Central Florida Agricultural Institute; citrus processing industry; Dean Maloney; Don Fuqua; East Central Florida Regional Planning Council; eutrophication; Florida Citrus Mutual; Florida Department of Air and Water Pollution Control; Florida Department of Pollution Control; Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission; Florida Inter-Local Cooperation Act of 1969; Gourd Neck Springs; Lake Apopka; Lake Dora; Lake Eustis; Lou Frey; Louis Frey, Jr.; Ocklawaha Basin; Oklawaha River Basin Improvement Council; sewage disposal plants; Southwest Florida Water Management District; St. Johns River; stormwater drainage; UF; University of Florida; water hyacinths; William V. Chappell, Jr.
Interim Lake Apopka Report (August 1974)
Tags: 1947 Fort Lauderdale hurricane; agricultural pollution; algae; Allen E. Arthur; ameirus catus; ameirus nebulosus; Apopka-Beauclair Canal; boating; brown bullhead catfish; C. W. Sheffield; citrus processing industry; DDT; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; dissolved oxygen; eel; Environmental Endangered Lands Program; Ernest H. Cowen; eutrophication; fertilizers; fish kills; fishing; Florida Wildlife Magazine; Fred Harden; Gourd Neck Springs; Hurricane of 1947; Interagency Planning Committee on Environmental Endangered Lands; Jim Harrell; Joe Crumpton; John Bateman; Lake Apopka; Lake Carlton; lake drawdown; Matt Cross; muck farms; Neil Westbrook; nitrogen; Norman W. Hart, Jr.; Oklawaha River Basin; Oklawaha River Basin Restoration Council; Orlando Area Chamber of Commerce; pesticides; phosphates; sewage treatment plants; Southwest Florida Water Management District; Tom Sawicki; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; water hyacinth; water management; water quality; white catfish; Zellwood Drainage District
Lake Apopka: A Fact Sheet for Public Meetings
Tags: algae; Apopka-Beauclair Canal; citrus processing industry; DER; Eichhornia crassipes; eutrophication; FDPC; fish kills; Florida Department of Environmental Regulation; Florida Department of Pollution Control; Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission; GFC; Hurricane of 1947; Jay Landers; Joseph W. Landers, Jr.; Lake Apopka; Lake Dora; Lake Eustis; largemouth bass; Micropterus dolomieu; Micropterus salmoides; muck farms; Oklawaha River; Reubin Askew; Reubin O'Donovan Askew; smallmouth bass; St. Johns River; water hyacinth; West Orange Chamber of Commerce; Winter Garden