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- Tags: Jacobs
Oral History of Bettye Jean Aulin Reagan
Tags: Abraham Lincoln; Alice Kathryn Aulin Bunch; American flags; Anderson; Andrew Aulin III; Andrew Aulin, Jr.; Andrew Aulin, Sr.; Andrew Schott Reagan; Andy Aulin; art; artists; Aulin Avenue; Aulin's Landing; awards; B. F. Wheeler; baccalaureate services; Baptists; Bayton; Benjamin Franklin Wheeler; Bettye Jean Aulin Reagan; Bettye Reagan; bicycles; bike riding; bikes; Black Beauty; Bob Ward; book reports; books; bovines; busing; camping; canines; car accidents; cattle; chapels; Charles Warren Aulin; Charlie McCulley; Charlotte Lee Lawton; church; churches; clothes; clothing; Coat of Many Colors; coats; cops and robbers; cows; cycling; Daniel Lee McGill; Daniel Lee Reagan; Debbie Lynn Reagan; desegregation; discipline; doctors; dogs; Don Reagan; Donald Thomas Reagan; dressmakers; dressmaking; drugstores; Easter; education; educators; Emma Leonora Lawton Aulin; First Baptist Church of Oviedo; flags; Florida State Bank; forts; Frankie D. Gore; fruit testers; GA; games; George Lee Wheeler; Girls’ Auxiliaries; graduations; Grand Ole Opry; gym; Heidi; high schools; immigrants; immigration; integration; Jackson Borough School for Nursing; Jacobs; Joanne Ward; Joel Edwin McGill; Joel McGill; Julie Karin Reagan; Kathleen An Reagan; Kathleen Ann McGill; Lake Charms; Lake Mary; Lee; Leonard Franklin Slye; Lillian Della Lee Lawton; Lona Lawton Aulin; Lottie Lee Lawton; Martin; Mary Alice Powell Aulin; Mary Leonora Aulin Bartlett; milk; milking; Morrison’s Cafeteria; Nelson and Company; novels; oranges; orlando; Orlando Transit; Osteen; Oviedo; Oviedo High School; Oviedo School; Oviedo, Spain; P.E.; painters; painting; Patrick Kelley Reagan; pets; physical education; physicians; postmasters; pranks; RA; race relations; radios; Rebecca Schwandt; Rollins College; Roy Rogers; Royal Ambassadors; Sanford; school bus; school buses; schools; seamstress; seamstresses; segregation; sewing; Slavia; spitz; spitzen; storekeepers; strawberries; strawberry; Sunbeam Band; Swedes; Swedish; swimming pools; T. W. Lawton; teachers; telephone operators; The Roy Rogers Show; Thomas Willington Lawton; Trigger; Troubles; Tusta's Drugstore; W. J. Lawton; Walker; weddings; West; West House; Wheeler; Wheeler Fertilizer Company; White's Wharf; Winborn Joseph Lawton, Sr.
Oral History of Dick Quentin Harkey
Tags: African Americans; Airport Boulevard; Altamonte Springs; Amtrak; Antoinette Jennings; Apopka; ATF; Atlanta, Georgia; Beverly Harkey; Bill Gorman; Bob Carr Performing Arts Centre; Bob Egan; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; campaign coordinators; campaigns; Celery Soup: Florida's Folk Life Play; Central Florida Zoo and Botanical Gardens; Channel 24; Channel 9; Charlotte, North Carolina; Cheryl Harkey; church; churches; city commissioners; claims adjusters; Claims Department; Claude R. Kirk, Jr.; Claude Roy Kirk, Jr.; CNA Financial Corporation; Creative Sanford, Inc.; CSX Transportation; Dick Quentin Harkey; Downtown Orlando; Downtown Sanford; Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts; Erika Mattfeld; Eustis; Florida Central Railroad; Florida Hospital Health Village; Florida State Road 417; Florida State Road 441; Florida State Road 46; Fort Lauderdale; Gainesville, Georgia; George H. W. Bush; George Herbert Walker Bush; Governor of Florida; governors; Great American Insurance Group; Harvey LeRoy Atwater; hospitals; Hugh Walker; ILC; IMA; insurance; Intracoastal Waterway; IOC; Isaacson; Jackson Port; Jacobs; Jeanie Austin; Joe Montesanto; John King; John Luigi Mica; John Mica; John Street; Kirk Douglas; Lake Mary; Lake Nona; Lake Nona Medical City; Lawson Lamar; Lee Atwater; Lockhart; Longwood; Magic Kingdom Park; maids; Maitland Civic Center; Manatee Port; Marianne Harkey; Mark McCarty; Maxwell House; Methodists; Mount Dora; New York City, New York; Nicky Bernstein; Orange Blossom Express; orange county; Order of the Elbow; orlando; Orlando Regional Realtor Association; Orlando Utilities Commission; OUC; Pam Beach; Panama Canal; Peace Tree Hills Road; Peggy Spagler; race relations; railroads; railways; Republican National Committee; Republican Party of Florida; Republicans; Retan; Rich Crotty; Richard Lynn Scott; Richard T. Crotty; Rick Scott; RNC; Robbie Harkey; Robert Egan; S Line; Sand Lake Road; Sanford; Sanford City Commission; Sanford Welcome Center; Scott Vandergrift; segregation; Spagler, Peggy; SR 417; SR 441; SR 46; state representatives; state senators; SunRail; Taft; Tavares; Terry Griffin; The Help; The Sail Club; Toni Jennings; Toni Jennings Public Service Award; Trish Thompson; U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs; University of Georgia; US Railcar Company; Wall Street Crash of 1929; Walt Disney World; West Palm Beach; WFTV; William D. Gorman; Winter Haven; Winter Haven Integrated Logistics Center; WMFE-TV; Young Harris College; Young Republicans; YR
Oral History of Garnett White
Tags: 10th Street; 7th Street; 9th Street; aluminum; American Cancer Society; automobiles; B.L. Perkins' Store; bass; bicycles; bikes; Bluitt Stevens; Bobbi Goff; Boy Scouts of America; butchers; Carl McWaters; cars; celery; Chase and Company; citrus; citrus groves; Crooms Academy of Information Technology; Downtown Sanford; Eagle Scouts; Ed White; Elizabeth Wigham; Elm Avenue; farmers; farming; First Federal Savings & Loan; Garnett White; Golden Rusty; golf caddies; Greater Sanford Regional Chamber of Commerce; Hall; Harriet; Harrington; high schools; Historical Society of Central Florida; icehouses; Jacobs; Jaycees; Joseph Morris; Joshua Coffin Chase; Judy White; Lake Monroe; Laurel Avenue; Linda McKnight Batman Oral History Project; Lyman High School; Mac Cleaver; metal drives; mites; Monroe; motor vehicles; muck; muck farms; Museum of Seminole County History; newspaper routes; newspapers; Ninth Street; oilers; Operation Deep Freeze; orlando; Oviedo High School; packing houses; paper boys; Paulette Casen; Paulette White; Pelham, Georgia; quartermasters; railroads; railways; Ransidey; real estate; real estate agents; real estate appraisal; real estate brokers; real estate licenses; recessions; Red Hill Groves; reefers; refrigeration; rubbers; rust mites; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford Jaycees; Sanford Junior Chamber of Commerce; Sanford Junior High School; Sanford-Seminole County Chamber of Commerce; Sanford-Seminole County Junior Chamber of Commerce; school lunches; Seminole County; Seminole High School; Seminole State College; Seventh Street; Southside Elementary; St. Augustine; Student Museum; Sydney Octavius Chase, Jr.; Sydney Octavius Chase, Sr.; Ted White; Tenth Street; The Florida Times-Union; The Sanford Herald; Triple S Groceteria; U.S. Navy; war effort; Winterville, Georgia; World War II; WWII
Oral History of Julia Nadine Davis Aulin
Tags: American Civil War; Andrew Aulin III; Andy Aulin; armadillos; automobiles; Benjamin Franklin Wheeler, Sr.; Black Hammock; Career Field; cars; Charles Warren Aulin; Chuluota; church; churches; Citizens Bank of Florida; Citizens Bank of Oviedo; citrus; cops; Donna Neely; Downtown Oviedo; dressmakers; dressmaking; elevators; Emma Leonora Lawton Aulin; Fifi; football teams; George Kelsey; immigrants; immigration; Jacobs; John Courier; Kilby; law enforcement; Lee Gary; Mary Alice Powell Aulin; motor vehicles; Nadine Davis Aulin; Narcissa Melissa Lawton; Nelson and Company; Nettie Dorcas Jacobs Aulin; OHS; orange groves; oranges; orlando; Oviedo; Oviedo High School; Oviedo: Biography of a Town; police officers; post offices; postmasters; rice; roadsters; rumble seats; Sarah Schneider; seamstress; seamstresses; sewing; spiders; sports; spyders; Steen Nelson; Swedes; Swedish Americans; switchboard operators; The Judge; Thee Lee; Theodore Aulin; Theodore Lee; Thomasville, Georgia; Townhouse Restaurant; White's Wharf; World War I; World War II; WWI; WWII