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- Tags: Sanford Middle School
Annual Report of School Progress for Sanford Grammar School, 1977-1978
Tags: Adams; Agnes Burnsed; Agnes Fields; Allean Jeffords; Altamonte Mall; Annual Report of School Progress; Anrucles; Beau Taylor; Beverly Schwitzer; Blue Springs; California Test of Basic Skills; career education; CETA Program; Changing Education Through the Arts; Circus World; Clay C. Carroll; Commissioner of Educations; compensatory education; CTBS; Derek Martin; Diane Copeland; Dreathea Smith; ECE; economics education; Educable Mentally Handicapped; elementary schools; Elizabeth B. Neiman; Elsa Caskey; EMH; environmental center; Eva Tisdale; Evelyn Mayes; Exceptional Child Education; Family Relations; field trips; Florida State Accreditation Standards; Florida Statewide Assessment; Fort Mellon Park; Foster, Susan; Frances Kaleel; FTU; grammar schools; Hazel M. Warren; Henry Ellis; Holiday House; Jacqueline Becker; Janet Druckenmiller; Jean Eldredge; Jeanie Mikles; John Young Museum and Planetarium; Karen Rauth; kindergarten; language arts education; Linda Bose; Linda Denison; Loch Haven Art Center; Mablel Chapmen; March of Dimes; Margo Hull; Mary L. Cook; mathematics education; Metropolitan Readiness; Nancy Freeman; Narie Martin; Nathaniel Williams; Norma Goethe; Parent-Teach Association; parents; Phyllis Fondren; physical education; playgrounds; population; President's Physical Fitness Program; primary education; principals; PTA; PTE; Read-A-Thon; reading education; Rita Mann; Robert T. Fox; Safety Patrol System; Sanford; Sanford Fire Department; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford Middle School; Sanford Plaza Theatre; Sara Teitch; Sarah Cramer; School Advisory Committee; school discipline; school dividends; school safety; science education; Scott Carnell; SCPS; SeaWorld; Seminole Big Tree Park; Seminole County Public Schools; Seminole County School District Master In-Service Training Plan; Seminole Memorial Hospital; Send a Mouse to College; Seventh Street; Silver Springs; SLD; social studies education; Southern Bell Telephone Company; special education; Specific Learning Disabilities; students; Susan Foster; teacher aides; teachers; The Lion; The Orlando Sentinel Star; Ulysses Ward; United Fund; Willie Agnes Fields; writing education; zoos
Demolition of Seminole High School
Madge Geraldine Rigney-Kinlaw at Seminole High School
Names Make 'The News'
Tags: 124th Infantry; Aiken, Dick; Alexander, Viola; Allen; Back, Audrey; Beard; Bill Bobstay; Bob Beckett; Bobbynette; Bouffie; Brower, Nancy; Brumley, Herman; Callahan, Bob; Cameron, Shirley; Captain Corcoran; Clark, Catherine; Clark, Dorothy; Clark, Louise; Column, Nancy; Conelly, Daphne; Cousin Hebe; Cranston, Ralph; Dean, Rolland; Dick Deadeye; Dunn, Doris; Eich, Shirley; Evans, Roberta; Florida National Guard; Florida Showcase; Foots; French Avenue; Geiger, Robert; Gilbert, William Schwenck; Gleason, Hanel Matthews, Harriet; Glee Club; Grantham, Clarence; H.M.S. Pinafore; Hickson, Helen; high school; Hinson, Juanell; Hoge, Leroy; Hutchins, Georgia; Jackson, Ruth; Josephine; King, Betty; Little Buttercup; Lucy; Lyons, Dorothy; Matthews, Betty; Matthews, Evelyn; Matthieux, Mildred; Matthieux, Orrie; McWhorter, Elsie; Meekins, Carey; Meisch, Sylvia; Miller, Betty; Morrison, Dorothy; Morrison, Sallie; Mrs. Cripps; opera; Orin Stenstrom family; Page, Martha; Park, Charles Sr.; Perkins, Martha; Phyllis; Powell, Neil; Raborn, M. L. "Sonny"; Rackstraw, Ralph; Robson, Mildred; Rucker, Wayde; Sacket, Milton; Sanford; Sanford Junior High School; Sanford Middle School; school; Seminole High School; Seminole High School Glee Club; Sir Joseph Porter; Smith, Walter; Speer, Andrew; Stenstrom, Julian; Stevens, Rebecca; Sullivan, Arthur; Tew, Mary Helen; The Sanford Herald; Toll, Audrey; Turner, Walter; Walsh, Lillian; Ward; Ward, Ed; WCPX; WDBO; Whitmore, Barbara; Williams, Nancy
Oral History of Patricia Ann Black and Billy Hardy
Tags: 10th Street; 11th Street; 1st Street; 25th Street; African Americans; Army; Bay Avenue; Bigham, Patricia Ann Black; Black, Patricia Ann; car; Celery Avenue; Celery Soup: Florida's Folk Life Play; child molestation; Clemens, Jimmy; Columbus, Georgia; Creative Sanford, Inc.; Crooms Academy; Crooms High School; desegregation; Eleventh Street; First Street; football; Hardy, Bill; Hopper Academy; Howard, Pat; integration; Jacobson, Manuel; Jacobson, Sarah; Jones, Willie; Lakeview Middle School; Martin, Trayvon Benjamin; Mellonville Avenue; migrant worker; miscegenation; National Honor Society; New York; NHS; North Rose Wolcott School; Oldsmobile Starfire; Operation Desert Storm; oral history; race relations; Rexall; Rochester, New York; Roman-Toro, Freddie; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Junior High School; Sanford Middle School; school; segregation; Seminole High School; sexual abuse; taboo; Tenth Street; Thompson, Trish; U.S. Route 17-92; veteran
Oral History of Sharon Karraker Driskell
Tags: 7th Street; Brown, Bonnie Haskuns; Celery Avenue; Driskell, Sharon Karraker; education; elementary school; grammar school; Haskuns, Bonnie; high school; Idlewild; Jimenez, Jim; Karraker, Sharon; Keith Elementary School; Lake High School; maypole; McRory's Dime Store; middle school; Mitchell, Margaret; museum; oral history; PHC; Public History Center; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford High School; Sanford Middle School; school; Seminole High School; Seventh Street; Student Museum and Center for the Social Studies; UCF; University of Central Florida; Velásquez, Daniel; Westside Grammar Elementary School; Winter Springs
Oral History of Shirley Muse
Tags: 7th Street; Amtrak; archival collection; Beiler, Rosalind; collection cataloger; collections manager; columnist; county judge; Florida State University; fossil; FSU; gardener; general; Geography Lab: Where in the World Are We?; Glasshoff, Jesse; Grandma’s Attic; Historic Sanford Welcome Center; History Harvest; Jacob’s Ladder; librarian; Library Science; media specialist; Million, Shirley; Muse, Shirley; Orlando Sentinel; Panama Canal Zone; PHC; Pioneer Exhibit: Before the Settlement of Sanford; Richardson, Kay; Robinson, Bill; Sanford Herald; Sanford Middle; Sanford Middle School; Sanford MS; Sanford Welcome Center; Seventh Street; South Pacific; state senator; Stenstrom; Stenstrom Elementary; Stenstrom, Douglas; Stetson College; Stetson University; Stiffy's; Student Museum; The Orlando Sentinel; UCF; UCF Public History Center; UF; University of Central Florida; University of Florida; University of Virginia; UV; volunteer
Sanford Landmark School Building Hosts Reunion and its Last Hurrah
Tags: alumni; anford; Banana Boys; Celery Fed; Celery Feds; DeSormier, Vicki; French Avenue; Green, Margaret; high school; high school reunion; jazz band; Lynch, Elizabeth; Morris, Gladyse; Pelham, Dan; Sanford Chamber of Commerce; Sanford Junior High School; Sanford Middle School; Sanford Morning Signal; school; Seminole High School; Shoemaker, Elizabeth; Smith, Walter; Sprout, Margaret; Stemper, Gladyce; The Sanford Herald; Thornton, Dave; Thornton, Jane; time capsule; Tommy; Vincent; Wright, Roy
Seminole High School French Avenue Campus
Something to Say...
Tags: 4-H Tropicana Public Speaking Program; Alex Mross; All Soul's Catholic School; Altamonte Christian School; Ana Caroline Gutierrez; Chris Bathke; competition; Corey Johnson; Double R Private School; Greenwood Lakes Middle School; Hanna Roberson; Indian Trails Middle School; James Mayer; Karina Lisenbee; Kelsey Eagan; Laura Mancuso; Lawton Chiles Middle School; middle school; Millennium Middle School; Milwee Middle School; Oviedo; Page Private School; public speaking; Rachel Macher; Rock Lake Middle School; Sanford Middle School; Sanna Siddiqui; Sarah Thorncroft; school; SCPS; Seminole County; Seminole County Public Schools; Serena Bhatia; Sesheta Mwanza; South Seminole Middle School; student; Teague Middle School; The Oviedo Voice; Tuskawilla Middle School