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- Tags: Soviet Union
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 51: An Interview with Jim Clark, Part 1
Tags: Agnew, Spiro Theodore; anti-Communism; campaign; candidate; Clark, James "Jim" C.; Clark, Jim; Claude Pepper Center; Claude Pepper Library; Clinton, Bill; Clinton, William "Bill" Jefferson; cold war; communism; Communist; Communist Party; Congress; cracker; Democrat; Democratic Party; direct mail; documentary; elderly; election; election campaign; federal government; Florida State University; FSU; Germany; government spending; Hitler, Adolf; incumbent; Johnson, Lyndon Baines; Kennedy, John Fitzgerald; League of Women's Voters; left-wing; leftist; McCarthy, Joseph "Joe" Raymond; McCarthyism; Medicaid; Moscow, Russia; New Deal; Nixon, Richard Milhous; nomination; Pepper deficit; Pepper, Claude Denson; podcast; political campaign; politics; president; primary election; Primary Election of 1950; Red Pepper and Gorgeous George: Claude Pepper's Epic Defeat in the 1950 Democratic Primary; Red Scare; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Robert Cassanello; Rotary Club; Rubio, Marco Antonio; Russia; Senate; senator; Smathers, George Armistead; Social Security; Soviet Union; speech; Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovic; Stalin, Joseph; Time Magazine; Truman, Harry S.; U.S. Attorney General; U.S. Senate; U.S. Senate primary; U.S. Senate primary election; U.S. Senate primary race; U.S. Senator; UF; University of Florida; voter; voting; World War II; WWII
Oral History of Joshua "Josh" R. Dull
Tags: 9/11 Attacks; Abu Nakhlah Airport; Afghan War; Afghanistan; airman; airmen; Al Udeid AB; Al Udeid Air Base; alcohol abuse; alcoholism; Anchorage, Alaska; anxiety; Bagram Airfield; bargaining; basic training; Brevard County; cryogenics; Danny Trejo; Davis-Monthan AFB; Davis-Monthan Air Force Base; deployment; deployments; depression; Doha, Qatar; drug addictions; Dull, Heather; Dull, Josh R.; Dull, Joshua "Josh" R.; Elmendorf AFB; Elmendorf Air Force Base; Empower Wyoming; EOD; Explosive Ordinance Disposal; fuels department; fuels tech school; GI Bill; Global War on Terror; GWOT; Hakthor; Heather Dull; Indians; Iraq War; Josh Dull; Joshua R. Dull; liquid oxygen; Little; McChord Field; Melbourne; Melbourne International Airport; mental health; Middle East; Middle Easterner; military family; military training; Myer; Nepalese; Once Upon a Time in Mexico; Outstanding Unit Award; oxygen; Picacho Peak State Park; post-traumatic stress disorder; PTSD; Qatar; Qataris; Rachel Williams; Ramadan; Reveille; Rip It; rocket attacks; Romero; September 11 Attacks; Servicemen's��s Readjustment Act of 1944; souq; Soviet Union; Soviet War in Afghanistan; Spider-Man; Sri Lankan; substance abuse; Tacoma, Washington; tech school; terrorism; terrorists; The Cabin in the Woods; The Florida Review; Tucson, Arizona; U.S. Air Force; UCF; UCF VARC; University of Central Florida; USAF; V-22; VARC; veterans; Veterans Academic Resource Center; War in Afghanistan; Wichita Falls, Texas; Wyoming
Oral History of Philip Rogers
Tags: 9/11; advanced training; American Chemical Society; Bennett Drive; Berlin Wall; Berlin, Germany; Bill Clinton; Bronx, New York City, New York; Caribbean Crisis; cold war; colleges; colorblindness; Commander; commissioned officers; Community Veterans History Project; Cuba; Cuban Missile Crisis; CVHP; dependents' cruises; deterrent patrols; dry docks; education; educators; Engineering Duty Officer; Engineering Duty Officer Dolphin Program; Engineering Duty Officer Dolphins; Engineering Duty Officer School; Father of the Nuclear Navy; firefighting; fires; Florida Power & Light Company; FPL; Gerald Mattson; Germany; Hyman G. Rickover; Hyman George Rickover; Indiana University; instructors; Jensen Beach; Jim Tully; Killian Hiltz; Lehman College; mayors; military education; military spouses; military training; military wife; military wives; Nathan Hale; nuclear power; Nuclear Power Ballistic Missile Submarines; nuclear power plants; Nuclear Power School; nuclear safety; Nuclear Ship Superintendent School; October Crisis; Officer Indoctrination School; OIS; orlando; Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; Philip Rogers; presidents; Restricted Line Officer; Ronald Reagan; Ronald Wilson Reagan; Safety Training Coordinator; September 11th; South Florida; Soviet Union; Soviets; SSBN; Steve Israel; SU; Submarine School; submarines; subs; teachers; terrorism; terrorists; The Missile Scare; training; U.S. Naval Reserve; U.S. Navy; UCF; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; universities; university; University of Central Florida; USS Nathan Hale; USSR; veterans; Washington, D.C.; William Jefferson Blythe III; William Jefferson Clinton
Oral History of William Reuter
Tags: Action in the Gulf of Sidra; aircraft; aircraft carriers; airplanes; anti-terrorism; astronauts; aviation; aviation simulations; aviation simulators; aviators; Baldwin Park; Base Realignment and Closure; Bill Reuter; bleed air fuel leak; blue water operation; Boeing F/A-18 Hornet; BRAC; Challenger disaster; Chief Test Pilot; cold war; college; colleges; Columbia; Columbia disaster; Commanding Officer; commendation; commendations; Community Veterans History Project; CVHP; Daniel Bradfield; David M. Brown; David McDowell Brown; education; Executive Officer; F-18; Henry Brubaker; Key West; Key West High School; KWHS; Lake Baldwin Park; Legion of Merit; Libya; Line of Death; Lone Sailor Memorial Project; LSMP; McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet; medals; memorials; military education; modeling; monuments; NAS Patuxent River; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Naval Air Station Patuxent River; Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division; Naval Support Activity; Naval Support Activity Orlando; Naval Training Center; Naval Training Center Orlando; NAWCTSD; Norway; NSA Orlando; NTC Orlando; outer space; Patuxent River, Maryland; pilots; planes; Recruit Training Center; Recruit Training Center Orlando; Reserve Officers' Training Corps; ROTC; RTC Orlando; science of learning; Soviet Union; Soviets; Space Shuttle Challenger; Space Shuttle Challenger disaster; Space Shuttle Columbia; Space Shuttle Columbia disaster; SU; terrorism; Test Pilot School; test pilots; U.S. Air Force; U.S. Navy; UCF; UF; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; universities; university; University of Central Florida; University of Florida; USSR; veterams; veteran; wars; warzones; William C. McCool; William Cameron McCool; William Reuter; Willie McCool; XO
A History of Central Florida, Episode 39: Wartime Civil Defense
Tags: 1st Street; 3rd Inceptor Command; A History of Central Florida; air raid warning siren; aircraft; Aircraft Warning Service; airplane; Aldeman, Helen; American Legion, Inc.; AP; Associated Press; Attack of Pearl Harbor; AWS; Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks; Blanding, Albert H.; BPOE; Cees, Jay; Civic Exhibition Center; civil defense; civilian; civilian volunteer; Civitan Club; Clarke, Bob; club; Coates, Hope; cold war; College Club; Elks Lodge; Empire State Building; Fenton, B. J.; First Street; Ford, Chip; Fort Kent, Maine; Fortune Magazine; Frank, Walter; Geneva; German; Germany; Gibson, Ella; Hannon, Barbara; Harrell, George "Speedy"; Hazen, Kendra; homefront; Japan; Japanese; Johnnie Walker Whisky; Kelley, Katie; Key West; Kiwanis Club; La Paz; labor; Lions Club; Long, Mark Howard; Martin, Mary Jo; Messerschmitt Me 262; Meyers, Betty; Mormino, Gary Ross; Morrison Field Army Air Base; Museum of Geneva History; Nazi; Nazi German; New York City, New York; Norton Gallery and School of Art; observation station; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; Palm Beach; Palm Beach Art League; Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; Pioneer Hall; podcast; RICHES; Robb, Inex; Robert Cassanello; Rotary Club; Soviet; Soviet Union; spotter; spotters' neck; State Defense Council of Florida; Strain, Ralph; Stumpf; submarine; Tallahassee; Tampa; The Palm Beach Post; Third Inceptor Command; Thomas, Tommy; training; training disc; Tylander, Ray; U-boat; U.S. Air Corps; U.S. Army; U.S. Army Ground Observer Corps; UCF; University of Central Florida; USAAC; Velásquez, Daniel; Walker, Johnnie; war effort; warship; Witek, J. R.; women; World War II; WWII
Florida Historical Quarterly, Episode 29: Vol. 94, No. 4, Spring 2016
Tags: Afghanistan; American Communist Labor Party; ammonia; Armand Hammer; Bank of America; Brad Massey; cold war; communism; communists; company towns; convict leasing; Daniel S. Murphree; détente; draglines; Eastern Bloc; embargos; environmentalism; environmentalists; Ex-Im Bank; Export-Import Bank; FHQ; Florida Historical Quarterly; Ford Motor Company; globalization; Heinz Alfred Kissinger; Henry Alfred Kissinger; Henry Kissinger; Hooker Chemical Company; International Ore and Fertilizer Company; Jefferson Lake Sulphur Company; labor; laborers; mines; mining; Morocco; Muammar Gaddafi; Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar Gaddafi; Nikita Khrushchev; Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev; Occidental Petroleum Corporation; OPEC; Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries; Osceola National Forest; Oxy; Peace River; phosphate; pollution; price setting; recycling; Richard Bernard Stone; Richard Milhous Nixon; Richard Nixon; Richard Stone; Ronald Reagan; Ronald Wilson Reagan; socialism; socialists; Soviet Union; Soviet-Afghan War; Soviets; Stalinization; strip mining; Sunshine Skyway Bridge Disaster; trade deals; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; USSR; World War II; WWII