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- Tags: firefighters
A History of Central Florida, Episode 35: Leather Fire Helmet
Tags: A History of Central Florida; Benjamin Franklin; Bob Clarke; Cairns Fire Helmets; Chip Ford; Daniel Velásquez; Denver Firefighters Museum; Eagles; Ella Gibson; fire chiefs; fire departments; fire helmets; firefighters; firefighting; fireman; firemen; Henry Cairns; Henry T. Gratacap; high eagle helmets; Jasper Cairns; Jerry Michaels; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; leather; Mount Dora; Mount Dora Fire & Police Station; Mount Dora Fire Department; Mount Dora History Museum; Mount Dora Police Department; New York City, New York; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; OSHA; Robert Cassanello; Royellou Lane; Skip Kerkhof; Stephen Kerkhof; U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration
City Appoints New Fire Chief, Finance Director
Tags: Bentkofsky; Carolyn White; city government; City of Oviedo; Cynthia Lindsay; Darla Kinney Scoles; Edwin White; finance director; fire chiefs; fire departments; fire protection; firefighters; firefighting; Gerald Seeber; government; local government; OFD; Oviedo; Oviedo City Hall; Oviedo Finance Department; Oviedo Fire and Emergency Services Department; Oviedo Fire Department; The Oviedo Voice
Declaration of Intention for Herbert Alexander Wells
Tags: 2nd Court; African Americans; Anna M. Fitzsimmons; Berdina Wells; British West Indies; BWI; DOL; Edwin R. Williams; Fearless; firefighters; Herbert Alexander Wells; Herbie Wells; immigrants; immigration; Immigration and Naturalization Service; Key West; locomotive fireman; locomotive firemen; Long Island, Bahamas; Mamie Knowles; Mamie Wells; Mary Ellen Knowles; Mary Ellen Wells; Miami; naturalization; Second Court; U.S. Department of Labor
Explosions Rock City: Flames Visible 6 Miles Away
Tags: 13th Street; 18th Street; Ansley, Hugh; Chevrolet; Cleveland, Mack N. Sr.; Eighteenth Street; farmers' market; fire; firefighters; French Avenue; Navy firefighters; Sanford; Sanford Fire Department; Sanford Fruit Company; Sanford Police Department; Sanford State Farmers' Market; Seminole High School; The Sanford Herald; Thirteenth Street; Tooke, Harry; U.S. Navy
Herbert Alexander Wells at the Railyard in Savannah, Georgia
Herbert Wells Dies in Sleep
Tags: 17th Street; 2nd Court; African Americans; Bahamian Americans; Bahamians; Berdina Wells; Deloria Marshall; FEC; firefighters; fireman; firemen; Florida East Coast Railway Company; Herbert Alexander Wells; Herbie Wells; Jackson Memorial Hospital; Joe L Marshall, Sr.; Joe Marshall, Jr.; John E. Marshall; Kelly Chapel; Lila Phillips Lila Marshall; Lula Marshall; Mamie Knowles; Mamie Wells; Mary Ellen Knowles; Mary Ellen Wells; Miami; Nauml McKenson; railroads; Second Court
Home of Fire Chief Maxie G. Bennett
Lars White Tries Out Job as Oviedo Fire Chief
Offspring: Washington Wells
Tags: 19th Street; 2nd Court; African Americans; Alphease Wells; Angela Wells Claire; Anthony Felton; Arthur Wells; Berdina Wells; Carlitha Felton; Carlitha Wells; Carrey Felton; Colin Wells; Earl R. Wells; Edna Wells Culmer; Ellen Major; Ellen Wells; Elma Wells; Emily Blatch Wells; Essie Wells; Ethel Wells; FEC; firefighters; fireman; firemen; Florida East Coast Railway Company; Fred Wells; Gail Moss; Gail Wells; George Moss; Gerald Wells; Giles Wells; Glen Wells; Harold Wells; Henry Morrison Flagler; Herbert Alexander Wells; Herbie Wells; Ida Hilton; Ida Major; Ida Wells; immigrants; immigration; John Wells; Lois Wells Symonette; Loreice Wells; Mamie Knowles; Mamie Wells; Marcus Royster; Maria Wells; Mary Ellen Knowles; Mary Ellen Roster; Mary Ellen Wells; Mazine Wells Sherer; McFarlane Wells; Melborn Wells; Melbourne Wells; Miami; Miriam Deveaux; Miriam Wells; Nassau, Bahamas; Out Island, Bahamas; Patrice Wells; Patrick Wells; Paul Wells; railroads; Roderick Royster; Roxanne Thompson; Roxanne Wells; Second Court; Temera Felton; Veronica Wells Travers; Washington Wells
Oral History of Jeffrey Edward Clark
Tags: active duty; Air Apprenticeship Training; airman; airmen; Apopka; apprentices; apprenticeship schools; Apprenticeship Training Program; Atlanta, Georgia; Atlantic Ocean; Azores Islands; Bainbridge; Baldwin Park; Bank of America; bank tellers; Barnes, Mark; basic seaman recruits; berthing areas; boot camp; boot camps; chief petty officer; chief petty officers; Clark, Jeffrey Edward; Community Veterans History Project; Company 101; CVHP; Dan Taylor; Daytona Beach Community College; DBCC; deck divisions; deployment; E-1; E-2; E-3; E-4; East Hartford, Connecticut; Enlisted Rank 1; Enlisted Rank 2; Enlisted Rank 3; Enlisted Rank 4; Facebook; Fire Control Technicians; firefighters; fireman; firemen; Firemen Apprenticeship Training; Flagler County; Flagler Palm Coast High School; Forrest Gump; Greyhound; guided missile destroyers; Hayne, Gary; Hazen, Kendra; helmsman; helmsmen; I-4; I-94; immigrants; Inactive Readiness Reserves; inactive reserves; Interstate 4; Interstate 95; IRR; Italian immigrants; Italians; Kiesden, Kurt; Kirchman Corporation; lee helms; Lieutenant Dan; Lone Sailor Foundation; Lone Sailor Memorial Committee; Lone Sailor Memorial Project; Luxemburg; Maitland; Mayflower; Mediterranean Sea; Mediterranean Squadron; MEP; Military Entrance Processing; Morse code; Moses; NationsBank; NATO; Naval Training Center Orlando; Navy Exchange; Navy Memorial of Central Florida; Nice, France; Norfolk, Virginia; North Atlantic; North Atlantic Squadron; North Atlantic Treaty Organization; Novak, Karla; NTC Orlando; Nuclear Program; OBT; officers; Orange Blossom Trail; Orleman, Andrew; Palm Coast; Petty Officer; Petty Officers; Philippines; Ponta Delgada, Portugal; Pro Systems; Radar School; recruit training; recruits; sailors; sales representatives; San Francisco, California; Seaman Apprenticeship Training; seamen; semaphore; service representatives; Shriners Temple; signalman; Signalman School; signalmen; Storekeeper School; U.S. Army; U.S. Navy; U.S. Route 17; U.S. Route 441; U.S.S Richard E. Byrd DDG-23; UCF; University of Central Florida; US-17; US-441; USS Bluejacket; USS Chiwawa CV40; USS Richard E. Bird TDG-23; veterans; Welch, Alan; Wiggins, Leanne; World War II; WWII; YouTube