Browse Items (8 total)
- Tags: Bethea, Sammie
Cher-O-Key (November 9, 1928)
Tags: Arendt, Helen; Barnett, Roberta; Benton; Berst, Winifred; Bert, Billey; Bethea, Sammie; Boggs, Robert; Cher-O-Key; Cherokee JHS; Cherokee Junior High; Cherokee Junior High School; Cherokee School; Clark, Newell; Cook, Thomas; Copeland, Gorrnacknia; Cox, Robert; Cutherbertson, Dorothy; Davis, Billy; Davis, Howard; Delaney; Earl of Marlborough; Florida State Dental Association; FSDA; Fugate, Maxine; Ginsberg, Gertrude; Girl's Glee Club; Grover; Hadek, Esther; Harell, Sara; Haughton, Clifford; Henderson; Hinchey, Edna; Hoover, Herbert; Hughston, Harold; Journalism Club; Kazarosian, Shan; Keith, Cecil; Lincoln, Abraham; Marchand, Irvin; Marriman, Richard; McGormack, Effie; McKinnon, Carolyn; Meyer; Meyer, A. M; Mitchell; New York Herlad; Parent-Teacher Association; park; Park, Olivia; Parker, Barbara; Parker, Edna; Pettay, Jean; Powers, Ormond; PTA; Rathburn, Martha Ruth; Ravencroft, Harriet; Rinehart, Charles; Rollins; Rollins College; Saturday Evening Post; temperance; Terhune, Mary; Thompson, G. S.; Topakia, Takoohy; Tyree, Billy; Wetherington, Ruth; Young, Donald
Cher-O-Key (November 23, 1928)
Tags: Armistice Day; Barnett, Roberta; Bartlett, Burnett; Berst, Winifred; Bethea, Sammie; Blankner, Edward; Boggs, Robert; Broadbent; Brown; Campbell; Cherokee JHS; Cherokee Junior High; Cherokee Junior High School; Cherokee Junior HS; Cherokee School; Christmas; Cook, Thomas; Cox, Lawson; Cox, Mildred; Cox, Robert; Davis, Howard; Denney, Bobdie; FEA; Florida Educational Association; Ford; Gilbert, bob; Glover; Graham; Hammond; Harding, Leslie; Harding, Maurice; Harney; Harrell, Sara; Haughton, Clifford; Heiniger, Marion; Henderson; Hiawatha; Hopper, Wilson; House, Bonita; Jackson, Agnes; Jones, Bobby; Journalism Club; Kline, Jack; Lee, Cora; Lee, Eulie; Marriman, Richard; McKinnon, Carolyn; Memorial High; Memorial High School; Memorial HS; MHS; Miami; Mitchell; Neal, Lucille; Orange General Hospital; Palatka; Park, Olivia; Pettay, Jean; Rathburn, Martha Ruth; Rinehart, Charlesart, Charles; Sligh, Ethel; Smith; Starling, Hoyd; Tampa; Tanner, Nanette; Tate; Taylor, Connie; Thanksgiving; The Family Physician; Thomspn; Topakian, Takoohy; Watosa; Wetherington, Ruth; Wilcox, Carlton; Williams, Bob; Williams, Bod; Williams, Rex; Wright; Yacobian, Edna; Young, Donald
Cher-O-Key (March 8, 1929)
Tags: Bethea, Sammie; Blankner, Ed; Boggs, Robert; Brown; Carter, Temple; Central Florida Exhibition; Cher-O-Key; Cherokee JHS; Cherokee Junior High; Cherokee Junior High School; Cherokee Junior HS; Cherokee School; Cook, Thomas; Cox, Lawson; Cox, Robert; Dye, Charles; Everett, Emory; Ferrell, Jack; General Sports Trophy; Graham; Harney, Margaret; Harrell, Sara; Henderson; Hi-Y; Hi-Y Club; Iseminger, Myrtle; Journalism Club; Kazarosian, Shan; Keith, Creola; Know Orlando Club; Lanter, Robert; Laverty, Beulah; Lebanon; Maynard, Dorothy; McElroy, Merle; McKinnon, Carolyn; Memorial Echo; Memorial JHS; Memorial Junior High School; Memorial Junior HS; Meyer; Minter, Clinton; Mitchell; MJHS; O’Berg, Gilbert; Ocala JHS; Ocala Junior High School; Ocala Junior HS; OJHS; ook, Thomas; Pettay, Jean; Platt, Donald; Powers, Ormund; Price, Harry; Russell, Margaret; Sangster, Hazel; Scruggs; Snider, Marvin; Tanner, Monnette; The Pennant; The Wishing Well; Thompson; UF; Union; University of Florida; Washington, George; Wayland; West Virginia; White, Gloria; Williams, Bob; Williams, Fred
Cher-O-Key (March 22, 1929)
Tags: Arendt, Helen; Bethea, Sammie; Bogenrief, Virginia; Boggs, Robert; Bok, Edward W.; Brown; Brwer, Katherine; Caldwell, Irene; Cher-O-Key; Cherokee JHS; Cherokee Junior High; Cherokee Junior High School; Cherokee Junior HS; Cherokee School; Citizenship Committee; Clymer Auto Co.; Clymer Auto Company; Committee on the Citizenship League; Cook, Thomas; Cox, Lawson; Cox, Robert; Denver High School; Dye, Charles; Everett, Emory; Expression Department; Ford; Gift Making Club; Gilbert, bob; Girl Reserves Club; Harney, Margaret; Henderson; Hilsborough High School; Home Room Improvement Committee; honor society; Hoover, Herbert; Jones, Thelma; Journalism Club; Kimball, Evelyn; KliMurrah, Evedna; Kline, Jack; Laverty, Beulah; McKinnon, Carolyn; Meyer; Meyer, Betty; Mother Carey's Chickens; National Honor Society; National Scholastic Press Associations; NSPA; O’Berg, Gilbert; Parker, Barbara; Pettay, Jean; Powers, Ormund; Red and Black; Reynolds, Luella; Routh, Florida; Sangster, Hazel; Sigal, Ethel; Sigal, Myer; Snider, Marvin; Student council; Student Council Constitution; The Gypsies Prophecy; The Pioneer; Thomspn; Tobin, A. J.; Van Nest; Wade, Mildred; Way, Yulee; Who's Who club; Williams, Bob; Williams, Fred; Wilson Broadcaster; Wolly, Ruth; Woodrow Willson Junior High School
Cher-O-Key (February 21, 1929)
Tags: Albritton, Thelma; algebra club; astronomy club; Benton; Bethea, Sammie; Bird, Joe; Boggs, Robert; Book Reading club; Boys Hi-Y; Broadbent; Brown; Camera club; Cassell, Gladys; Cher-O-Key; Cherokee JHS; Cherokee Junior High; Cherokee Junior High School; Cherokee Junior HS; Cherokee School; Cook, Thomas; Cox, Robert; Davis, Cora Lee; Davis, Howard; Denney, Bob; Dowd, Paul; Dunbar, P. S.; Ezzard, Richard; Fletcher, Sally; Ford; freeman; Gisler, Bob; Gould, Janet; Graham; Henderson; Hiking Club; Holloway, Katherine; In the Morning; Iseminger, Paul; Jackson, Andrew; Jones; Journalism Club; Land Cinder; Latin Club; Laverty, Beulah; Lawson, Richard; Leaders Club; Ledford; Lewis; Lincoln, Abraham; Marriman, Richard; Mauer, Fred; Maynard; McKinnon, Carolyn; memorial; Memorial High; Memorial High School; Memorial HS; Meyer; Meyer, Betty; MHS; Mitchell; Myer; Orlando Faigrounds; Orlando Ice Dealers Association; Parent-Teacher Association; Park, Roalnd; Pettay, Jean; PTA; Rathburh, Martha Ruth; Rinehart, Charles; Routh, Florida; Sigal, Myer; Smith, Laura; Student council; Tate; The Coquette Conquered; The Novelty Waltz; Thomspon; Topakian, Takoohy; Trimble, Betty; Washington, George; Way, Yulee; Westover; Wetherington, Ruth; Who's Who club; Williams, Athlone; Williams, Bob; Wright; Wright, Martha; Young, Donald
Cher-O-Key (February 1, 1929)
Tags: Adams, John; Adcock, J. Dean; Arendt, Helen; Art Department; Bankston, Virgil; Barnett, Roberta; Bartlett, Burnett; Belle, Georgia; Bethea, Sammie; Bird, Joe; Boggs, Robert; Boguereif, Virginia; Bookbinding Department; Boss, George; Brady, Hazel; Caldwell, Irene; Carter, Temple; Cason, Roy; Cassidy, John; Chabot, Octavia; Cherokee JHS; Cherokee Junior High; Cherokee Junior High School; Cherokee Junior HS; Cherokee School; Christmas; Clark, Newell; Colorado State Teacher's College; Concord; Concord Elementary; Concord Park; Concord Park Elementary; Condry, Genevieve; Cook, Thomas; Cox, Robert; CSTC; Dasher, Juanita; Datson, Bernice C.; Davis, Howard; Decker, Kingsley; Everett, James; Expression Club; First Baptist Church; First National Bank; Flournoy, Jane; Geir, Jane; George, Lloyd; Glace, Margaret F. S.; Gould, Janet; Grand Ave. Elementary; Grand Avenue; Grand Avenue Elementary; Grande Ave.; Hage, Allen; Hall, Miriam; Harding, Maurice; Harrell, Alviena; Harrell, Georgia Bell; Heininger, Marion; Henderson; Herndon, Elizabeth; His Methodist Foot; Jacobson, Frank; Jones, Thelma; Journalism Club; Kaba, Eva; Kasper, Herbert; Kill or Cure; Lawrence, Richard; Ledford; Lee, Charles; Levy, Morton; Lewis; Lewis, Arthur P.; Lyon, Katherine; Marriman, Richard; Mauer, Fred; McClelland, Lee; McClelland, Marion; McCree, Zelma; McKinnon, Carolyn; memorial; Memorial High; Memorial High School; Memorial HS; Meyer; MHS; Murray, Evedna; Mythology club; Nice, Martin; Nicholson, Mae; Nickels, Thomas; O'Neal, W. R.; Orlando Municipal Auditorium; Parrott, Charlotte; Peppercorn, Earl; Pettay, Jean; Phillips, Bernice; Phillips, Eunice; Price, Harry; Pudlinski, Edward; Rathburh, Martha Ruth; Reynolds, Lillian; Rinehart, Charles; Roe, Gertrude; Scruggs; Slemons, Jim; Stout, Ruth; Student council; swimming pool; Taylor, Connie; Tedford, Arther; Terhune, Mary; That Troublesome Xmas Gift; The Family Album; The Unexpected Guest; Thrift Week; Topakian, Takoohy; Trantham, Lester; Turner, Stewart; Tyler, Lois; Tyree, Billy; Wade, Mildred; Webb, Parson; West Central; West Central Elementary; Westover; Wetherington, Ruth; Williams, Bob; Williams, Champ; Wingate, Evelyn; Wright; Young, Donald
Cher-O-Key (December 7, 1928)
Tags: A Bit of Feminine Philosophy; Bethea, Sammie; Boggs, Robert; Brown, Charles; Bryan, Oscar; Bunch, bob; Chapman, Bob; Cherokee JHS; Cherokee Junior High; Cherokee Junior High School; Cherokee Junior HS; Cherokee School; Christian, Retheal; Christmas; Cook, Thomas; Cox, Robert; DuBose, Eva Belle; Dunlap, Barney; FEA; Fiarey; Florida Education Association; Ford; Graham; Hammond; Henderson; Hoober, Herbert; Jones, Joe Browning; Journalism Club; King, Cannibal; King, Jimmy; Kline, Jack; Know Orlando Club; Lindbergh, charles; Ludwick; Maddox, Burnice; Mark Street; Mark Street Elementary; Mark Street School; Marriman, Richard; McCready, Helen; McCree, W. A.; McElroy, Merle; McKinnon, Carolyn; Meadows; Memorial High; Memorial High School; Memorial HS; Meyer; MHS; Minter, Clinton; Murphy; Murray, Lora; Not Quite Such a Goose; OJHS; Old Mother Hubbard; Orlando JHS; Orlando Junior High; Orlando Junior High School; Orlando Junior HS; Parent-Teacher Association; Parker, Catherine; Parrish, Mary; Pettay, Jean; Ponder, Ralph; Pratt, Helen; PTA; Rathburh, Martha Ruth; Rinehart, Charles; Rollins; Rollins College; Sigal, Myer; Sir Galahad; Student council; Sweat, O. J.; Tate; Thanksgiving; The Country Wedding; The Shepherd Boy; Topakian, Takoohy; Trimble; Tubbs, John; Tyler; Variety Club; Varner; Warren Park; West Central; West Central Elementary; West Central School; Wetherington, Ruth; Williams, Bod; Wright, Martha; Young, Donald
Cher-O-Key (April 12, 1929)
Tags: Adams, Kenneth; Aeroplane Club; Albritton, Thelma; Almanac; Baby ROG; Baldwin, Ernest; Ballentine, Alice; Barber, Irwin; Bethea, Sammie; Beula, Belle; Bird, Joe; Bird, Joseph E.; Boggs, Robert; Bower, Lettie; Bray, Clara; Brooks, Lennie Pearl; Bunch, bob; Burkhard, Beulah; Caldwell, Irene; Carter, Temple; Chabor, Octavia; Chance, Fred; Chapman, Bob; Cher-O-Key; Cherokee JHS; Cherokee Junior High; Cherokee Junior High School; Cherokee Junior HS; Cherokee School; Clark, Newel; Cook, Thomas; Cooper, Lagette; Cornell, Elizabeth; Cox, Lawson; Cox, Robert; Degler, Susan; Dingan, Merrill; Dombrosky, Norman; Duncan, Merill; Dye, Charles; Edwards, Warren; Ellebe, Cheney; Ellerbe, Cheney; Everett, Emory; Ezzard, Richard; Farris, Junior; Ferrel, Jack; Ferrell, Jack; Florida State College for Women; FSCW; Fugate, Maxine; Giles; Gisaler, Robert; Glee Club; Hague, Loren; Hammond; Harding, Maurice; Harney, Margaret; Harrell, Sara; Harris, Jane; Haughton, Clifford; Henderson; Holtsclaw, Ann; Hopkins, Emily; Howard, Burwell; Isbell, Clark; Iseminger, Paul; Jacobson, Frank; Journalism Club; Kagarosian, Hurach; Karst, Arthur; Kasper, Herbert; Kazarosian, Hurach; Keith, Creola; Kelsey, Martha; King, Billy; Kline, Jack; Kraus, Lucille; Laverty, Beulah; Lawson, Richard; Luke, Thelma; Mark, Wilton; Marks, Wilton; Matthews, Helen; Mauer, Fred; Maynard, Dorathy; Maynard, Dorothey; McClellen, Marion; McKinnon, Carolyn; Meadows, Dorathy; memorial; Meyer; Meyer, Betty; Mitchell; Model club; Mother Carey's Chickens; Murray, Evedna; Murray, Lora; Nice, Clarence; Nichols, Thomas; O’Berg, Gilbert; Ogburn, Nan; Parker, Barbara; Parker, Edna; Parrott, Charlotte; Peral, Thomas; Pettay, Jean; Pickron, Bina Jo; Pine Needle Club; Powers, Ormund; Pudlinsky, Edward; Reynolds, Lester; Rinehart, Charles; Routh, Florida; Sangster, Hazel; Show, Teo; Sigal, Myer; Snider, Marvin; Stewart, Pauline; Stoddard, Evelyn; Story, Clude; Tanner, Monnette; Tanner, Vivian; Taylor, conie; Taylor, Frank; Thatcher, Ruth; The Courtsho[ pf Miles Standish; The Game of Life; The Longest Horse in the World; The Lost Necklace; The Pyramid; Thomas, Howard; Tigert, John J.; Tubbs, John; Tyler, Lois; University of Florida; Wade, Mildred; Way, Yulee; Williams, Bob; Williams, Champ; Williams, Fred; Wise, Frank; Womens Engineering society; Wrennick, John