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- Tags: Clark, L. P., Jr.
What To Do and See in the Cape Canaveral Area
Tags: A-C Spark Plug; ABC; Adams, Pat; Advanced Realty; Aerojet; Aeronutronic; Aerospace Corporation; Air Florida, Inc.; Air Force Missile Test Center; amberjacks; angelfish; Antigua; Apollo; applied mathematics; Arma Division; Aruban; Ascension Island; Atlantic Avenue; Atlantic Missle Range; Atlantic Ocean; Atlas; Atlas-Able; Atlas-Agena A; Atlas-Centaur; Atlas-Mercury; auger shell; Autonetics; AVCO; Avis Rent-A-Car; B.O.P. Furntiure; Bahamas; Banana River; Barry Built Homes; Bell Telephone Lab, Inc.; Benbow, K. C.; Bennett, Gary; Bernard's Surf; bird watching; Black Knight; Blair, Jeb; Blair, Orin; Blue-Streak; bluefish; blueggils; Boeing Company; Bolan, Johnny; bonito fish; Borum, R. L.; Boyd, John; Brackett, Harry; Brazil; Brevard County; Brevard Engineering College; Brevard Junior College; Brevard State Bank; brown cockle; Brownell Associates; Brownell, E. A.; Brownell, W. P., Jr.; Brownll, W. P.; Bruner, David D.; Bryant, J. J.; Budget Rent-A-Car; bull whiting fish; Burroughs Corporation; Byrd Shopping Plaza; C-5; cabbage palm; Cady, Winthrop; Canaveral Aviation Corporation; Canaveral Harbor; Capadano, Harry; Cape Canaveral Fishing and Amusement Pier; Cape Canaveral Home Buyers and Real Estate Guide; Cape Canaveral Limousine Service; Cape Canaveral Press Club; Cape Colony Inn; Cape Colony Inn Gift Shop; Cape Housing Center; Cape, Inc.; Capri; Captain's Table Restaurant; Car-Truck Rental; Caribbean Islands; Caribbean Sea; Carlton Groves; Cass-Dale Builders; Castro, Ralph; Cathedral of Palms; CBS; celestrial mechanics; channell bass; Chase, N. B.; Cherniak, George S.; Chevrolet; Christ Luterhan Church; Christian Science Services; Chrysler Corporation; Church of Christ; Church of God; Church of our Saviour; Clark, L. P., Jr.; cobia fish; Cocoa Beach Chamber of Commerece; Cocoa Beach Church of Christ; Cocoa Beach Community Church; Cocoa Beach Downtown Shopping Center; Cocoa Beach News Center; Cocoa Beach State Bank; Cocoa Causeway; Cocoa Chamber of Commerece; coconut palm; Colonial Lounge; Congress Inn Dining Room; Continental Cocktail Loung, Inc.; Continental Restaurant; Continental Supper Club; Continental Trio; Cook, Thomas; Cooper, Leroy Gordon; copperhead break; coquina; Country Squire; crappie; Cresthaven Homes; croakers fish; Daniel, W. H.; Daye, Bonnie; Deac, W. P.; Dean, Paul; Debus, Kurt H.; deep sea fishing; DeNike Realty; Diplomat Apartments; Discover; Dixie Highway; Dixion Boulevard Baptist Church; dolphin; Dominica; Dominican Republic; Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc.; drum fish; Dryden, J. E.; Dyna-Soar; Earl, R. C., Jr.; Eastern Airlines; Eastminster Presbyterian Church; Eastview Homes; Eau Gallie Beach; Eau Gallie Chamber of Commerece; Eau Gallie River; electrical engineering; Eleuthera; Endsley, Bob; Exec IV; explorer; Fat Boy's Barbeque; Favata's Italian Restaurant; Federal Homes Adminsitration; Fern De Noronha; fighting conch; First Baptist Church; First Baptist Church of Cocoa; First Baptist Church of Cocoa Beach; First Baptist Church of Eau Gallie; First Baptist Church of Indialantic; First Baptist Church of Melbourne; First Baptist Church of Merritt Island; First Baptist Church of Palm Bay; First Baptist Church of Titusville; First Christian Church; First Christian Church of Cocoa; First Christian Church of Cocoa Beach; First Christian Church of Eau Gallie; First Christian Church of Melbourne; First Church of Christ, Scientist; First Federal Building; First Methodist Church; First Methodist Church of Cocoa; First Methodist Church of Cocoa Beach; First Methodist Church of Titusville; Fischer's; Florida Coast Real Estate Company, Inc.; Fortest, Jack F.; Franz Men's Shop; fresh water fishing; Fullbright scholar; Gardendale; Gary Bennet's Bait and Tacklet; General Development Corporation; General Dynamics Astronautics; General Electrical Company; giant groupers; Glass, R. H.; Glessner, J. M.; Grace Community Church; Grand Bahama; Grand Turk; Graves, D. E.; Grine, Ken; groupers; Guy; Haggard, K. M.; Hall, Ernest M.; Hampton Homes; Hanson, G. F.; Harrison, Joe; health belt; helicopters; Henriksen, O. M.; Hensel's Red Rooster; Hercules Powder Company; Herndon Airport; Hertz; Hett, John M.; Holiday Inn; Holt, Dan; Holy Apostles Episcopal Church; Holy Trinity Episcopal Church; Hour Glass Grill; Hub's Inn; Hughes, W. J.; Humphreys, Oley; Hursey, Ben; Hutchins, R. B.; Imperial; Indian Harbor Beach; Indian River; Inland Waterway; Instrument Corporation of Florida; International Business Machine Corporation; Island Beach Outdoor Church; Isner, R. J.; Ivanhoe; Jerry's Pizza Palace; Jewfish; Junez Construction Comapny; Junez Homes; Juno II; Jupite C; Kano; Keg Room; Kiddie Corral; King; King Mackerel; King Street Baptist Church; King, Jack; Ko-Ko Motel; Koko Motel Dining Room; Kulchin, D.; Kurlan, Laura; Kurlan, Nort; Lake Poinsett; Lake Winder; Lamm, E. C.; Landwirth, Henri; large cockle; largemouth black bass; Lark; Lee's Charcoal Putt; left-handed welk; LIFE Magazine; Little Joe-Mercury; Lockheed Missiles and Space Company; Luterhan Church of the Redeemer; Luterhan Mission Church; Lynns Answering and Secretarial Service; macaw; MacNabb, B. G.; Mark Wayne Quartet; martin company; Martinique; Maxwell, Charles a.; Mayaguana; Mayaguez; Mayfair Cafeteria; McCauley, Craig; McCoy Airport; McDonnell Air Craft; McKee Jungle Gardens; Meals, Jim; Melbourne Airport; Melbourne Beach Steak House; Melbourne Country Club; Melbourne-Eau Gallie High School; Melbourne-Indialantic Causeway; Melgaard, J. L.; Messiah Lutheran Church; Mihm, G. J.; Minuteman Group; Miss Charleston; Miss Cocoa Beach; Missile Industrial Park, Inc.; Missile Test Project's Recreation Association; Mitchell, R. S.; Mitchell, Ralph; Moon Base; Moore, Howard; Mora, Don; Mora, Frank; mullet; Myrt's Rest; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; National Airlines; National Car Rentals; NBC; Nigeria; Nipper Regatta; Nock-A-Bouts; Nova; offshore fishing; olive shell; orchid shows; Orlando Airport; Orlando Avenue; Our Lady of Lordes Catholic Church; PAFB; Pageant Homes; Palm Bay Methodist Church; Pan American; Pan American Airways; Pan American World Airways; Patrick Air Force Base; Pep-Tones; Pershing Park; Pershing Park Homes; pickerel fish; Pirates Den Cocktail Loung; Poinsett Lodge; Polaris; Polaris and Space Motor Group; Polaris Motel; pompano fish; Pooh Bah Lounge; Port Canaveral; Port Malabar; Principe, P. M.; Project Mercury; Prokect Score; queen palm; Radiation Incporated; Radio Corporation of America; Ramon's Restaurant; Ranger; Raphael, Ross; RCA; RCA Missile Test Project; RCA Service Company, Inc.; Redstone-Mercury; Reitter, Roy; Richardson, U. Wendell; Ridge Road Riding Stable; River Road; River View Restaurant; Riverside Presbyterian Church; Riviera Lounge; Roberts, Dorothy; rocket; rocket boosters; Rocketdyne Field Engineering; Rockledge Estates; Rockledge Estates Country Club; Rockledge Presbyterian Church; Roden, W. S.; rough scallop; royal palm; royal palm trees; Ryland, Brennan; s Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge; sailfish; salt water fishing; salt water trout; Salt Water Trout Capital of the World; Samoa Restaurant; Samoa Steel Drum Band; San Salvadore; sand fleas; Sara n' Pat; Satellite Villa; Saturn; Saturn C-5; Saturn Launch Complex; Scearce, Jim; Schrafft; scout; Scrafft's Carriage House; sea bream fish; Sea Dunes; Sea Dunes Restort Motel; Seacoast Shores; Season, G. O.; Sebastian Inlet; Seventh Day Adventist Church of Cocoa Beach; sheepshead fish; Shoemaker, W. R.; shrimp; Silk, R.; Sizemore, E. N.; Skyroom Restaurant; Smith, B. R.; Smith, James; Smythe, H. S.; Soraban Engineering company; Soroban Engineering, Inc.; South Brevard Beaches Chamber of Commerece; South Patricl Apartments; Southern Gulf Homes; sow snappers; space; space program; space technology; Space Technology Labs, Inc.; Space-Age Homes; Spaceport U.S.A.; Spanish fish; speckled perch; spiny periwinkle; Sptiznogle, J. O.; St. David's By the Sea Episcopal Church; St. Gabriel's Episcopal Church; St. John's Episcopal Church; St. Johns River; St. Joseph's Catholic Church; St. Lucia; St. Luke's Episcopal Church; St. Mark's Episcopal Church; St. Mark's Methodist Church; St. Mary's Catholic Church; St. Paul's Methodist Church; St. Theresa's Roman Catholic Church; storms; Storz, H. D.; Super Land Palms; surf fishing; Surfland Palms; Surfside Estates; Surfside Homes; Susor, John; Sykes Creek; Tahoe; tarpon fish; Taylor-Made Homes; Taylor, Bob; Temple Beth Sholom; Terra-luna; Terrace Shores Homes; The Gateway to the Moon; The Neptune; The Pelican; Thiokol Chemical Corporation; Thor-Able Star; Thor-Agena A; Thor-Delta; Thorn, Peter S.; Tibbs, O. E.; Tidelands Motor Inn; Tital ICBM; Titusville Chamber of Commerece; Town Restaurant; Trade Winds Cafeteria; Tradewinds Hotel Dining Room; traveler's palm; triple-tail fish; Tropicana; Tunesters; U. S. Air Force; U.S. Army; U.S. Navy; U.S. News and World Report; U.S.-1; U.S.-A1A; United Presbyterian Church of the Good Shepherd; V-2; Vanguard; Vanguard Lounge; Vanguard Motel; Varney, T. L.; Vero Beach; Veterans Administration; Veterans Affairs; Vetter Isles Estates; Walker, R. F.; warmouth perch; washington palm; Waterway Homes; Waves Beauty Salon; Wayne, Mark; WDBO-TV; WESH-TV; Whispering Hills Country Club; Whispering Pines Stables; White Caps Steak House; whiting fish; Wilkinson, Robert; Wilson, J. E.; WLOF-TV; Wong, Gee; Woolfe, Betty; World Airways, Inc.; Yardley, J. F.; Yum Yum Room