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- Tags: Europe
Oral History of Dr. William "Bill" Blank
Tags: 1972 Summer Olympics; 9/11 Attacks; Adolf Hitler; all-volunteer military; An Uncaged Eagle: True Freedom; anti-war protest; anti-war protests; Arab-Israeli War of 1973; Bad Tölz, Germany; basic training; Bastogne, Belgium; Battle of the Bulge; Bavaria, Germany; Berlin Wall; Bill Blank; Black September Organization; BSO; buddy system; carpet bombing; carpet bombs; Cheyenne, Wyoming; Christmas; civilian; civilians; cognitive dissonance; cold war; college; colleges; conscription; Desert Shield; Desert Storm; diversity; draft lotteries; draft lottery; draft notices; drafting; Dwight D. Eisenhower; Dwight David Eisenhower; Eagle's Nest; educator; educators; Egypt; enlistment; Europe; Francis E. Warren AFB; Francis E. Warren Air Force Base; French Revolution; Gabrielle Hanke; Games of the XX Olympiad; gender segregation; Germans; Germany; GI Bill; Global War on Terror; guidance counseling; GWOT; Hall of Mirrors; Halloween Massacre; homecoming; Ike Eisenhower; international students; Iraq; Iraq War; Iron Curtain; Israel; Israeli-Palestinian Conflict; Kehlsteinhaus; Kent State Massacre; Kent State Shooting; Kent State University; KSU; Kuwait; Mannheim, Germany; Maria Antonia Josepha Johanna von Habsburg-Lothringen; Marie Antoinette; Marine Corps Base Quantico; Mark Spitz; Martin Bormann; May 4 Massacre; MCB Quantico; mentors; Middle East; military; military assignments; military drafts; military training; Munich Massacre; Munich, Germany; National Guard; National Socialist German Workers' Party; National Veterans Awareness Week; nationalism; Nazi Germany; Nazi Party; Nazis; Nixon, Richard, Milhous; North Central Wisconsin; NSDAP; October War; Ohio National Guard; Olympic Village; Olympics; Operation Desert Shield; Operation Desert Storm; Operation Iraqi Freedom; Operation Wrath of God; Palestine; Persian Gulf War; police actions; protesters; Ramadan; Ramadan War; razorbacks; Red Tails; Republic of Vietnam; Richard Milhous Nixon; Richard Nixon; Richard Toliver; riot squads; riots; Russia; segregation; September 11 Attacks; Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944; South Vietnam; student protests; Summer Olympics; Syria; tanks; teachers; terrorism; terrorists; Third Reich; Three Day War; Treaty of Friendship, co-operation, and Mutual Assistance; Tuskegee Airmen; U.S. Army; UCF; universities; university; University of Central Florida; veterans; Veterans' Day; Vietnam; Vietnam War; volunteer military; volunteers; war protests; WarPac; Warren AFB; Warren Air Force Base; Warsaw Pact; Watergate; Watergate Scandal; wild boars; William Blank; Wisconsin; woman; women; World Trade Center; World War II; WWII; Yom Kippur; Yom Kippur War
Oral History of Charles Lewis Hite
Tags: 1st Combat Evaluation Group; 340th Bomb Squadron; 7th Air Division; 97th Bomb Wine; 97th Bomb Wine- 340th Bomb Squadron; Barksdale AFB; Barksdale Air Force Base; Blyheville AFB; Blyheville Air Force Base; Cambodia; Commendation Medal; Desert Storm; DET 1 8th Air Force (SAC) Central Command; Europe; First 2nd LT Radar Navigator; Germany; Hite, Charles Lewis; Hoar; HQ Strategic Air Command; Kallina, Edmund; MacDill AFB; MacDill Air Force Base; Meritorious Service Medal; Offutt AFB; Offutt Air Force Base; radar navigator; Ramstein AFB; Ramstein Air Force Base; SAC HQ; Schwarzkopf; Standardization/Evaluation Radar Navigator; Thailand; U.S. Air Force; UCF; University of Central Florida
Oral History of Lawrence Paul Levine
Tags: accounting; advanced training; Airframe Repair School; airframe repair specialists; airframe repairman; airframe repairmen; airplanes; Amarill, Texas; Amarillo AFB; Amarillo Air Force Base; anti-war movement; basic training; Boeing 707; Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker; Brown University; BU; Bureau of Customs and Border Protection; Burlington County, New Jersey; C-141 Galaxy; colorblindness; Community Veterans History Project; conscription; Custom Service; CVHP; Detachment 51; draft board; draft lottery; drafts; education; enlistment; Europe; F-101; F-105; F-4; fast food restaurants; fiber glassing; fiberglass; firearms; Frankfurt am Main, Germany; G.I. Bill; Germany; Good Conduct Medal; gun ranges; guns; instructors; Ishihara Color Test; jet; jet fighter; jets; KC-135; Lackland AFB; Lackland Air Force Base; Larry Levine; Lawrence Paul Levin; marching; marriages; Mary Hughes Young; McDonald's; McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II; McDonnell F-101 Voodoo; Mcguire AFB; Mcguire Air Force Base; metal; military draft; military education; military training; pacifism; pacifists; peace movement; phantom jets; planes; protests; Providence, Rhode Island; pylon; Republic F-105 Thunderchief; Rhein-Main AB; Rhein-Main Air Base; RIT; riveting; Rochester Institute of Technology; Rochester, New York; San Antonio, Texas; Selective Service System; Sergeant; Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944; sharpshooters; sharpshooting; Shaw AFB; Shaw Air Force Base; sheet metal; Staff Sergeant; Sumter, South Carolina; TDY; temporary duty; The Platters; TI; training; U.S. Air Force; U.S. Air Force in Europe; U.S. Army; U.S. Army Air Corps; U.S. Bureau of Customs and Border Protection; U.S. Customs Service; United Service Organization; USAFE; USO; veterans; Vietnam; Vietnam War; World War II; WWII