Browse Items (6 total)
- Tags: Italians
320-326 South Sanford Avenue
Tags: African Americans; Battle, Mack; Beehive, Inc.; Benjamin, Samuel; Berson, Joseph; Broderick, W. S.; C & C Liquor Store; cafes; Cavoura, Dimitios; Ceresoli, Batista; Ceresoli, Carolina C.; Ceresoli, Martin Q.; Dave's Store; department stores; Diamond Glass Company, Inc.; Fine & Dandy Wig Shop; Friendly Cafe; Georgetown; glass; grocers; grocery stores; immigrants; Italians; Johnson, J. L.; Joseph Berson Ladies' Wear; Klicker, W. T.; liquor stores; McClaine, Elvy; meats; Mooney's Appliance Service; Narvis, Morris; Outlet - The Department Store; poultry; Rivers Brothers; Rock, Adam; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Feed Store; Sargeant, G. E.; Tom & Joe's Variety Store; W. T. Klicker Meats
Florida Historical Quarterly, Episode 2: Vol. 88, No. 1, Summer 2009
Tags: African Americans; Angelo Albano; archival research; Arthur Ellsworth Summerfield; Arthur Summerfield; Blockbusters; Bob Graham Center for Public Service; Brian Ward; Castenge Ficarrotta; Castenzio Ficarrotta; civil rights; Clarence J. Brown; Clarence J. Brown, Sr.; Connie Lester; Costanzo Ficarrotta; Dave Engels; factions; FHQ; Florence Garrison; Florida Historical Quarterly; French; G. H. Alexander; GOP; Grand Old Party; Henry B. Plant; Henry Flagler; Henry Morrison Flagler; Herbert Brownell, Jr.; immigrants; Italian Americans; Italians; Jesus Mendez; Miami; Michael D. Bowen; Neal Deal coalition; New Deal; political parties; political party; politics; Post-WWII; property expansion; race relations; railroads; Republican Party; Republican Party of Florida; Republicanism; Republicans; Robert A. Taft; Robert Alphonso Taft; Robert Cassanello; Robert J. Alderson, Jr.; Sicilians; Solid South; Spanish East Florida; Stefano Luconi; Taft-Dewey Campaign; Tampa, lynchings; Thomas E. Dewey; Thomas Edmund Dewey; urban growth; Wesley Garrison
Vivaldi Ristorante, 2003
Thunderbirds Finish First Year of Battle
Tags: 157th Infantry Regiment; 45th Division News; 45th Infantry Division; Adolf Hitler; Albano Laziale, Italy; Albano, Italy; Allied Invasion of Sicily; Anzio Express; Anzio, Italy; Apennine Mountains; Apennines; Autostrada A18; Balso River; battalions; Battle of Anzio; Battle of Edson's Ridge; Battle of the Bloody Ridge, Battle of Raiders Ridge; Battle of the Caves; Battle of the Ridge; battles; Benevento, Italy; Bill Barrett; Biscari Airfield; Bloody Basin; Bob Hope; British Army; Caltanisetta, Italy; Castello d'Alife; Cefalu, Italy; Cerda, Italy; Comiso Airfield; Comiso, Italy; Eboli, Italy; Faicchio, Italy; fascists; Fifth United States Army; Frances Langford; Gela, Italy; German Army; Germans; Guardia, Italy; Gulf of Naples; Gulf of Salerno; Hermann Goering; Hermann Göring; Hermann Wilhelm Goering; Hermann Wilhelm Göring; Italian Army; Italian Campaign; Italians; Julia Frances Langford; Leslie Townes Hope; Messina, Italy; Naples, Italy; Oliveto Citra, Italy; Operation Husky; Operation Shingle; Paestum, Italy; Palermo, Italy; Piedmonte, Italy; Plain of Persano; Pozzilli, Italy; Presenzano, Italy; Quaglietta, Italy; Rome, Italy; Salerno, Italy; San Potito Sannitico, Italy; Santa Croce Camerina, Italy; Santo Lampiano, Italy; Scogliti, Italy; Seventh United States Army; Siciliana, Italy; soldiers; T3d Infantry Division; Thunderbirds; troops; Tuso River; U.S. Army; USA; Velletri, Italy; Venafro, Italy; Ventotene, Italy; veterans; Vittoria, Italy; Volturino, Italy; Wehrmacht; White Lines; World War II; WWII
Oral History of Jeffrey Edward Clark
Tags: active duty; Air Apprenticeship Training; airman; airmen; Apopka; apprentices; apprenticeship schools; Apprenticeship Training Program; Atlanta, Georgia; Atlantic Ocean; Azores Islands; Bainbridge; Baldwin Park; Bank of America; bank tellers; Barnes, Mark; basic seaman recruits; berthing areas; boot camp; boot camps; chief petty officer; chief petty officers; Clark, Jeffrey Edward; Community Veterans History Project; Company 101; CVHP; Dan Taylor; Daytona Beach Community College; DBCC; deck divisions; deployment; E-1; E-2; E-3; E-4; East Hartford, Connecticut; Enlisted Rank 1; Enlisted Rank 2; Enlisted Rank 3; Enlisted Rank 4; Facebook; Fire Control Technicians; firefighters; fireman; firemen; Firemen Apprenticeship Training; Flagler County; Flagler Palm Coast High School; Forrest Gump; Greyhound; guided missile destroyers; Hayne, Gary; Hazen, Kendra; helmsman; helmsmen; I-4; I-94; immigrants; Inactive Readiness Reserves; inactive reserves; Interstate 4; Interstate 95; IRR; Italian immigrants; Italians; Kiesden, Kurt; Kirchman Corporation; lee helms; Lieutenant Dan; Lone Sailor Foundation; Lone Sailor Memorial Committee; Lone Sailor Memorial Project; Luxemburg; Maitland; Mayflower; Mediterranean Sea; Mediterranean Squadron; MEP; Military Entrance Processing; Morse code; Moses; NationsBank; NATO; Naval Training Center Orlando; Navy Exchange; Navy Memorial of Central Florida; Nice, France; Norfolk, Virginia; North Atlantic; North Atlantic Squadron; North Atlantic Treaty Organization; Novak, Karla; NTC Orlando; Nuclear Program; OBT; officers; Orange Blossom Trail; Orleman, Andrew; Palm Coast; Petty Officer; Petty Officers; Philippines; Ponta Delgada, Portugal; Pro Systems; Radar School; recruit training; recruits; sailors; sales representatives; San Francisco, California; Seaman Apprenticeship Training; seamen; semaphore; service representatives; Shriners Temple; signalman; Signalman School; signalmen; Storekeeper School; U.S. Army; U.S. Navy; U.S. Route 17; U.S. Route 441; U.S.S Richard E. Byrd DDG-23; UCF; University of Central Florida; US-17; US-441; USS Bluejacket; USS Chiwawa CV40; USS Richard E. Bird TDG-23; veterans; Welch, Alan; Wiggins, Leanne; World War II; WWII; YouTube
Fifteenth Census Population Schedule for Lodi, New Jersey
Tags: Amelia Mongosso; Anna Lombardi; Anthony Bacco; Anthony Lombardi; Anthony Sontorrie; Camella Ginepe; Carmine Mazzonie; census; Charles Lombardi; Elizabeth Debreceni; Fanny Ginepe; Frank Ginepe; Frank Ginepe, Jr.; Goetonio Anzabilina; Grace Mazzonie; Italian Americans; Italians; James Bacco; James M. Hutton, Jr.; James M. Hutton, Sr.; James Mazzonie; Jean Mazzonie; Joseph Coli; Joseph Lombardi; Joseph Mongosso; Joseph Wagner; Josephine Lombardi; Josephine Mongosso; Lodi, New Jersey; Marie Comeleo; Mary Coli; Mary Wagner; Micheal Kieman; Nancy Ginepe; Peter Mongosso; population; Rosalie Lombardi; Rose Ginepe; Rose Sontorrie; Salvatore Bacco; Salvatore Mazzonie; Salvatore Mongosso; Salvatore Sontorrie; Sam Bacco; Sussie Bacco; Sussie Comeleo; Sylvester Mazzonie; Vincent Coli; Vincent Comeleo; Vincent Comeleo, Jr.; Vincent Comeleo, Sr.; Vincent Mongosso