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- Tags: Orange Lake
Orange Blossom Trail: The Scenic Route Through Central Florida
Tags: 13th Street; 4th Street; AAA; Abshier, A. E.; Allardice, James; Allen, Ross; Alrmina Drive-In Restaurant; Amazing Howell Glassblowers; America's Tropical Wonderland; American Automobile Association; American Express; Anderson, F.; Angebilt Hotel; Apopka Motor Courts; Aqua-Maids; Arrow Head Lodge; Avon Motel; Baby Animal Nursery; Bambi Motel; Banister, Fred; Bank of Tavares; Barney's Park Avenue; Bartlett, Tommy; Bates, Beryl; Bates, Kitten; Beachfront Tourist Court; Beacon Light Motel; Belleview Motor Court; Ben White Raceway; Bennie's Service Station; Bentley's Motel; Bibleland; Big "D" Steer-In Restaurant; Black Hills Passion Play; Black Swan Park; Blanche Hotel; Blue Lake; Blue Lake Villa; Bob's Shell Service; Bok Tower; Bok Tower Gardens; Bownman & Brown, Inc.; Bradley, Otis; Bragdon, J. A.; Brahma cattle; Brewton Company; Buliman, J. H.; Burgess, Jack; Carillon Tower; Casa Loma Lodge; Centennial Fountain; Center of Arcade; Central Boulevard; Central Florida Motel; chamber of commerce; Chimp Farm; Christy, Howard Chandler; Citizen's Bank of Clermont; Citizen's National Bank of Lessburg; Citizen's National Bank of Orlando; Citrus Tower Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge; Clayton Waters Service; Clements, Frank; Clermont Fruit Service; Clewiston Inn; Clewiston Motel; Cloister Courts; Coats, Royal M.; Coleman, Grace; Colonial Drive; Colonial Hotel; Columbia County; conestoga wagon; Cook, Thomas; Cooks Farm; Craft Court; Crossroads Motel; Cunningham, T. Archie; Cypress Gardens; Da Vinci, Leonardo; Davenport Chamber of Commerce; Davis Park Motel; Delux Motel; Dempsey, Jack; Dickson and Ives, Inc.; Dietrich, Charles; Dietrich, Elsie; Diner's Club; Dirlam, K. M.; Dirlam's Dawn Villa; Douglas, A. R. D.; downtown Kissimmee; downtown Leesburg; Downtown Miami; Downtown Orlando; Duncan Hines; Dundee; E. S. Marsell Fernery; Edgar Roberts Apartments; Edwards, A. C.; El Patio Motel; El Rancho Motel; Emerald Motel; Ernie's Lakeside Motel; Everglades; Everglades Tropical Gardens; Fairview Park; Fairway's Motel; Famous Shell Emporium; Famous Silver Spurs; Fifth Street; First Federal Building; First Federal Savings and Loan Association; First National Bank; First National Bank at Orlando; Florida Angler's Resort; Florida Citrus Tower; Florida National Bank; Florida Nursery and Landscape Company; Florida Orange Packers; Florida Watermelon Festival; Florida's Biggest Little Town; Florida's Cow Country; Ford's Shell Service Station; Fort Clinch; Foster, Stephen Collins; Fosteriana; Fountain, J. M.; French Realtors; Fulton's Citrus Groves; G&S Packing Company; Gahr, Lloyd; Gardner's Restaurant; Gardos, E.; Gary's Duck Inn; Gateway to the Ridge; Gellerman, Harvey; glass-bottom boats; Glouser, Zack; Great Masterpiece; Greater Orlando Chamber of Commerce; Green's Fuel; Gulf Oil; Gulf Oil Corporation; Haines City Motor Court; Hambletonian; Hamilton County; Harlan, Montie; Hart, E. B.; Hart's Sundry Store; Harvey's Service; Harwell, E. K.; Harwell, Mary P.; Hi-Lander Motel; Highland Hammock State Park; Highland Lake Apartments; Highland Park Estates; Highland Parks Estates; Highlander Restaurant; Highlands County; Highlands Lake; Hil-Top Motor Court; Hinson Avenue; Home Exhibit; Hotel Jacaranda; Hotel Thomas and Dining Room; House of Glass; Howard Johnson Restaurant, Johnson, Howard; Hunt Brothers; Hunter's Nash Motors; International Grand Prix Endurance Race; Isbell, Jim; Isbell, Sue; Ivey's of Orlando; J. Hillis Miller Health Center; J. L. Parris Jr. Laundry; Jarvis Motel; Johnson, Evelyn; Johnson, John; Johnson's Beach; Johnson's Beach & Cottages; Jones, Meredith; Jordan, Carl; Jordan, Carolyn; Kahler, F. H.; Kahler, R. N.; Keene Realty Company, Inc.; Kelly Park; King's Garage and Service Station; King's Grove; Kissimmee Live Stock Market; Kissimmee River Valley; Koch, Harry A.; Koss Manor Motel; Koss, Delma; Lake Alfred; Lake Alfred Motel and Restaurant; Lake and Hills Restaurant; Lake Apopka; Lake Blue Motel; Lake Bowers; Lake Brentwood Court; Lake Clay; Lake County; Lake Eola; Lake Eola Park; Lake Highland; Lake Istokpoga; Lake Ivanhoe; Lake Josephine; Lake Josephine Tourist Court; Lake Mabel Motel; Lake Minneola; Lake Okeechobee; Lake Ola; Lake Placid; Lake Weir; Lake Weir Chamber of Commerce; Lake Weir Gift Fruit Company; Lake Weir Key Cottages; Lakeside Villa; Lakeview Motel; Lakewood Bar & Package Store; Lakewood Estates; Last Supper; Law, Leo; Lee Motel; Leesburg Community Center; Leesburg Kiwanis Club; Leesburg Lion's club; Leesburg Rotary Club; Lilly, L. M.; Lilly's Motel; Lloyd's Furniture; Main Street; Mann, Leone; Mann, Paul; Manor Motel; Marie's Motel and Restaurant; Marion County; Marion County Citrus Company; Marion Street; Marks Street; Marsell, E. S.; Master Hosts; McGuire's Standard Station; McIntosh; Meier, Josef; Melton, G. T.; Metal Products Company; Miami Hotel; Miami's Fabulous Seaquarium; Mid-Lakes Motel; Miller Motel; Miller, Henry; Millican & Beseke, Inc.; Mineral Springs; Minneola Gift Shop; Minute Maid; Monarchik, Helen; Monarchik, John; Montrose Street; Monument of States; Moose Head Fishing Camp; Moses Rexall Drugs; Motel AL-Jl Mid-Town Motel; Motel Midget Mansions; Mozert's Photo Shop; Mrs. Mac's Restaurant; Mt. Vernon Motel; Musseua, A. A.; Nascar Auto Association; National Fresh Water Tournament; National Pee Wee Championship; Nature's Underwater Fairyland; New Morrison Cafeteria; Nicodemus, Charles; Nicodemus, Irene; North Avenue; North Boulevard; North City Motel; North Marion County Chamber of Commerce; North Marion High School; O'Sada, Stanley; O'Sada's Gulf Service Station; OBT; Ocala; Ocala National Forest; Oklawaha; Oklawaha River; Ola-Beach Motel; Old South Motel; Orange Avenue; Orange blossom Motel; Orange Blossom Trail; Orange Blossom Trail Association; orange county; Orange Lake; Orange Lake Citrus Shop; Orlando Evening Star; Orlando Morning Sentinel; Palm Garden Fishing Camp; Palm Knoll Motell; Palm Motel; Palm Terrace; Palomino Motel; Pan-American Motel; Parrish, J. L., Jr.; Passion Play Amphitheatre; Peacock, Arthur S.; Peacock's Motel; Phillips Place; Plantation Inn; Poinsettia Motel; Polk County; Pope, Dick, Sr.; Pope, Richard Downing; Preu, Frank J.; Preu, Jeanette; Pure Oil Company; Quality Courts United; Ranch Motel; Ray's Smoke House Pit-Bar-B-Q; Red Barn Restaurant; Reddick; Reese, Candler C.; Rest-A-Nite Motel; Rex Beach Lake; Rexall; Richenbacker Causeway; Rilean, W. W.; Riley's Trailer Park and Miniature Home; Rock Springs; Rod'n Reel Court; Roosevelt Boulevard; Ross Allen's Reptile Institute; Ross Allen's Reptile Institute and Wildlife Show; Sabal Motel; San Juan de Ulloa Hotel; San Juan Hotel; Scenic Highway; Schnieder, John W.; Seaquariam; Seminoles; Shady Lake; Shalimar Motor Court; shell; Shell Emporium; Shipley, Grace E.; Shipley, Lewis; Silver Lake Country Club and Golf Course; Silver Palms Motel; Silver Springs; Silver Springs Boulevard; Silver Springs Cafeteria and Restaurant; Silver Spurs Rodeo; Sinclair Gas and Oil; Singing Tower; Skyline Motel; Slaughter, A. C.; Smigel's Auto Clinic; Smith, A. W.; South Bay Service Station; South Lake Realty company; Southernaire Motel; Spinning Wheel Motel; Spook Hill; Sportsman's cottages and Fishing Resort; Spring Side Motel; Squire Restaurant; SR-200; SR-25; SR-40; SR-50; SR-540; SR-80; STAPLES' Cottages; Starling Motel; State Bank; State Road 50; State Road 80; Steak House; Stephen Foster Memorial; Sue and Jim Isbell's Motel with Restaurant; Sue's Motel; Sugar Bowl; Sun Plaza Motor Manor; Sunoco; Suwannee River; Suwannee River Court; Tall Pines Motel; Talton, William G.; Targonski, Benjamin; Taylor's Citrus Candy Factory; Terra Ceia Court and Restaurant; Texaco Products; The Belle of Suwannee; The Brahma; The Carriage Cavalcade; The City Beautiful; The Fern City of Florida; The Jacaranda City; The Jungle Cruise; The Key Wester; The Prince of Peace Memorial; Thibault, Alyce; Thomas, P. E.; Tom Sawyer Motor Inns; Tommy Bartlett's Deer Ranch; Topical Wind Motel; Tower View Motel; Trade Winds Cafeteria; Tradewins Motel and Restaurant; Trailer city; Tropical Motor Hotel & Frazer's Steak House; Tucker, O. J.; tupperware; Tupperware Home Parties, Inc.; Tupperware Museum of Dishes; U.S. Highway 27; U.S. Sugar Mill; UF; University Court Motel; University of Florida; US 92; US-17-; US-25; US-27; US-27A; US-301; US-441; US-441-27; US-98; Ustler Brothers; Vaughan & Co.; Venetian Court; Vo-Mac Groves; W. W. Rilea Cottages; Wall Streetl Empire Hotel; Walt Wellman Groves; Waverly; Waverly Citrus Growers Cooperative; Wayside Motel; Webb, J. L.; Webb's Drive-In Restaurant; Wellman, Walt; White House Hotel; William G. Talton and Sons; Williams, E. L.
Map of Florida Showing the Land Grant of the Florida South Railway
Tags: Alachua County; Altoona; Arcadia; arrowroot; Art-Printing Works; Astor; Baker County; bananas; Bartow; Boardman; Bowling Green; Bradford County; Brevard County; Brooksville; Brownville; Caloosahatchee River; Candler; cassava; castorbeans; cattle; Centre Hill; Charlie Apopka; Charlie Creek; Charlotte Harbor; Chinese sand pears; Citra; citrus; Clay County; Cleveland; climates; coconuts; Columbia County; comtie; Conant; corn; cotton; DeSoto County; Dragem Junction; Duval County; East Lake Weir; Eustis; Evinston; field crops; fish; fisheries; fishery; fishing; Florida Commissioner of Land and Immigration; Florida Southern Railway Company; Fort Mason; Fort Meade; Fort Ogden; Francis; Fruitland Park; fruits; Ft. Meade; Ft. Ogden; Gainesville; Glendale; Grove Park; groves; guava; hammocks; Hawthorne; hemp; Hernando County; hogs; Hollister; Homeland; immigrants; immigration; indigo; Interlachen; Irish potato; Irish potatoes; Jacksonville; Japanese persimmon; Japanese plums; John W. Candler; John W. Weeks; John Welsh; Johnson; jute; Kendrick; Keuka; L.O. Garrett; Lady Lake; Lake County; Lake Eustis; Lake Harris; Lake Weir; Lane Park; LeConte pears; Lee County; Leesburg; lemons; Levy County; limes; Lochbie; Manatee County; Mannville; Marion County; Martin; Matthews, Northrup and Company; McIntosh; McKeein; Micanopy; Monroe County; Mount Tabor; Nassau County; Nocatee; nuts; Oak-Lawn; Ocala; Ocklawaha; Okahumpka; Orange Belt Railway; orange county; Orange Lake; oranges; Osceola County; Palatka; Peace River; peach; peaches; pecans; Pemberton Ferry; pineapple; pines; Polk County; population; Punta Gorda; Putnam County; railroads; railways; rain; ramie; Ravenswood; Reddick; rice; Rochelle; Sherman Conant; South Lake Weir; St. Johns River; Stanton; strawberries; strawberry; sugarcane; Sulphur Springs; Summit; Sumter County; swamps; sweet potato; sweet potatoes; Tavares; timber; tobacco; Umatilla; vegetables; Volusia County; Wait's Crossing; Wauchula; Webster; Welshton; Zolfo Springs