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- Tags: PFLAG
The Watermark, Vol. 12, No. 9, May 5-18, 2005
Tags: Abraham Lincoln; Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome; ADAP; AIDS; AIDS Candlelight Memorial; AIDS Drug Assistance Programs; AIDS Project Florida; Alex Miotti; Ali Haag; Alison Burgos; Andy Bell; Angelica Diaz; Anthony Catanzana; B.J. Stelter; bankruptcy; Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act; Bear Cub; Ben Marcus; Betsy Nelson; Bill Kanouff; Billy Manes; bisexual; Bloomingdale High School; Brad Mathewson; CalliopeFest; career; Catholicism; Cheryl Jacques; Chris Morgan; Christianity; Christopher Ashton Kutcher; Club Swank; conversion therapy; Daniel Cummings; David Castillo; David Franzen; David Furnish; David White; Dean Collier; Diane Ward Band; Don Montuon; Ed Lopes; Elizabeth Birch; Elton Hercules John CBE; embezzling; Empar Ferrer; entrepreneurship; Federated Republican Women of Central Florida; film; Frank November; G&L Fab-Events; GALA; gay; gay adoption; Gay and Lesbian Alumni; Gay Days Weekend; Gay Games; gay marriage; Gay Men's Single Mingle; Gay Sex And The City; George Walker Bush; Gulf Coast Gay Men's Chorus; Halcyon; Heath Riddler; HIV; homophobia; homosexuality; homosexuals; HRC; human immunodeficiency virus; Human Rights Campaign; Jack Luper; Jason Galehouse; Jeanne White-Ginder; Jeffrey Sanker; Jennifer Foster; Jennifer Kates; Jennifer N. Baggerly; Jim Bomford; Jim Jablonski; Jim Philips; Joe Solomese; John Ames; John Forbes Kerry; John Hugh "Buddy" Dyer; John Ruffier; Johnny Chisholm; Jose Luis Garcia-Perez; Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger; Joy MCC; Kaiser Family Foundation; Karen Doering; Kathleen DeBold; Ken Hutcherson; Ken Shelin; Kim English; L.A. Gay and Lesbian Center; Lastaysha Myers; Lawrence DiRita; Leesa Halstead Franzen; Lesbian Gay Rights Lobby of Texas; lesbians; Leslie Dawley; LGBTQ+; Linda Nunez; Lisejean Freed; Log Cabin Republicans; Lou Ann Palmer; Magellan Health Services; Marion Ridley; Mariruth Kennedy; Mark Baker; Mark Lundy; MCC Tampa; Melissa Ferrick; Merrill Dickey; Michael Kirk Douglas; Michael Wachholtz; Microsoft Corporation; Miguel Albaladejo; Mike Ames; Misty Smeltzer; Mona West; money; music festivals; Nancy Wilson; National Alliance of State AIDS Directors; National Center for Lesbian Rights; National Day of Silence; Norm Kent; One Mighty Party; Orlando Action Network; Pam Williams; Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays; Pasputina; Pat Padilla; Patrick Howell; Paula Schoenwether; Pentagon; PFLAG; Pope Benedict XVI; protests; queers; questioning; racial discrimination; Rainbow Democrats; Randall Greene; Redboy; religion; Richard McCullough; Rick Woods; Rob Simmons; Robert Geller; Roland Belmares; Roman Catholic Church; Sakia Gunn; same-sex; Sandy Pheil; Sarasota AIDS Theatre Project; Sarasota Pridefest; Senfronia Thompson; Servicemembers Legal Defense Network; Sharra E. Greer; sodomy; Southern Nights; Stephanie Shippae; Steve Ballmer; Steve Lorenzo; Suzanne Noe; Tami Harris; Tampa Bay Bears; Tampa International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival; Teri Catilin Band; Terry Knight; The Watermark; TIGLFF; Tina Podlodowski; Tomes and Treasures; Toni Begasse; trans; transgender; Troy Perry; UCC; UCMJ; UFMCC; Uniform Code of Military Justice; United Church of Christ; Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches; University of South Florida; Urban Body; USF; Vernessa Mitchell; Vicky Randall; Vince Clark; Warren Chisum; Warren Throckmorton; Will & Grace; William "Bill" Henry Gates III; William Diamond; World Outgames
The Watermark, Vol. 12, No. 6, March 24-April 6, 2005
Tags: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome; AIDS; ALSO Out Youth; Alyson Calgna; Amazing Race; American Foundation for AIDS Research; AmFAR; Atlantis Events; Bears of Central Florida; Benicio Monserrate Rafael del Toro Sánchez; Billy Manes; bisexual; Boat and Scuba West Club; boating; Brian Bottorff; Broadway; Bruce Weber; cabaret; Cactus Club; CARE Act; Carmella Marcella Garcia; Carol Batsch; Carole Benowitz; Cecilia Burke; Center of Tampa Bay; Cheryl Jacques; Chicago; Chip Amdt; Christ the Cornerstone Church; Church of the Trinity MCC; Cindi Davis; cinema; Club Heat; Club Swank; Coalition for Fair Adoption; Craig Linden; Cris Williamson; cruise; Dan Fiorini; date rape; David Audet; David Franzine; David Owens; David Phillips; Dean Hamer; Denise Hueso; Diane Berube; Disney/MGM Studios; DJ Blue; Early Money is Like Yeast; East Bay Film Festival; Edward Moore "Ted" Kennedy; EMILY's List; Erick Alvarez; Ernest Page; Family Pride Coalition; film; first amendment rights; Fleming Island High School; Florida Queer Art Collective; Frank Grillo; Fred Phelps Sr.; gay; Gay Days Travel; Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network; GLBT Yacht Club; GLSEN; Gregg Kaminsky; Herbe Murray; HIV; HIV prevention; homophobia; homosexuality; homosexuals; HRC; human immunodeficiency virus; Human Rights Campaign; Ian McGowan; Jason Galehouse; Jason Stuart; Jean Malecki; Jeanne White-Ginder; Jeffrey Sanker; Jim Harper; Jim Tushinski; Joan Collins; Joe Gauthreux; Joe Solmonese; John Hugh "Buddy" Dyer; John McCusker; John Rosselle; John Stephen Goodman; Johnny Chisholm; Jonathan Caouette; Joy MCC; JWB; Kathleen "Kathy" Mary Griffin; Kelli Davis; Kelli O'Donnell; Ken Sherrill; Kim English; King of Peace MCC; Kirstie Louise Alley; Laurie Elizabeth Metcalfe; Leesa Halstead; lesbians; Lester Wolff; LGBTQ+; Lois Gaston; Lorraine Langlois; Luis Grajales; Margaret Moran Cho; Mark Baker; Mark Jones; Marsha Stevens; Martin Padgett; Martina Navratilova; MCC Tampa; Metropolitan Charities; Metropolitan Community Churches; Michael Bauer; Michael Wachholtz; Michael Wanzie; musical; Nancy Bostock; National Center for Lesbian Rights; Olivia; One Mighty Party; Orange County Rainbow Democratic Club; Orlando Gay Chorus; Page King; Pamina Gorbach; Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays; Parliament House; Patty Sheehan; Peter Berlin; PFLAG; Pinellas County Juvenile Welfare Board; Prince Andrea; Progressive Ventures; Pulse; queers; questioning; Rainbow Promise MCC; Reichen Lehmkuhl; Richard A. Kramer; Ron Schittler; Roseann "Rosie" O'Donnell; Roseanne Cherrie Barr; Rosie O'Donnell's R Family Vacations; RSVP; Ryan Wayne White; Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act; Sam Ward; same-sex; same-sex marriage; Sarasota Pridefest; Scott Herbst; scuba; scuba diving; sexual assault; Sharon Gless; Southern Nights; St. Pete Pride Art Festival; Steve Lorenzo; Steve Ross; Steven Alicea; Steven Reigns; Suncoast Resort; SunServe; Terry Bern; The Watermark; Todd Parent; Tracy Young; Tramp Productions; trans; transgender; travel; Trinity Rivard; Vanessa Mitchell; Vic Basile; Victoria Jorgensen; Wanda Alston; Water Colors; William M. Parrot Jr.; women's football; Woo-Martin v. State of California; Ybor Festival of the Moving Image
The Watermark, Vol. 12 No. 23, November 17-30, 2005
Tags: 11th Annual Hurricane Showdown; Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome; AIDS; AIDS Memorial Park; Amy Gail Lilley; BDSM; Bella Café; bondage, discipline, submission; Campaign to End AIDS; Carol Jean Hart; Cdc; Celebration of Diversity Festival; censorship; Centers For Disease Control; Chandler Minter Tagliabue; Chapter 22; Charlie Boyd; Chris Joseph Columbus; Cincinnati Police Department; Citrus County; Clay County Schools; Coalition for Fair Adoption; Concerned Women for America; Dante Spencer; Darden Rice; David Reeve Mills; Dignity/Orlando; discrimination; Dolly Rebecca Parton; domination; Don Muszalski; Drew Tagliabue; Earnest Williams; Eartha Mae Kitt; Equality Florida; Family Research Council; FDA; First Baptist Church at the Mall; First United Methodist Church of Germantown; Florida Marriage Protection Amendment; Florida4Marriage; Food and Drug Administration; gay adoption; Gay Day at Dollywood; Gay Games; gay marriage; George Walker Bush; GHB; GLBCC; GLBT Catholics; GLBT students; HAART; Herman Terrell Hart; Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy; HIV; human rights ordinance; Hurricane Wilma; Iraq War; Irene Elizabeth "Beth" Straud; James "Jim" Crescitelli; James Paul McCartney; Jason Galehouse; Jaymee Wallace; Jennifer Harris; Jonathan David Larson; Joseph Wayne "Joe" Saunders; Joy MCC; Katie Thompson; King of Peace MCC; Lady Lions; Lecanto High School; lesbian; Living with AIDS… What a Drag: Divas After Dark; Madonna Louise Ciccone; Maine; Manatee County; masochism; Michael Slaymaker; Michael Wachholtz; National Center for Lesbian Rights; National Football League; National Gay and Lesbian Task Force; OADO; Orlando Anti-Discrimination Ordinance Committee; Orlando Coalition for Fair Adoption; Orlando County Charter Review Commission; Orlando Gay Parents group; Pamela Dorothy "Pam" Iorio; Panther Prints; Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays; Paul John Tagliabue; Paula homosexuality; Penn State women's basketball; PFLAG; Philecia Barnes; Phillip Barnes; Proposition 2;; Rene Portland; Rent; Reverend Jay Dennis; Richard "Rich" Crotty; Ridgeview High School; Ronald O. Valdiserri; Rosario Isabel Dawson; S&M; sadism; sadomasochism; Sarasota; Seminole Heights; Stay Close Individual Leadership Award; Steve Kodsi; Steven Lorenzo; Suncoast Resort; Swan Park Inn; syphilis; Tampa Bay; Tampa Bay Bears; Tampa Bay Bondage Club; Tampa Metro Diversity Center; The Watermark; Toni Ann McCabe; Tracie Nicole Thoms; transsexuals; Wharton High School; World AIDS Day