Browse Items (7 total)
- Tags: journalism
Cher-O-Key (May 17, 1929)
Tags: 6th grade; 8th grade; 9th grade; Arrangement in Grey and Black No. 1; banquet; Barnett, Robert; baseball; Bersts, Winifred; Beuchler, Belle; Bird, Joe; Board of Education; Boggs, Robert; Bray, Clara; Broadbent; Brown; Carter; Catledge, Norman; Chabot, Octavia; Cher-O-Key; Cherokee Junior High School; Cherokee School; citizen; Constitution; Cox, Robert; dancing club; Davis, Billy; decathlon; Delaney Street School; Dye, Charles; Echols; eighth grade; Elkhorn, Lester; Everett, Emory; Ford; Gilbert, bob; Girl Reserves; Glace; Glee Club; Glover, Meadows; Grand Avenue Elementary; Grant, Curtis; Greer, Charles; Hage, Allen; Harney, Margaret; Henderson, Cox, Lawson; Hillcrest Grammar School; honor society; Johnson, Elizabeth; Joiner, C. J.; Jones; journalism; Journalism Club; junior high school; Karst, Arthur; Kazarosian, Shan; Klne, Jack; Lake Gatlin; Laverty, Beulah; Lawson, Richard; Lerch, Ruth; Manson, Helen; McEwan, Dorothy; McGarity, William; McKinnon, Carolyn; Memorial Gym; Meyer; Meyer, Betty; Mitchell; Mothers and Daughters Banquet; Mothers Day; Murphy, Frank; Myer; Neal, Lucille; newspaper; Nichols, Thomas; ninth grade; O'Berg, Gilbert; orange county; orlando; Parent-Teacher Association; Parker, Barbara; Parker, Lannas; Peral, Thomas; Pettay, Jean; Pillow, Maud Ola; Powers, Ormond; practical arts club; Price, Harry; PTA; Routh, Florida; school; school newspaper; sewing club; sixth grade; soccer; students; Taylor, Connie; teachers; tennis; That Wonderful Mother of Mine; Thompson; track and field; Trimble, Betty; Turner, Stewart; Way, Yulee; West Central Elementary; Whistler, James McNeill; Whistler's Mother; Williams, Bob; Williams, Champ; Williams, Fred; Woolworth, Bob; YMCA; Young Men's Christian Association
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 11: Harry T. Moore: An Interview with Dr. Jim Clark
Tags: Apopka; Apopka KKK; Apopka Ku Klux Klan; assassination; baseball; bomb; Brevard County; Brevard County NAACP; Brevard County National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; Brooklyn, Earl J.; Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka; citrus; citrus industry; civil rights; civil rights activist; Civil Rights Leader Harry T. Moore and the Ku Klux Klan in Florida; Civil Rights Movement; Clark, Jim; desegregation; documentary; FBI; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Florida State Attorney; hate group; historic preservation; integration; investigative journalism; journalism; journalist; King, Martin Luther, Jr.; KKK; klansman; Ku Klux Klan; labor; laborer; Lake County; McCall, Willis V.; Moore, Harriette Vyda Simms; Moore, Harry Tyson; murder; NAACP; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; newspaper; newspaper editor; newspaper publisher; open records law; orange county; Orange County Sheriff; Orange County Sheriff's Office; orlando; Orlando Magazine; podcast; Powell, Angelea; preservation; public records law; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Robinson, Jack "Jackie" Roosevelt; Sacher, John; Sanford; segregation; sheriff; Simms, Harriette Vyda; Star, Dave; The Orlando Sentinel; tourism; tourist; UCF; UF; University of Central Florida; University of Florida; Winter Park Magazine; Wolfinger, Norman "Norm" Robert
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 16: Public History in Central Florida: An Interview with Jean Yothers
Tags: Billy the Swan; Bumby, Joseph; Cable News Network; Church Street; Citrus Club; CNN; Cohen, Adam; curator; documentary; exhibit; Florida Magazine; Florida State College for Women; FSCW; Gannon, Barbara A.; hardware; hardware industry; heritage; Jackson Street; journalism; journalist; Loch Haven Park; Magna Carta; museum; OCRHC; Orange Avenue; orange county; Orange County Historical Museum; Orange County Regional History Center; orlando; Parker, Colonel Thomas "Tom" Andrew; pioneer; Plymouth; podcast; Presley, Elvis Aaron; public history; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; The Ed Sullivan Show; The Highway Man; The Orlando Sentinel; Van Arsdel, Sara; Walt Disney World; Yothers Road; Yothers, Jean
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 45: An Interview with Joy Wallace Dickinson, Part 1
Tags: African American; Amtrak; Central Boulevard; cherry; Cherry Plaza; civil rights; Civil Rights Movement; desegregation; Dickinson, Joy Wallace; Dickson & Ives Building; Dickson & Ives Company; Disney, Walt; Disney, Walter "Walt" Elias; documentary; Downtown Orlando; Eola Plaza; Eola Plaza Hotel; Florida Flashback; Florida State University; FSU; high school; HOTEL; Howard Junior High School; integration; Johnson, Lyndon Baines; journalism; journalist; Kennedy, John Fitzgerald; Lake Eola; Lake Eola Park; Lee, Harper; Lee, Nelle Harper; local history; Martínez-Fernández, Luis; newspaper; Orange Avenue; orange county; orlando; Orlando High School; Orlando: City of Dreams.; podcast; railroad; Remembering Orlando: Tales from Elvis to Disney; retail; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; school; segregation; Sligh Boulevard; South; Spanish Mediterranean Architecture; St. Augustine; The Orlando Sentinel; To Kill a Mockingbird; tourism; tourist attraction; train; train station; Walt Disney World; Yowell-Drew Company
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 46: An Interview with Joy Wallace Dickinson, Part 2
Tags: African American; Anderson, Robert; art; art festival; artist; author; baseball; baseball field; Beat Generation; Blackburn, Harlan; Bolita; casino; Chance, Frank Leroy; College Park; Cracker Mafia; crime; Cuba; desegregation; Dickinson, Joy Wallace; documentary; Evers, John "Johnny" Joseph; Evers, Johnny; festival; Flamingo Club; Florida State Road 50; gambling; George Stewart's Office Supplies; Havana, Cuba; integration; Jacksonville; journalism; journalist; Kerouac, Jack; King of the Beats; King, Martin Luther, Jr.; literature; local history; lottery; Mafia; meteorologist; Miami; Mitchell, E. B.; National Register of Historic Places; newspaper; nightclub; On the Road; organize crime; orlando; Park Avenue; photographer; photography; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; podcast; Remembering Orlando: Tales from Elvis to Disney; restaurant; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Robert Cassanello; segregation; Spring Training; SR 50; Stump, Charles "Charlie" W., Jr.; Stump, Charlie; Tampa; The Milton Berle Show; The Orlando Sentinel; Tinker Field; Tinker, Joe; Tinker, Joseph "Joe" Bert; weatherman; Winter Park; Winter Park Sidewalk Art Festival; writer
A History of Central Florida, Episode 16: Print Culture
Tags: 1st Street; A History of Central Florida; Benjamin Franklin; Bob Clarke; Chip Ford; Christopher Brooke; computer; computers; Daniel Velásquez; Elizabeth Haven Hawley; Ella Gibson; First Street; George Phineas Gordon; Gordon Letterpress; jobbing shops; John Y. Detwiler; journalism; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Kimberly Voss; lithography; Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany; Man Roland; New Journalism; New Smyrna; New Smyrna Museum of history; newspaper editors; newspaper shops; newspapers; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; platen press; print culture; print shops; printing press; Robert Cassanello; rotary press; Ryan Ives; Sams Avenue; Sanford; Sanford Museum; The New Smyrna Breeze; The Sanford Herald
Florida Historical Quarterly, Episode 3: Vol. 88, No. 2, Fall 2009
Tags: African Americans; Africans; American Indians; American South; Amerindians; Belinda Delzell; Conch Republic; Connie Lester; Delaney Learning Project; Emerson; Equal Rights Amendment; ERA; FHQ; Florida Frontier; Florida Historical Quarterly; George V. Minton; Hastings; Hastings Branch Library; Home Demonstration Movement; indigenous; journalism; journalists; Kevin Kokomoor; Key West; Kimberly Wilmot Voss; libraries; library; Lori Wilson; Nancy J. Levine; Native Americans; race relations; race riots; Robert Cassanello; Sandie A. Stratton; Seminoles; Sharon Cleland; slavery; slaves; St. Johns Library Advisory Board; T-1 lines; tea sets, tractors; William C. Barnett; women's rights