Browse Items (6 total)
- Tags: labor rights
Oral History of Bernie Blackwood
Tags: 11th Avenue; 16th Street; 1st Avenue; 25th Street; 34th Street; Alafaya Woods; Anden Group; Bay Vista Elementary School; Bayfront Center; Ben Ward, Jr.; Bernard O. Blackwood; Bernie Blackwood; Bill Martin; Blackwood Construction Corporation; Bob Beleren; Bob Ward; bussing; Central Avenue; Central Florida Research Park; Charles N. Millican; Charles Norman Millican; city managers; city planners; civil rights; Civil Rights Movement; colleges; construction; demonstrations; desegregation; Division Street; Downtown St. Petersburg; Dyson Drive; educators; Eleventh Avenue; First Avenue; Florida State Road 426; Florida Technological University; Frank Wheeler; Fred Marquis; FTU; Garden Grove; Gore; Habanero's Mexican Grill; integration; Joe Gomez; John Evans; labor; labor rights; land development; Lutheran Haven; Lynn H. Andrews; Marguerite Partin; Mead Drive; Mead Manor; neighborhoods; Northeast Park; Oviedo; Oviedo Land Group; Oviedo Oaks; Oviedo Office Park; Partin Elementary School; Phil Gorey; Pinellas County; professors; protesters; protests; public employees; race relations; real estate; residential developments; riots; Ronald Reagan; Ronald Wilson Reagan; Roy Clontz; Saint Petersburg; school bus; school buses; schools; Scott Blackwood; SCPS; Seminole County Public Schools; Sixteenth Street; Southside Park; SR 426; St. Pete; St. Petersburg; strikers; strikes; subdivisions; Sue Blackwood; Suzanne A. Blackwood; teachers; The St. Petersburg Times; Tiger Station; Tom Phillips; Tuscawilla; Tuskawilla Road; Twin Rivers; UCF; unionization; unions; universities; university; University of Central Florida; Westwood Square; Whispering Oaks; Windmill Farms
Oral History of Geraldean Matthew
Tags: agricultural labor; agriculture; Alfredo Bahena Act; Apopka; apples; arthritis; beans; Belle Glade; carrots; cherries; cherry; citrus; civil rights; clean drinking water; contraception; corn; corporal punishment; crew leaders; Dale Finley Slongwhite; David Overfield; DDT; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; discrimination; domestic violence; educational programs; environmental advocacy; environmental justice; environmental law; environmentalism; FAF; Farm Workers Association; Farmworker Association of Florida; farmworkers; farmworkers' rights; FDOH; Fed Up: The High Costs of Cheap Food; FFB; Florida Department of Health; Florida Department of Health in Orange County; Florida Farmworkers Bureau; foliage; FWA; Geraldean Matthew; Geraldean Shannon; Graveyard Quarters; Hispanic Americans; Hispanics; HIV; human immunodeficiency virus; Jared Muha; Jeannie Economos; kidney dialysis; kidney disease; labor; labor camps; labor rights; laborers; Lake Apopka; maggot workers; Merita Bread; Mexican Americans; Mexican Pete; Mexicans; Miami; Michigan; migrant farms; migrant farmworkers; migrant labor; migrant laborers; migrant workers; Mount Dora; National Farm Workers Association; NFWA; nursing home technicians; Orange County Health Department; oranges; Palm Beach; pesticides; protected sex; retraining; right to know; safe sex; segregation; sexual abuse; slavery; slaves; string beans; Tallahassee; traffic trucks; tramp trucks; tramps; underemployment; undocumented workers; unemployment; vegetables; workplace injuries
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 49: An Interview with Paul Ortiz, Part 1
Tags: 1920 Election; African American; armed resistance; civil rights; convict labor; convict leasing; court; Cravero, Geoffrey; democracy; disenfranchisement; documentary; election; Election of 1920; emancipation; Emancipation Betrayed: The Hidden History of Black Organizing and White Violence in Florida from Reconstruction to the Bloody Election of 1920; Great Depression; Harding, Warren Gamaliel; historian; historiography; Jim Crow; labor; labor rights; labor strike; laborer; liberty bond; Lincoln, Abraham; lynching; migrant labor; migrant worker; New York Stock Exchange; oral history; organizing; Ortiz, Paul; phosphate; phosphate industry; podcast; race relation; racial violence; racism; Reconstruction; Republican; Republican Party; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Robert Cassanello; Rockefeller, John Davison, Sr.; Samuel Proctor Oral History Program; segregation; sheriff; slave; slavery; State of Florida; strike; Thrift stamp; turpentine; turpentine industry; UF; University of Florida; violence; voter registration; voter registration movement; voting; voting rights; wages; Wells-Barnett, Ida Bell; Wells, Ida Bell; worker rights; World War I; WWI
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 55: Apopka Farmworkers, Part One
Tags: agricultural laborer; agriculture; Apopka; Catholic; Catholic Church; Catholicism; civil rights; Coca-Cola; demonstration; documentary; equal rights; farm; farm laborer; farm worker; Farmworker Association of Florida; Florida Legislature; labor organizing; labor rights; labor union; laborer; Lake Apopka Farmworker Memorial Quilt; Lee, Linda; Lee, Marci; Mathew, Geraldine; nun; Office for Farmworker Ministry; organizing; podcast; protest; quilt; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; rights; Robert Cassanello; Roman Catholic; Roman Catholic Church; Roman Catholicism; Union; union organizing; woman; worker rights
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 56: Apopka Farmworkers, Part Two
Tags: African American; agricultural labor; agricultural laborer; apartment; Apopka; Catholic; Catholic Church; Catholicism; celery; celery industry; civil rights; corn; corn industry; demonstration; documentary; equal rights; farm labor; farm laborer; Hispanic; Hispanic American; housing; illiteracy; labor; labor organizing; labor rights; labor union; laborer; Lake Apopka Farmworker Memorial Quilt; Land, John H.; Latin American; Latino; Lee, Linda; literacy; Mathew, Geraldine; migrant labor; migrant worker; migration; nun; Office for Farmworker Ministry; organizing; podcast; protest; quilt; race relations; racism; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Robert Cassanello; Roman Catholic; Roman Catholic Church; Roman Catholicism; unemployment; Union; wages; Walt Disney World; worker rights
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 57: Apopka Farmworkers, Part Three
Tags: agricultural labor; agricultural laborer; Apopka; Capitol Rotunda; Catholic; Catholic Church; Catholicism; civil rights; compensation; documentary; equal rights; farm labor; farm laborer; farm worker; fishing; Florida Legislature; health care; Kit Kat Club; labor; labor organizing; labor rights; labor union; laborer; Lake Apopka; Lake Apopka Farmworker Memorial Quilt; Lee, Linda; Mathew, Geraldine; migrant labor; migrant worker; nun; Office for Farmworker Ministry; organizing; podcast; quilt; racism; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Robert Cassanello; Robinson; Robinson, Erline; Robinson, Frederick; Robinson, Pop; Robinson, Richard; Roman Catholic; Roman Catholic Church; Roman Catholicism; Tallahassee; Union; union organizing; wages; worker rights; workers' compensation