Browse Items (8 total)
- Tags: E. C. Kropp Company
Lake Lucerne Postcard
State Bank of Orlando and Trust Company Postcard
A Glimpse of the Business Section Postcard
Tags: Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks; Central Avenue; Central Blvd.; Central Boulevard; Central Bv.; Court St.; Court Street; E. C. Kropp Co.; E. C. Kropp Company; Elks Club; Heritage Sq.; Heritage Square; Odd Fellows; Orange Ave.; Orange Avenue; Orange County Courthouse; Orange County Courthouse Annex; YMCA; Young Men's Christian Assocation
Band Stand on Lake Eola Postcard
Central Ave., Looking West from Court House Postcard
Tags: Central Avenue; Central Blvd.; Central Boulevard; Central Bv.; Cook, Thomas; Court St.; Court Street; Courthouse Annex; Downtown; Downtown Orlando; E. C. Kropp Co.; E. C. Kropp Company; Elks Club; Heritage Square; Odd Fellows; Orange Ave.; Orange Avenue; Orange County Courthouse; Orange County Courthouse Annex; orlando; Primrose Ave.; Primrose Avenue; YMCA; Young Men's Christian Association
Scene on Pine St. Showing Grand Theatre Postcard
Tags: Astor Theatre; Blue Room; E. C. Kropp Company; Elijah Hand Building; Elijah Hand Furniture Store; Elijah Hand Undertaker and Funeral Parlor; Grand Hotel; Grand Theatre; Hand, Elijah; Hanner; King, Murray S.; Mather-Wiley Furniture Store; Moss, B.S.; Murray S. King; Orange Avenue; Pine Street; Tillman, Mac; W. I. Miller Furniture Store