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- Tags: Gracia Muller
A Written and Pictorial History of the Oviedo Area Colored Schools, 1890-1967
Tags: . J. Witherspoon; A. Allen; A. Barkley; A. Brooks; A. Browdy; A. Bryant; A. C. Clyton; A. Ely; A. Gainey; A. Garrett; A. Goddett; A. Green; A. Harris; A. J. Muller; A. James; A. Link; A. McKeaver; A. Muller; A. Perkins; A. Rouse; A. Whitney; A. Williams; A. Wright; Academy Avenue; Adeline Jones; African; African American; Alba Finalayeon; Albertha Robinson; Aleatha Hamilton; Allen; Altermese Smith Bentley; alumni; Angie Haws; Annie Corbin Stokes; Annie M. Lovette; Annie Martin; Annie Ruth Howard; Annie Stoke O'Neille; Annie Stokes O'Neille; Antioch Missionary Baptist Church; Arbesto M. Craddock; Arbesto M. Washington; Arbesto Muller; Arbesto Muller Johnson; Arbesto Muller Lloyd; Arcee James; Arlene Link Hickson; Arthur Mae Scott; B-CC; B. Banks; B. Browdy; B. Bush; B. Gainey; B. James; B. Jefferson; B. Jones; B. Knight; B. Lewis; B. McKenzie; B. Mims; B. Pittman; B. Tossie; B. Waller; B. White; B. Williams; B. Wright; banks; Baptist; bass; bell; Bernard Hamblen; Bernice Hatcher; Bernice Hatcher Muller; Bernie Walker; Bethune-Cookman College; Betty Crumity Robinson; Betty Joyce Browdy; Beverly Bowers; Black Family Today; Bless Us O Lord; Bobby Henderson; Bonnie Williams; Boston; Brenda Gainey Wilson; Brenda Walker Greene; Broadway Street; Browdy; bus driver; Butler P. Boston; C. Allen; C. Cobb; C. Finney; C. Freeman; C. Gainey; C. Grayson; C. Harris; C. Hatcher; C. Hill; C. Izzard; C. Jackson; C. King; C. Knight; C. L. West; C. Lamar; C. Mikell; C. Moore; C. Noble; C. White; C. Williams; Carrie Mims; Charles Middleton; Charline Whipper; Charlotte Foster; Charlotte Sermons; church; Clara Shellman Walters; Cloie Bacon; Cloie Rhodes Bacon-Brunson; community center; Cook; Cora Snead; Crane; custodian; D. Allen; D. Banks; D. Banks. V. Cone; D. Boston; D. Bowers; D. Carwise; D. Coffie; D. Denyse Hinton; D. H. Bacon; D. H. Jamison; D. Hinton; D. Korn; D. Link; D. Morris; D. Noble; D. Williams; Daisy Elliott; Daphne Bryant; Darius Grayson; David Bush; David Tossie; Debra Holcomb; desegregation; doctor; Dorothy Wilson; Doshia Knight Mitchell; Dossie; E. Allen; E. Bacon; E. Banks; E. Bish; E. Boston; E. Coffie; E. Dixon; E. Gainey; E. Graham; E. Link; E. M. Bush; E. McKenzie; E. Moore; E. Smith; E. Stallworth; E. Washington; E. Whipper; E. Williams; E. Witherspoon; Earline Tossie Carwise; education; educator; Edward Blacksheare; Edward L. Humphrey; Edward Whipper; Eleanor Mobley; elementary school; Ella Bowers; Elliott Smith; Elmira Jaye Fields; Elmira Jaye Fields Hall; Elnora Allen Gilchrist; Emma Byrd; Ethel Burney; Ethel Mason; Evans Bacon; Evelyn Anderson; Evelyn Schroeder; Evelyn Wiggins; F. Braswell; F. Browdy; F. Browdy, Jr.; F. Clark; F. Forte; F. M. Browdy; F. McKeaver; F. Pauldo; Fannie Reed; First Methodist Church; Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University; Forster; Fountainhead Missionary Baptist Church; Frances; Freddie Muller Mobley; freeman; G. Boston; G. Browdy; G. Brown; G. Bush; G. C. Banks; G. Godwin; G. H. Carlton; G. Mikell; G. Muller; G. Pittman; G. Redding; G. Rolle; G. Sapp; G. Smith. R. Ely; G. Stallworth; G. Washington; G. Williams; G. Wilson; Gabriella Colored School; Geneva; Geneva Colored School; Georgianna McClendon; Georgianna Thompson; Gertrude Davis; Gladys Finney; Gladys Holmes; Gladys Holmes Smith; Gladys Ingram; Gladys Smith; Gloria Godwin; Gracia Muller; Gracia Muller-Miller; graduate; graduation; Greg Tossie; H. Bass; H. Bush; H. Carwise; H. Davis; H. Denard; H. Denard. C. Carwise; H. Detreville; H. Dumas; H. Jones; H. Muller; H. Rhodes; H. Washington; Hamilton Elementary School; Harry Stewart; Hattie McGee; Hayley Miller; Herbert Cherry; Herbert Washington; Holly Malcolm; Horace Jackson; Hortense Givings; Hortense Givings Evans; Howard Bass; I. Barkley; I. Brinson; I. Browers; I. Cobb; I. Muller; Ida Muller; Ida Muller Anderson; Inez Barthwell; Inez Barthwell Rhodes; Ingrid Muller Witherspoon; integration; Isaac Bowers; J. Argo; J. Bass; J. Boston; J. Browdy; J. Brown; J. Bryant; J. Bumont; J. Cobb; J. E. Oxedine; J. Fields; J. H. Browdy; J. Hird; J. Hodges; J. Izzard; J. Jackson; J. Jones; J. King; J. Knight; J. Matthew; J. Moore; J. Robinson; J. Smith; J. Tilden Jacobs; J. W. Muller; J. W. Wright. H. Boston; J. Washington; J. Williams; J. Wynn; Jackie Morgan; Jackson; Jackson Heights Elementary School; Jackson Heights Elementary School Dance Society; Jackson Heights Middle School; James Golden; Jameson Studio; Janice Brockington-Renn; Janie Jackson; janitor; Jannie Jackson; Jeannette Glover Oliver; Jennie Jackson; Jennie McPherson; Jessie Bronson; JHES; Jimmie Lee Blair; John Richard Edward Jones; Johnnie Copper; Johnnie M. McGee; Joseph S. Smith; Juanita McClendon; Judith Smith; Judith Smith Publishing; Julia Merritt; K. Ashe; K. Washington; Karen Jacobs; Karen Ponder; Kathy Denard; Katie R. Burke; Kelley Muller-Smith; Kolokee Colored School; L. Alexander; L. Ashe; L. Bass; L. Blair; L. Bruce; L. Bryant; L. C. Redding; L. Cooper; L. Crane; L. Davis; L. Elliot; L. Fudge; L. G. Smith; L. Hendrix; L. Jones; L. Lewis; L. Sapp; L. Smith; L. Whipper; L. Wilkerson; L. Wilson; L. Wynn; Lamar; LaRhonda Jones; Larry Miller; librarian; Lillie Robinson Hall; Lillie Robinson Hall Williams; Linda Johnson; Linda Smith Johnson; Lois Smith; Lola Nettles; Louis Parnell; Louise Parnell; Louise Parnell Williams; Lucille Jackson; M. Allen; M. Bell; M. Brooks; M. Bryant; M. Carwise; M. Culons; M. F. Muller; M. Frances; M. Francis; M. Graham; M. Grimmage; M. Jackson; M. James; M. Jones; M. Lott; M. Lowman; M. Martin; M. Milton; M. Oxedine; M. Rhodes; M. Smith; M. Stallworth; M. Stewart; M. Whiney; M. Williams; Mae Edwards; Mae F. Edwards Muller; Mae Francis Edwards Muller; Mae Lindsey; Margaret Dixon; Margaret Lee; Margie Garner; Marie Stocer; Marimon; Mark Wilson; Marvin Collins; Marvin Stervin; Mary Clark; Mary Curtis; Mary E. Francis; Mary Elburt; Mary Helen Carwise; Mary Helen Carwise Smith; Marylen Mobley; middle school; Miller; Mims; Mintrel Martin; Mitchell Studio; N. Brown; N. Link; N. Stallworth; Nan Parker; O. Banks; O. Boston; O. C. Banks; O. Davis; O. King; O. Wilson; OHS; Ophelia Jones Moore; Ora D. Lee; orange county; Ossie Banks; Oviedo; Oviedo Colored School; Oviedo Elementary School; Oviedo Historical Society; Oviedo Negro Schools; P. Bellamy; P. Denard; P. Green; P. Greene; P. Hatcher; P. Hollermann; P. Jefferson; P. Moore; P. Morgan; P. Redding; P. Williams; Pam Mazzotta; Pardon Farm; Parent-Teacher Association; Park's Grocery; Paul Laws; Pearl Sermons; Praise Dancers; principal; PTA; Q. Muller; Quinncia Muller; R. Ashe; R. Banks; R. Barkley, Jr.; R. Boston; R. Bush; R. Figures; R. Fudge; R. Gainey; R. Godwin; R. Hartsfield; R. Jones; R. McKeaver; R. Mims; R. Moore; R. Morgan; R. Muller; R. Robinson; R. Rouse; R. Stallworth; R. Stewart; Ray Hall Wright; Raymond Studio; Rebecca Inge; Red School House; Reed; reunion; Rhodes; Robert Boston; Robert Calhoun; Robin Muller; Robinson; Ronald Godwin; Rouse; S. Argo; S. Bass; S. E. Monroe; S. Glover; S. Grimmage; S. Harper; S. Hodges; S. Jackson; S. Jones; S. Knight; S. Link; S. Norris; S. Smith; S. T. Muller; S. W. Baker; S. Williams; Sam Jones; Samuel Stallworth; Sandra Kahn; Sanford; school; SCPS; segregation; Seminole County; Seminole County Public Schools; Silver Springs; slave; slavery; Snowhill; South Division Street; St. James African Methodist Episcopal Church; St. James AME Church; student; Susie Blacksheare; Susie Bronson; Susie Harrington; T. Bush; T. Denise Perkins; T. Hill; T. J. Williams; T. Jackson; T. Jefferson; T. Levine; T. M. Vinson; T. Quinn; T. W. Lawton; T. Williams; Tara Denise Stewart Perkins; teacher; The New Gospelettes; The World Outside Reunion; Thelma Zachery; Thomas Reid; U. Campbell; U. McFadden; U. P. Bronson; U. S. Bacon; UN; United Nations; V. Braswell; V. Campbell; V. Cone; V. Francis; V. Gainey; V. Harris; V. Jenkins; V. Robinson; Vivian Hurston Bowden; W. Banks; W. Barkley; W. Bass; W. Boston; W. Braswell; W. Brown; W. Conley; W. Goddett; W. H. Bacon; W. H. Long; W. Harper; W. Hartsfield; W. Hollerman; W. Jackson; W. Jones; W. M. Lewis; W. Mays; W. McGray; W. Moore; W. Robinson; W. Smith; W. Vinson; W. White; Wagner Colored School; Wanda Wilkerson; Whitney Tossie; Wilbert H. Smith; William Hamilton; Willie L. Craddock; Willie Merkerson; Wylene Jones; Z. Davis; Z. Jefferson; Z. T. Davis; Zonnye M. Tucker; Zonnye T. Davis; Zonnye T. Dixon