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- Tags: kindergarten
Annual Report of School Progress for Sanford Grammar School, 1977-1978
Tags: Adams; Agnes Burnsed; Agnes Fields; Allean Jeffords; Altamonte Mall; Annual Report of School Progress; Anrucles; Beau Taylor; Beverly Schwitzer; Blue Springs; California Test of Basic Skills; career education; CETA Program; Changing Education Through the Arts; Circus World; Clay C. Carroll; Commissioner of Educations; compensatory education; CTBS; Derek Martin; Diane Copeland; Dreathea Smith; ECE; economics education; Educable Mentally Handicapped; elementary schools; Elizabeth B. Neiman; Elsa Caskey; EMH; environmental center; Eva Tisdale; Evelyn Mayes; Exceptional Child Education; Family Relations; field trips; Florida State Accreditation Standards; Florida Statewide Assessment; Fort Mellon Park; Foster, Susan; Frances Kaleel; FTU; grammar schools; Hazel M. Warren; Henry Ellis; Holiday House; Jacqueline Becker; Janet Druckenmiller; Jean Eldredge; Jeanie Mikles; John Young Museum and Planetarium; Karen Rauth; kindergarten; language arts education; Linda Bose; Linda Denison; Loch Haven Art Center; Mablel Chapmen; March of Dimes; Margo Hull; Mary L. Cook; mathematics education; Metropolitan Readiness; Nancy Freeman; Narie Martin; Nathaniel Williams; Norma Goethe; Parent-Teach Association; parents; Phyllis Fondren; physical education; playgrounds; population; President's Physical Fitness Program; primary education; principals; PTA; PTE; Read-A-Thon; reading education; Rita Mann; Robert T. Fox; Safety Patrol System; Sanford; Sanford Fire Department; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford Middle School; Sanford Plaza Theatre; Sara Teitch; Sarah Cramer; School Advisory Committee; school discipline; school dividends; school safety; science education; Scott Carnell; SCPS; SeaWorld; Seminole Big Tree Park; Seminole County Public Schools; Seminole County School District Master In-Service Training Plan; Seminole Memorial Hospital; Send a Mouse to College; Seventh Street; Silver Springs; SLD; social studies education; Southern Bell Telephone Company; special education; Specific Learning Disabilities; students; Susan Foster; teacher aides; teachers; The Lion; The Orlando Sentinel Star; Ulysses Ward; United Fund; Willie Agnes Fields; writing education; zoos
Mable Chapman's Kindergarten Class Attendance Sheet at Sanford Grammar School
Tags: Amy Hosington; April Bolt; Bill Litton; Bill Shapiro; Brian Lewis; elementary schools; Ernestine Collins; grammar schools; John Diehl; Julie Hardin; Julius Scott; Kimberly Lyon; kindergarten; LaShawn Eason; Latrice Berry; Mable Chapman; Meonda Berry; Pamela Thomas; Patricia Collins; Patricia Gainey; Phillip Haygood; Robert Miller; Sandra L. Miller; Sanford; Sanford Grammar School; Sarah Van Gilder; Shalanda Beveritt; Shawn Cosenz; Todd Lewis; Tonnie Martin; Tony Lewis; Towana People; Walter Taylor; Yolanda Inman; Yolanda Thornton
Orlando Postal Worker at Lake Highland Preparatory School
Sanford Grammar School Handbook, 1978-1979
Tags: Allean Jeffords; assistant principals; Bernice Fillmore; Carnell Scott; Clay C. Carroll; compensatory education; Derek Martin; Diane Copeland; Edna A. Dates; elementary schools; Elsa Caskey; Eva Tisdale; field trips; Frances Kaleel; Frances Parish; Gloria Armstrong; grammar schools; guidance counselors; Hazel Warren; Howard Hawkins; intermediate education; Jacqueline Becker; Judy Burdett; Julie Medland; Karen Rauth; kindergarten; Lake Monroe; libraries; library; Linda Bose; lunchrooms; Mable Chapman; Marie Martin; Mary L. Cook; Nancy Freeman; Ninth Street; Open House; Palmetto Avenue; Pamela A. Hardy; Parent-Teacher Association; parents; Phyllis Fondren; Phyllis Miller; physical education; primary education; principals; PTA; R. Burke; Robert T. Fox; Sanford; Sanford Grammar School; school bus; school buses; school songs; speech therapists; SR-46; State Road-46; Student Code of Conduct; student discipline; students; teacher aides; teachers; Third Street; Willie Agnes Fields
U.S. Census for Central Florida, 1960
Tags: African Americans; agriculture; Amerindians; Anglo Americans; apparel; Armed Forces; Asian Americans; Austrian Americans; automobiles; bars; bartenders; Brevard County; British Americans; bus; buses; business services; Canadian Americans; cars; Caucasian Americans; census; Census of 1960; Central Americans; chemical; Chinese Americans; civilian labor; clerical; college education; communication; construction; cooks; crafts; craftsman; craftsmen; Czech Americans; Czechoslovakian Americans; dairy; Danish Americans; deliverymen; deliverywomen; divorced; domestic services; drinking establishments; drivers; durable goods; Dutch Americans; eating establishments; education; educations; electrical equipment; electrical machinery; elementary education; employees; engineers; English Americans; entertainment; European Americans; fabricated metal; farm managers; farmers; females; Filipino Americans; finance; Finnish Americans; fishery; Flagler County; food; food products; foreman; foremen; forestry; forewoman; forewomen; French Americans; furniture; German Americans; government; Greek Americans; health care; high school education; Hispanic Americans; hospitals; Hungarian Americans; immigrants; immigration; Indians; insurance; Irish Americans; Italian Americans; Japanese Americans; kindergarten; kindred products; Korean War; labor; labor force; laborers; Lake County; Latin Americans; Latinas; Latinos; Lithuanian Americans; lumber; machinery; males; managers; manufacturing; Marion County; marital status; married; mechanics; medical; Mexican Americans; mining; motor vehicles; Native Americans; non-durable goods; non-profit organizations; North Americans; Norwegian Americans; officials; operative; orange county; Osceola County; pedestrians; personal services; Polish Americans; population; Portuguese Americans; primary education; primary metal; printing; professionals; protective services; public administration; public education; public transportation; publishing; railroad services; railroads; railway services; real estate; recreation; repair; restaurants; retail; Romanian Americans; Russian Americans; salaried; sales; sanitary services; Scandinavian Americans; schools; secondary education; self-employed; Seminole County; separated; single; Slovakian Americans; Soviet Americans; streetcars; subways; Swedish Americans; Swiss Americans; teachers; technicak; technicians; textile mills; trade; transportation; transportation equipment; trucking services; U.S. Census; unemployment; university education; utilities; veterans; Volusia County; waiters; waitresses; walking; warehouses; warehousing; welfare; wholesale; widowed; wood products; workers; World War I; World War II; WWI; WWII; Yugoslavian Americans