Browse Items (20 total)
- Tags: The Oviedo Voice
31 Ways to be a Hurricane Helper
A Return to a Normal Schedule
A Special Christmas for All
Athletic Hall of Fame: Oviedo High School Induction Class of 2003
Tags: Alison Parker; Andy Gill; athlete; baseball; basketball; Brooke Asby; captain; Carl Wright; catcher; championship; coach; cross-country; Florida State University; football; FSU; hall of fame; high school; Hubert Priest; Jenny Wise; Jill Wise; Jon Goodwin; Ken Kroog; lacrosse; Lady Knights; linebacker; NCSI; North Carolina State University; OHS; Olympics; Oviedo; Oviedo High School; Oviedo Lions; pitcher; Ray Fore; Ray Williams; school; shortstop; soccer; softball; sport; Steve Bratton; Steve Key; student; swimming; tennis; The Oviedo Voice; track and field; UCF; University of Central Florida; volleyball; Walter Duda; weightlifting; wrestling
City Appoints New Fire Chief, Finance Director
Tags: Bentkofsky; Carolyn White; city government; City of Oviedo; Cynthia Lindsay; Darla Kinney Scoles; Edwin White; finance director; fire chiefs; fire departments; fire protection; firefighters; firefighting; Gerald Seeber; government; local government; OFD; Oviedo; Oviedo City Hall; Oviedo Finance Department; Oviedo Fire and Emergency Services Department; Oviedo Fire Department; The Oviedo Voice
City Supports Application: Hospital Headway?
Tags: Carolyn White; Central Florida Regional Hospital; city councils; city government; City of Oviedo; Darla Kinney Scoles; Edwin White; government; health care; Health Facility Regulation Agency; Healthcare Administration; hospitals; local government; orange county; Oviedo; Oviedo City Council; Oviedo ER; Sanford; Seminole County; state government; The Oviedo Voice
High Water Brings Warnings
Tags: City of Oviedo Citizen Information Line; City Oviedo; floods; Geneva; High Water Warning; Hurricane Frances; hurricanes; Lake Harney; lakes; Little Econ River; Little Econlockhatchee River; Long Lake; natural disasters; rivers; Riverside Park; Round Lake Park; Seminole County; St. Johns River; storms; stormwater; The Oviedo Voice; water; weathers
Hurricane Postponement
Is It Better to Wait on Reform?
Ivan's Coming! Cartoon
Lars White Tries Out Job as Oviedo Fire Chief
Mary Alice Aulin Dies at Age 88
Tags: Alice Kathryn Aulin Bunch; Andrew Aulin III; Andrew Aulin, Jr.; Andrew Aulin, Sr.; Andy Aulin; Bettye Jean Aulin McGill; Bettye Jean Aulin Reagan; Charles Warren Aulin; Charlotte Powell Hawkins; Durward Davis; Esther Powell Lansing; First Baptist Church of Oviedo; HRS; hypokinetic rigid syndrome; idiopathic parkinsonism; Kathryn Aulin Bunch; Lona Aulin Bartlett; Mary Alice Powell Aulin; Mary Lenora Aulin Bartlett; Nelson and Company; Oviedo; Oviedo Cemetery; paralysis agitans; Parkinson's Disease; PD; primary parkinsonism; Sanford; seamstress; seamstresses; switchboard operators; The Oviedo Voice
Oral History of Ingrid Bryant
Tags: A. M. Jones; Anna Marcantoni; bishops; Carlos Velez-Munich; Catholicism; Catholics; Cherokee Junior High School; Chuluota; church; churches; citizenship; City of Oviedo; Clara Lee Wheeler Evans; clergy; cold war; colleges; communism; Country Quick; customer service representatives; Deshaso; Dominic Persampiere; Downtown Oviedo; education; educators; ERP; European Recovery Program; Florida Technological University; FTU; Geneva Drive; George C. Young Federal Courthouse; Grupo Shalom; high schools; immigrants; immigration; Ingrid Bryant; Jeffrey A. Chudnow; Joseph Patrick Hurley; Larry Neely; Laura Feldman; Lockwood Boulevard; Magnolia Avenue; Marshall Plan; McCoy Air Force Base; Most Precious Blood Catholic Church; Munich, Germany; museums; newspapers; Norbert Dorsey; Norbert Mary Leonard James Dorsey; OHS; orlando; Orlando Army Air Field #2; Oviedo; Oviedo High School; Oviedo Historical Society; Oviedo Street; Paul Mikler; Pinecastle AFB; Pinecastle Air Force Base; Pinecastle Army Airfield; priests; renovations; Richard Walsh; schools; students; swimming pools; Taste of Oviedo; teachers; teen clubs; teen nights; The Outlook; The Oviedo Voice; The Seminole Chronicle; UCF; universities; university; University of Central Florida; water department; World War II; WWII
Reduce the Risk of Fire...Get Rid of That Tree
Seminole County Offers Supplies for Income Eligible Households
Tags: Carolyn White; county government; Craig Shadrix; disaster relief; Edwin White; government; Harvest Time International; Hurricane Frances; hurricane relief; hurricanes; local government; Maritime Drive; natural disasters; Sanford; Seminole County; Seminole County Community Development; Seminole County Community Resources; storms; The Oviedo Voice
Something to Say...
Tags: 4-H Tropicana Public Speaking Program; Alex Mross; All Soul's Catholic School; Altamonte Christian School; Ana Caroline Gutierrez; Chris Bathke; competition; Corey Johnson; Double R Private School; Greenwood Lakes Middle School; Hanna Roberson; Indian Trails Middle School; James Mayer; Karina Lisenbee; Kelsey Eagan; Laura Mancuso; Lawton Chiles Middle School; middle school; Millennium Middle School; Milwee Middle School; Oviedo; Page Private School; public speaking; Rachel Macher; Rock Lake Middle School; Sanford Middle School; Sanna Siddiqui; Sarah Thorncroft; school; SCPS; Seminole County; Seminole County Public Schools; Serena Bhatia; Sesheta Mwanza; South Seminole Middle School; student; Teague Middle School; The Oviedo Voice; Tuskawilla Middle School
This Week in Florida History: Woman's Club Makes History
Tags: anniversary; Ben Wheeler; centennial; Charles Dickens; civic club; club; Edith Meade; Everglades National Park; FFWC; Florida Federation of Women's Clubs; General Federation of Woman's Clubs; Georgia Lee Wheeler; GFWC; Green Cove Springs; H. B. McCall; Harry S. Truman; Jane Cunningham Croly; Jennie June; Lillian Della Lee Lawton; Mary King; Mattie Aulin Wheeler; May Mann Jennings; Milcah Yonge; Minna McCall; Oviedo; Oviedo Magazine Club; Oviedo Woman's Club; OWC; P. A. Hamilton; Royal Palm Hammock State Park; T. L. Meade; The Oviedo Voice; Village Improvement Association; Woman's Club; women
Though Few Took Advantage of It, Oviedo Wants to Keep Lower Tolls
Woman's Club Celebrates Centennial
Tags: centennial; Charlyne Carruth; civic club; club; council member; Erin Machaby; FFWC; Florida Federation of Women's Clubs; Glenne Stoner; Great Day in the Country; Jane Denning; Jim Greer; Jonne Sparrow; Mary Gregory; Most Outstanding Federated Woman's Club; Nick Lippincott; OFD; OHS; OPD; Oviedo; Oviedo City Council; Oviedo Fire Department; Oviedo High School; Oviedo Police Department; Oviedo Woman's Club; OWC; Philanthropic Committee; Regina Beriswell; Susan Witty; The Oviedo Voice; Woman's Club; women