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- Tags: ceramic
A History of Central Florida, Episode 2: Ceramic Pots
Tags: A History of Central Florida; Archaic Period; burial; burial mound; Central American; ceramic; ceramic pots; check stamped pottery; Clarke, Bob; clay; clay pottery; documentary; Florida Museum of Natural History; Ford, Chip; Gibson, Ella; Kelley, Katie; Louisiana; Mesoamerica; Milanich, Jerald T.; Native American; New Smyrna Museum of history; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; orange fiber tempered pottery; Paleolithic Era; podcast; pot; pottery; pottery shard; Poverty Point; Poverty Point State Historic Site; religion; ritual; Robert Cassanello; Sams Ave.; Sams Avenue; spirituality; St. Johns Culture; St. Johns River; UF; University of Florida; Upper Paleolithic Era; Wallis, Neill J.
Oviedo Area Map and Business Guide
Tags: 1st Street; 2nd Street; 3rd Street; 4th Street; A. L. Yates, Jr.; Academy Street; Albert Cornelison; Albert's Jewelers; Allendale Drive; Altamonte Springs; art; Artesia Street; Ash Street; Audley Street; Auline Avenue; Austin Avenue; Avenue A; Avenue B; Avenue C; bank; banking industry; Bay Street; Beasley Road; Beech Street; Beverly Street; Big Tree; Bird Island; Bob Slaton; Boston Avenue; Boston Cemetery Road; Boston Street; Broadway Avenue; Broadway Street; Bumby View Drive; business; Cameron City; Canaan; Carib Lane; Carissa Lane; Carolyn Drive; Carver Avenue; Casselberry; Cedar Chest of Fashion Fabrics; Celery Avenue; Celery Circle; Central Avenue; ceramic; Chapel Street; Chapman Road; Ci Gi's; Citizens Bank of Oviedo; Citrus Avenue; Clark Street; Clonts Street; Colonial Drive; Crystal Avenue; Crystal Circle; Cypress Avenue; day care; Division Avenue; Dixie Gas Industries, Inc.; Doctor's Drive; Douglas Avenue; Downtown Oviedo; drug store; Eatonville; Eileen's Creative Mud Ceramics; Evans Street; Fairvilla; Faulk road; Fern Avenue; Fern Park; fertilizer; fertilizer industry; Field Street; First Street; Florida State Road 17-92; Florida State Road 415; Florida State Road 419; Florida State Road 420; Florida State Road 426; Florida State Road 431; Florida State Road 436; Florida State Road 46; Florida State Road 50; Florida Technological University; florist; Forest City; Forest Grove; Forest Trail; Fourth Street; Franklin Street; FTU; Gabriella; Garden Street; GE; General Electric; Geneva Drive; Goldenrod; Graham Avenue; H. P. Leu Botanical Gardens; Hamilton Avenue; hardware; Harrison Street; High Street; highway; hwardware industry; I-4; Interstate Highway 4; Italian; Jackson Street; Jamestown; jewelert; Kandel; Kimble Avenue; King Street; Kraft Azalea Gardens; Lake Charm; Lake Charm Circle; Lake Charm Drive; Lake Gem; Lake Hayes; Lake Hayes Road; Lake Jessup Avenue; Lake Mary; Lake Norma; Lake Road; Lake Rogers; Lake Rosa; Lawn Street; Lawton Avenue; Lee Avenuie; Lee Road; Lightwood Knot Canal; Lightwood Knot Creek; Lincoln Parkway; Lindsay Lane; Lingo Street; Little Econockhatchee Creek; Live Oak Lane; Long Lake; Longwood; Louise Avenue; Magnolia Street; Maitland; map; Maple Court; Mead Botanical Gardens; Mead Drive; meat; meat industry; Meat World; Middle Street; Midget City; Mimosa Trail; Mission Road; Mitchell Avenue; Mitchell Hammock Road; Muck Street; Myrtle Street; Naval Training Center Orlando; Nelson Hardware Store; Norma Avenue; Norwood Court; NTC Orlando; nursery; Nursery Street; Oak Circle; Oak Drive; Orange Avenue; Orangewood Drive; orlando; Orlando Sports Stadium; Orlando-Seminole Jai Alai Front; Oviedo; Oviedo Body and Paint Shop; Oviedo Child Care Center, Inc.; Oviedo Country Smoke House; Oviedo Drug Store; Oviedo Florists; Oviedo Saw and Mower; Oviedo Shopping Center; Palm Drive; Palm Way; Palmetto Street; Pemberton Street; Pembrple Avenue; Pennsylvania Avenue; pharmacy; Pine Avenue; Pine Street; Poulan; preschool; RCA; Red Bug Lake Road; Reed Road; restaurant; retail; Rich Drive; road; Rollings College; Rose Texaco; Round Lake; Ruth Street; Sanford; Sanford-Orlando Kennel Club; school; SCL; Seaboard Coast Line Railroad; Second Street; Shady Lane; Sharon Court; Slavia; Smith Street; Snapper; Southwood Court; SR 17-92; SR 415; SR 419; SR 420; SR 426; SR 431; SR 436; SR 46; SR 50; Stale Avenue; Stephen Avenue; street; Sweetwater Canal; Sylvan Lake; Tangerine Avenue; Taylor Street; Teleflora; television; Temple Terrace; Terrace Drivel Domer Street; Tesinsky Automotive; Third Street; Tomoka Drive; Tranquil Oaks Lane; True Value Hardware Stores; UCF; Union Park; University of Central Florida; Valenica Court; Vicki Vourt; Vine Street; Wagner; Washington Drive; Wekiwa Springs; Wheelco; Wheeler Fertilizer Company; Wilkerson Street; Willet Ad Maps; Winter Park; Wood Street; Woodcrest Circle
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, New Podcast Preview: A History of Central Florida
Tags: A History of Central Florida; African American; Ancient Egypt; Ancient Egyptian; archaeology; aritst; art; BBC; beads; bell; boat; Bok Tower Gardens; Bok, Mary L. Curtis; British Broadcasting Corporation; burial; bus; bus driver; canoe; casket; Catholic Church; Catholicism; ceramic; chimney; college sport; college student; collegiate wear; copper; copper beads; cross; Cross, Philip; desegregation; diesel locomotive; documentary; educator; Egypt; Egyptian; England; fashion; fishing; Gainesville; Graham, Emily; Grand Dragon; Grand Imperial Wizard; grave; Great Lakes; Greyhound; hate group; historical society; History of the World in 100 Objects; integration; Kelley, Doug; KKK; Ku Klux Klan; Lake Apopka; Lane, Jack Constant; Latin; Maitland; Maitland Art Center; Maitland Research Studio; Mickey Mouse; Milanich, Jerald T.; museum; Native American; Newton, Michael; Piliklikaha; podcast; prayer; race relations; racism; railroad; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Robert Cassanello; Rollins College; rowboat; runaway slave; Russia; Russian; Russian Samovar; saint; Saint Benedict of Nursia; samovar; segregation; Seminole; slave; slave catcher; slavery; Smith, J. André; Solonari, Vladimir; souvenir; sport fishing; sports; St. Benedict Medal; St. Johns River; steam locomotive; student; tea; theme park; tourism; tourist; tourist attraction; trade; trade expedition; trade netowkr; trade network; Trailways Transportation System; train; train bell; UCF; University of Central Florida; Walt Disney World; Weisman, Brent; Wentz, Rachel K.; white supremacy; Windover Burial Site; wrecking crew; Wright, Stephen Caldwell