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An advertisement produced to showcase the advent of mid-century modernism in Orlando, Florida. The film depicts marketing strategies aimed at attracting white middle-to-upper class men in either military or defense technology engineering professions.…

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Ashley Williams at Restore Orlando's game night. Created by Jerry Applebee and Polly Applebee in 1994, the Restore Orlando's after-school program organized outings such as horseback riding and helicopter rides. The Applebees were affiliated with the…

Flagpole and green at the Sanford Country Club and Golf Course during construction in 1922. The land for the club and course was originally purchased as a portion of a 20,000-acre tract by General Joseph Finegan for $40. In 1870, Henry Sanford…

An original letter of correspondence between Joshua Coffin Chase and A. M. Taylor. Topics discussed in the letter include Chase's gratitude for his visit with Mr. Wilson to the St. Augustine Country Club and Chase's brother, Sydney Octavius Chase's…

An original letter of correspondence between brothers and business partners Joshua Coffin Chase and Sydney Octavius Chase. Topics discussed in the letter include the expected arrival of a golf expert to lay out the course of the new country club.The…

An original letter of correspondence between brothers and business partners Joshua Coffin Chase and Sydney Octavius Chase. Topics discussed in the letter include golf course engineer and landscaper William Langford, the development of the course at…

An original letter of correspondence between brothers and business partners Joshua Coffin Chase and Sydney Octavius Chase. Topics discussed in the letter include the status of the Ingrahams and the St. Augustine Country Club.Chase & Company was…

An original letter of correspondence between brothers and business partners Joshua Coffin Chase and Sydney Octavius Chase. Topics discussed in the letter include the formation of the Sanford Country Club and Golf Course and the type of grass used at…

An original letter of correspondence between brothers and business partners Joshua Coffin Chase and Sydney Octavius Chase. Topics discussed in the letter include the completion of the contract with Cameron Trent to develop the Sanford Country Club…

An original letter of correspondence between brothers and business partners Joshua Coffin Chase and Sydney Octavius Chase. Topics discussed in the letter include information that Lee Guest would send to Sydney in regards to the Municipal Golf course…

An original letter of correspondence between Joshua Coffin Chase and golf course engineer and landscaper William Langford. Topics discussed in the letter include Langford mapping a golf course for the Sanford Country Club and Golf Course.The Sanford…

Fairolyn Livingston Oral History Transcript.pdf
An oral history interview of Fairolyn H. Livingston, chief historian of the Hannibal Square Heritage Center in Winter Park, Florida. The interview was conducted by Geoffrey Cravero at the Hannibal Square Heritage Center on December 12, 2019. Some of…

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An unidentified student and an unidentified volunteer at Restore Orlando's game night in the early-to-mid 1990s. Created by Jerry Applebee and Polly Applebee in 1994, the Restore Orlando's after-school program organized outings such as horseback…

Ep 52 Jim Clark Pt. 2.mp3
Episode 52, Part 2 of RICHES Podcast Documentaries: An Interview with Jim Clark. RICHES Podcast Documentaries are short form narrative documentaries that explore Central Florida history and are locally produced. These podcasts can involve the…

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Construction of Hole #5 at the Sanford Country Club and Golf Course sometime during 1922 and 1924. The land for the course was originally purchased as a portion of a 20,000-acre tract by General Joseph Finegan for $40. In 1870, Henry Sanford…

The Maitland News was a local newspaper originally published by the Maitland Realty Company (and later by the Maitland News Company) which began circulation in April 1926. This edition features articles on topics such as the completion of the city…

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The Maitland News was a local newspaper originally published by the Maitland Realty Company (and later by the Maitland News Company) which began circulation in April 1926. This edition features articles on topics such as Maitland's efforts to obtain…

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Workmen clearing Hole #4 green at the Sanford Country Club using teams of horses and shovels. Sanford Country Club and Golf Course was originally purchased as a portion of a 20,000-acre tract by General Joseph Finegan for $40. In 1870, Henry Sanford…
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