Browse Items (112 total)
- Collection: Friends of Lake Apopka Collection
Agreement to Establish the Oklawaha River Basin Improvement Council
Tags: algae; Bill Chappell; Central Florida Agricultural Institute; citrus processing industry; Dean Maloney; Don Fuqua; East Central Florida Regional Planning Council; eutrophication; Florida Citrus Mutual; Florida Department of Air and Water Pollution Control; Florida Department of Pollution Control; Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission; Florida Inter-Local Cooperation Act of 1969; Gourd Neck Springs; Lake Apopka; Lake Dora; Lake Eustis; Lou Frey; Louis Frey, Jr.; Ocklawaha Basin; Oklawaha River Basin Improvement Council; sewage disposal plants; Southwest Florida Water Management District; St. Johns River; stormwater drainage; UF; University of Florida; water hyacinths; William V. Chappell, Jr.
Apopka Restoration Plan Revealed
Florida From the House...To Your Home Newsletter, March 1972
Tags: Apollo 15; BC News; BCC; benzoylmethylecgonine; Bill Chappell; Brevard Community College; budgets; Cape Kennedy; China; Chris Frey; cocaine; Coke; colleges; Congress; deficits; DOL; Don Fuqua; drug task force; drug trafficking; drug wars; drugs; educational Florida Institute of Technology; election reform; FECA; Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971; FIT; Florida Technological University; FTU; heroin; James Day Hodgson; John Chafee; John Lester Hubbard Chafee; Jules Bergman; Julie Frey; Lake Apopka; lake restoration; Lauren Frey; Lou Frey; Lou Frey, Jr.; Louis Frey, Jr.; Lynne Frey; Manned Spaceflight; Marcia Frey; Marcia Turner; Mexico; MIA; Miami; missing in action; narcotics; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Newsweek; OASDI; Oklawaha River Basin Improvement Council; Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance; Oscar Flores Sánchez; outer space; poppies; Poppy; POW; price controls; Prisoner of War; Regional Environmental Training and Research Organization; RETRO; Richard Milhous Nixon; Richard Nixon; Russia; Social Security; Social Security Trust Fund; Space Shuttles; Temporary Wage and Price Controls; U.S. Congress; U.S. Department of Labor; U.S. House of Representatives; U.S. Representatives; U.S. Senate; unemployment; universities; university; Vietnam War; wage busting; wage controls; War on Drugs; William V. Chappell, Jr.
House Slates Hearings on Marco Report
Tags: dredge-and-fill permits; dredging; Florida House Natural Resources Committee; Florida House of Representatives; Gene Stearns; IIF; Internal Improvement Fund; J. Edward Burgess, Jr.; Joel Kuperberg; land development; Marco Island; Marco Island Development Corporation; Reubin Askew; Reubin O'Donovan Askew; Richard A. Pettigrew
Proposed Interim Agricultural Pollution Abatement Plan
Tags: abatement; agricultural pollution; basins; Central Florida Agricultural Institute; contaminants; drainage; drainage pumps; East Central Florida Regional Planning Council; eutrophication; fertilization; government regulations; Lake Apopka; marsh; marshes; muck farmers; muck farming; muck farms; research; water quality; Water Quality Management Plans
Interim Lake Apopka Report (August 1974)
Tags: 1947 Fort Lauderdale hurricane; agricultural pollution; algae; Allen E. Arthur; ameirus catus; ameirus nebulosus; Apopka-Beauclair Canal; boating; brown bullhead catfish; C. W. Sheffield; citrus processing industry; DDT; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; dissolved oxygen; eel; Environmental Endangered Lands Program; Ernest H. Cowen; eutrophication; fertilizers; fish kills; fishing; Florida Wildlife Magazine; Fred Harden; Gourd Neck Springs; Hurricane of 1947; Interagency Planning Committee on Environmental Endangered Lands; Jim Harrell; Joe Crumpton; John Bateman; Lake Apopka; Lake Carlton; lake drawdown; Matt Cross; muck farms; Neil Westbrook; nitrogen; Norman W. Hart, Jr.; Oklawaha River Basin; Oklawaha River Basin Restoration Council; Orlando Area Chamber of Commerce; pesticides; phosphates; sewage treatment plants; Southwest Florida Water Management District; Tom Sawicki; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; water hyacinth; water management; water quality; white catfish; Zellwood Drainage District
Notice of Public Hearing on Lake Apopka Restoration
Tags: environmental restoration; FDNR; FDOT; FDPC; First Federal Savings and Loan Association; Florida Department of Natural Resources; Florida Department of Pollution Control; Florida Department of Transportation; Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission; Florida Senate; GFC; Kenneth A. Plante; Lake Apopka; pollution; Walter Sims
StreamLines, No. 2 (March 1977)
Tags: 208 Program; Bob Dillard; citrus groves; East Central Florida Regional Planning Council; ECFRPC; Environmental Protection Agency; EPA; eutrophication; FDER; Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972; Florida Department of Environmental Regulation; John Bateman; John F. Hurlebaus; Lake Apopka; lake drawdown; Lake Eola; Lake Lawne; Lake Weston; muck farms; orlando; sewage treatments plants; sport fishing; water management
Lake Apopka: A Fact Sheet for Public Meetings
Tags: algae; Apopka-Beauclair Canal; citrus processing industry; DER; Eichhornia crassipes; eutrophication; FDPC; fish kills; Florida Department of Environmental Regulation; Florida Department of Pollution Control; Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission; GFC; Hurricane of 1947; Jay Landers; Joseph W. Landers, Jr.; Lake Apopka; Lake Dora; Lake Eustis; largemouth bass; Micropterus dolomieu; Micropterus salmoides; muck farms; Oklawaha River; Reubin Askew; Reubin O'Donovan Askew; smallmouth bass; St. Johns River; water hyacinth; West Orange Chamber of Commerce; Winter Garden
Water Resources Restoration and Preservation Program Projects
Tags: aquifers; Bayou Chico; Bayou Texar; Big Hickory Pass; Cape Coral; citrus groves; DER; EIS; Environmental Impact Statement; Environmental Protection Agency; EPA; estuaries; estuary; FIT; Florida Department of Environmental Regulation; Florida Institute of Technology; Florida State University; FSU; Hawthorne Aquifer; Lake Apopka; Lake Apopka Restoration Project; Lake Carlton; lake drawdown; Lake Eola; Lake Jackson; Lake Lulu; Lake Washington; muck farms; Office of Lake Restoration; Pollution Recovery Trust Fund; Pond Creek; saltwater intrusion; Sanibel River; Water Resources Restoration and Preservation Program; wetlands; WRR&P