Browse Items (16 total)
- Tags: Plant Street
12 West Plant Street, Winter Garden
Tags: bakeries; bakery; barbershop; barbershops; beer parlor; beer parlors; Bland, Allen; Bowers, Katherine; Boyd, Benjamin T.; Dillard, James L.; Jones, Albert E.; Kenneday, Lewis L.; Leader Department Store; Lyric Theatre; meat markets; Mims, A. D.; Plant Street; real estate; Reddick, J. S.; Tibbals-Rexall Drugs; Winter Garden; Winter Garden Pharmacy
126 West Plant Street, Winter Garden
Tags: Ace Hardware; bakeries; bakery; Bray, Dora; Bray, Evelyn Lease; Bray, George W. "Buttles"; Bray, George W., Jr.; Bumby, Joseph; cafes; hardware; Joseph Bumby Hardware Company; McMillan-Bray Hardware Company; McMillan, Malcolm Y.; Plant Street; Sweet Traditions French Bakery & Cafe; Toole, Patti; Toole, Walter; Winter Garden
Bank of Winter Garden, 1912
Black Building
Construction of the First Baptist Church of Winter Garden
Construction of the Shelby Hotel
Corner of Main Street and Plant Street
Edgewater Hotel
First Baptist Church of Winter Garden
First National Bank of Winter Garden
Intersection of Plant Street and Main Street in Winter Garden Before the Fire of 1912
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 18: Winter Garden's 20th Century: Boom, Bust and Rebirth
Tags: ACL; Atlantic Coast Railroad Company; Avalon; bust; Cappleman, Kay; Central Florida Museum; cinema; citrus; citrus grove; citrus industry; Cross, Phil; documentary; Downtown Winter Garden; Dr. Philips; farming; freeze; Gannon, Barbara A.; Garden Theatre; Gotha; grove; historic preservation; historic renovation; housing; hurricane; land boom; land development; McMillan, Alana; National Railway Historical Society; news; Niemi, Nicholas; night life; Oakland; orange; orange grove; orange industry; Plant Street; podcast; Polk County; population growth; preservation; railroad; real estate; real estate industry; renovation; revitalization; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; shipping; suburb; suburban; Tavares; Tavares, Eustis & Gulf Railroad; theater; theme park; turpentine; turpentine industry; Walt Disney World; West Orange Trail; WGHF; Windermere; Winter Garden; Winter Garden Heritage Foundation
South Apopka Supply Company
South Intersection of Main Street and Plant Street, Winter Garden
Tags: Boyd; business districts; Croft and Jones Grocery; Dillard and Boyd General Merchandise Store; Dillard, James Lafayette; dry goods; groceries; grocery stores; hotels; Jones; Main Street; Orange Hotel; Plant Street; railroad cars; railroads; railways; shops; Tavares and Gulf Railroad Company; trains; Winter Garden