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- Tags: commissioner
Sanford State Farmer's Market
Sanford Farmers Market is Third Largest in State: Annual Business is Around $700,000 in Florida Products
Tags: 13th Street; Arcadia; Balmes, George; Bonifay; Branford; Bushnell; Central Florida; Chase and Company; Chipley; citrus; Cocoa; commissioner; Commissioner of Agriculture; cooling room; Dade City; Dawson, C. R.; DeFuniak Springs; Dorner, Fred F.; Dunn, Charles Sr.; farmers; farmers’ market; federal government; Florida City; Fort Pierce; French Avenue; fruit; Haines, B. F.; Holly Hill; Jay; Johnson, Alex R.; La Belle; Lake City; Lee, Charles; Leffler, William A.; Lehman, H. J.; Lehman, Karl; Live Oak; Marianna; Mayo, Nathan; Meisch, Frank; Meisch, John; Nickel, Henry; packing house; Papworth, Harry M.; Pompano Beach; Postal Telegraph; Rhodes, L. M.; Sanford; Sanford State Farmers' Market; Sanford State Farmers' Market Advisory Board; Schmach, Gus; Seminole County; Starke; Thirteenth Street; Titusville; Tooke, Harry; vegetable; Wauchula; Western Union; wholesale; Wight, Ralph B.; Williston
Notables to Be Here for Dedication: Public Urged to Join High State Officers in Ceremonies Set for 2:30 Tomorrow
Tags: 13th Street; ACL; administrator; Apgar, T. K.; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Brant, Martin J.; Central Florida; chamber of commerce; City of Sanford; commissioner; Commissioner of Agriculture; congressman; dedication; Dorner, Fred F.; farmers’ mark; farming; Federal Emergency Relief Administration; FERA; Florida Governor; Florida State Comptroller; Florida State Marketing Commissioner; Florida state senator; Florida State Treasurer; French Avenue; governor; Hiatt, S. W.; Knott; Lee, J. M.; Leffler, William A.; Lehmann, Karl; marketing; Mayo, Nathan; Meisch, John; Michael, J. G.; O'Kelley, E. B.; O'Kelley, E.B.; Papworth, Harry M.; Parrish, J. J.; Rhodes, L. M.; Sanford; Sanford Rotary Club; Sanford State Farmers' Market; Scholtz, David; Sears, Joe; Seminole County; senator; Shinholser, S. O.; Shinholser, S.O.; Smith, W. R.; superintendent; Swope, O. P.; The Sanford Herald; Thirteenth Street; Thurston, Peter; Valdez Hotel; Walker, J. P.; warehouse; WDBO; wholesale; Williams, Susan; Williams, William N.
Market to Be Ready for Use This Fall: Better Facility to Be Built
The Sanford State Farmers' Market, located at 1300 South French Avenue, was founded in 1934 in order to…
Tags: 13th Street; Agricultural Extension Service; commissioner; Commissioner of Agriculture; farmers' market; fire; French Avenue; Lewis, L. H.; Mayo, Nathan; Sanford; Sanford City Commission; Sanford City Hall; Sanford State Farmers' Market; Skinner, Tom; The Sanford Herald; Thirteenth Street; Thompson, Lee
Letter from Sydney Octavius Chase to Joshua Coffin Chase (August 29, 1927)
Letter from Sydney Octavius Chase to Joshua Coffin Chase (August 10, 1927)
Tags: Asheville, North Carolina; bond; California; Chairman of the County Commissioners; Chase and Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; Chase, Sydney Octavius; citrus; citrus growers; citrus industry; Clearing House; Clearing House proposition; Commander; commissioner; farmer; Gainesville; Isleworth Grove; Lake, Forrest; Mayo, Nathan; mayor; Mayor of Sanford; Newton; Payne, L. L.; Pratt; prune; prune industry; road proposition; Robinson, J. Curtis; Sanford; Skelly; Sunniland
FERA Will Furnish Labor, Materials to Build Market Here: Immediate Construction of $75,000 Plant Authorized at Meeting Today
The Sanford State Farmers' Market, located at 1300 South French Avenue,…
Tags: 13th Street; Balmes, George E.; Central Florida; City of Sanford; commissioner; Commissioner of Agriculture; Connor, Jerome A.; construction; Dorner, Fred F.; farmers' market; Federal Emergency Relief Administration; FERA; Florida Agricultural Mortgaging Board; Florida Department of Agriculture; French Avenue; Johnson, Alex R.; Mayo, Nathan; Packard, Rex; Rhodes; Sanford; Sanford State Farmers' Market; Seminole Agricultural Club; Seminole County Chamber of Commerce; Sholtz,David; South Florida; The Sanford Herald; Thirteenth Street
Farmers Market to Be Immediately Rebuilt; Cabinet Meets Today
Tags: 13th Street; Anderson Refrigeration Service; Anderson, Sandy; cabinet; Chase & Company; Cleveland, Mack N., Jr.; Collins, LeRoy; commissioner; Commissioner of Agriculture; Corley, Joe; Downtown Sanford; Emerson, J. A.; farmers' market; fire; fire chief; fire insurance; Frederick, Gordon V.; French Avenue; Goldsboro; governor; Henson, Darrell; insurance; Johnson, A. L.; Johnson, M. J.; Justice, W. Leonard; Kastner, Harold; Kirchhoff, W.E.; Larson, J. Edwin; Lewis, L. H.; Market News Service; Mayo, Nathan; Pate, Theo; Phillips, C. R.; representative; Ripe and Ready Tomato Company; Robinson, Robby; Sanford; Sanford Fire Department; Sanford State Farmers' Market; senator; State Fire Fund; Strenstrom, Douglas; Stymes, Roy; The Sanford Herald; Thirteenth Street; Thompson, Lee; Took, Harry; Tooke, Harry; U.S. Navy; Winn-Dixie
"My First Trip to Tampa" Manuscript
Tags: Arcadia; Atwood Grove; Auburndale; Bartow; Belair Grove; Boggy Creek; Carter, Silas B.; Chase and Company; Chase, Sydney Octavius; Collins House; commissioner; courthouse; Fort Davenport; Fort Meade; Hayden; Henderson; Hillsborough River; Hughes; Ingraham; Kissimmee; Lafayette Street Bridge; Little Manatee; Long; Miller; Miller & Henderson; orlando; Overstreet Arcade; palmetto; Parrish; Patrick; plant; Plant City; Platt; Platt Grove; reservation; Saddle Creek; Sanford; Six Mile Creek; snake country; Sparkman, S. M.; steamer line; sugar mill; Tampa; Tampa Bay; Trafford; Winter Haven; Yates