Browse Items (65 total)
- Tags: space exploration
A Great Trip in a Sweet Bird
Tags: Air Force; Air Force Space Systems Division; blockhouses; Cal Fowler; Calvin D. Fowler; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; CCAFS; GDA; General Dynamics/Astronautics; Launch Complex 14; Launch Conductor; LC-14; LC-14 Blockhouse; Mercury; Mercury-Atlas; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; Plattsburgh Press-Republican; Project Mercury; Sigma 7; space exploration; space programs; U.S. Air Force; U.S. Air Force Space Systems Division
A Hallmark for Space
A History of Central Florida, Episode 47: John Young's Flight Suit
Tags: A History of Central Florida; Amy Foster; astronaut; Bob Clarke; Bob Crippen; Cathleen Lewis Lewis; Central Boulevard; Challenger; Chip Ford; Daniel Velásquez; Downtown Orlando; Ella Gibson; John F. Kennedy Space Center; John Watts Young; Johnson Space Center; JSC; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Kennedy Space Center; KSC; launch; Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center; Merritt Island; military; Moon; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; orbiter; orlando; outer space; pilot; podcast; Robert "Bob" Laurel Crippen; Robert Cassanello; Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum; space; space exploration; Space Shuttle; Space Shuttle Columbia; Space Transportation System; spacecraft; spacesuit; STS; STS-1; UCF; University of Central Florida
Apollo 8 Awaiting Liftoff at John F. Kennedy Space Center Launch Complex 39A
Astronaut Gordon Cooper
Tags: Air Force; Astronaut Group 1; astronauts; Colonel; Faith 7; Gemini; Gordo Cooper; Gordon Cooper; Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr.; Mercury; Mercury 7; Mercury Seven; Mercury-Atlas; Mercury-Atlas 9; Mercury-Atlas Nine; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Original Seven; outer space; Project Gemini; Project Mercury; space exploration; space programs; space suits; U.S. Air Force
Astronaut Gordon Cooper and Dr. Calvin D. Fowler at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14
Tags: Astronaut Group 1; astronauts; Atlas; Atlas 130D; Cal Fowler; Calvin D. Fowler; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; CCAFS; Faith 7; Gordo Cooper; Gordon Cooper; Launch Complex 14; Launch Pad 14; LC-14; Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr.; MA-9; Mercury; Mercury 7; Mercury Seven; Mercury-Atlas; Mercury-Atlas 9; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Original Seven; outer space; Project Mercury; space exploration; space programs
Astronaut Gordon Cooper and Dr. Calvin D. Fowler Signing Rocket
Tags: Astronaut Group 1; astronauts; Atlas; Cal Fowler; Calvin D. Fowler; Faith 7; GDA; General Dynamics/Astronautics; Gordo Cooper; Gordon Cooper; Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr.; MA-9; Mercury; Mercury 7; Mercury Seven; Mercury-Atlas; Mercury-Atlas 9; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Original Seven; outer space; Project Mercury; San Diego, California; space exploration; space programs
Astronaut Gordon Cooper and Faith 7 Capsule at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14
Tags: Astronaut Group 1; astronauts; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; Capsules; CCAFS; Faith 7; Gordo Cooper; Gordon Cooper; Launch Complex 14; Launch Pad 14; LC-14; Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr.; MA-9; Mercury; Mercury 7; Mercury Seven; Mercury-Atlas; Mercury-Atlas 9; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Original Seven; outer space; Project Mercury; space exploration; space programs
Astronaut Gordon Cooper at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14 Launchpad
Tags: Astronaut Group 1; astronauts; B. G. MacNabb; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; CCAFS; Faith 7; GDA; General Dynamics/Astronautics; Gordo Cooper; Gordon Cooper; Guenter Wendt; Günter F. Wendt; Günter Wendt; Launch Complex 14; Launch Pad 14; LC-14; Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr.; MA-9; McDonnell Aircraft Corporation; Mercury 7; Mercury Seven; Mercury-Atlas; Mercury-Atlas 9; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Original Seven; outer space; Project Mercury; space exploration; space program; space programs
Astronaut Gordon Cooper Autograph
Tags: Astronaut Group 1; astronauts; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; CCAFS; Faith 7; Gordo Cooper; Gordon Cooper; Launch Complex 14; Launch Pad 14; LC-14; Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr.; MA-9; Mercury; Mercury 7; Mercury Seven; Mercury-Atlas; Mercury-Atlas 9; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Original Seven; outer space; Project Mercury; space exploration; space programs; Space Walk of Fame Museum; U.S. Space Walk of Fame Museum
Astronaut Gordon Cooper Recovered After Splashdown
Astronaut Gordon Cooper with Management Team at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14
Tags: Astronaut Group 1; astronauts; Atlas 130D; B. G. MacNabb; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; CCAFS; Faith 7; GDA; General Dynamics/Astronautics; Gordo Cooper; Gordon Cooper; Launch Complex 14; Launch Pad 14; LC-14; Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr.; MA-9; Mercury; Mercury 7; Mercury Seven; Mercury-Atlas; Mercury-Atlas 9; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Original Seven; outer space; Project Mercury; space exploration; space programs
Astronaut Wally Schirra
Tags: Astronaut Group 1; astronauts; Cal Fowler; Calvin D. Fowler; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; Launch Complex 14; LC-14; MA-8; Mercury; Mercury 7; Mercury Seven; Mercury-Atlas; Mercury-Atlas 8; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Original Seven; outer space; Project Mercury; Sigma 7; space exploration; space programs; Wally Schirra; Walter Marty Schirra, Jr.
Astronaut Wally Schirra and B. G. MacNabb
Tags: astronauts; B. G. MacNabb; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; CCAFS; GDA; General Dynamics/Astronautics; Hangar S; Mercury; moat; moats; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; Project Mercury; Sigma 7; space exploration; space programs; Wally Schirra; Walter Marty Schirra, Jr.
Astronauts' Biggest 'Booster': Button Pusher with Prime Job
Tags: abort sensing and information system; ASIS; astronauts; Atlas; Atlas 130-D; Cal Fowler; Calvin D. Fowler; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14; Carpenter, Malcolm Scott; Carpenter, Scott; CCAFS; GDA; General Dynamics/Astronautics; Gordo Cooper; Gordon Cooper; launch; Launch Complex 14; launches; LC-14; Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr.; Mercury; Mercury-Atlas; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; Peter Reich; Project Mercury; Reich, Peter; space exploration; space programs; spacecraft; Wally Schirra; Walter Marty Schirra, Jr.
Atlas Core Arriving at Cape Canaveral
Tags: Atlas; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; CCAFS; Convair; Convair/General Dynamics; General Dynamics; Launch Complex 14; LC-14; Mercury; missiles; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; Project Mercury; Skid Strip; space exploration; space programs
Atlas Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Fuel Loading Test at Fairchild Air Force Base
Tags: 31-E; AFB; Air Force Base; Atlas; Fairchild AFB; Fairchild Air Force Base; fueling tests; General Dynamics/Astronautics; ICBM; intercontinental ballistic missiles; launch sites; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; silos; space exploration; space programs; U.S. Air Force
Atlas Rocket Under Construction at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14
Tags: Astronaut Group 1; Atlas 130D; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; CCAFS; Faith 7; Launch Complex 14; Launch Pad 14; LC-14; MA-9; Mercury 7; Mercury Seven; Mercury-Atlas; Mercury-Atlas 9; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Original Seven; outer space; Project Mercury; space exploration; space programs
B. G. MacNabb with Astronaut Gordon Cooper
Tags: Astronaut Group 1; astronauts; B. G. MacNabb; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; CCAFS; Faith 7; GDA; General Dynamics/Astronautics; Gordo Cooper; Gordon Cooper; Launch Complex 14; Launch Pad 14; LC-14; Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr.; MA-9; Mercury; Mercury 7; Mercury Seven; Mercury-Atlas; Mercury-Atlas 9; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Original Seven; outer space; Project Mercury; space exploration; space programs
Cal Fowler and Others at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14
Tags: Cal Fowler; Calvin D. Fowler; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; CCAFS; GDA; General Dynamics/Astronautics; Launch Complex 14; Launch Complex Manager; LC-14; Mercury; Mercury-Atlas; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; Project Mercury; space exploration; space programs
Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 13 Launch Tote Board
Tags: Atlas; blockhouses; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; CCAFS; Convair; Convair Astronautics Division; GDA; General Dynamics Corporation; General Dynamics/Astronautics; Launch Complex 13; Launch Complex 13 Blockhouse; launches; LC-13; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; space exploration; space programs; tote boards
Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14 Blockhouse
Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14 Blockhouse Launch Tote Board
Tags: blockhouses; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; Launch Complex 14; Launch Complex 14 Blockhouse; launch tote boards; LC-14; Mercury; Mercury-Atlas; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; Project Mercury; space exploration; space programs
Dr. Calvin D. Fowler and Wayne Reid at Launch Conductor's Workstation in Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14
Tags: Aerospace Corporation; blockhouses; Cal Fowler; Calvin D. Fowler; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; CCAFS; GDA; General Dynamics/Astronautics; Launch Complex 14; Launch Conductor; LC-14; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; space exploration; space programs; Wayne Reid
Dr. Calvin D. Fowler Applying His Engineering Hallmark
Tags: Apollo 17; Apollo Project; Fowler, Cal; Fowler, Calvin "Cal" D.; GE; General Electric Company; hallmark; hallmark of excellence; inspection; John F. Kennedy Space Center; Kennedy Space Center; KSC; Manned Flight Awareness; MFA; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; space; space exploration; space program
Dr. Calvin D. Fowler as a Test Conductor at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 11
Dr. Calvin D. Fowler at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14 Blockhouse's Launch Conductor Console
Tags: blockhouses; Cal Fowler; Calvin D. Fowler; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; Launch Complex 14; Launch Complex 14 Blockhouse; Launch Conductor; LC-14; Mercury; Mercury-Atlas; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; Project Mercury; space exploration; space programs
Dr. Calvin D. Fowler Exiting Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14 Blockhouse
Tags: blockhouses; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; Fowler, Cal; Fowler, Calvin "Cal" D.; GDA; General Dynamics/Astronautics; Launch Complex 14; Launch Complex 14 Blockhouse; launch tote board; LC-14; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; space exploration; space programs; tote boards
Dr. Calvin D. Fowler Interviewed After Astronaut Gordon Cooper's Spaceflight
Tags: airplanes; Astronaut Group 1; astronauts; Atlas 130D; Cal Fowler; Calvin D. Fowler; Cocoa Beach; Faith 7; Goddard Space Flight Center; Gordo Cooper; Gordon Cooper; John Glenn; John Herschel Glenn, Jr.; Kearsarge; Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr.; MA-9; Manned Spacecraft Center; Mercury; Mercury 7; Mercury Control Center; Mercury Seven; Mercury-Atlas; Mercury-Atlas 9; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Original Seven; outer space; planes; Project Mercury; Robert B. Voss; space exploration; space programs; spaceflight; USS Kearsarge; Wiley Hardeman Post; Wiley Post
Dr. Calvin D. Fowler Trying on a Space Suit at John F. Kennedy Space Center
Dr. Calvin D. Fowler Using Launch Console at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14 Blockhouse
Tags: Aurora 7; blockhouses; Cal Fowler; Calvin D. Fowler; Cape Canaveral; GE; General Dynamics/Astronautics; Launch Complex 14; Launch Conductor; launch consoles; LC-14; MA-7; Malcolm Scott Carpenter; Mercury; Mercury-Atlas; Mercury-Atlas 7; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; Periscope; Project Mercury; Scott Carpenter; space exploration; space programs
Dr. Calvin D. Fowler Using Periscope at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14 Blockhouse
Tags: Aurora 7; blockhouses; Cal Fowler; Calvin D. Fowler; Cape Canaveral; GE; General Dynamics/Astronautics; Launch Complex 14; Launch Conductor; LC-14; MA-7; Malcolm Scott Carpenter; Mercury; Mercury-Atlas; Mercury-Atlas 7; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; Periscope; Project Mercury; Scott Carpenter; space exploration; space programs
Dr. Calvin D. Fowler Visiting Launchpad at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14 Blockhouse
Tags: Aurora 7; Cal Fowler; Calvin D. Fowler; Cape Canaveral; GE; General Dynamics/Astronautics; Launch Complex 14; Launch Conductor; launch sites; launchpads; LC-14; MA-7; Malcolm Scott Carpenter; Mercury; Mercury-Atlas; Mercury-Atlas 7; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; Periscope; Project Mercury; Scott Carpenter; space exploration; space programs
Electronic Equipment Racks at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14 Blockhouse
Engineering Hallmark in Honor of Apollo 17
Tags: Apollo 17; Apollo Project; astronauts; Cernan, Gene; Eugene Andrew Cernan; Eugene Cernan; GE; Gene Cernan; General Electric Company; hallmark of excellence; Harrison Hagan Schmitt; Harrison Schmitt; inspections; Jack Schmitt; John F. Kennedy Space Center; Kennedy Space Center; KSC; Manned Flight Awareness; MFA; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; Ron Evans; Ronald Ellwin Evans, Jr.; Ronald Evans; space exploration; space programs
Friendship 7 Atlas Debris
Friendship 7 Lift Off at the Launch Pad at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14
Tags: Astronaut Group 1; Atlas 109D; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; CCAFS; Friendship 7; John Glenn; John Herschel Glenn, Jr.; Launch Complex 14; Launch Pad 14; launches; LC-14; MA-6; Mercury 7; Mercury Seven; Mercury-Atlas; Mercury-Atlas 6; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Original Seven; outer space; Project Mercury; space exploration; space program; space programs
GD/Astro Greeters See Kennedy on Cape Trip
Tags: ; 6555th Aerospace Test Group; AMR; astronauts; B. G. MacNabb; Cal Fowler; Calvin D. Fowler; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; Cape Skid Skip; GDA; General Dynamics/Astronautics; Glenn, John Herschel, Jr.; Jack Kennedy; JFK; John F. Kennedy; John Fitzgerald Kennedy; Launch Complex 14; LC-14; Malcolm Scott Carpenter; Mercury; Mercury-Atlas; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; Paul R. Wignall; presidents; Scott Carpenter; Skid Strip; space exploration; space programs; T. J. O'Malley; Thomas Joseph O'Malley; Tom O’Malley; Wally Schirra; Walter Marty Schirra, Jr.
Günter F. Wendt and Astronaut Gordon Cooper at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14
Tags: astronauts; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; Gordo Cooper; Gordon Cooper; Guenter Wendt; Günter F. Wendt; Günter Wendt; Launch Complex 14; LC-14, MA-9; Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr.; McDonnell Aircraft Corporation; Mercury; Mercury 7; Mercury 7, Mercury-Atlas, Project Mercury; Mercury-Atlas; Mercury-Atlas 9; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; Project Mercury; space; space exploration; space programs
John Glenn Returning to Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14 After Mercury 7 Flight
Tags: Anna Margaret Castor; Anna Margaret Glenn; Annie Castor; Annie Glenn; Astronaut Group 1; astronauts; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; Cocoa Beach; Distinguished Service Medal; Hangar S; Jack Kennedy; JFK; John F. Kennedy; John Fitzgerald Kennedy; John Glenn; John Herschel Glenn, Jr.; Launch Complex 14; LBJ; LC-14; Lyndon B. Johnson; Lyndon Baines Johnson; MA-6; Mercury; Mercury 7; Mercury Control Center; Mercury Seven; Mercury-Atlas; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Original Seven; outer space; Patrick AFB; Patrick Air Force Base; presidents; Project Mercury; space exploration; space programs; vice presidents
Launch Control Center and Vehicle Assembly Building at John F. Kennedy Space Center
Launch Control Room at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14 Blockhouse
Tags: blockhouses; Cal Fowler; Calvin D. Fowler; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; electronic equipment; electronics racks; Launch Complex 14; LC-14; Mercury; Mercury-Atlas; monitors; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; Project Mercury; space exploration; space programs; workstations
Launch Control Simulator Console at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14 Blockhouse
Tags: blockhouses; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; electronic equipment; Launch Complex 14; Launch Complex 14 Blockhouse; launch control simulator; LC-14; Mercury; Mercury-Atlas; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; Project Mercury; simulation; simulators; space exploration; space programs
Launch Crew in the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14 Launchpad Blockhouse
Tags: blockhouse; blockhouses; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14 Blockhouse; CCAFS; Launch Complex 14; Launch Complex 14 Blockhouse; Launch Complex Manager; Launch Conductor; launch crews; LC-14; Mercury; Mercury-Atlas; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; Project Mercury; space exploration; space programs; T. J. O'Malley; Thomas Joseph O'Malley; Tom O’Malley
Launch Crew Members in Front of Sigma 7 Mercury-Atlas Launch Vehicle at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14
Tags: 6555th Aerospace Test Group; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Pad 14; Filer, John; Fowler, Cal; Fowler, Calvin "Cal" D.; Franklin, Art; GDA; General Dynamics/Astronautics; Hodsden, Charlie; Honeycutt, Mel; Launch Complex 14; Launch Pad 14; LC-14; MA-8; Meatti; Mercury; Mercury-Atlas; Mercury-Atlas 8; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; Pan American World Airways; Pechi, Don; Project Mercury; Sigma 7; space; space exploration; space program; Storky, Jim; Watson; Whitehurst
Letter from Alan Shepard to Dr. Calvin D. Fowler (August 2, 1963)
Tags: Al Shepard; Alan Bartlett Shepard, Jr.; Alan Shepard; astronauts; Cal Fowler; Calvin D. Fowler; Cape Canaveral; Convair/Astronautics; Houston, Texas; MA-10; Manned Spacecraft Center; Mercury; Mercury-Atlas; Mercury-Atlas 10; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; Port Canaveral; Project Mercury; space exploration; space programs
Letter from General Ben I. Funk to Dr. Calvin D. Fowler (May 14, 1963)
Tags: Air Force Systems Command; Air Force Unit Post Office; Atlas; Cal Fowler; Calvin D. Fowler; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; Cocoa Beach; commendations; El Segundo, California; Funk, Ben Ivan; GDA; General Dynamics/Astronautics; Launch Complex 14; Los Angeles, California; MA-7; MA-8; MA-9; Mercury; Mercury-Atlas; Mercury-Atlas 7; Mercury-Atlas 8; Mercury-Atlas 9; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; Project Mercury; space exploration; space programs; Space Systems division; U.S. Air Force; U.S. Air Force Systems Command; USAF
Liquid Oxygen TankING Equipment at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14 Blockhouse
Lunch Wagon at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14
Tags: Astronaut Group 1; astronauts; Cal Fowler; Calvin D. Fowler; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14; Gordo Cooper; launch complex; Launch Complex 14; launch complexes; LC-14; Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr.; Lunch Wagon; Mercury; Mercury 7; Mercury Seven; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Original Seven; outer space; Project Mercury; space exploration; space programs; Wally Schirra; Walter Marty Schirra, Jr.
Major General Ben Ivan Funk Presents Award Citations to T. J. Joseph O'Malley and Dr. Calvin D. Fowler
Tags: Air Force; awards; Ben I. Funk; Ben Ivan Funk; Cal Fowler; Calvin D. Fowler; Mercury; Mercury-Atlas; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; Project Mercury; space exploration; space programs; Space Systems division; T. J. O'Malley; Thomas Joseph O'Malley; Tom O’Malley; U.S. Air Force; USAF
Mercury-Atlas Management Team at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14 Blockhouse
Playback Head Selector Equipment at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14 Blockhouse
Tags: Ampex; blockhouses; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; electronic equipment; electronics racks; Launch Complex 14; Launch Complex 14 Blockhouse; LC-14; Mercury; Mercury-Atlas; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; Project Mercury; space exploration; space programs; tape drives; tape recorders
Pre-Launch Meeting
Tags: 6555th Aerospace Test Group; Aerospace Corporation; blockhouse; blockhouses; Burroughs Corporation; C. J. McCarthy; Cal Fowler; Calvin D. Fowler; GDA; GE; General Dynamics/Astronautics; General Electric Company; George Liner; J. R. Mullady; Jack Wiegand; John Savarie; Launch Complex 14; LC-14; Lee Solid; McDonnell Aircraft Corporation; Mercury; Mercury-Atlas; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; Porter Brown; Project Mercury; Ralph Gaendielle; Rocketdyne, Inc.; Sigma 7; space exploration; space programs; U.S. Air Force; Wally Schirra; Walter Marty Schirra, Jr.
President John F. Kennedy Touring Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14
Tags: ; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14; Jack Kennedy; JFK; John F. Kennedy; John Fitzgerald Kennedy; Launch Complex 14; LC-14; Mercury; Mercury-Atlas; Mercury-Atlas 5; Mercury-Atlas Five; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; Project Mercury; space exploration; space program; space programs
President John F. Kennedy with B. G. MacNabb at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14
Tags: Astronaut Group 1; B. G. MacNabb; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; CCAFS; Faith 7; GDA; General Dynamics/Astronautics; Jack Kennedy; JFK; John F. Kennedy; John Fitzgerald Kennedy; Launch Complex 14; Launch Pad 14; LC-14; MA-9; Mercury; Mercury 7; Mercury Seven; Mercury-Atlas; Mercury-Atlas 9; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Original Seven; outer space; Project Mercury; space exploration; space programs
Rack of Electronic Equipment at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14 Blockhouse
Ramon's Postcard
Tags: Al Shepard; Alan Bartlett Shepard, Jr.; Alan Shepard; Astronaut Group 1; astronauts; Cocoa Beach; Deke Slayton; Donald Kent Slayton; Gordo Cooper; Gordon Cooper; Gus Grissom; John Glenn; John Herschel Glenn, Jr.; Leroy Gordon "Cooper, Jr.; Malcolm Scott Carpenter; Mercury 7; Mercury Seven; Original 7; Original Seven; outer space; Ramon's; restaurants; Scott Carpenter; space exploration; Surveyor I; Virgil Ivan Grissom; Wally Schirra; Walter Marty Schirra, Jr.
Rocket Monitoring and Launch Workstations at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14 Blockhouse
Tags: analog electronics; blockhouses; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; electronic equipment; electronics racks; Launch Complex 14; LC-14; Mercury; Mercury-Atlas; Monitoring; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; Project Mercury; space exploration; space programs; workstations
SA-500F Full-Scale Saturn V Mock Up at John F. Kennedy Space Center Launch Complex 39A
Tags: Apollo Project; AS-500F Saturn V; boilerplates; Complex 39A; John F. Kennedy Space Center; Kennedy Space Center; KSC; Launch Complex 39A; Launch Pad 39A; LC-39A; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; propellants; rockets; SA-500F; Saturn; space exploration; space programs; tank farms
Television Control Equipment at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14 Blockhouse
Tags: blockhouses; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; electronic equipment; electronics racks; Launch Complex 14; LC-14; LOX; Mercury; Mercury-Atlas; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; Project Mercury; space exploration; space programs; television control
Thor-Able Mission Being Prepared for Launch at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 17
Tags: Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; CCAFS; intermediate-range ballistic missiles; IRBM; Launch Complex 17; LC-17; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; pre-launch; space exploration; space programs; Thor; Thor-Able; U.S. Air Force; USAF
Thousands of Hallmarks - One Successful Mission
Tags: Apollo Project; Daytona Beach; GE; General Electric; General Electric Space Division; George C. Marshall Space Flight Center; hallmark of excellence; Houston, Texas; Huntsville, Alabama; inspections; John F. Kennedy Space Center; Kennedy Space Center; KSC; Manned Flight Awareness; Marshall Space Flight Center; Merritt Island; MFA; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; Space Center Houston; Space Division; space exploration; space programs; Valley Forge, Pennsylvania
Time Capsule Placed at Mercury 7 Monument
Tags: Astronaut Group 1; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; CCAFS; Jack Kennedy; JFK; John F. Kennedy; John Fitzgerald Kennedy; Launch Complex 14; LC-14; Marine Corps; Mercury; Mercury 7; Mercury 7 Monument; Mercury Monument; Mercury Seven; monument; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Original Seven; outer space; president; Project Mercury; space; space exploration; space program; space programs; time capsule; U.S. Marine Corps
Warren III Atlas Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Site at Warren Air Force Base
Tags: AFB; Air Force Base; Atlas; coffin sites; Francis E. Warren AFB; Francis E. Warren Air Force Base; intercontinental ballistic missile; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; space; space exploration; space programs; U.S. Air Force; Warren AFB; Warren Air Force Base; Warren III
Workstation Containing Analog Electronics in Rack at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 14 Blockhouse
Tags: analog electronics; blockhouses; Cape Canaveral; Cape Canaveral AFS; Cape Canaveral Air Force Station; electronic equipment; electronics racks; Launch Complex 14; Launch Complex 14 Blockhouse; LC-14; Mercury; Mercury-Atlas; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; outer space; Project Mercury; space exploration; space programs