Browse Items (15 total)
- Tags: hospital
Naval Air Station Sanford Historic Marker
Tags: A3D; A3D Skywarrior; aircraft carriers; airport; apartments; baseball field; Bible College; carrier aircraft; county hospital; dispensary; facilities; fighter pilots; Giants; historic marker; hospital; jet bomber; MAs; Memorial Park; motels; NAS Memorial; NAS Sanford; NAS Sanford Memorial; Naval Air Station Sanford Memorial; naval aviation; New York Giants; NY Giants; Orlando Sanford International Airport; photographic reconnaissance mission; pilots; POWs; seminary; Seminole County; Seminole County Historic Marker; Spring Training; training; Vigilante; WWII
Baby's Record of Birth for Charmion Le'Antwinetta Holt
Birth Certificate for Vivian Louise Black
Letter from Hal M. Beardall to Joshua Coffin Chase (December 4, 1931)
Letter from A. Q. Lancaster to Randall Chase (August 9, 1919)
Tags: arrest; Bona, J. E.; Caucasian; charge; Chase & Company; Chase, Randall; cop; court; crime; criminal; criminal charge; Davis, James; employee; fight; Food Administration; Fry, Noah; Gotha; hospital; incarceration; Isleworth Grove; jail; labor; laborer; Lancaster, A. Q.; law enforcement; orlando; police; race; race relations; sheriff; Smith; U.S. Food Administration; Watkins, Lawrence; Windermere; worker
Letter from Randall Chase to A. Q. Lancaster (August 9, 1919)
Tags: Army; Bogue; Chase and Company; Chase, Randall; citrus; citrus industry; employee; employment; fight; foreman; hospital; Isleworth Grove; labor; laborer; Morrison; orlando; packing; packinghouse; processing; shipping; U.S. Army; veteran; wages; Watkins; Windermere; worker
Letter from Randall Chase to Joshua Coffin Chase (August 9, 1919)
Midwife on Job Here 32 Years
Tags: African American; Carrier, Marjorie; Certificate for Public Service; Children's Bureau; Clayton, Cassandra; Fernald-Laughton Memorial Hospital; Florida A&M College; Florida Agricultural and Mechanical College; Francis, Marie Jones; Frey, Bob; Georgetown; Health and Rehabilitative Services; hospital; Humphrey, Daphne F.; McGill, Margaret; Miami Jackson Memorial Hospital; midwife; Moore, Stacy; Parker, Vann; Pilot Club; Public Health Department; Reading, Sadie; Sanford; Seminole County Health Department; Seminole Memorial Hospital; Sertoma International Club; Service to Mankind Award; Stenstrom, Douglas; The Little Sentinel; Torre, Barbara; Walker, Annie
Midwives Supply Needed Service Community
Tags: 16th Street; African American; Austin, Dottie; baby; childbirth; Francis, Marie Jones; Georgetown; hospital; Humphrey, Daphne F.; infant; Joshua Drane; license; Mary Moye; midwife; midwifery; newborn; Public Health Department; Sanford; Seminole County; Seminole Memorial Hospital; Sixteenth Street; The Sanford Herald
Letter Template from Representative Louis Frey, Jr., 1972
U.S. House of Representatives Bill 13771: Veterans Administration Hospital for Brevard County
U.S. House of Representatives Bill 3231: Veterans Administration Hospital in Brevard County
The Tropics 30 Year Reunion
Tags: All Children's Hospital; charity; classic rock; Columbia Records; concert; Dryer, Mel; hospital; music; musician; Pendergrass, Buddy; Pendergrass, Hardin; pop rock; R&B; reunion; reunion show; rhythm and blues; rock; rock band; rock music; Shea, Bobby; Shea, Robert "Bobby"; Souza, Charles "Charlie"; Souza, Charlie; St. Petersburg; Tampa; Tampa Bay; The Bitchin' Red Band; The Coliseum; The Tropics; Turner, Eric
Oviedo Mirror
Tags: A. P. Farnell; ACL; Aldred Cone; Alene Cone; appendicitis; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Augusta D. Covington; B. F. Ward; Ben Jones; Bernice Stine; C. E. Mariner; C. J. Broom; C. S. Lee; C. T. Niblack; C. W. Mathison; Carolyn Lockette; cars; Charles Simeon Lee; Charlie West; Chevrolet; Clark Harvey; Daytona Beach; Donald Leinhart; E. D. Koontz; Elizabeth Lawson; Elmin a Howard; Evelyn Wheeler; F. S. Cone; Farnell; First Baptist Church of Orlando; Fred Cooper; G. W. Bower; Gayle Marshall; Goldie Eva Beckley; Goldie Eva Beckley Lee; Gray; Gray's Market; H. F. McGowan; Harold Varn; Hazel Shuman; health care; Heitz; Hilda Butler; hospital; J. A. Thompson; J. B. Jones; J. C. Johnson; J. Dean Adcock; J. L. Malcolm; J. N. Thompson; Julia Tart; Katherine Young; King Brown; L. H. Gore; Lake Conway; library; Lois Mitchem; Lois Ruddell; Marietta Mitchem; Mary Bivins; Max Leinhart; Maxine Leinhart; Mills; Miriam Koontz; Mitchem; N. F. Lozette; O. P. Sloan; Oak Island; Olive Lezette; Olivia McCarty; Orange General Hospital; Oreon Burnett; Oviedo; Oviedo Mirror; Oviedo Public Library; Pauline Wallace, Maddox; R. R. Murphy; R. R. Williams; Ralph Bosford; Reason Kirkland; Roy Williams; S. L. Murphy; Sadine Leinhart; Southern Bell Telephone Company; surgery; Ted Harvey; The Central Florida Press; Thomas Johnson; Thomas Wheaton; V. H. Sley; W. D. Stine; W. P. Tart; W. R. Kimbrell; W. T. Chance; White-Highleyman Agency; William Walker; Woodrow Shuman