Browse Items (14 total)
- Tags: Frey, Louis, Jr.
Okay for McCoy Expected: Port of Entry Status Close
Tags: airport; Airport and Airways Development Act; Civil Aeronautics Board; Department of Treasury; Ford, Gerald; Frey, Lou, Jr.; Frey, Louis, Jr.; Gillooly, Jack; International Arrivals Building; jetport; McCoy AFB; McCoy Air Force Base; Meacham, John; orlando; Orlando Jetport; Page Airways of Florida, Inc.; Simon, William; U.S. Customs Service; Van Den Berg, Egerton K.; Walt Disney World
Letter Template from Representative Louis Frey, Jr., 1972
U.S. House of Representatives Bill 13771: Veterans Administration Hospital for Brevard County
U.S. House of Representatives Bill 3231: Veterans Administration Hospital in Brevard County
Lou Frey Institute of Politics & Government
Tags: 5th congressional district; 5th district; 9th Congressional District; 9th district; Florida's 5th congressional district; Florida's 9th congressional district; Frey, Lou, Jr.; Frey, Louis, Jr.; GOP; Grand Old Party; Lou Frey Institute; Lou Frey Institute of Politics & Government; Republican Party; Republicans; Research Parkway; U.S. House of Representatives; UCF; University of Central Florida
Year End Report from Congressman Lou Frey, Jr. Newsletter, December 1976
Tags: 94th Congress; 9th Congressional District; Community Mental Health Centers; defense budget; Department of Veterans Affairs; drug addiction; drug addicts; drug enforcement; Energy Research and Development Administration; ERDA; food stamps; Frey, Lou, Jr.; Frey, Louis, Jr.; health insurance; jetports; McCoy Jetport; Metric Board; metric system; National Veterans Cemetery; natural gas; oil depletion allowance; Orlando Jetport; public broadcasting; Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control; Service Contract Act; Social Security; SS; U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs; U.S. House of Representatives; U.S. Metric Board; U.S. Secretary of Treasury; U.S. Service Academy; unemployment; unemployment compensation; VA; Veterans Administration; veterans clinics; welfare reform; Year End Report from Congressman Lou Frey, Jr.
Florida From the House...To Your Home Newsletter, July 1976
Tags: 9th Congressional District; airports; appropriations bills; clinics; demolition; dental clinics; DOJ; Energy Research and Development Administration; ERDA; Florida Bicentennial; Frey, Louis, Jr.; From the House...To Your Home; hospitals; Jeff Fuqua Boulevard; Jenckes, Joe; jetports; John F. Kennedy Space Center; Kennedy Space Center; KSC; Lockheed Martin; Lockheed Missiles and Space Company; Lou Frey '76 Line; McCoy AFB; McCoy Air Force Base; McCoy Commissary; McNamara–O'Hara Service Contract Act of 1965; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Navy hospitals; orlando; Orlando Jetport; Orlando Naval Hospital; PAFB; Patrick Air Force Base; SCA; SERI; Simon, Bill; solar energy; Solar Energy Center; Solar Energy Research Institute; U. S. Air Force; U.S. Department of Justice; U.S. Secretary of Treasury
Transcript of Interview with Congressman Lou Frey, Jr.
Tags: airports; Apollo; Cape Canaveral; Congress; Congressmen; Frey, Lou, Jr.; Frey, Louis, Jr.; Gurney; Laird, Mel; MAFB; McCoy AFB; McCoy Air Force Base; Nelson, Bill; orlando; PAFB; Patrick AFB; Patrick Air Force Base; Robinson, Jim; Secretary of Defense; Secretary of the Air Force; Stone, Dick; U. S. Air Force; U.S. Secretary of Defense
Introduction for Representative Lou Frey, Jr.'s American Legion Speech
Florida From the House...To Your Home Newsletter, December 1975
Tags: 9th Congressional District; Congress; Department of Veterans Affairs; disabilities; disability; drug abuse; drug dealers; Drug Pushers Elimination Act; drugs; Frey, Lou, Jr.; Frey, Louis, Jr.; From the House...To Your Home; hospitals; House Veterans Affairs Committee; House Ways and Means Committee; mandatory sentences; narcotics; orlando; Orlando Naval Hospital; Orlando Navy Hospital; patients; pensions; Social Security Insurance; SSI; VA; veterans; Veterans Administration; Veterans Affairs; World War I; World War II; WWI; WWII
Florida From the House...To Your Home Newsletter, January 1974
Tags: 9th Congressional District; Appropriations Committee; aquatic weeds; Brevard County; Brevard Growth Council; clinics; Congress; Eastern Test Range; Economic Adjustment Council; Frey, Lou, Jr.; Frey, Louis, Jr.; From the House...To Your Home; hospitals; House of Representatives; John F. Kennedy Space Center; Kennedy Space Center; KSC; Nixon, Richard M.; Nixon, Richard Milhous; orange county; orlando; outpatient clinic; outpatient clinics; Port Canaveral; Strategic Air Command; U.S. Air Force; U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs; U.S. House of Representatives; U.S. Senate; VA; veterans; Veterans Administration; White House Conference of the Handicapped
DAV: The Official Voice of the Disabled American Veterans and Auxiliary, October 1974
Tags: American Legion; Anderson, Charles J.; Brevard County; Central Brevard Chapter 40; DAV; disabilities; disability; Disabled American Veterans; Frey, Lou, Jr.; Frey, Louis, Jr.; J. L. Golightly Chapter; Lochner, George J.; Melbourne; Shouse; Titusville; Titusville Chapter 109; veterans; Vito, Frank P.
Republican Party Platform, 1976
Tags: Congress; Congressional Record; Department of Veterans Affairs; disabilities; disability; Foster Grandparents; Frey, Lou, Jr.; Frey, Louis, Jr.; Korean War; Medicaid; MIA; missing in action; National Urban Policy; POWs; Prisoners of War; reitrement; Republican Party; senior citizens; Senior Companions; Social Security Insurance; SSI; Supplemental Security; U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs; VA; veterans; Veterans Administration; Vietnam; Vietnam War; World War II; WWII
Return Frey to Congress
Tags: Airport and Airways Development Act; Brevard County; campaigns; CBP; Civil Aeronautics Board; Congress; drug abuse; drugs; elections; Florida TODAY; Ford, Gerald; Frey, Lou, Jr.; Frey, Louis, Jr.; Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr.; Gillooly, Jack; International Arrivals Building; jetports; John F. Kennedy Space Center; Kennedy Space Center; KSC; Leslie Lynch King, Jr.; McCoy AFB; Meacham, John; narcotics; orange county; Orlando Jetport; Page Airways of Florida, Inc.; Republican Party; Republicans; Simon, William; U.S. Customs and Border Protection; U.S. Department of the Treasury; U.S. House of Representatives; Van Den Berg, Egerton K.; veterans; Walt Disney World; Winter Park