Browse Items (10 total)
- Tags: demolition
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 8: The Winter Park Sinkhole Part 2: The Effects and Aftermath
Tags: cement; City of Winter Park; Comstock Avenue; construction; demolition; Denning Drive; disaster insurance; documentary; Donkel, Darryl; Duckworth, Alan; Fairbanks Avenue; Florida State Legislature; grout; homeowner insurance; insurance; Jammal & Associates, Inc.; Kujawa, Frank; lake; Lake Rose; Montesi, Louis "Lou"; Moore, Ronald; Owens, Mae Rose; Parks and Recreation; Phillips, Clayton; Phillips, Dennis W.; Piñeda, Yovanna; podcast; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; sinkhole; Williams, Mae Rose; Williams, Mae Rose Owens; Winter Park; Winter Park Community Center; Winter Park Department of Parks and Recreation; Winter Park Sinkhole
Oral History of Lars D. White
Tags: 100-mile endurance rides; Andy McDaniel; bonfires; chickens; Citizens Bank of Florida; Citizens Bank of Oviedo; County Road 419; CR 419; demolition; desegregation; education; Emergency Management Director; Emergency Medical Technician; EMT; fire chiefs; fire departments; fire protection; fire stations; fireman; firemen; Florida State Road 426; Florida Technological University; FTU; homecoming; horse farms; horseback riding; horses; hunter/jumper horse shows; integration; Jackson Heights Middle School; JHMS; Lars D. White; Lawton Elementary School; Memorial Building; memorials; monuments; Ocala National Forest; OFD; OHS; Oviedo; Oviedo Fire Department; Oviedo High School; Oviedo Historical Society; Oviedo Lights; Oviedo Veterans Memorial; Oviedo Volunteer Fire Department; peacocks; peafowl; school bus; school buses; schools; Sears, Roebuck and Company; segregation; SR 426; St. Luke's Lutheran School; UCF; University of Central Florida; veterans; volunteer fire departments; volunteer firefighters
Lot of Former Cigar Manufacturer
Tags: cigar; cigar factory; cigar industry; demolition; factory; Oak Avenue; Sanford
Letter from Frederick P. Gaske to Bill Vogel (October 30, 2006)
Tags: Bill Vogel; cafeterias; Christine Dalton; City of Sanford; Dalton, Christine; demolition; elementary schools; FDHR; FDOE; FDOS; Florida Department of Education; Florida Department of State; Florida Division of Historical Resources; Florida State Requirements for Educational Facilities; Frederick P. Gaske; grammar schools; grants; Great Depression; Hugh Harris; Jeanne Morris; Jeffrey Thirlwall; Jonathon Hamrick; Linda Kuhn; lunchrooms; museums; rehabilitation; Sanford; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford Woman's Club; school lunch; school lunches; school superintendents; SCPS; Seminole County; Seminole County Public Schools; Seminole County School Board; Small Matching Historic Preservation Grant; social studies education; State of Florida Division of Corporation; Student Museum and Center for the Social Studies
In Commemoration of a Former Landmark of the City of Orlando
Implosion of 1958 Orlando City Hall
Historic Lakefront Building to Be Demolished: Deteriorated Log Cabin is Too Dangerous to Save
Tags: American Legion; American Legion Campbell-Lossing Post 53; American Legion Hall; Armistice Day; City of Sanford; demolition; Hill Lumber Company; Howell, Lon; Lake, Forrest; Legion Post 53; Pfeifauf, Nick; Sanford; Sanford Veterans of Foreign Wars; Seminole Boulevard; Simmons, Bill; The Sanford Herald; Veterans of Foreign Wars; VFW; Vincent, Tommy; Winn, Gary
Florida From the House...To Your Home Newsletter, July 1976
Tags: 9th Congressional District; airports; appropriations bills; clinics; demolition; dental clinics; DOJ; Energy Research and Development Administration; ERDA; Florida Bicentennial; Frey, Louis, Jr.; From the House...To Your Home; hospitals; Jeff Fuqua Boulevard; Jenckes, Joe; jetports; John F. Kennedy Space Center; Kennedy Space Center; KSC; Lockheed Martin; Lockheed Missiles and Space Company; Lou Frey '76 Line; McCoy AFB; McCoy Air Force Base; McCoy Commissary; McNamara–O'Hara Service Contract Act of 1965; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Navy hospitals; orlando; Orlando Jetport; Orlando Naval Hospital; PAFB; Patrick Air Force Base; SCA; SERI; Simon, Bill; solar energy; Solar Energy Center; Solar Energy Research Institute; U. S. Air Force; U.S. Department of Justice; U.S. Secretary of Treasury
Demolition of Woolworth-McCrory Building, 2003
Demolition of Seminole High School