Browse Items (112 total)
- Collection: Friends of Lake Apopka Collection
Rotarians Hear Report on Four-Rivers Basin: Engineer Discusses Lake Apopka
Tags: agricultural pollution; citrus processing industry; civil engineering; Dale Twachtmann; dikes; engineers; Florida State Board of Health; Four Rivers Basin Project; FSBH; Gene Cappleman; Green Swamp; Lake Apopka; Moss Bluff Lock and Dam; muck farms; sewage treatment plants; Southwest Water Management District; water quality; Winter Garden; Winter Garden Rotary Club
Rural Clean-Up Failures: Deterioration of Lake Apopka Attributed to Introduction of 'Excessive Enrichments'
Tags: aeromonas liquefaciens; agricultural pollution; American alligators; bacteria; bacterium; citrus processing; common alligators; Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission; Frank Hayes; gators; hyacinth control; Lake Apopka; Lake Beauclair; muck farming; muck farms; O. E. Frye, Jr.; Ocklawaha River; pesticides; sewage disposal; UG; University of Georgia School of Veterinary Medicine; water hyacinths; water management; water quality; wildlife die-offs; Wildlife Disease Study; wildlife diseases
Rx for Lake Apopka
Tags: agricultural pollution; algae; aquatic vegetation; C. W. Sheffield; citrus processing industry; Claude R. Kirk, Jr.; Claude Roy Kirk, Jr.; eutrophication; fish camps; fish kills; Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission; Florida State Board of Health; FSBH; Gourd Neck Springs; hyacinths; Lake Apopka; Lake Apopka Technical Committee; levees; Mick Sheffield; Mickey Sheffield; nutrient removal; Orange County Water Conservation Department; pesticides; sewage treatment plants; sportfishing; water quality
StreamLines, No. 2 (March 1977)
Tags: 208 Program; Bob Dillard; citrus groves; East Central Florida Regional Planning Council; ECFRPC; Environmental Protection Agency; EPA; eutrophication; FDER; Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972; Florida Department of Environmental Regulation; John Bateman; John F. Hurlebaus; Lake Apopka; lake drawdown; Lake Eola; Lake Lawne; Lake Weston; muck farms; orlando; sewage treatments plants; sport fishing; water management
Subjects to be Presented at Public Hearing on Local Water Pollution
Tags: agricultural pollution; Arthur W. Sinclair; citrus; citrus groves; farming; federal government; fish; Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission; gar; Jimmie Sinclair; Lake Apopka; muck farms; orange county; Orlando Chamber of Commerce; public hearings; Reconstruction Finance Corporation; RFC; seining; state governments; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; water hyacinths; water pollution; water quality; Winter Garden Chamber of Commerce; Zellwood Drainage District
Taxpayers Petition County to Get Action on Lake Apopka Pollution
Tags: agricultural pollution; algae; American anglers; Apopka; aquatic plants; bluegills; catfish; cattails; citrus processing; crappies; Crown Point; George Armistead Smathers; George Smathers; Health Department; Hog Island; J. F. Ritten, Jr.; jacks; Lake Apopka; Lake Apopka Fishing Camp; largemouth bass; LBJ; Lyndon B. Johnson; Lyndon Baines Johnson; Orange County Commission; Orange County Commissioners; sewage treatment; shellcrackers; Southwest Water Management District; speckled perch; sports fishing; The Haystacks; typha latifolia; U.S. Corps Army Engineers; W. Haydon Burns; water hyacinths; water quality; William Haydon Burns
The Tallahassee News Release, June 1962
Tags: agricultural pollution; bass; Bob Peavy; citrus; citrus industry; DDT; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; diethyl parathion; fish kill; fishing; fishing lodge; Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission; Florida State Board of Health; Folidol; gizzard; Harold L. Moody; insecticide; Lake Apopka; lake whitefish; parathion; parathion-ethyl; pesticide; pollution; press release; sewage; Talahassee; The Tallahassee News; threadfin shad; waste; water quality; Winter Haven
U.S. Department of the Interior Geological Survey of Lake Apopka
Undesirable Factors Cited in Report of 'The Big Pond', Lake Apopka; 1962-1964
Tags: agricultural pollution; agriculture; Bureau of Sanitary Engineering; citrus; citrus industry; City of Winter Garden; David B. Lee; DDT; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; draining; farmer; farming; fertilizer; fish; fishing; Florida Inland Sportsfishing Host; Florida State Board of Health; Free of 1962-1963; freeze; hyacinth; insecticide; irrigation; lake; Lake Apopka; Lake Apopka Chapter; Orange County Health Department; oxygen; packing; Percy D. Blunt; pesticide; pollution; processing; research; Robert W. Sherman; SBH; sewage; sewage treatment plant; spray; waste; water; water conservation; water quality; William R. Pomeroy; Winter Garden
Water Management Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 2 (December 1967-January 1968)
Tags: Advance Engineering Models, Inc.; American alligators; Angelo Tabita; Audubon Society; Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife; canals; Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District; Central Florida Fair; Cypress Lake; Daniel Kubat; Department of the Interior; Everglade kites; Everglades; Everglades National Park; flood control; flooding; floods; Florida State Board of Education; Florida State Fair; Fountainbleau Hotel; G. E. Dail, Jr.; Hamilton Disston; Joe Koperski; Kissimmee River; Lake Gentry; Lake Harney; Lake Joel; Lake Mary Jane; Lake Myrtle; Lake Okeechobee; Lake Poinsett; Lake Puzzle; Lake Silver; Lake Tohopekaliga; Lake Washington; Lake Winder; levees; Max Welborn; National Recreation and Parks Congress; Okeechobee Waterway; Oscar Rawls; Palm Beach-Broward Counties Recreational Development Committee; Paul Sykes, Jr.; pumping stations; R. P. Tabb; recreational boating; Robert Padrick; Sebastian Canal; St. Lucie Canal; T. R. Tomlinson; Tamiami Canal; Taylor Slough; Ted Hauessner; Tom Brannen; Torry Island; Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; U.S. Army Kendall Reserve Center; UF; University of Florida; water districts; water resources; water transfer; West Palm Beach Canal
Water Resources Restoration and Preservation Program Projects
Tags: aquifers; Bayou Chico; Bayou Texar; Big Hickory Pass; Cape Coral; citrus groves; DER; EIS; Environmental Impact Statement; Environmental Protection Agency; EPA; estuaries; estuary; FIT; Florida Department of Environmental Regulation; Florida Institute of Technology; Florida State University; FSU; Hawthorne Aquifer; Lake Apopka; Lake Apopka Restoration Project; Lake Carlton; lake drawdown; Lake Eola; Lake Jackson; Lake Lulu; Lake Washington; muck farms; Office of Lake Restoration; Pollution Recovery Trust Fund; Pond Creek; saltwater intrusion; Sanibel River; Water Resources Restoration and Preservation Program; wetlands; WRR&P
Westinghouse: The First 100+ Years
Tags: 1907 Bankers' Panic; 250 HP current generator belts; AC power; alternating current; American Brake Company; arc lamps; automatic air brakes; automatic train control; banking; Bergmann Electric Werke; British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company; Bryan Electrical Company; Canadian Concrete Products Company; Canadian Westinghouse Company; Charles Parsons; Clude Valley Electric Power Company; Compagnia Italiana Westinghouse dei Freni; Compagnie Des Freins Westinghouse; Compagnie Des Lampes à Filaments Métallique; Compagnie Des Lampes A Fillaments Metalliques; Compagnie Pour Les Applications des Rayons Ultra-Violet; Consolidated Electric Light Company; Cooper Hewitt Electric Company; Copeman Electric Stove Company; double flow; East Pittsburgh and Wilmerding Coal Company; East Pittsburgh Improvement Company; Electric Properties Corporation; electric railways; electricity; Electrico-Magnetic Traction Company; electro-pneumatic air brakes; Emery Pneumatic Lubricator Company; entrepreneurs; finances; Fountain Electrical Floor Box Corporation; Franklin Electric Manufacturing Company; French Westinghouse Electric Company; friction draft gear, hydraulic draft gear; Fuel Gas and Electrical Engineering Company; generators; George Cutter Company; George Westinghouse, Jr.; Great Panic; Hartford Electric Light Company; Interborough Improvement Company; International Radio telegraph Company; inventions; inventors; J. Stevens Arms Company; Knickerbocker Crisis; Krantz Manufacturing Company, Inc.; Laurentide Mica Company; Locomotive Stoker Company; locomotives; Manhattan General Construction Company; Mansfield Vitrous Enamiling Company; McCandless Lamp Company; McKenzie-Holland Westinghouse Power Signal Company; Meriden Fire Arms Company; meters; Milwaukee Locomotive Manufacturing Company; motors; National Brake and Electric Company; National Steel Foundries; National Utilities Corporation; Nernst Lamp Company; New England Westinghouse Company; Page-Storm Drop Forge Company; Panic of 1907; Parsons single flow turbines; Perkins Electric Switch Manufacturing Company; Philadelphia Company; Pittsburgh High Voltage Insulator Company; Pittsburgh Meter Company; quick action air brakes; R. D. Nuttall Company; railway interlocks; railway signaling; railway signals; rotary converters; rotary steam engines; Sawyer-Mon Electric Company; Security Investment Company; Società Italiana Westinghouse; Société Anonyme Pour L'Explitation Des Procedes Westinghouse LeBlanc; Société Anonyme Westinghouse; Société Ékectruqye Westinghouse de Russie; Société Hongroise D'Auto System Westinghouse; Société Internationale Pour Les Applications des Rayons Ultra-Violet; South Philadelphia Company; Standard Car Heating and Ventilating Company; Standard Underground Cable Company; steam engines; steam turbines; straight air brakes; Tafford Real Estate Company; Thomas Alva Edison; Thomas Edison; Traction and Power Securities Company; Trafford Water Company; transformers; transportation; Turtle Creek and Allegheny Valley Railroad Company; Union Switch and Signal Company; United Electric Light and Power Company; United Pump and Power Company; United States Electric Lighting Company; Walker Electric Company; Waterhouse Electric Company; Westinghouise Brake and Saxby Signal Company; Westinghouse Air Brake Company; Westinghouse Air Brake Home Building Company; Westinghouse Air Springs Company; Westinghouse Automatic Air and Steam Coupler Company; Westinghouse Brake Company; Westinghouse Bremsen Gesellschaft; Westinghouse Company; Westinghouse Cooper Hewitt Company; Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company; Westinghouse Electric Company; Westinghouse Electric Corporation; Westinghouse Electric Export Company; Westinghouse Electric International Company; Westinghouse Electric Products Company; Westinghouse Elektricitäts-Gelleschaft; Westinghouse European Brake Company; Westinghouse Foundry Company; Westinghouse Friction Draft Gear Company; Westinghouse Gear and Dynamometer Company; Westinghouse Glass Company; Westinghouse Interworks Railway Company; Westinghouse Lamp Company; Westinghouse Machine Company; Westinghouse Metal Filament Lamp Company; Westinghouse Metallfaden Glühlampenfabrik Gelleschaft; Westinghouse Norsk Elektrisk Aktieselskap; Westinghouse Pacific Coast Brake Company; Westinghouse Patent Bureau; Westinghouse single double flow turbines; Westinghouse Traction Brake Company; Westinghouse Union Battery Company; Westinghouse, Church, Kerr, and Company; World's Fair Equipment Company