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- Tags: John Smith
Orange County's Sheriff's Book of Wanted Persons, 1882-1889
Tags: 3rd Street; 5th Avenue; 7th Street; A. B. Efrird; A. B. Shroud; A. D. Adair & McCarty Brothers; A. E. Buck; A. J. Bates; A. J. Ivey; A. J. Spradley; A. J. Sullivan; A. J. Weaver; A. L. Martin; A. M. Kendrick; A. M. Winfree; A. S. Colyar, Jr.; A. Strauss; A. Zeger; Aaron Coachman; abortions; Abraham Bell; Abraham Putnam; Adam Gillison; Adam Thompson; Alabama Penitentiary; Alachua County; Albert Cathey; Alex Henderson; Alexander Anderson; Alexander Ekstrom; Alexander Johnson; Alexander Mincey; Alexander Pitts; Alfred Clarke; Alfred Coffee; Alfred Jones; Alfred W. Burnett; Allan Pinkerton; Allen Ford; Alphens Martin; Amos cummings; Amos Jordan; Anderson McKinnon; Andrew Ellis; Andrew Wilson; Andrews & Martin; Apalachicola; Archer; Archie Loyd; arrest warrants; arrests; arson; arsonists; Asa Whitaker; assault; assault to murder; assault to rape; attempted murder; attempted rape; attorneys; B. A. Wrighstman; B. F. Bennett; B. H. Girele; B. R. Swoope; B. W. Bentley; bail jumpers; bail jumping; Bailey; Barbour County Sheriff's Office; Bartow; Ben Baker; Ben Lock; Ben Watkins; Benajmin F. Adams; Berrien Bryant; bigamay; bigamists; Bill Galvin; Bill Johnson; Bill Martin; Bill Rooth; Bill Sherson; Bill Williams; Billy Camble; Billy Campbell; Blitch; blood hounds; Bollock; Braxton Beacham; Broadway Street; Bronson; Brooks Johnson; Brooks Story; Brooksville; Broome; burglars; burglary; Burton H. Davy; Butch Bradley; Bynum; C. B. Easley; C. B. Hansel; C. C. Johnson; C. E. Hunter; C. F. Conerly; C. Gordon Hicks; C. J. Anderson; C. J. Perry; C. K. Dutton; C. K. Winston; C. P. Hoyt; C. P. Jolly; C. P. Kilgore; C. R. Scott; C. W. C. Wright; C. W. Hursy; Calvin Burton; Calvin Lockett; Cardinal Gibbons; Carl Bachman; Carmelo Salvati; Carson; cattle stealing; Cedar Key; Charles Adkins; Charles Badger; Charles Baldwin; Charles Bluemont; Charles Coleman; Charles David; Charles Johnson; Charles Martin; Charles O. Earnes; Charles P. Johnson; Charles Reddiford; Charlie Davis; Charlie Holmes; Charlie Reeves; Charlie Rose; Charlie White; Charlie Wood; Chataroi Road; Chattahoochee Brick Company; Ches Hughs; Chester Seymour; Chief of Police; Chief Pinion Detective Agency; Chipley; Christian Black; Citra; Clarence A. Seward; Clarence Tear; Clark; Clark Montgomery; Coffey & Hyer; Colorado State Penitentiary; Columbia City; Columbia County; Constantine Algero; convicts; Cooper Winn; cops; county government; Court Street; Creoles; crimes; criminals; Crosby; Cuff Patton; D. C. Hennessey; D. E. Mccarthy; D. U. Fletcher; Dade Coal Company; Dan Scott; Daniel; Daniel Rouse; David Caldwell; David N. Walker; Day & Gordon; Deaderick Street; detectives; detention; Dick Bell; Dimick; Doc Barrentine; Dock Rodgers; Dockie Carson; DOJ; Dry Goods, Millinery, Shoes, and Company; Duval County; E. A. McRae; E. A. O'Neal; E. B. Bailey; E. C. Vaughan; E. G. Elliott; E. H. Covas; E. J. Kelley; E. J. Young; E. R. Whitner; E. T. Dickinson; E. T. Williams; E. Upton Lovejoy; Earp's Detective Agency; Ed Curry; Ed Frazier; Ed S. Carr; Edgar Knowles; Edgward Eggleston; Edward A. O'Neal; Edward Asbury O'Neal; Edward Cunningham; Edward Sterling Harris; Edward W. Bannister; Ellaville; Ellis Phelan; Elmore Johnson; escaped convicts; Eueka Detective Agency; Eugene Day; Eugene Van Norman; Eureka Detective Agency; Eustis; Exchange Place; F. C. Buffum; F. C. Russell; Farrell & Boylan's Detective Agency; felonies; felony; Fernand B. Poupart; Fifth Avenue; Flem Spicer; Florida Penitentiary; Florida State Prison; Ford J. Perkins; forgers; forgery; Fort White; Francis P. Fleming; Francis Philip Fleming; Frank Blint; Frank C. Almy; Frank C. McNeilley; Frank Dusch; Frank J. Cassada; Frank White; Frank Williams; Fred Koehler; Fred numan; Fred Schmidt; Fred Spicer; fugitives; Furman's Job Print; G. B. Howard; G. E. Garretson; G. W. Shackleford; G. Walton; Galillard; George A. Hill David Dickson; George A. Searcy; George Allen; George Archer; George Brown; George Caldwell; George D. Bangs; George E. Malsby; George Favor; George G. Gurley; George Heyward Carpenter; George Johns; George King; George Manders; George Manhon; George Peuser; George W. Shackleford; George Washington; George Wells; Georgia Penitentiary; Gid H. Heck; Gilkinson's American Detective Bureau; government; grand larceny; Grant; Grant Bowlby; Graves Holt; Gravier Street; Graysville Penitentiary; Green Cove Springs; Gus Brown; Guss Story; Guy McLain; H. D. Ballard; H. H. Rudd; H. M. Huffaman; H. T. Gay; H. Williams; Haezen's Detective Agency; Haines City; Hall Trippe; Hamilton Story; Hampton Childers; Hampton Pinkney; Hardee; Hardin & Ramsey; Hardy Todd; Harmon Murray; Harris Miller; Harry Berry; Hartridge; Harvey Merrit; Hazen Detective Agency; Hennessey Commercial Detective Agency; Henry Allen; Henry Briscoe; Henry Davis; Henry Fish; Henry Griffin; Henry Hainey; Henry Johnson; Henry Lanier; Henry McTier; Henry Underwood; Henry Wilson; Henry Wright; Hertel; Highland; Hill Clark; Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office; Hooker; horse theft; horses; Hugh Conley; Hugh Jackson; Humphries & Sykesl R. R. Barrentine; I. H. Cook; incarceration; inmates; intent to murder; International Ocean Telegraph Company; Ira M. True; Ira M. True & Company; Isaac Sateur; Isaac Williams; Isac Cooms; J Q. Gallaway; J. A. Ewing; J. A. Hilliard; J. B. Gordon; J. Bartho Thrasher; J. C Anderson; J. C. Arnold; J. C. Geiger; J. C. Sawyer; J. D. Register; J. D. Wilson; J. E. Gaston; J. E. Haverfield; J. F. Milam; J. F. Rushin; J. F. Stallings; J. G. White; J. Galloway; J. H. Bankhead; J. H. Bear; J. H. Black; J. H. Fish; J. H. Hays; J. H. Mowatt; J. H. Twito; J. H. Wilhite; J. I. Town; J. Ira Gore; J. L. Clanton; J. L. Hilliard; J. L. Johns; J. M. Flemming; J. M. Holder; J. M. T. Petty; J. M. Williams; J. N. C. Stockton; J. Paul Russell; J. R, Perry; J. R. Porterfield; J. S. Barnett; J. S. Wood; J. W. English; J. W. McIntyre; J. W. West; Jack Baker; Jack Bowen; Jack Bryson; Jack Coleman; Jack Hall; Jack Scott; Jack Stemper; Jack Straughter; Jacksonville; Jacob Frey; Jacob Sheaner; jail breaks; jails; Jake Barber; Jake Jackson; James Allen; James Brady; James C. Snell; James Cannedy; James Cook; James Crawford; James E. Rice; James Geary; James M. Lewis; James Mitchell; James Morrison; James O. Archer; James Ora; James P. Martin; James Petit; James Roberts; James Slengle; James T. Garner; James Wiley; James Williams; Jap York; Jefferson County; Jeffrey Snell; Jennie Brinson; Jennings; Jerry Marshall; Jesse Middleton; Jessie Harris; Joe Crenelear; Joe Frisby; Joe Kelley; Joe Killebrew; Joe Pickett; Joe Weston; Joe Wiley; Joe Woods; Joe Young; John A. Pearce; John Brown; John Brown Gordon; John Cheek; John Cornish; John Culley; John Cummings; John E. Davis; John F. Morriss; John G. F. Powell; John H. Crawford; John H. Weber; John Harris; John Howard; John Jackson; John L. Crawford; John M. Breen; John McAleese; John McDuffy; John Monroe Benford; John Owens; John P. Long; John Polk; John R. Towers; John s. Town; John Smith; John Steward; John Summers; John Thomson; John W. RaymondJ. A. Woodall; John Webb; John Williams; John York; Johnson County; Johnson Spates; Jones & Garnet; Jordan Weathersby; Joseph Branch; Joseph Young; Judge Allen; Jules Anderson; Julias Caesar Anderson; Julius Anderson; Julius K. Ward; Julius Worley; K. P. Sumby; Kanawha Circuit Court; Katharine Handroff; kidnappers; kidnapping; Kissimmee; L. B. Story; L. B. York; L. F. Patterson; L. F. Pattinson; Lake City; Lake County; larceny; law enforcement; Lawrence Green; lawyers; Leesburg; Leon County; Levi G. Simmons; Levy County; Levy County Sheriff's Office; Lewis C. Cassidy; Lewis Carroll; Linck's Hotel; Lizzie Mitchell; Llloyd Williams; local government; Long Tom Shine; Lony Rutland; Louis C. Saliniere; M. C. Gantt; M. G. Bayn; M. H. Kelly; M. M. Willoughby; M. Smith; Mack Holloway; Madison; Madison County; Mahitable White; Main Street; Malachia Allen; Marion County; Mart Jackson; Mattie Jackson; Mattthew Burnett; McAlpin; McConnell; McFadden; McGowan Harman; McLeod, Cranford & Company; McLin; Miles Newburn; Milligan; missing persons; Monticello; Mooney & Boland Detective Agency; Moses Braxton; mules; murderers; murders; Mureland Yowns; Myers; N. B. Deatherage; Nashville Metropolitan Police; Nathan Barnes; Neal Taylor; New Orleans Cotton Exchange; New York State Reformatory; Nivision; Nixburg Beat; Nolan Smith; Northern District of Florida; Northern Pacific Express Company; O. A. Budington; O. J. Greenleaf; O. M. Ward; Ocala; Oisbin; Ollie T. Rice; orange county; Orange County Sheriff's Office; Order of Cincinnatus; orlando; Orlando Livery; Oviedo; P. J. Murphy; P. J. Rogers; P. S. Bartlett; Paduck Police; Palatka; Palmer; Parker House; Pascal B. Lang; Pat A. Clinton; Pat Corcoran; Patsy Washington; Peacock; penitentiaries; penitentiary; Pensacola; perjurers; perjury; Perry Vinson; Peter Barkey; Peter Cook; Peter Harrison; Phillip Bryant; Phillip Cook; Phinizee Williams; Phipps; Pine Street; Pinkterton's National Detective Agency; police; Polk County; polygamists; polygamy; Pope Leo XIII; Porter's National Detective Agency; Pratt Mines; Price Broyles; prison break; prison camps; prison escapes; prisoners; prisons; Quah Bivins; R. B. Cuthby; R. G. Hurley; R. J. Linden; R. M. Porter; railroads; Ralph Camfield; rape; rapists; Rees Walker; rewards; Reynolds & McLeod; Rice Gholson; Richard Benning; Richard Gardiner; Richard Graham; Richard Lawrence; Richard Lewis; Richard Meservey; Richard Moses; Richard Pelham; Richard Stephens; Richard Tumlin; Richardson's Detective Agency; Rifis Rice; Rob Huger; robbers; robbery; Robert A. Pinkerton; Robert Board; Robert Colbrook; Robert Frost; Robert Hagar; Robert Huger; Robert Jackson; Robert M. Brown; Robert McLane; Robert Pascal; Robert Smith; Robert Starke; Robert Tom Smith; Robert Wright; Roberts; Rollan Harris; Rome Under Nero; Rufus R. Wade; Russell & Osborne; Russell Randolph; S. C. Grogg; S. G. Todd; S. J. Hilliard; S. M. Farmer; S. P. Hardwick; S. S. Pickett; S. S. Puckett; Saco and Biddeford Savings Institute; Saint Augustin; Sam Devault; Sam Finnegan; Sam Hargettl Henry Wilson; Sam Johnson; Sam Smithson; Sam Snelling; Sam Williams; Sam Yates; Sampson Cason; Samuel B. Kennedy, Jr.; Samuel Davis; Samuel Francis; Sandie Martin; Sandy Polite; Sandys Keys; Sanford; Sebe Russell; seduction; Seth Taylor; Seventh Street; Seville; Shackleford's Georgia Central Detective Agency; sheriffs; Sherman Bram; Sherman Carouth; Shins; Sidney Lowe; Sieben Russell; Silas Brookes; Silas H. Brigham; Silas Harris; Silas Martin; simple larceny; Smith & Wesson; Smith, West & Lyons; South Florida Railroad; Southern Express Company; Squire BlacksheerSam Weston; St. Augustine; St. Johns County; Stanton; Starke; steal; Stephen E. Rice; Stephen F. New; Steve Fannin; Steven Wiggins; Studebaker; Sullivan's Detective Agency; Sumpter Nichols; Sunderland; Suwannee County; swindlers; T. B. Blount; T. B. Robbins; T. D. Newland; T. J. Fish; T. N. Boylan; T. T. Ellison; Tallahassee; Tavares; Taylor Nixon; Tennessee Coal Iron & Railroad Company; The Cincinnati Enquirer; The Criminal Record; theft; thieves; Third Street; Thomas; Thomas Byrnes; Thomas Campbell; Thomas Hays; Thomas Mike; Thomas Porter; Thomas Shine; Thomas Watts; Thomas Williams; Thompson Richards; Titusville; Tobe Crystal; Tobe Jackson; Tom Brinson; Tom Telfer; Tony Salvati; Travis Sumpter; U.S. Department of Justice; U.S. Marshal; Vincenzo Gioacchino Raffaele Luigi Pecci; Virgil Earp; voluntary manslaughter; voluntary manslaugther; Volusia County; W. B. Beard; W. B. Lowe; W. B. Parker; W. C. Bube; W. C. Parker; W. D. Kellett; W. E. Minchin; W. F. Wilson; W. G. Dyer; W. H. Bigham; W. H. Bowie; W. H. Davis; W. H. Deaver; W. H. H. Bush; W. H. Yater; W. J. Footner; W. J. Winstead; W. K. Knight; W. L. McDowell; W. L. Richardson; W. L. Trappard; W. M. Raulerson; W. O. Wadley; W. P. Harrison; W. P. Hazen; W. P. Loftis; W. P. Rogers; W. P. Thomspon; W. R. Eason; W. R. Gaulding; W. S. Hubbs; W. S. West; W. T. Dowda; W. T. Linck; W. W. Simpson; Wade Holmes; Wadsworth; Walter Ford; Walter J. Howaland; Walter T. Williams; wanted; warrant; Warren & Thomas; Warren Peavy; Warren Wilcher; Washington County; watch; watches; Whoreley Building; Wiley Jordon; Wiley Warren; Will Burney; Will Hammond; Will Hazen; Will Jacobs; Will Johnson; William A. Pinkerton; William Allen; William Averitt; William Brinson; William Buford; William C. Bird; William C. Wrightsman; William Coleman; William Creal; William Henderson; William J. West; William Jefferson; William Jordan; William Kemble; William Killebrew; William McKnight; William Mitchell; William Morriss; William Pierce; William S. Tyson; William Springer; William Stanley; William Stephens; William Strickland; William Walker; William Wright; Williams; Williams Vales; Willie Hansel; Willie Jordon; Willie Smith; Willis Hodges; Wilson Evans; Wood & Brother; Z. L. Baxter
Oviedo, Circa 1960
Tags: A. A. Myers; A. Bradford Dinsmore; A. D. Sauer, Jr.; A. D. Sauer, Sr.; A. F. Cotton; A. L. Ruddell; A. M. Jones; A. W. Meares; African Methodist Episcopal; Agnes Smith; Alexandria Subdivision; Alice Brannon; Allison; AME; Amos Laster; Andrew Aulin; Andrew Aulin, Jr.; Andrew John McCulley; Andrew Leinhart; Anita King Crawford; Anna Leinhart; Annabelle Linger Lawton; Annette Sullivan Shrumpert; Annie Ethel Lee Carter; Antioch Missionary Baptist Church; Antonio Solary; Appleby; Arthur Evans; Arthur Metcalf; Arthur Riles Hunter; August D. Covington; Augusta Clause; Aulin Avenue; Aulin's Addition; B. F. Ward, Jr.; B. F. Wheeler III; B. F. Wheeler, Jr.; B. F. Wheeler, Sr.; B. G. Smith; B. J. Solomon; Bank of Oviedo; Baptists; Bay Street; Ben Blackburn; Ben Jones; Ben Wheeler; Benjamin Franklin Wheeler III; Benjamin Franklin Wheeler, Jr.; Benjamin Franklin Wheeler, Sr.; Bertha Huggins; Bertha Leinhart; Bertha P. Dixon; Bessie Fay Myers Fly; Bethany Circle; Betty Colbert; Beverly Hughes Evans; Bill Chance; Bill Jenkins, Jack Jenkins; Black Hammock; Blaine Edwards; Block Youth Building; Bob Cameron; Bob Gibbs; Bob King; Bob Ragsdale; Bob Slavik; Bob Ward; Bobby Standlifer; Bowers; Boyd Clonts; Brewster; Broadway Street; Bub Sloan; Bud Claxton; Butler Court Road; C. D. Crutchfield; C. J. Marshall; C. K. Phillips; C. L. West; C. N. Ogg; C. R. Clonts; C. R. Clonts, Jr.; C. S. Lee; C. T. Edwards; C. T. Niblack; cabins; Calvin Whitney; Carl Farnell; Catherine Young Gore; celery; Central Avenue; Charles Evans; Charles Niblack; Charles P. Williams; Charles Roy Clonts, Jr. Charles Roy Clonts, Sr.; Charles Shaffer; Charles Simeon Lee; Charlotte Lee Lawton; Chase Piano Company; Chester W. Shipley; Christine Leinhart; Chuluota; churches; citrus; city halls; Claire Lee Evans; Claire Lee Wheeler; Clara Deering; Clara Mariner; Clarence Ashe; Clark Street; Cleo Gore Leinhart; Clonts and Staley Block Company; Clyde Holder; Colonial architecture; Congregate Meals Program; construction; Courier Field; Crystal Shores; Curtis Estes; Cyrus B. Dawsey; D. D. Daniels; D. E. Hart; Dan Denmark; Daniel B. Hohn; Daniel Gore; David Corey; David Evans; David Hunter; Dawsey; Deering Harvester Company; Delco; Della Barnett; dentists; Dick Mitchell; Division Avenue; doctors; don Carraway; Don Shaffer; Don Ulrey; Donna Neely; Dora Kelsey; Dorothy Courier; Dorothy Lee; Douglas Jackson; Douglas Philpot; Downtown Oviedo; Dozier's; Drady Mathers; E. C. Harper; E. J. Moughton; E. M. Olliff; E. T. Standlifer; E. W. Stone; Earl Koontz; Edna Staley; education; Edward W. Stoner; Edwin A. Farnell; elementary schools; Elida Slavik; Elizabeth Farnell; Emmett Waltz; Emory Asbell; Ephfrom Whipper; Eric Anderson; Eric Anderson Subdivision; Essie Mae Clonts; Evelyn Alpaugh; Fay Stoner; Federation of Senior citizens Clubs of Seminole County, Inc.; Fellowship Hall; Fernando Daniel; Ferrell Beasley; First Baptist Church of Oviedo; First United Methodist Church of Oviedo; fisher; Florida State Road 419; Florida Technological University; Flournoy Jernigan; Foster Chapel; Fountainhead Baptist Church; Frank C. Morgan; Frank W. Talbott; Frank Wheeler; Franklin Street; Frazier Vail; Fred Dyson; Fred Robbins; Fred Tingley; FTU; Future Farmers of America; G. L. Baker; G. M. Arie; G. S. Abell; G. S. Moon; G. W. Johnson; Gammon and Deering Company; Garden Cove; Garden Street; Garth Bowers; Geneva; Geneva Abell; Geneva Drive; George C. Crawford; George Carlton; George Jakubcin; George K. Hollingsworth; George Lee Lawton; George Means; George Morgan; Georgia Lee Lawton; Georgian-Colonial architecture; Germans; Gladys Basford; Gladys Leinhart; Glen Stoner; Glenda Conley; Glenna B. Stoner; Goldie Eva Beckley Lee; Gordon Pendarivs; Gordon W. Johnson, Jr.; Gove Hill; Graham Avenue; Grant Chapel; Grant Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church; Grant Chapel AME Church; groves; Guy Lingo; H. B. McCall; H. C. Park; H. R. Spencer, Sr.; Haig; Hamlin; Hansel; Hardem Webb; Harold Jordan; Harry P. Leu Company; Hazel Haley; Helen Leinhart; Helen Terrell; Henry Foster; Henry Jackson; Henry McAlister; Henry Whittier; Henry Wolcott; Herbert McCarley; Herbert Metcalf; Hettie Ragsdale; High Street; Hillcrest Avenue; Hillcrest Drive; Hillcrest Gardens; Holland Construction Company; homes; houses; housing; Howard-Packard Land Company; Howell Williams; Hubert E. Davis; Huggins Brothers, Inc.; Hugh Gregory; Hugh Morris; immigrants; Internal Improvement Fund; Irene Hollenbeck; Irvin Claxton; J. B. Jones; J. B. Jones, Jr.; J. B. Ludlow; J. Emmett Kelsey; J. Enoch Partin; J. H. King; J. H. Lee III; J. H. Lee IV; J. H. Lee, Jr.; J. H. Lee, Sr.; J. H. Staley; J. L. Walker; J. N. Thompson; J. W. Burns; J. W. McIntosh; J. Wes Evans; Jack T. Bryant; Jack Williams, Sr.; Jackson Heights Middle School; Jackson Heights School; Jake Gore; Jamerson Construction Company; James Arthur Partin; James D. Hagin; James Davidson; James Gamble Rogers; James H. Lee; James Hiram Lee III; James Hiram Lee IV; James Hiram Lee, Jr.; James Hiram Lee, Sr.; James J. Egan; James Marion Jones; James Wilson; Jane Cochran Moon; Jane Hill Walker; Jean Jordan; Jeanette Mills; Jenkins Realty Company; Jennifer Adicks; Jennings Neeld; Jerry Jacobs; Jessie Shaffer; Jewel Dean; JHMS; Jim Jones; Jim McGowan; Jim Staley; Jimmy McGowan; Joe Faircloth; John Batts Jones, Sr.; John Branscomb; John Courier; John Drury; John McCulley; John Ridenour; John Smith; John W. Evans, Sr.; Johnie Conley; Johnnie Conley; Johnnie Wright; Johnny Jones; Joseph Leinhart; Josephine Munson; Juanita Beasley; Julia Gaulden; Julia Lee Matheson; Katherine Teague; Kathryn Lawton; Katie Ruddell; King Street; Kinney; Kirby Buckelew; Kirby Grant; Kirkpatrick; L. B. Moore; L. E. Jordan; L. J. Flowers; L. L. Day; L. L. Faulk; Lake Charm; Lake Charm Circle; Lake Charm Fruit Company; Lake Charm Memorial Chapel; Lake Jessup Avenue; Lake Jesup; Langston; Lawton Elementary School; Leah Koontz; Lee Gary; Lee H. Gore; Lena Leinhart; Leon Olliff; Leon Ragsdale; Libby Wainwright; Lillian Lee Lawton; Link Hart; Lloyd Koontz; Lois Jones; Lois Ruddell; Long Lake; Lonnie Metcalf; Loretta E. Hohn; Lottie Lee Lawton; Louis Edward Jordan, Sr.; Louis Leinhart; Louise B. Gore; Louise Brown Gore; Louise Wilson; Lucille Campbell; Lucille Niblack; Lucille Partin Niblack; Lynum Brothers; M. C. Hagen; M. L. Gary; M. L. Wright; M. M. Estes; Madeline Foltz; Mae King; Magnolia Street; Main Street; Margaret Culpepper Wolcott; Margaret Harper; Marguerite Covington; Marguerite Parson Partin; Marion Estes; Marsh harvester; Martha King Spinks; Martha Staley Leinhart; Marvin L. Wright; Mary Alice Aulin; Mary Brannon; Mary C. Wolcott; Mary Etta Chance; Mary Leinhart; Mary Leinhart Wright; Mary Ninde; Mary Young; Max Leinhart; Mead Manor; Meals on Wheels; Mediterranean architecture; Memorial Building; Meredith Brock; Merritt Staley; Methodists; middle schools; Mildred Adicks; Mills M. Lord; Milton Gore; Mimi Wheeler; Minnie King; Minnie Means; Myrtle Street; N. F. Lezette; Nanearl Bradley; Nannie B. Giles; neighborhoods; Nell George Morgan; Nell King Morgan; Nelson and Company; Nita Rawlson; Novella Carter Aulin Driggers; O. Gus Wolcott; O. P. Swope; OES; OHS; Olive Babbitt; Olive Lezette; Oliver Farnell; Oliver Swope; oranges; Oreon Burnett; orlando; Orlando Drive; Ouida Anderson Wolcott; Oviedo; Oviedo City Council; Oviedo City Hall; Oviedo Clinic; Oviedo Department of Public Safety; Oviedo Elementary School; Oviedo High School; Oviedo Historical Society; Oviedo Land Company; Oviedo Oaks; Oviedo School; Oviedo Woman's Club; Oviedo: Biography of a Town; OWC; Owens; P. B. Boston; Patsy A. Booth; Paul M. Campbell; Paul Mikler; Paul Slavik; Peck; Pennie Olliff; Pete McCall; Peter C. H. Pritchard; Peter Helliar; Phil Coree; physicians; pioneers; Plant System; porches; R. B. Black; R. F. Cooper; R. J. Lawton; R. W. Estes; R. W. Lawton; R. W. Whittier; railroad depots; railroads; Ransford C. Pyle; Richard Adicks; Richard Apel; Richfield; Rick Snow; Robert Holloway; Robert L. Ward; Robert Lawton, Jr.; Robert R. Barber; Robert Soka; Roberta Sparks Lingo; Roger Slavik; Rollins College; Ross F. Dunn; Ruby Estes; Ruby Jones; Russell Daniel; Ruth Davidson; Ruth Metcalf; S. E. Kirkland; S. J. Lewis and Company; S. L. Murphy; S. R. Rembert; Sam Stephens; Sam Swope; Samuel L. Robinson; Samuel Lincoln Murphy; Samuel William Swope; Sanford; Sanford and Indian River Railroad; Sans Souci; schools; Schweizer Associates; SCPS; Seminole County Public Schools; Shed Grove; Sky King; Slavia; Smith Street; Solary's wharf; South Florida Railroad; Sparks Lee Clonts Ridenour; Sparks Lee Ridenour; Spencer R. Wainwright; SR 419; St. Hebrew African Methodist Episcopal Church; St. Hebrew AME Church; Stalnick; Stan Tillman; Stanley Brokhausen; Stanley Muller; Stanley T. Muller; Steen Nelson; Steve Somers; Steven Sommers; Stewart Catchell; Stewart Gatchell; Sweetwater Creek; T. C. Brannon; T. L. Lingo, Jr.; T. L. Lingo, Sr.; T. W. Lawton; T. W. Lawton Elementary School; Ted Estes; Tedford; Terry Raburn; Thelma Lee Clonts; Thelma Tew; Theodore Luqueer Mead; Thomas K. Brown; Thomas Moon, Sr.; Thomas Ratliff; Thomas Staley; Thomas Weaton; Thomas Willingham Lawton; Todd Whitney; Tom Deal; Tom Hollingsworth; Tom Purdom; Tom Risher; Tommy Estes; tony Daniels; UCF; University of Central Florida; V. H. Sley; Virginia Mikler; Virginia Staley; W. A. Clark; W. A. Teague; W. B. Williams; W. B. Young; W. C. Alpaugh; W. C. Betsy Anne Carter Apel; W. G. Mikell; W. H. Martin; W. J. Lawton; W. J. Varn; W. K. Kimble; W. P. Carter; W. Rex Clonts; W. T. Chance; W. W. Young; Wallace Sommerville; Walter A. Teague; Walter Cart; Walter Carter; Walter Eugene Olliff; Walter Guynn; Walter Gwynn; Warren McCall; Wayne Standlifer; Whispering Oaks; Wiley Abell; William Browning; William H. Deering; William Hyatt; William Marr; William R. Marr; William Wiley Lee; William X. Ninde; Willie Poole; Willis; Winborn Joseph Lawton; Windmeadow Farms; Winter Park; Women's Society for Christian Service; Wyatt L. Wyatt; Wyatt Lawrence Wyatt; Yarborough; Young Harris; Zack Spinks; Zetta Leinhart