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- Tags: Chattahoochee
Lawton Family History
Tags: A. B. Lawton; A. B. Lawton and Company; A. C. Lawton; Abraham Lincoln; Adam Fowler Brisbane; African Americans; Albany, Georgia; Alex Lawton; Alexander Benjamin Lawton; Alexander Cater Lawton; Alexander J. Lawton; Alexander James Lawton; Alexander Robert Lawton; Allen Hagen; American Civil War.; American Revolution; American Revolutionary War; Anderson Peeler; Andrew Aulin, Sr.; Anglicanism; Anglicans; Anna Lawton; Annie Elizabeth Miller; Annie Narcissa Lawton Long; Arcadia; Archibald T. McIntyre; Asa Lawton; B. F. Porter; B. S. Fuller; Baker County, Georgia; Baptists; Battle of New Orleans; Benjamin F. Lawton; Benjamin Lawton; Benjamin T. D. Lawton; Benjamin Themistocles Dion Lawton; Benny Lawton; Beulah Lawton Hughes; Birdie Lawton Grogan; Black Swamp Academy; Black Swamp Company; Black Swamp, South Carolina; Bluffton, South Carolina; Bobby Lawton; C. J. Lawton; C. J. McDonald; Caddo Parish, Louisiana; Carolyn L. Harrell; Cassandra C. Tillman; Charlotte Ann Lawton; Charlotte Esther Lawton Peeples; Chattahoochee; Cheshire; churches; Clara Curtis Lawton Lienhard; Clara Isabella Lawton Wheeler; Clara Isabelle Lawton; colonial; colonies; colonists; colony; Confederacy; Confederate Army; Confederate States of American; Confederates; corn; Coy K. Johnson; Cuthbert; David Montague Laffitte; Dower; E. H. Peeples; E. Haviland Hillman; E. L. Lawton; Edisto Island Plantation; Edisto Island, South Carolina; Edward P. Lawton; Edward Peeples; Elizabeth Mary Brisbane; Emma Lenora Lawton; Emma Lenora Lawton Aulin; Episcopalians; Eusebia Lawton; farmers; farms; Francis McLeod; Friske; Frog Legel, Louisiana; Gary Lawton Grogan; George Mossee; Georgia Cavalry Regiment; Gerald Marshall Church; GloriAnna Lawton Brisbane; Godfrey; Grooverville, Georgia; Hanahan's; Hector Irving Cook; Henry Carter; Henry Clay; Henry Clay, Sr.; Hepsibah Baptist Church; Hernando County; Hilton Head Island, South Carolina; I. Clayton Ramsey; Inabinett, E. L.; indigo; Isadore Perry Lawton; J. A. Malette; J. A. Mallett; J. L. Simkins; J. T. Herring; James Clark; James Connell; James K. Polk; James Knox Polk; James Stoney Lawton; James Tillman Grogan; James Tillman Grogan, Sr.; James Wilburn Grogan; Jane Ann Grogan Church; Jane Mosse Lawton; Jared Everitt; Jefferson County; Jefferson Davis; Jefferson Finis Davis; Jeremiah Clark; Jeremiah Lawton; Joe Lawton; John C. Cochran; John Calder; John Grimball Ann Grimball Robert; John Hanahan; John Hughes; John Lawton; John N. Dugger; John Seabrook; John Sealy; John Sheffield; John T. Lyons; John Thomas Wheeler; Joseph James Lawton; Joseph Lawton; Joshua B. Everette; Josiah A. Everette; Josiah A. Flournoy; Josiah Everett; Josiah Flournoy; Josiah Lawton; Josie Adams; Judson Lawton; Kathryn Lawton; Lawton and Allied Families Association; Lawton, Dowell, and Company; Lawtonville Baptist Church; Lawtonville Cemetery; Lawtonville, South Carolina; Lebanon Cemetery; Leonard Tuggle; Liberty Baptist Church; Lona Lawton; Lona Lawton Aulin; Louisiana Purchase; Lucina Walker Lawton; Lucinda Walker Landrum; Macon, Georgia; Margaret Grogan; Martha Lawton; Martha S. Lawton; Martha S. Lawton Gwynn; Mary Ann Mosse; Mary Ann Whaley Lawton; Mary Cater Lawton; Mary Cater Rhoades; Mary Cater Rhodes; Mary Clarke Lawton; Mary Edla Laffitte; Mary Elizabeth Lawton Mathews; Mary Gwynn Lawton; Mary Hannah Aulin Grogan; Mary Harris; Mary Jane Lawton; Mary Jane Lawton Laffitte; Mary Lawton; Mary Martha Grogan Lundy; Mary Mathews Lawton; Mary Stone Fickling; Mary Stone Grimball Lawton; Mary Winborn Lawton; Mattie Lawton; May River Baptist Church; Monticello; Moses Linton; Mulberry Grove Plantation; My Husband; My Little Daughter Clara; N. Dudley; N. M. Lawton; Narcissa Melissa Lawton; Nine Mile Post Road; Oglethorpe, Georgia; Oliveros; On the Death of Littly Benny; orange county; Oviedo; Oviedo Cemetery; Pages Home Place; pastors; Paul Grimball; Phoebe Norton Mosse; Phoebe Sarah Lawton Willingham; Pierre Robert; pioneers; Pipe Creek Church; plantations; planters; poems; poetry; preachers; Presbyterians; Prince William's Parish; Providence Grimball Mikell; R. W. Lawton; rice; Robert E. H. Peeples; Robert Hurst; Robert Lauder; Robert Themistocles Lawton; Robert William Lawton; Robertville, South Carolina; Ruth Miller Thomas; Ruth Thomas; s. Manning; Samuel Fickling; Samuel J. Ray; Samuel L. Dowell; Samuel Perry; Sanford Bason; Sarah A. Godfrey Lawton; Sarah Lawton; Sarah Mathews; Sarah Roberts Lawton; Sarah Seabrook; SavAnnah River Association; Savannah, Georgia; settlers; slavery; slaves; South Carolina Militia; St. John's Parish; St. Marks; St. Peter's Parish; Stacey Allene Church; Steamboat Landing Road; Summer Oaks; T. Willingham; The Death Bed; The Georgia Telegraph; The Lawtons of Summer Oaks; The Level; The Southern Enterprise; Theodore Dehon Mathews; Thirza Lawton Polhill; Thomas A. Bailey; Thomas County Historical Museum; Thomas County, Georgia; Thomas Grimball; Thomas Hill; Thomas J. Lawton; Thomas O. Lawton, Jr.; Thomas Polhill; Thomas Rhodes; Thomas Willingham; Thomas Winborn; To My Babe; To My Old Album; Tom Cobbs; Tom Lawton; Tommie Lawton; Tommy Lawton; Two Sister's Ferry; U.S. Census of 1860; Union; W. A. Cumming; W. J. Lawton; W. S. Lawton; W. T. Lawton; Walker Gwynn; Walter Gwynn; Wiley Blewet; William Henry Brisbane; William Henry Lawton; William Hilliard; William Lawton; William Lawton, Jr.; William Mathews; William Peeler; William S. Lawton; William S. Lawton and Company; William Seabrook; William Seabrook Lawton; William Stegall; William Tilly; William Warren Rogers; Winborn Asa Lawton; Winborn Benjamin Lawton; Winborn Joseph Lawton; Winborn Lawton; Winborn Lawton, Jr.; Winborn Theodore Lawton; Winnie Lawton; Winny Lawton
Seminole County Public Schools Teachers and Salaries, 1913-1954
Tags: 10th Street; 11th Avenue; 12th Street; 13th Street; 14th Street; 15th Street; 16th Street; 17th Street; 19th Street; 1st Street; 20th Street; 21st Street; 2nd Avenue; 2nd Street; 3rd Street; 4th Street; 5th Street; 6th Street; 7th Street; 8th Street; 9th Street; Aberdeen; Adena; Aloma Avenue; Apalachicola; Apopka; Arran; Ashby Street; Ashley Street; Auburndale Avenue; Avocado Avenue; Axson; Baimbridge; Baldwin; Bay Avenue; Beach Street; Beardall Avenue; Benson Springs; Bernesville; Blenton; Blount Street; Boston; Brigend; Brisson Avenue; Buffalo; Burbank; Burlington; Bushnell; Calhoun; Cambridge; Cameron; Cameron Avenue; Cameron City; Campbell; Casselberry; Catalina Drive; Celery Avenue; Center Street; Chancellor; Chatham; Chattahoochee; Chipley; Christmas; Chuluota Primary; Chuluota Primary School; Chuluota School; Church Creek; Cincinnati; Citrus Heights; Clark Avenue; Clermont; Cleveland; Cliffdale; Cloudland Park; Colbert; College Hill Street; Concord Avenue; Cottondale; Country Club Road; County Road 427; Cowan Apartments; CR 427; Crooms Academy; Cumming; Cypress Avenue; Cypress Street; Dade City; Danbury; Daytona Beach; DeLand; Delton; Dexter; Dixie Highway; Dothan; Douglas; Douglas Street; Dublin; East Side; East Side Primary School; Eastside Primary School; Edmund; educator; Eighth Street; elementary school; Eleventh Avenue; Elliot Avenue; Elm Avenue; employee; Eufsuls; Eustis; F Street; Fern Park; Fifteenth Street; Fifth Street; First Street; Floral Heights; Forest City School; Forsyth; Fort Meade; Fort Reed; Fourteenth Street; Fourth Street; Franklin Street; Franklinton; French Avenue; Frostproof; Gabriella Colored School; Gainesville; Gamble Street; Geneva Avenue; Geneva Colored School; Geneva Elementary School; Geneva School; Genius Drive; Georgetown; Glendale; Goggansville; Goldsboro Primary School; Grandview Avenue; Haines City; Halb Avenue; Havana; Hawthorne; Hemingwet; Hermits Trail; Hewlett; Hickory Avenue; high school; Highland; Hinson; Holly Avenue; Hopper Academy; Howry Street; Hungerford School; Indian Mound Village; Jackson Street; Jacksonville; Jasper; Jefferson; Jefferson Street; Jessamine Avenue; Jonesboro; Key West; Kingstree; Kissimmee; Kolokee; Ky-Bama Lodge; Lake Avenue; Lake Butler; Lake Mary Road; Lake Mary School; Lake Monroe Colored School; Lake Monroe School; Lake Wales; Lake Worth; Lakeland; Lakemont; Lakeview Drive; Lakewood; Langley; Langley Apartments; Las Olas Boulevard; Laurel Avenue; Leesburg; Lewisberg; LHS; Live Oak; Livingston Street; Lloyd; Loch Arbor Court; Locust Avenue; Longwood School; Louisville; Lyman Elementary School; Lyman High School; Madison; Madison Street; Magnolia Avenue; Main Street; Maitland; Maple Avenue; Marianna; Marietta; Maripose Street; Mars Hill; Maryville; Mascotte; Masonville; McCombe Street; Mellonville Avenue; Menlo; Merritt Street; Miami; Midway; Miller Avenue; Minnesota Avenue; Moncrif Avenue; Montezuma Hotel; Monticello; Montverde; Morgan City; Moultrie; Mount Dora; Mount Olive; Mount Vernon; Myrtle Avenue; New Canton; New Milford; New Port Richey; New Smyrna Beach; Nineteenth Street; Ninth Street; O'Brien; Oak Avenue; Oak Street; Oakland; Ocoee; OHS; Olive Street; Orange Avenue; orlando; Osceola; Osceola School; Osteen; Oviedo; Oviedo Colored School; Oviedo High School; Oviedo School; Oxford Junction; Ozark; Palatka; Palmetto Avenue; Paris; Park Avenue; Parramore Street; Pearson; Pecan Avenue; Pelham; Pendergrass; Peninsula Drive; Penn Avenue; Pensacola; Persimmon Avenue; Pine Avenue; Pinehurst; Poinsetta Avenue; Ponce Park; Portsmouth; public school; Punta Gorda; Quitman; Raleigh; Randall Circle; Reus Street; Richland; Richmond Avenue; Ridgewood Avenue; Rock Hill; Rosalia Drive; Rose Court; Rose Court Apartments; Rosenwald; Rosenwald No. 1; Roslindale; Roundtree Avenue; Route 1; Route 2; Route A; Roxbury Road; Ruthledge; Salem; Salisbury; San Lanta Apartments; Sand Lake Road; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford High School; Sanford Junior High; Sanford Junior High School; Sanford Primary School; Sanford Vocational School; Sans Souci Avenue; school; SCPS; Seaboard Oil Company; Second Avenue; Second Street; Sellors Street; Seminole County; Seminole County Public Schools; Seminole County School Board; Seminole High School; Seminole Rosenwald No. 1; Seventeenth Street; Seventh Street; Shady Lane; Shady Lane Drive; Sharon; Shepherd Avenue; SHS; Silver Lake; Sipes Avenue; Sixteenth Street; Sixth Street; SJHS; snow Hill Road; Sorrento; South Side Primary School; Southside Primary; Southside Primary School; Spurling Street; St. Augustine; St. Petersburg; Steubenville; Summerlin Avenue; Sumter; Sunset Drive; Swan Street; Swanton; Tallahassee; Tampa; Tangerine; teacher; Teckla; Tekona Park; Tenth Street; Third Street; Thirteenth Street; Tifton; Triplet Street; Tuscaloosa; Twelfth Street; Twentieth Street; Twenty-First Street; Umatilla; Union Avenue; Valdosta; Valencia Drive; Vernville; Vidette; Vienna; Virginia Drive; Vistabula; Vradenburgh; Wagner Colored School; Waits Street; Waleska; Washington; Washington Avenue; Wauseon; Welbourne Street; Wellborn; West Point; West Side Primary School; Westside Primary School; Whigham; Wichita; Wildmere Avenue; Wildwood; Willow Avenue; Wilson; Wilson School; Winfree Avenue; Winston-Salem; Winter Garden; Winter Haven; Winter Park; Woodsbridge; Wrightsville; Youngstown