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- Tags: Jim Crescitelli
The Watermark, Vol. 12, No. 17, August 25-September 7, 2005
Tags: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome; Adele Siyufy; Aimee Mann; Alison Bechdel; Anthony Paull; anti-gay policy; Beth Adele Long; Billy Masters; bisexual; Bob Roehr; Brian Nutt; Bryan L. Middour; bullying; Buycott; Dave Wiethop; Daytona Beach; Debbie Oliver; Diane Wilde; domestic partnerships; Don Williams; Dragness of God and the Naked Holy Ghost; Edwin DeJesus; Evangelical Lutheran Church of American; Fall Arts Preview; gay; Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Descrimination; Gay Days Tampa; Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender; gay marriage; gay panic; gay-bashing; Georgia Jenkins; Greg Triggs; hate crimes; homosexuality; homosexuals; human immunodeficiency virus; Jayelle Wiggins; Jen Foster; Jim Crescitelli; Jim Verraros; Jimmie Rice; John Granstrand; John Walldorf; Jonathan Sexauer; Karen S. Murray-Parker; Ken Kundis; Kevin Thornton; Kieth Barber; King of Peace MCC; Kirk Hartlage; Larry Hermann; Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender; lesbians; LGBTQ+; Lisa Buck; Lorraine Brock; Maitland Art Center; Margaret Nolan; Mark Dickerson; Michigan Women's Music Festival; Misty Smeltzer; Nancy Wilson; Neil G. Giuliano; orlando; Pride; Q Television; queers; questioning; Rex Maniscalco; Rick Claggett; Rivendell Media, Inc.; same-sex; Sarasota; Sarasota Gay and Lesbian Film Festival; sexual harassment; Spacecoast; St. Petersburg; Steve Allen; Steve Blanchard; Steve Davis; Suncoast Theatre; Tampa; The Ladies of Eola Heights; The Watermark; Tom Dyer; Tom Eckert; Tom Murray; trans; transgender; Travis Moore; Trina Gregory; Victor Leiner; Virgil; Wanzie and Company
The Watermark, Vol. 2, No. 2, January 25, 1995
Tags: activism; activists; Alachua County; Alan Bruun; Amnesty International; Anderson; Andre Provencher; Andrews Sisters; Anne Waldron; Anthony Fauci; Audrey Hepburn; Bahia Shrine Auditorium; Barbie; Bart Zarcone; Bennett Klein; bisexuals; Bob Spears; Brad Houghton; Bruce Jenner; capital punishment; Carl S. Simon; Carol Bartsch; Cheryl Griggs; Chris Lynde; Christine Robison; Chuck Almand; Clermont; Cloutier; Dade; David Almeida; David Caton; David Geffen; David Ho; David Roberson; David Schwartz; Daytona; Daytona Beach; De Matteis; Diana Ross; Diane Wilde; Dimitri Toscas; Disney; Don Dias; Douglas Battawa; Eddie Hilliard; Eleanor Roosevelt; Elgan; Elke Martin; Enyart; Epcot; Eric Overmyer; Eric Rollings; Erica Rand; Finn; Fowler; Gail Bird; gay; Georg Ketelhohn; George Coscia; George M. Shaw; Glenda Hood; Graham; Gus Van Sant; Harold Fong; HOMAN; homosexuality; homosexuals; Ian Russell; Iran; Islamic Penal Law; James Bybee; James S. Koopman; Jamie P. Still; Jay Boyar; Jay Levy; Jim Crescitelli; Joel Strack; John Doe; John McCombs; John Rose; John Travolta; Johns Hopkins; Johnson; Johnston; Jonathan Bamford; Jonathan Hollingshead; Judy Davis; Katie Messmer; Keanu Reeves; Keith Baber; Keith Bergstrasser; Keith Bergstrasser & Company, Inc; Keith Brodie; Keith Morrison; Keith Peterson; Ken Kundis; Keohane; Kim Jones; Lambda Center; Laurence Mark; Laurent Nicastro; Leonard Cohen; lesbians; Lesbigay Coalition; Leslie Bennet; LGBT; LGBTQ+; Life Care Resources; Linda Chapin; Lou Baio; Lucy Carney; Lyman; Maitland; Maitland Civic Center; Marcia Gay Harden; Margaret Reinfeld; Margarethe Cammermeyer; Mario Pabon; Marlene Bernstein; Martha Stewart; Martin; Martin Scorsese; Mary Jess; Mary Linger; Menino; Metropolitan Business Association; Miami; Michael Dunn; Michael Hodges; Michael Jackson; Miller; Moonstruck; Natural Born Killers; Newman; Nicastro; orlando; Orlando Public Library; Palm Beach; Palm Beach County; Paradise Island; Patrick Bruin; Patty Sheehan; Phil Donahue; Phillips; queers; questioning; Rainbow Democratic Club; Richard Cloutier; Richard Giorgio; Robert Deniro; Robert Holland; Robert Sean Leonard; Robin Buhrke; Ron Carnival; Ronald Reagan; Rosalind Russell; Rosanne Sloan; Saidi Sirjani; Sam Shepard; same-sex; Sandie Swift; Sandy Fink; Sarah Emmer; Sarah Nuckles; Sarano; Saviz Shafaie; Schwartz; Scott Alles; Sean Astin; Sharia law; Sharon Badal; Shepard; Somers; Stephan Likosky; Steve Rheaume; Steve Roberts; Susan Sarandon; Tampa; Tampa Bay; Tampa Bay Gay Men's Chorus; Ted Maines; Tera Kenney; The Client; The Lambda Center; The Watermark; Tim Huskins; Tom Dyer; trans; transgender; Val Stevens; W. Thomas Dyer; Watermark Media, Inc.; West Palm Beach; William F. Weld; William Finn; Wilson; Winslow; Winter Park; Yolanda Clark
The Watermark, Vol. 12, No. 18, September 8-21, 2005
Tags: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome; Adele Siyufy; Alison Bechdel; Anthony Paull; anti-gay; art; Barney Frank; Beatrice "Bea" Arthur; Billy Masters; bisexual; Bob Roehr; Bradenton; Brini Maxwell; Britney Jean Spears; Bryan L. Middour; Buycott; Chicago; Christina Aguilera; Courtney Michelle Love; Dave Wiethop; David Jude Heyworth Law; David Robert Joseph Beckham; Daytona Beach; Debbie Oliver; decorators; Diane Wilde; Dick Clarke; Don Williams; Edwin DeJesus; Ellen Lee DeGeneres; equality; gay; Gay Days Tampa Bay; gay rights; Georgia Jenkins; Greg Triggs; Gypsy Productions; Hillsborough County; home decor; home improvement; homosexuality; human immunodeficiency virus; Hurricane Katrina; Jailbait; James "Jim" Adam Belushi; Jayelle Wiggins; Jim Crescitelli; John G. Roberts Jr.; John Walldorf; Jonathan Sexauer; judicial review; Justin Randall Timberlake; Karen S. Murray-Parker; Keith Baber; Ken Kundis; Kevin Thornton; Kim Victoria Cattrall; Kirk Hartlage; Larry Hermann; lesbian; Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer/Questioning; Leslea Newman; Lisa Buck; Margaret Nolan; Mark Dickerson; Michigan Women's Music Festival; Milwaukee Gay Arts Center; Misty Smeltzer; New Orleans; orlando; Orlando Gay Chorus; Pamela Denise Anderson; Parliament House; Pentecostal Church; Peter Thornley; Philadelphia; Potter's House; Q Television; queers; questioning; Rainbow City; Rex Maniscalco; Rick Claggett; Rivendell Media, Incorporated; Ryan John Seacrest; same-sex; San Diego; Sarasota; Sarasota Gay and Lesbian Film Festival; Sean Patrick Astin; St. Petersburg; Steve Blanchard; Steve Davis; Steve Valentine Patrick William Allen; Tab Hunter; Tampa; Tampa International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival; The Watermark; Tom Dyer; Tom Eckert; trans; transgender; Travis Moore; Trina Gregory; underage drinking
The Watermark, Vol. 9, No. 22, October 24-November 6, 2002
Tags: ABBA; Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome; AIDS; Aileen Wuornos; Alan Chambers; Alan Miller; Alcazar; Ander Crenshaw; Andreas Lundstedt; Andy Gardiner; Anthony Suarez; Area Agency on Aging; Arlene Sweeting; Barbara Trovillion Rushing; Barry Winchell; Bart Coyle; Benny Andersson; Bertrand Delanoe; Betty DeGeneres; Betty Wyman; Beulah Farquharson; Bill Galvano; Bill Kanouff; Bill Maxwell; Bill McBride; Billy Manes; bisexual; Bjorn Again; Bjorn Ulvaeus; Brett Peeler; Brian Blair; Bruce Antone; Cactus Club; Camp Mars; Carolyn Bricklemeyer; Cathy Renna; Centaur; Central Florida AIDS United Resources; Chambers; Charles "Charlie" Joseph Crist Jr.; Charles S. Knause; Cherokee Club; Cherylin Sarkisian LaPierre; Chris Manley; Christian Coalition; Christopher Eaton; Chuck Kalogianis; Clarence Hoenstine; Clicks; Cliff B. Stearns; Connie Kurtz; Corrine Brown; Crawford; Daisy Lynum; Darcell Stevens; Dave Weldon; David Buby; David Dillon; David E. Bruderly; David Geffen; Debbie Simmons; Derek King; DH Productions; Diamond Furniture Gallery; Dignity USA; Donna Clarke; Eddie Diaz; Edith Lederberg; Ellen DeGeneres; Equality Florida; Eric Marcus; Eric Siglin; Exodus; Faye Culp; Florida AIDS Action; Florida AIDS Action Council; Francis House; Frank Bell; Frank Farkas; Frank Peterman Jr.; Fred Brummer; Fred Phelps; Gary Nixon; Gary Siplin; gay; Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation; Gay Days; Gay Games; Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Community Center; Gene Copello; Ginny Brown-Waite; Glenda Hood; Grant Lynn Ford; Gregory "Gregg" LeNoir Allman; Harry Jacobs; Headdress Ball; HIV; homosexuality; homosexuals; Hope & Help Center of Central Florida; human immunodeficiency virus; Human Rights Campaign; Infectious Disease Consultants; Infinite Tribe Drum Corps; Jade Fairall; James Donald Sallace; James Jacob Pierri; Jan Schneider; Janet Buckles; Janice Josephine Carney; Jeb Bush; Jeff Miller; Jeff Walton; Jennifer Carroll; Jennifer Falero; Jerry Falwell; Jerry Keeran; Jess Abuleson; Jim B. Martin; Jim Crescitelli; Jim Garciga Travel; Jim Kallinger; Jim Luscombe; Jim Merritt; Jim Tso; John Butter Book; John Carassas; John Hugh "Buddy" Dyer; John L. Mica; John Morroni; John Quinones; John T. Conway; Joie Cadle; Jose Fernandez; Kai Rush; Karen Thurman; Katherine Harris; Kathy Barman; Kathy Castor; Ken Shelin; Kim Berfield; Kim's Club; Koko Guevarra; Kris Doubles; Kristin Hart; Kurt Gratzol; Lani Brito; Larry Martin; Larry Smith; Laurie Anderson; Laurie Ellison; Lava Lounge; Lawrence P. Milford; lesbians; LGBTQ+; Liberty Council; Linda Stewart; Lisa Tilman-Healy; Liz Langley; Log Cabin Republicans; Lorenzo Robertson; Lou Hidu; Margaret Murray; Mark Howard; Marni Berger; Matthew Shepard; Max Baucus; Max Morris; MC Film Fest; Mel White; Melissa Hernandez; Michael Bilirakis; Michael Fried; Michele Balan; Mike Taylor; Mike Thomas; Nancy Alexander; Nancy Newbie; Nazhoni; Nic Arnzen; One Laurel Place; Orlando Anti-Discrimination Ordinance Committee; Parliament House; Pat Burke; Pat Frank; Patricia Kutteles; Patrick A. Kranz; Patrick Howell; Patty Sheehan; People For A United Orlando; Phil Diamond; Plush; Pookie's Bow Wow; Pride Tampa Bay; Pridefest; queers; questioning; Rainbow Democratic Club; Republicans; Ric Keller; Rick Merrifield; Rick Walen; Ricky Chavis; Rob Lorenten; Robb & Stucky; Robert T. Clark; Robin Guess; Ron Dyser; Rose Ferlita; Ruth King; Ruthie Berman; Salvatore Phillip "Sonny" Bono; same-sex; Sanderson Foundation; Sandra L. Murman; Sara Romeo; Sarah Viren; Sarasota Equality Project; Scott Dunkle; Scott Farrell; Scott Jackson Smith; Scottie Campbell; Selvin Orlando Campos; Shannon Woodrum; Sheri McInvale; Sonny and Cher; Southern Nights; Sterling Powell; Steve Cooley, Ever Wilfredo Rivera; Susan Valdes; Suzanne Westenhoefer; Tampa Bay AIDS Network; Tampa Bay Business Guild; Tampa International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival; Team Tampa Bay; Ted Howard; Ted Maines; Terry King; The Watermark; Thomas Kilmon; Thomas Schwartz; Tim Shea; Tom Dyer; Tom Feeney; Tom Waddell; Tom Woodard; Tommy Manley; transgender; Triangle Democratic Caucus; Troy Newton; Tyler Grey; Tyson Richmond; Unity Leadership Tampa Bay; Valerie Mincey; Vicki Vargo; Vincent K. Hopkins; Water Colors; Watermark Awards for Variety and Excellence; WAVE Awards; Wayne Hogan; Wes Allison; William D. Van Allen Jr.; William Waybourn; Withlacoochee Women's Music & Comedy Fest
The Watermark, Vol. 4, No. 20, October 2-15, 1997
Tags: ACLU; Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome; AIDS; AIDS Resource Alliance; Albert "Al" Arnold Gore Jr.; Alexis Arquette; Alison Bechdel; American Civil Liberties Union; Anderson Jones; Andrew Cunanan; Anne Heche; Anthony Fauci; Art for Life; Association for the Lesbian and Gay Movement; Bette Milder; Billy Masters; bisexual; Bob Roehr; Brenda Dale Knox; Carolyn Gertz; Central Florida Breast Cancer Foundation; Charles Busch; Christine Leigh Heyrman; Civic Theatre; Clive Thomas; Concern Women for America; Coretta Scott King; Curtis Hanson; Daniel Zingale; David Almeida; David Bianco; David Fields; David Ho; Debbie Henseder; Deborah Tamargo; Democratic Party; Diana Frances; Diana, Princess of Wales; Diane Wilder; Dick Shafer; Donna Shalala; Eddie Caballero; Edward "Ted" Moore Kennedy; Elizabeth Taylor; Ellen Lee DeGeneres; Ethan Mordden; Franco Nero; Full Moon Saloon; gay; Gay 90s Theatre Cafe & Bar; Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Student Union; Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network; Gianni Versace; Gina Garcia; Greg Triggs; Gregory Wentz; Guy Edward Pearce; Helen Chasnoff; Helen Cohen; HIV; homosexuality; homosexuals; Hope and Help Center; human immunodeficiency virus; Human Rights Campaign; Human Rights Task Force; Ian McKellen; In The Life; Jack the Lad; Jacqueline Jones; James Ireland; Jamie Nabozny; Jayelle Wiggins; Jennifer Jason Leigh; Jessica Phyllis Lange; Jim Crescitelli; John Felton; Julie Brown; Julie Taylor; Kate Shindle; Katherine Linton; Kathy Martinez; Keith Morrison; Ken Kundis; Kerry Lobel; Kevin Delaney Kline; Kevin Spacey Fowler; Kimboo York; Kimila Ann "Kim" Basinger; lesbians; Leslie Carrara; LGBT; LGBTQ+; Life In Other People's Shoes; Liza Minnelli; Marc Jacobs; Mark Iversen; Marv Albert; Marvin Philip Aufrichtig; Melissa Lou Etheridge; Menahem Golan; Meral Ertune; Meral's Ride; Michael Wanzie; Michelle Marie Pfeiffer; National Coming Out Day; National Gay and Lesbian Task Force; orlando; Orlando Gay Chorus; Owen Keehnen; P.G. Clotti; Pablo Andres; Pan Am Pictures Inc.; Parliament House; Patricia Nell Warren; Patty Sheehan; Paul Bartel; PBS; polyamory; Pride Film Festival; Princess Diana; Public Broadcasting Service; queers; questioning; Rainbow Democratic Club; Rave Bill; Richard Gephardt; Robert "Bob" Joseph Dole; Robert Jenkins; Rupaul; Russell Ira Crowe; Russell Scott; Sam Irvin; Sam Lupowitz; same-sex; Sappho; SBC; Serenity House Pediatric AIDS Foundation; Serra Project; Shane Perdue; Sheila Kuehl; Southern Baptist Convention; Stephanie Callahan; Stephen Bauer; Stephen Kelly; Stephen Steck; Steve Peacock; Steven H. Haeberle; Tampa; Tampa Convention Center; Tampa Downtown Hyatt; Tanya Roberts; The Club at Firestone; The Eagle; The Factory; The Front Runners; The Lady Chablis; The Watermark; Thomas Duane; Thomas Durkin; Todd Haynes; Todd Simmons; Tom Dyer; Tom Selleck; Tony Watkins; trans; transgender; Triangle Caucus; Victoria Sigler; William "Bill" Jefferson Clinton; William B. Calvert III; WMFE-FM