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- Tags: Bradenton
The Watermark, Vol. 12, No. 18, September 8-21, 2005
Tags: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome; Adele Siyufy; Alison Bechdel; Anthony Paull; anti-gay; art; Barney Frank; Beatrice "Bea" Arthur; Billy Masters; bisexual; Bob Roehr; Bradenton; Brini Maxwell; Britney Jean Spears; Bryan L. Middour; Buycott; Chicago; Christina Aguilera; Courtney Michelle Love; Dave Wiethop; David Jude Heyworth Law; David Robert Joseph Beckham; Daytona Beach; Debbie Oliver; decorators; Diane Wilde; Dick Clarke; Don Williams; Edwin DeJesus; Ellen Lee DeGeneres; equality; gay; Gay Days Tampa Bay; gay rights; Georgia Jenkins; Greg Triggs; Gypsy Productions; Hillsborough County; home decor; home improvement; homosexuality; human immunodeficiency virus; Hurricane Katrina; Jailbait; James "Jim" Adam Belushi; Jayelle Wiggins; Jim Crescitelli; John G. Roberts Jr.; John Walldorf; Jonathan Sexauer; judicial review; Justin Randall Timberlake; Karen S. Murray-Parker; Keith Baber; Ken Kundis; Kevin Thornton; Kim Victoria Cattrall; Kirk Hartlage; Larry Hermann; lesbian; Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer/Questioning; Leslea Newman; Lisa Buck; Margaret Nolan; Mark Dickerson; Michigan Women's Music Festival; Milwaukee Gay Arts Center; Misty Smeltzer; New Orleans; orlando; Orlando Gay Chorus; Pamela Denise Anderson; Parliament House; Pentecostal Church; Peter Thornley; Philadelphia; Potter's House; Q Television; queers; questioning; Rainbow City; Rex Maniscalco; Rick Claggett; Rivendell Media, Incorporated; Ryan John Seacrest; same-sex; San Diego; Sarasota; Sarasota Gay and Lesbian Film Festival; Sean Patrick Astin; St. Petersburg; Steve Blanchard; Steve Davis; Steve Valentine Patrick William Allen; Tab Hunter; Tampa; Tampa International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival; The Watermark; Tom Dyer; Tom Eckert; trans; transgender; Travis Moore; Trina Gregory; underage drinking
History Florida Chapter: National Association of Postmasters of the United States
Tags: A. E. Booth; A. G. Shands; A. L. Riden; Alonzo Sias; Ambrose O'Connel; Arthur W. Newett; Auburndale; Bart O'Hara; Benjamin Franklin; Billie Maier; Bob Sweatt; Boca Grande; Boca Raton; Bradenton; Brooksville; Brookville; C. H. Talton; C. M. Larrick; Carrie Flowers; Castillo de San Marcos; Catherine Bash; Century; Chalmers J. Young; Chapter No. 10; Charles Ashbrook; Charles E. Puskar; Charles Powell; Charles W. Ten Eick; Chauncey Costin; Christmas; citrus; Claude Denson Pepper; Claude Pepper; Clermont; Clewiston; Cocoa; Cocoa Beach; Colin English; Cora Williams Cottondale; Crescent City; Dan Gibson; Dania; David L. Williams; Daytona Beach; Deerfield; Destin; Don McDermott; Dunnellon; Dwight Shower; E. L. Power; Emmett Doak; Ernest L. Abel; Eva Vaughn; F. H. Titcomb; FDR; Florida Chapter; Floyd Brooker; Fort Lauderdale; Fort Myers; Fort San Marco; Frances Wartigg; Frank B. Reams; Frank H. Clyatt; Franklin D. Roosevelt; Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Fred E. Hall; Fred S. stump; Ft. Lauderdale; Ft. Myers; G. N. Denning; G. W. Shuman; Gator Postmaster; George C. Woods; George Hopkins; George Washington; Gladys Stalls; Glenna J. Pedrick; Goodland; Grace Parker; Grady warren; Gulf Breeze; H. L. Godwin; Hartley B. Dean; Henry S. Thompson; Herbert E. Ross; Herman E. Wattwood; Hobe Sound; Hollywood; Howard S. Warner; J. Edgar Day; J. Edgar Wall; Jacksonville; James A. Farley; James D. Beggs; James H. Cox; Jefferson Gaines; Jesse M. Donaldson; Jesse Monroe Donaldson; Jimmie Beggs; Jimmie Cox; Joe Hendricks; Joe Porcer; Joel Field; John H. Shuman; John Hoy; John P. Snyder; Joseph Edward Hendricks; Joseph J. Lawler; Juanita S. Tucker; Kappy Kirk; Kate T. McDaniel; Kitty Lyon; Lake City; Lake Placid; Largo; Lee Rutledge; Leesburg; Leslie D. Reagin; Long Beach; Lynn B. Bloom; M. O. Brawner; mail; Mamie Eisenhower; Mamie Geneva Doud Eisenhower; Mansell A. Orchard; Mansell A. Warner; Margaret C. Young; Marianna; Marie Zimmerman; Mark Benson; Melbourne; Miami; Micanopy; Milton; Miss Special Delivery; Mom Orchard; Monticello; Moore Haven; Mulberry; N. R. Abrams; Nancy Mims; NAPUS; National Association of Postmasters of the United States; Neil Durrance; Nell Baker; Neptune Beach; O. B. Carr; Oakley Seaver; Ocala; Oliver Haistens; Orange City; orange juice; oranges; orlando; Otis E. Padgett; Owen L. Godwin; Ozona; Paisley; Panama City; Paul Maha; Pensacola; Perry; Phil Gallagher; Philip J. Gallagher; Polk City; Poney Express; Port St. Joe; post offices; postage stamps; Postal Education Plan; Postal Savings System; Postmaster Generals; postmasters; Project Mercury; Quincy; R. J. Holley; R.H. McDaniels; Robert E. Hannegan; Rockledge; Rowena Haistens; Rowena McDaniel; Ruby A. Edwards; Safety Harbor; Sam Valliere; Sam Wooten; Samuel Osgood; San Harrison; Sanford; Sarasota; Sebring; Silver Springs; Space Capital of the World; Special Delivery; St. Augustine; St. Marks; St. Petersburg; Sunshine Club; Tampa; Ted Booth; The Gator Postmaster; Tillie Pasteur; Titusville; Tom Braswell; U.S. Post Office Department; USPOD; Vero Beach; W. B. Brophy; W. D. Jones; W. H. Harris; W. H. Hoffman; W. H. Owns; W. T. Gary; Walter B. Walters; Walter D. Myers; West Palm Beach; William Askew; William B. Dowling; William C. Hill; William D. Jones; William E. DeWar; William J. Dixon; William P. Wilkinson; Williston; Winter Haven; Winter Park; World War II; WWII; Zephyrhills
World's Largest Trailer Park Postcard
Florida Historical Quarterly, Episode 19: Vol. 92, No. 2, Fall 2013
Tags: 8th Amendment; 9/11; admiralty; Andrea Gail; attorneys; Ben Krentzman; Bradenton; busing; Carlos Enrique Lehder Rivas; Carlos Lehder; Claude R. Kirk, Jr.; Claude Roy Kirk, Jr.; cocaine; Committee for State Security; convictions; copyright; Costello v. Wainwright; courts; crimes; criminal prosecutions; cruel and unusual punishment; Daniel S. Murphree; desegregation; Donnell Godfrey; Donnie Brasco; drug cartel; drug trafficking; drugs; Eighth Amendment; employment; espionage; FHQ; Florida Historical Quarterly; fraud; George Trofimoff; Harriet v. Board of Public Construction; Harvest v. Board of Public Instruction of Manatee County; inmates; integration; intellectual property; IP; Isaac Benjamin Krentzman, Jr.; judicial branch; KGB; lawyers; litigation; Lou Pearlman; Louis Jay Pearlman; Manatee County; Manuel Antonio Noriega Moreno; Manuel Noriega; Medellín Cartel; mental illness; Mims v. Duval County School Board; NAACP; narcotics; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; National Heritage Life Insurance Company; Palestine Islamic Jihad; Playboy Enterprise v. Frena; pornography; prison overcrowding; prisoners; prisons; race relations; racial violence; Richard S. Dellinger; Robinson v. Jacksonville Shipyards; Sami Al-Arian; Sami Amin Al-Arian; Santo Trafficante, Jr.; school districts; schools; segregation; September 11 Attacks; Shalom Weiss; Sholam Weiss; Skyway Bridge; spying; state prisons; Supreme Court of the United States; terrorism; The Perfect Storm; trial courts; trials; Tynev. Time Warner Entertainment Company; U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit; U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida; U.S. Supreme Court; Wesley Snipes; Wesley Trent Snipes; William Terrell Hodges
A History of Central Florida, Episode 45: Diploma Plate
Tags: A History of Central Florida; activism; anti-war; Army; astronaut; BJC; Bledsoe, Robert; Boca Raton; Bradenton; Brevard Junior College; Canavan, Mike; Cental Florida Junior College; CFJC; Chipola Junior College; CJC; Clarke, Bob; Cocoa; cold war; college; commencement; construction; Davis, Henry; Daytona Beach; Daytona Beach Junior College; DBJC; demonstration; diploma; East Central University; ECU; Edison Junior College; education; educator; EJC; FAMU; FAU; female; Florida A&M University; Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University; Florida Atlantic Unviersity; Florida Institute for Continuing University Studies; Florida Legislature; Florida Technological University; Ford, Chip; Fort Lauderdale; Fort Myers; FTU; Gainesville; GCJC; GI Bill; Gibbs Junior College; Gibson, Ella; GJCl St. Petersburg; Goff, Tom; Gougleman, Paul; government assistance; graduation; Grant; Gray, Ben; Gulf Coast Junior College; Hampton Junior College; Hazen, Kendra; HEA; higher education; Higher Education Act of 1965; Hill, Hank; HJC; homemaker; honors convocation; housing; Indian River Junior College; IRJC; Jackson Junior College; JCBC; JJC; Johnson Junior College; junior college; Junior College of Broward County; Kelley, Katie; Kent State University; Kent State University Shootings; Key West; King, Richard; KSU; Lake City; Lake City Junior College; Lake Worth; Lake-Sumter Junior College; LCJC; Leesburg; legislative branch; legislature; Lenfest, Gene; Lincoln Junior College; LJC; loan; Loss, Christopher; LSJC; Madison; Manatee Junior College; Marianna; MDJC; Men's Residence Association; Miami- Dade County; Miami-Dade Junior College; Millican, Charles Norman; MJC; Monroe Junior College; MRA; Municipal Auditorium; NASA; National Aeronautics and Astronautics Administration; National Defense Education Act; NDEA; NFJC; North Florida Junior College; Ocala; OCRHC; Okaloose-Walton Junior College; Orange County Regional History Center; orlando; OWJC; Palatka; Palm Beach Junior College; Panama City; PBJC; peace; peace movement; Pegasus Drive; Pensacola; Pensacola Junior College; Perkins, Joyce Hart; PJC; podcast; political activism; professor; protest; public college; public junior college; public state university; public university; Richard, Hank; RICHES; RJC; Robert Cassanello; Roosevelt Junior College; Rosenwald Junior College; Rowley, Ken; school; Sebastian, Dave; self-determination; Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944; SJRJC; space program; SPJC; SRJC; St. Johns River Junior College; St. Petersburg Junior College; strike; student; student government; student grant; student housing; student loan; Sun Belt; Suwannee River Junior College; Tallahassee; Tampa; teacher; U.S. Army; UCF; UF; Underwood, Retha Riley; Univerity of Florida; university; University of Central Florida; University of Central Florida Libraries; University of South Florida; University of West Florida; USF; UWF; Valparaiso Junior College; Vanderbilt University; VCJC; Velásquez, Daniel; veteran; Vietnam War; Volusia County Junior College; VU; Washington Junior College; West Palm Beach Junior College; Wetherington, Mike; Wightman, Ed; WJC; woman; Woods, Pauk; work-study program; yearbrook; Young, John W.
"Diamond Teeth" Mary
Tags: "Diamond Teeth" Mary; African American; blues; blues music; blues singer; Bradenton; concert; gospel music; McClain, "Diamond Teeth" Mary Smith; McClain, Mary "Diamond Teeth" Smith; minstrel show; minstrelsy; singer; Smith, "Diamond Teeth"; Smith, Mary; St. Petersburg; Tampa Bay; vaudeville; vocalist; Walking Mary
Dickey Betts & Great Southern
Tags: bass guitar; bassist; blues; blues rock; Bradenton; concert; country; country music; country rock; Dick Betts; Dickey Betts; Dickey Betts & Great Southern; drum; drummer; Duane Betts; electric guitar; Forrest "Dickey" Richard Betts; Fruitville; Gibson guitar; Gibson Guitar Corporation; Great Southern; guitar; guitarist; James Varnado; jazz; jazz fusion; Pedro Arevalo; rock; rock music; Sarasota; Sarasota County; Southern rock; vocalist