Browse Items (9 total)
- Tags: Spring Training
The Giants' Camp For Boys Application
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 46: An Interview with Joy Wallace Dickinson, Part 2
Tags: African American; Anderson, Robert; art; art festival; artist; author; baseball; baseball field; Beat Generation; Blackburn, Harlan; Bolita; casino; Chance, Frank Leroy; College Park; Cracker Mafia; crime; Cuba; desegregation; Dickinson, Joy Wallace; documentary; Evers, John "Johnny" Joseph; Evers, Johnny; festival; Flamingo Club; Florida State Road 50; gambling; George Stewart's Office Supplies; Havana, Cuba; integration; Jacksonville; journalism; journalist; Kerouac, Jack; King of the Beats; King, Martin Luther, Jr.; literature; local history; lottery; Mafia; meteorologist; Miami; Mitchell, E. B.; National Register of Historic Places; newspaper; nightclub; On the Road; organize crime; orlando; Park Avenue; photographer; photography; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; podcast; Remembering Orlando: Tales from Elvis to Disney; restaurant; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Robert Cassanello; segregation; Spring Training; SR 50; Stump, Charles "Charlie" W., Jr.; Stump, Charlie; Tampa; The Milton Berle Show; The Orlando Sentinel; Tinker Field; Tinker, Joe; Tinker, Joseph "Joe" Bert; weatherman; Winter Park; Winter Park Sidewalk Art Festival; writer
Naval Air Station Sanford Historic Marker
Tags: A3D; A3D Skywarrior; aircraft carriers; airport; apartments; baseball field; Bible College; carrier aircraft; county hospital; dispensary; facilities; fighter pilots; Giants; historic marker; hospital; jet bomber; MAs; Memorial Park; motels; NAS Memorial; NAS Sanford; NAS Sanford Memorial; Naval Air Station Sanford Memorial; naval aviation; New York Giants; NY Giants; Orlando Sanford International Airport; photographic reconnaissance mission; pilots; POWs; seminary; Seminole County; Seminole County Historic Marker; Spring Training; training; Vigilante; WWII
Minnesota Twins Baseball Cap
Historical Society Tours Mayfair Inn
Tags: Bernard McFadden Foundation; Chapman, Barbara; Club E. Rancho Grande; Florida Rhythm boys; Giants; Hunt, Millard; Inter-Fraternity Dance; Junior Senior Prom; Kirchhoff, William E.; Kirchoff, William E.; Lake, Forrest; May Day Ball; Mayfair; Mayfair Hotel; Mayfair Inn; Mayfair Season Opening; Moseley, Robert; New Tribes Mission; New Tribes Mission Headquarters; New York Giants; Osceola Cypress Co.; Osceola Cypress Company; Partnership Development Consultant; Robison, Jim; Sanford Historical Society; Sanford Museum; Sanford Naval Academy; Sanford Naval Air Station; Seminole County Bank; Seminole Herald; Shamrock; Spring Training; Stevens, Eddie; Stinecipher, Grace Marie; Stoneham, Horace; Swift, Frank W.; Wannamaker, John; WTRR
Historic Sanford Memorial Stadium, 2011
Tags: ballpark; baseball; baseball diamond; baseball field; baseball stadium; bleachers; Cravero, Geoffrey V.; dugout; field; Historic Sanford Memorial Stadium; logo; Mellonville Avenue; Rinker Stenstrom Field; Sanford Municipal Athletic Field; scoreboard; Spring Training; stadium; Stenstrom Field; Stentrom, Rinker
Clark C. Griffith Memorial at Tinker Field
Tags: American League; baseball; baseball field; Baseball Hall of Fame; baseball player; baseball stadium; Brooklyn Dodgers; Chicago Cubs; Cincinnati Reds; Cook, Thomas; Downtown Orlando; Electric Daisy Carnival; Griffith, Clark Calvin; memorial; Minnesota Twins; National Register of Historic Places; Old Fox; orlando; Orlando Rays; Orlando Tigers; pitcher; shortstop; Spring Training; stadium; Tampa Avenue; Tinker Field; Tinker, Joseph B.; Washington Senators
Action Center USA
Tags: airplanes; airports; amusement parks; Arnold Daniel Palmer; Arnold Palmer; arts; automobiles; baseballs; Billy Kelly; boating; boats; Bruce Devlin; Bruce William Devlin; Cape Kennedy; cars; Central Florida Museum; chambers of commerce; church; churches; citrus; citrus groves; Citrus Open Golf Tournament; City Beautiful; City of Orlando; cold war; colleges; Colonial Plaza Mall; Commerce; County of Orange; Dean Refram; Delta Air Lines; dog racing; Doug Sanders; Downtown Orlando; Eastern Air Lines; Elegant Company; festivals; Florida Symphony Orchestra; Florida Technological University; footballs; FTU; George Alfred Christian Knudson; George Douglas Sanders; George Knudson; Glover; golf; golfers; Graduate Engineering Education System; Grant Gravitt; Herndon Municipal Airport; highways; I-4; industrial parks; Interstate 4; jai alai; Jim Carlton; Joan Roberts; Julius Boros; Julius Nicholas Boros; Lake Eola; Lake Eola Park; libraries; library; Loch Haven Art Center; Mad Tea Party; manufacturing; marching bands; Martin Marietta Corporation; McCoy AFB; McCoy Air Force Base; McCoy Jetport; Minnesota Twins; Minute Maid Company; monorails; motor vehicles; National Airlines; orange county; Orange County School System; oranges; orchestras; orlando; Orlando Area Chamber of Commerce; Orlando businesses; Orlando Central Park; Orlando Junior College; Orlando Panthers; Orlando Public Library; Orlando Twins; paintings; parks; planes; Player; retail; roads; Rollins College; Rule; schools; Seven Dwarfs; shopping; shopping malls; shops; space; space age; space race; sports; Spring Training; stores; Sunny Fader; synagogues; Tangerine Bowl; technology; Tel Air Interests, Inc.; theme parks; Tupperware Brands; UF; University of Florida; Vanda Cosmetics; Walt Disney; Walt Disney World Resort; Walter Elias Disney; water skiing; Weiskopf; Winter Park; Winter Park Sidewalk Art Festival; Xerox Corporation
A History of Central Florida, Episode 34: Rollins Collegiate Wear
Tags: A History of Central Florida; American Red Cross; Annie Russell Theatre; Asa Will Jennings; athletes; baseballs; basketballs; beanies; Bob Clarke; Catherine H. Bailey; Chip Ford; Christopher Loss; college sports; colleges; collegiate wear; D. K. Dickinson; Daniel Velásquez; Darla Moore; David Bothe; desegregation; Dickson-Ives Company; Dwight D. Eisenhower; Dwight David Eisenhower; E. H. Riggs; E. R. Donnely; Elfreda Winany; Elinor Flood; Elizabeth Blish; Ella Gibson; epartment of College Archives and Special Collections; fashion; footballs; fraternities; George Young; Gerard M. Miller; Gilbert Maxwell; H. F. Harris; Hamilton Holt; hats; Helen Cole; Holt Avenue; Ike Eisenhower; integration; Irving Bacheller; J. K. List; J. W. List; Jack Constant Lane; James Holden; Jazz Age; John Dewey; Kappa Epsilon; Kathleen Shepherd; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Lake Virginia; letterman sweaters; liberal arts; Margaret Chapman; Marita Stueve; Mason; Morton; Nancy Cushman; National Collegiate Athletic Association; NCAA; New England; OCRHC; Olin Library; Orange County Regional History Center; orlando; Ormond Beach; Percy McKane; Perrydell; Peter McCann; Phi Mu; Pi Beta Phi; Pi Kappa Delta; Progressivism; Richard S. Shattuck; Robert Cassanello; Robert E. James; Robert Warfield; Rollins College; Rollins Hall; Rollins Honor Student Company; Rollins Tar Babies; Ruth Dawson; Sanford Celeryfeds; school spirit; sororities; sorority; sports; Spring Training; Stering Olmsted; student movement; students; tennis; The Rollins Sandspur; Theodore J. Ehrlich; Thomas P. Bailey; U.S. Navy; Virginia Holm; W. D.; Walk of Fame; Walter Stevens; Wenxian Zhang; Winter Park; World War I; World War II; WWI; WWII