Browse Items (28 total)
- Tags: Creative Sanford, Inc.
"Music for Melons" Poster
Tags: 1st Street; American Cancer Society; breast cancer; breast cancer awareness; cancer; Celery Soup: Florida’s Folk Life Play; Creative Sanford, Inc.; First Street; fundraiser; Galaxy Mindz Dance Crew; Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 5k; Melon Sisters; Music for Melons; Paul 50; Princess Theater; Rhode, Angelyn; Sanford; Stern, Lisa; Wekiva River Players Junior Theater; Winter Springs Performing Arts
"Remade - Not Bought" Display Window
A Tribute Recognizing Creative Sanford, Inc.
Tags: Alive After Five; award; Celery Soup: Florida’s Folk Life Play; Central Florida Regional Hospital; Children's Theatre Workshop; City of Sanford; community theater; Creative Sanford, Inc.; Cultural Preservation Award; District 34; Dorworth, Chris; Florida House of Representatives; Florida House of Representatives Tribute; Harvest Time International; historic preservation; History Consortium; representative; Sanford; Sanford Historic Trust; Seminole County; state representative; theater; Touch and Go
Are You Sanford Proud?
Baggs' Produce Cart from "Remade - Not Bought"
Celery Ball
Celery Soup: Florida’s Folk Life Play
Creative Sanford, Inc.
Cultural Preservation Award for Creative Sanford, Inc. and Celery Soup
Tags: 1st Street; award; Celery Soup: Florida’s Folk Life Play; Creative Sanford, Inc.; Cultural Preservation Award; Downtown Sanford; First Street; Historic Downtown Sanford; historic preservation; Historic Preservation Award; Princess Theater; Sanford; Sanford Historic Trust; theater; Touch and Go
History of the Lee Family Rolling Pin
Letter from Chris Dorworth to Trish Thompson (June 16, 2011)
Tags: 1st Street; AAA Drive; Celery Soup: Florida’s Folk Life Play; Creative Sanford, Inc.; District 34; Dorworth, Chris; Downtown Sanford; First Street; Florida House of Representatives; Florida League of Cities; Historic Downtown Sanford; historic preservation; Lake Mary; Monroe Street; Princess Theater; representative; Sanford; Seminole County; state representative; Tallahassee; theater; Thompson, Trist; Touch and Go
Letter from John L. Mica to Trish Thompson (July 12, 2011)
Tags: 1st Street; 7th District; Celery Soup: Florida’s Folk Life Play; City of Sanford; congressman; Creative Sanford, Inc.; Cultural Preservation Award; First Street; historic preservation; Mica, John L.; Princess Theater; representative; Sanford; Sanford Historic Trust; theater; Thompson, Trish; Touch and Go
Oral History of Calvert and Phyllis Conklin
Tags: 13th Street; African Americans; Amick Construction, Inc.; architecture; Berklely College of Music; Bill Kirchoff; Blanche Bell Weaver; Busch; C. A. Meyer; Cal Conklin; Calvert; Calvert Conklin; Calvert whiskey; Cecil Osier; Celery Soup: Florida's Folk Life Play; Central Florida Zoo and Botanical Gardens; Central Florida Zoological Society, Inc.; Charles Calvert; Children'ss Home Society of Florida; Chung King; Clark Deats; Conklin Corps; Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers, Inc.; Connie Williams; Creative Sanford, Inc.; CRS; Cultural Preservation Award; desegregation; Douglas Stenstrom; Downtown Sanford; engineering; engineers; Eustis; First Presbyterian Church of Sanford; Flagler, Henry Morrison; George Calvert; Gilo; Gina Pelucci; Gino Pelucci; Glenn McCall; Good Samaritan Home of Sanford; Heathrow; Hickman; Hidden Lake; historic preservation; Hood; Hubert Horatio Humphrey, Jr.; Hubert Humphrey; humanitarians; Hutchinson; integration; Jefferson Awards for Public Service; Jimmy Carter; Jimmy Earl Carter, Jr.; Just Deet; Kenneth Murrell Leffler; KKK; Korean War; Ku Klux Klan; Lee More; Luis Perez Humanitarian Award; marinas; Markham Woods Road; Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Chorus; Mary Proud; Meals on Wheels; Mike Good; Mill Stallworth; NAPA Auto Parts; OIA; Orlando International Airport; Panama; Panama Canal; Phyllis Conklin; Piper Building; race relations; Rawlins; Ray Milwee; Rescue Outreach Mission of Central Florida; Rib Ranch; Richardson; Ricky Vowing; Robert Conklin; Root Boy Slim; Root Boy Slim and the Sex Change Band; Rosita Jacobson; Ruth Ann Conklin; Sanford; Sanford Atlantic Bank; Sanford City Commission; Sanford City Commissioner; Sanford City Council; Sanford City Hall; Sanford Historic Preservation Board; Sanford Historic Trust; Sanford Women'ss Club; Sarah Jacobson; segregation; Seminole High School; Smith, Bettye; Spencer, Jim; St James African Methodist Episcopal Church; St James AME Church; Stetson University; Summerlin Avenue; Tetenbaum; The Briar Team; Thelma Mike; Thirteenth Street; time; Topper Awards; Trish Thompson; U.S. National Register of Historic Places; UF; UI; University of Florida; University of Illinois; Virgil Bryan; Virginia; Voley; Warren Patrick; Wayne-Densch Performing Arts Center; whiskey; White Citizens' Council; William Leffler; zoos
Oral History of Dick Quentin Harkey
Tags: African Americans; Airport Boulevard; Altamonte Springs; Amtrak; Antoinette Jennings; Apopka; ATF; Atlanta, Georgia; Beverly Harkey; Bill Gorman; Bob Carr Performing Arts Centre; Bob Egan; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; campaign coordinators; campaigns; Celery Soup: Florida's Folk Life Play; Central Florida Zoo and Botanical Gardens; Channel 24; Channel 9; Charlotte, North Carolina; Cheryl Harkey; church; churches; city commissioners; claims adjusters; Claims Department; Claude R. Kirk, Jr.; Claude Roy Kirk, Jr.; CNA Financial Corporation; Creative Sanford, Inc.; CSX Transportation; Dick Quentin Harkey; Downtown Orlando; Downtown Sanford; Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts; Erika Mattfeld; Eustis; Florida Central Railroad; Florida Hospital Health Village; Florida State Road 417; Florida State Road 441; Florida State Road 46; Fort Lauderdale; Gainesville, Georgia; George H. W. Bush; George Herbert Walker Bush; Governor of Florida; governors; Great American Insurance Group; Harvey LeRoy Atwater; hospitals; Hugh Walker; ILC; IMA; insurance; Intracoastal Waterway; IOC; Isaacson; Jackson Port; Jacobs; Jeanie Austin; Joe Montesanto; John King; John Luigi Mica; John Mica; John Street; Kirk Douglas; Lake Mary; Lake Nona; Lake Nona Medical City; Lawson Lamar; Lee Atwater; Lockhart; Longwood; Magic Kingdom Park; maids; Maitland Civic Center; Manatee Port; Marianne Harkey; Mark McCarty; Maxwell House; Methodists; Mount Dora; New York City, New York; Nicky Bernstein; Orange Blossom Express; orange county; Order of the Elbow; orlando; Orlando Regional Realtor Association; Orlando Utilities Commission; OUC; Pam Beach; Panama Canal; Peace Tree Hills Road; Peggy Spagler; race relations; railroads; railways; Republican National Committee; Republican Party of Florida; Republicans; Retan; Rich Crotty; Richard Lynn Scott; Richard T. Crotty; Rick Scott; RNC; Robbie Harkey; Robert Egan; S Line; Sand Lake Road; Sanford; Sanford City Commission; Sanford Welcome Center; Scott Vandergrift; segregation; Spagler, Peggy; SR 417; SR 441; SR 46; state representatives; state senators; SunRail; Taft; Tavares; Terry Griffin; The Help; The Sail Club; Toni Jennings; Toni Jennings Public Service Award; Trish Thompson; U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs; University of Georgia; US Railcar Company; Wall Street Crash of 1929; Walt Disney World; West Palm Beach; WFTV; William D. Gorman; Winter Haven; Winter Haven Integrated Logistics Center; WMFE-TV; Young Harris College; Young Republicans; YR
Oral History of Elizabeth Bridges
Tags: alcoholism; Beth Bridges; Bridges, Jack J.; Bridges, Mary; Celery Soup: Florida's Folk Life Play; Chinese; Chinese culture; city commissioner; Cleveland, Mac; Clinton, Bill; Clinton, William "Bill" Jefferson; cooking; Creative Sanford, Inc.; cuisine; Elizabeth Bridges; Fay, Michael; Fleming, Penny; Fort George G. Meade; Fort Meade, Maryland; Gainesville; Grandview Avenue; Green, Alfred; Green, Elizabeth; Green, Victor "Mapes"; groceries; Grout, Lonnie; Hainaese; Hainan Island, China; Indonesia; Jack J. Bridges; King's English; Kuhn, Linda; Lake Mary Boulevard; Law Office of Jack J. Bridges; lawyer; Lee, Bill; lung cancer; Mandarin; Martin, Trayvon Benjamin; Mary Bridges; oil field; Ritz Theatre; Seminole County; Sheriff's Office; Singapore; Southern cuisine; Sports Illustrated; Spring Hills Lake Mary; The Rib Ranch; Thompson, Trish; Zimmerman, George Michael
Oral History of Luticia "Tish" Lee, Linda Maliczowski, and Catherine "Cathy" Dingle
Tags: 10th Street; 1st Street; American Legion; American Legion Campbell-Lossing Post 53; American Legion Hall; baking; cannon; cedar chest; Celery Soup: Florida’s Folk Life Play; County League Hudderson Scrap; Creative Sanford, Inc.; Crown Paper Company; Dingle, Cathy; fireless cooker; First Street; Florida State Road 46; French Avenue; French, A. J.; French, Scot; heirloom; hope chest; ice plant; Laurel Avenue; Lee, Cathy; Lee, Jimmy; Lee, Linda; Lee, Lutisha "Tish"; Legion Hut; Maliczowski, Linda; Mayfair Hotel; New Smyrna Beach; NTM; Oak Avenue; Oaklem, Braley; Ogleman, Andrew; oral history; orlando; Palmetto Avenue; paper factory; rationing; rolling pin; Sanford; scrap metal; secretary; Seminole Boulevard; Seth. A. J.; Snow, Paul; Spencer; SR 46; Tenth Street; The Sanford Herald; World War II; WWII
Oral History of Luticia Roberts Lee and Catherine Lee Dingle
Tags: 15th Street; 1st Street; 3rd Street; African Americans; American Legion; American Legion Campbell-Lossing Post 53; Benny Austin; Benny Logan; Bessie Long; Bill White; Blake Jones; C-sections; Caesarian sections; cannons; Carlie Smith; Catherine Lee; Catherine Lee Dingle; Cathy Dingle; Cathy Lee; Celery Soup: Florida's Folk Life Play; Chapman; China; Cindy Slaten; Cindy Slaten Lee; Creative Sanford, Inc.; criminal justice; Crown Paper Company; DeLand; desegregation; Douglas Stenstrom; Downtown Sanford; Elizabeth Steele; Fifteenth Street; First Street; Florence Stenstrom; Gladys Stenstrom; groceries; grocery; Henry June; Higgins; Historic Sanford Welcome Center; hope chests; Hurricane Donna; hurricanes; India; Ingrid Burton; integration; James Lee; James Roberts; Jimmy Lee; Joshie Dingle; Joyce Adams; Joyce Adams Jones; Ken McIntosh; KKK; Ku Klux Klan; Legion Hut; Leroy Roth; Linda Roth; Lnda Lee; Louis Austin; Luticia Lee; Luticia Roberts; maids; Mark; Marty; Mary McIntosh; Mendelson; metal drive; metal drives; military police; Nathan Garner; Oak Avenue; oral history; orlando; Pacific Theater; Palmetto Avenue; Parole Commission; pasture party; Patty Stenstrom; Phil Logan; ponds; post offices; potlucks; race relations; Rand Yard Ice House; Roberts; rolling pin; Rollins College; Ronald Thomas; Sanford; Sanford High School; Sanford Post Office; Sarah Dingle; Sawyer; scrap metals; segregation; Seminole High School; Southside Grammar School; Stetson University; The Help; Tish Lee; Tish Roberts; tornadoes; Trish Thompson; veterans; Viola Jordan; World War I; World War II; WWII
Oral History of Marilyn Maples
Tags: 25th Street; actress; Baggs Produce; Baggs, Marlene; Casey, Bryant; Casey, Karen; Celery Queen; Celery Soup: Florida’s Folk Life Play; community theater; Creative Sanford, Inc.; Ford, Nancy; French, Scot; Harris, Nancy; I Remember; Jim Crow; Kelley, Katie; Maples, Marilyn; oral history; race relations; rat-shot; Refoe, Annye; Remade - Not Bought; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; segregation; Seminole County; Seminole County Courthouse; Starke, George H.; Swamp Gravy; theater; Touch and Go; Twenty-Fifth Street; Wayne Densch Performing Art Center
Oral History of Nancy Harris Ford
Tags: 11th Street; 13th Street; actress; affirmative action; African American; celery; Celery Avenue; Celery City; celery industry; Celery Island; Celery Key; Celery Soup: Florida’s Folk Life Play; community theater; Creative Sanford, Inc.; Crooms Academy; Crooms High School; Delgado, Natalie; doctor; Eleventh Street; Fedorka, Drew; Ford, Nancy Harris; French, Scot; Georgetown; Harris, Nancy; New Smyrna Beach; physician; race relations; Remade - Not Bought; Rochester, New York; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; segregation; Seminole High School; SHS; Starke, George H.; Strickland, Edward D.; Tasha; theater; Thirteenth Street; Touch and Go
Oral History of Odetta Copper
Tags: 1st Street; African Americans; agriculture; caregivers; celery; Celery Soup: Florida's Folk Life Play; Christmas; Creative Sanford, Inc.; discipline; farming; farms; First Street; fish; fishing; food; France, Florida; goats; holidays; Lang; Midway; mudfish; Odetta Copper; orlando; race relations; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; St. Johns River; Valencia Larue
Oral History of Patricia Ann Black and Billy Hardy
Tags: 10th Street; 11th Street; 1st Street; 25th Street; African Americans; Army; Bay Avenue; Bigham, Patricia Ann Black; Black, Patricia Ann; car; Celery Avenue; Celery Soup: Florida's Folk Life Play; child molestation; Clemens, Jimmy; Columbus, Georgia; Creative Sanford, Inc.; Crooms Academy; Crooms High School; desegregation; Eleventh Street; First Street; football; Hardy, Bill; Hopper Academy; Howard, Pat; integration; Jacobson, Manuel; Jacobson, Sarah; Jones, Willie; Lakeview Middle School; Martin, Trayvon Benjamin; Mellonville Avenue; migrant worker; miscegenation; National Honor Society; New York; NHS; North Rose Wolcott School; Oldsmobile Starfire; Operation Desert Storm; oral history; race relations; Rexall; Rochester, New York; Roman-Toro, Freddie; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Junior High School; Sanford Middle School; school; segregation; Seminole High School; sexual abuse; taboo; Tenth Street; Thompson, Trish; U.S. Route 17-92; veteran
Oral History of Peter Newman
Tags: 1st Street; A. Newton; African Americans; Barbara Farrell; Bram Towers; Celery Bowl; Celery Soup: Florida's Folk Life Play; Coconut Grove; Colquitt, Georgia; community theaters; Creative Sanford, Inc.; Crooms Academy; Crooms High School; doctors; Douglas Strenstrom; Downtown Orlando; Elmer Baggs; First Street; Florida Highway; folk plays; George H. Starke; George Michael Zimmerman; George Zimmerman; Harry T. Moore; Harry Tyson Moore; Henry Shelton Sanford; highwayman; highwaymen; Holy Cross Episcopal Church; Jeanine Taylor; Lake Monroe; Laura Donaldson; Luticia Lee; Mark Miller; Marlene Baggs; Mayfair Country Club; moonshine; NAACP; Nancy Ford; Nancy Harris; NAS Sanford; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; Naval Air Station Sanford; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; Perry Eschelberg; Peter Newman; physicians; playwrights; playwriting; Princess Theater; race relations; Rain Man; Remade - Not Bought; rolling pins; Sanford; SCC; segregation; Seminole Community College; Seminole County; Seminole High School; Seminole State College; Serenity Towers; SSC; Swamp Gravy: Georgia's Official Folk-Life Play; Tea and Tell; theaters; theatre; Time Magazine; Tommy Saunders; Touch and Go; Trayvon Benjamin Martin; Trayvon Martin; UCF; University of Central Florida; Walt Disney World; Will Saunders
Oral History of Trish Thompson
Tags: 11th Street; 1st Street; 501(c)(3); Bagg, Elmer; Baggs; Bram Towers; Broadway; Celery Ball; Celery Soup: Florida’s Folk Life Play; Central Florida; Central Florida Community Arts; Clarke, Alicia; Colquitt, Georgia; community theater; Creative Sanford, Inc.; Crooms Academy of Information Technology; David Maus Toyota; Disney; Dr. Phillips Performing Arts Center; Dreamers and Schemers; Eleventh Street; First Street; fourth wall; Generations; Grandma Moses; Grease; Great Gatsby; Holocaust and Interfaith Council; Hopper Academy; Humanities Council; I-4; Interstate-4; John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts; Kalayla; Knight, Margot H.; Made - Not Bought; Maus, David; Mayfair Country Club; Mercedes-Benz; Mica, John L.; Miller, Mark; Mr. Baggs; oral history; Orlando, Florida; Princess Theater; race relations; Reisz, Autumn; Remade - Not Bought; Rib Ranch; RICHES Mosaic Interface; RICHES of Central Florida; Roman-Toro, Freddie; Sanford; Sanford Museum; Sanford Welcome Center; Seminole Cultural Arts Council; Serenity Towers; Sleeping Beauty; Spam-A-Lot; Swamp Gravy; Swamp Gravy Institute; Talks From the Stalks; Taylor, Jeanine; The Holocaust; The Princess Players; The Sanford Herald; The Villages; theater; theater manager; Thompson, Trish; Tony Award; Touch and Go; Uncle Dieter; United Art of Central Florida; Wicked