Browse Items (7 total)
- Tags: Greater Orlando Chamber of Commerce
Street Map of Orlando
Tags: Albertson Apartments; Albertson Public Library; Alexander Apartments; Alexander Place; Allen Apartments; Allison, F. A.; Amelia Street; America Street; American League; American Legion; American Legion Building; Amherst Apartments; Anderson Street; Angebilt Church of the Nazarene; Angebilt Hotel; Ansonian Apartments; Associated Press; Atlanta Avenue; Atlantic Apartments; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Auten Apartments; Avalon Hotel; Babcock, H. C.; Bailey, M. D., Jr.; Batchelder, C. F.; Beacham Theatre; Big Tree Park; Bird Sanctuary; Bowling Club House; Bradshaw Apartments; Brass, George F.; Brethern in Christ Church; Broadway Apartments; Broadway Avenue; Broadway Methodist Church; Buena Vista Apartments; Butt-Bettes Investment Company; Calvary Presbyterian Church; Carl-Clayton Apartments; Carlyn Manor; Cary Apartments; Cathcart Avenue; Central Avenue; Central Christian Church; Cheney Court Apartments; Cheney Place; Cherokee Junior High School; Christian and Missionary Alliance; Church of God; Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; Church of the Open Bible; Church Street; Claybaugh, Nat; College Park Baptist Church; Colonial Drive; Colonial Orange Court Hotel; Columbia Avenue; Columbia Broadcasting System; Colvin Apartments; Community Church of God; Concord Avenue; Concord Grammar School; Concord Park Methodist Church; Concord Park School; Condict, H. V.; Confederate Soldiers, Sailors, and Statesmen Memorial; Congregation Ohev Sholem Synagogue; Congregational church; Conway Road; Cook Avenue; Cook, Thomas; Court Street; Crotts Apartments; Daetwyler Azalea Gardens; Delaney Street; Delaney Street Baptist Church; Delaney Street School; Dickson Azaela Park; Dixie Avenue; Dixie Highway; Dodendorf Apartments; Dubsdread Country Club; Duke Hall; Dwellere; Eastern Air Lines; Edgewater Drive; Elks Club; Elvan Apartments; Empire Hotel; Eola Drive; Ernestine Street; Estes Apartments; Estes, V. W.; Exposition Park and Fair; Fern Creek Avenue; Fern Creekl Walker Memorial Methodist Church; First Baptist Church of Orlando; First Church of Christ, Scientist; First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Orlando; First Methodist Church of Orlando; First National Bank at Orlando; First Presbyterian Church of Orlando; First Unitarian Church of Orlando; Florence Apartments; Florida Motor Lines; Florida Public Service Company; Florida Sanitarium; Floyd-Lindorf Realty Company; Forst Gatlin Hotel; Fosgate Apartments; Frederick, Harlow G.; Frey Apartments; Gaston Edwards Park; Geeslin & Miller, Inc.; Gifford Arms; Gladstone Apartments; Goss Memorial Methodist Protestant Church; Grand Avenue Grammar School; Grand Theatre; Gray, M. Beck; Greater Orlando Chamber of Commerce; Guernsey, Frank D.; Guernsey, S. Kendrick; Hamlin Orange Grove; Hampton Avenue; Harlow G. Frederick, Inc.; Harold Shepherd Realty Company; Hartley Apartments; Harwood Avenue Apartments; Helen Street; Highland Avenue; Hillcrest Avenue; Hillcrest Grammar School; Holbrook, J. P.; Holyoke Apartments; Horse Shoe Club House; Hughey Street; Huttig, J. N.; Hyer & Davis; Hyer Avenue; Ivanhoe Apartments; Ivanhoe Boulevard; J. P. Holbrook Investment Company; Jackson Street; Jefferson Court Hotel; Jefferson Street; Jefferson Street Church of Christ; Jermone Realty Company; Jones, Elmer L.; Kaley Avenue; Kaley Avenue Grammar School; Kenhurst Apartments; Klock Apartments; Kuhl Avenue; Lake Adair; Lake Apopka; Lake Cherokee; Lake Concord; Lake Copeland; Lake Davis; Lake Eola; Lake Eola Bandshell; Lake Eola Fountain; Lake Estelle; Lake Formosa; Lake Ivanhoe; Lake Lancaster; Lake Lawson; Lake Lucerne; Lake Lurna; Lake o' the Woods Apartments; Lake Rowena; Lake Street; Lake Sue; Lake Underhill; Lake Virgina; Lakeview Street; Lamar Hotel; Lawn Bowling Club; Lawton Investment Companu; Leon Hotel; Liberty Avenue; Linwood Apartments; Livingston Apartments; Livingston avenue; Livingston Street; Llanymor Hotel; Long Apartments; Lucerne Hotel; Lucerne Park Baptist Church; Luker Apartments; Madison Apartments; Magil Apartments; Magnolia Avenue; Main Street; Mann Apartments; Manuel Courts Apartments; Mariposa Street; Marks Street; Marks Street Grammar School; Masonic Temple; McKelvey, Vernon; McNutt, Heasley & Bailey; Mead Botanical Gardens; Memorial Junior High School; Miller Memorial Baptist Church; Mills Avenue; Mills Street; Minnichaha Apartments; Minnie Paul Apartments; Montana Avenue; Moss, M. J., Jr.; Murchison Company; National Airlines; New Apartments; New England Avenue; New Greenhurst Apartments; New Keystone Apartments; New Poinsettia Apartments; Normant Apartments; North Park Baptist Church; O-Po-Le-O; O. P. Swope, Inc.; O'Neal Investment Company; Orange Avenue; Orange County Armory; Orange Farms Company; Orange Fountain; Orange General Hospital; Orange Hotel; Orlando Christian Church; Orlando Country Club; Orlando Municipal Airport; Orlando Municipal Auditorium; Orlando Recreation; Orlando Reeves Memorial; Orlando Senior High School; Orlando Tennis Club; Orlando Transit Company; Orlando Unity Center; Orlando Utilities Commission Plant; Orlando Visitors Card Club; Orlando Vocational School; Osceola Hotel; Overstreet Land Company; Packard, J. H.; Palmetto Street; Palms Apartments; Park Avenue; Park Lake; Park Lake Presbyterian Church; Park View Apartments; Parramore Avenue; Parsons Apartments; Pearl Hotel; Pentecostal Assembly of God; Phillips, Welborn; Pine Castle; Pine Street; Price, W. K.; Princeton Avenue; Princeton Avenue Grammar School; Raleigh Street; Reeves Memorial Methodist Church; Reformed Presbyterian Church; Rex-McGill Investment Company; Rialto Theatre; Richey, E. H.; Richmond Hall; Ridgewood Apartments; Ridgewood Avenue; Robinson Avenue; Rollins College; Roque Club House; Rosalind Avenue; Rosalind Club; Rose, Walter W.; Roxy Theatre; Ruth Street; Salvation Army Citadel; San Juan de Ulloa Hotel; San Juan Hotel; Sanland Springs Tropical Park; Schoolfield Apartments; Schwob Apartments; Seaboard Air Line; Seventh Day Adventist Church of Orlando; Shepherd, Harold; Shuffleboard Club House; Simpson-Staton Company; Slayton, E. F.; Sligh Boulevard; Smith, Henry D.; Smith, Wyan; Solarium; South Street; Southern Apartments; Spann Apartments; Spring Lake; St. James Apartments; St. James Roman Catholic Cathedral; St. Johns River; St. Luke's Cathedral; St. Regis Apartments; Stewart, J. C.; Stoner, E.; Summerlin Street; Summerline Hotel; Sunshine Park; Sweet Pea Wall; Swope, O. P.; Taylor Apartments; Thornton Lane; Tinker Field; Tinker, Joe; Tremont Hotel; Trenton Street; Trinity English Lutheran Church; United Press and International News Service; University Club; Vergowe Agency; Wall Street; Walter W. Rose Investment Company; Washington Avenue; Washington Senators; WDBO; Weber Avenue; Wekiwa River; Wekiwa Springs; Wells Home Apartments; West Central Grammar School; Westmoreland Drive; Wild Rose Apartments; Wilmot, Fred W.; Wilson Apartments; Wood Apartments; Wynholm Apartments; Wyoming Hotel; Yale Avenue
Orange Blossom Trail: The Scenic Route Through Central Florida
Tags: 13th Street; 4th Street; AAA; Abshier, A. E.; Allardice, James; Allen, Ross; Alrmina Drive-In Restaurant; Amazing Howell Glassblowers; America's Tropical Wonderland; American Automobile Association; American Express; Anderson, F.; Angebilt Hotel; Apopka Motor Courts; Aqua-Maids; Arrow Head Lodge; Avon Motel; Baby Animal Nursery; Bambi Motel; Banister, Fred; Bank of Tavares; Barney's Park Avenue; Bartlett, Tommy; Bates, Beryl; Bates, Kitten; Beachfront Tourist Court; Beacon Light Motel; Belleview Motor Court; Ben White Raceway; Bennie's Service Station; Bentley's Motel; Bibleland; Big "D" Steer-In Restaurant; Black Hills Passion Play; Black Swan Park; Blanche Hotel; Blue Lake; Blue Lake Villa; Bob's Shell Service; Bok Tower; Bok Tower Gardens; Bownman & Brown, Inc.; Bradley, Otis; Bragdon, J. A.; Brahma cattle; Brewton Company; Buliman, J. H.; Burgess, Jack; Carillon Tower; Casa Loma Lodge; Centennial Fountain; Center of Arcade; Central Boulevard; Central Florida Motel; chamber of commerce; Chimp Farm; Christy, Howard Chandler; Citizen's Bank of Clermont; Citizen's National Bank of Lessburg; Citizen's National Bank of Orlando; Citrus Tower Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge; Clayton Waters Service; Clements, Frank; Clermont Fruit Service; Clewiston Inn; Clewiston Motel; Cloister Courts; Coats, Royal M.; Coleman, Grace; Colonial Drive; Colonial Hotel; Columbia County; conestoga wagon; Cook, Thomas; Cooks Farm; Craft Court; Crossroads Motel; Cunningham, T. Archie; Cypress Gardens; Da Vinci, Leonardo; Davenport Chamber of Commerce; Davis Park Motel; Delux Motel; Dempsey, Jack; Dickson and Ives, Inc.; Dietrich, Charles; Dietrich, Elsie; Diner's Club; Dirlam, K. M.; Dirlam's Dawn Villa; Douglas, A. R. D.; downtown Kissimmee; downtown Leesburg; Downtown Miami; Downtown Orlando; Duncan Hines; Dundee; E. S. Marsell Fernery; Edgar Roberts Apartments; Edwards, A. C.; El Patio Motel; El Rancho Motel; Emerald Motel; Ernie's Lakeside Motel; Everglades; Everglades Tropical Gardens; Fairview Park; Fairway's Motel; Famous Shell Emporium; Famous Silver Spurs; Fifth Street; First Federal Building; First Federal Savings and Loan Association; First National Bank; First National Bank at Orlando; Florida Angler's Resort; Florida Citrus Tower; Florida National Bank; Florida Nursery and Landscape Company; Florida Orange Packers; Florida Watermelon Festival; Florida's Biggest Little Town; Florida's Cow Country; Ford's Shell Service Station; Fort Clinch; Foster, Stephen Collins; Fosteriana; Fountain, J. M.; French Realtors; Fulton's Citrus Groves; G&S Packing Company; Gahr, Lloyd; Gardner's Restaurant; Gardos, E.; Gary's Duck Inn; Gateway to the Ridge; Gellerman, Harvey; glass-bottom boats; Glouser, Zack; Great Masterpiece; Greater Orlando Chamber of Commerce; Green's Fuel; Gulf Oil; Gulf Oil Corporation; Haines City Motor Court; Hambletonian; Hamilton County; Harlan, Montie; Hart, E. B.; Hart's Sundry Store; Harvey's Service; Harwell, E. K.; Harwell, Mary P.; Hi-Lander Motel; Highland Hammock State Park; Highland Lake Apartments; Highland Park Estates; Highland Parks Estates; Highlander Restaurant; Highlands County; Highlands Lake; Hil-Top Motor Court; Hinson Avenue; Home Exhibit; Hotel Jacaranda; Hotel Thomas and Dining Room; House of Glass; Howard Johnson Restaurant, Johnson, Howard; Hunt Brothers; Hunter's Nash Motors; International Grand Prix Endurance Race; Isbell, Jim; Isbell, Sue; Ivey's of Orlando; J. Hillis Miller Health Center; J. L. Parris Jr. Laundry; Jarvis Motel; Johnson, Evelyn; Johnson, John; Johnson's Beach; Johnson's Beach & Cottages; Jones, Meredith; Jordan, Carl; Jordan, Carolyn; Kahler, F. H.; Kahler, R. N.; Keene Realty Company, Inc.; Kelly Park; King's Garage and Service Station; King's Grove; Kissimmee Live Stock Market; Kissimmee River Valley; Koch, Harry A.; Koss Manor Motel; Koss, Delma; Lake Alfred; Lake Alfred Motel and Restaurant; Lake and Hills Restaurant; Lake Apopka; Lake Blue Motel; Lake Bowers; Lake Brentwood Court; Lake Clay; Lake County; Lake Eola; Lake Eola Park; Lake Highland; Lake Istokpoga; Lake Ivanhoe; Lake Josephine; Lake Josephine Tourist Court; Lake Mabel Motel; Lake Minneola; Lake Okeechobee; Lake Ola; Lake Placid; Lake Weir; Lake Weir Chamber of Commerce; Lake Weir Gift Fruit Company; Lake Weir Key Cottages; Lakeside Villa; Lakeview Motel; Lakewood Bar & Package Store; Lakewood Estates; Last Supper; Law, Leo; Lee Motel; Leesburg Community Center; Leesburg Kiwanis Club; Leesburg Lion's club; Leesburg Rotary Club; Lilly, L. M.; Lilly's Motel; Lloyd's Furniture; Main Street; Mann, Leone; Mann, Paul; Manor Motel; Marie's Motel and Restaurant; Marion County; Marion County Citrus Company; Marion Street; Marks Street; Marsell, E. S.; Master Hosts; McGuire's Standard Station; McIntosh; Meier, Josef; Melton, G. T.; Metal Products Company; Miami Hotel; Miami's Fabulous Seaquarium; Mid-Lakes Motel; Miller Motel; Miller, Henry; Millican & Beseke, Inc.; Mineral Springs; Minneola Gift Shop; Minute Maid; Monarchik, Helen; Monarchik, John; Montrose Street; Monument of States; Moose Head Fishing Camp; Moses Rexall Drugs; Motel AL-Jl Mid-Town Motel; Motel Midget Mansions; Mozert's Photo Shop; Mrs. Mac's Restaurant; Mt. Vernon Motel; Musseua, A. A.; Nascar Auto Association; National Fresh Water Tournament; National Pee Wee Championship; Nature's Underwater Fairyland; New Morrison Cafeteria; Nicodemus, Charles; Nicodemus, Irene; North Avenue; North Boulevard; North City Motel; North Marion County Chamber of Commerce; North Marion High School; O'Sada, Stanley; O'Sada's Gulf Service Station; OBT; Ocala; Ocala National Forest; Oklawaha; Oklawaha River; Ola-Beach Motel; Old South Motel; Orange Avenue; Orange blossom Motel; Orange Blossom Trail; Orange Blossom Trail Association; orange county; Orange Lake; Orange Lake Citrus Shop; Orlando Evening Star; Orlando Morning Sentinel; Palm Garden Fishing Camp; Palm Knoll Motell; Palm Motel; Palm Terrace; Palomino Motel; Pan-American Motel; Parrish, J. L., Jr.; Passion Play Amphitheatre; Peacock, Arthur S.; Peacock's Motel; Phillips Place; Plantation Inn; Poinsettia Motel; Polk County; Pope, Dick, Sr.; Pope, Richard Downing; Preu, Frank J.; Preu, Jeanette; Pure Oil Company; Quality Courts United; Ranch Motel; Ray's Smoke House Pit-Bar-B-Q; Red Barn Restaurant; Reddick; Reese, Candler C.; Rest-A-Nite Motel; Rex Beach Lake; Rexall; Richenbacker Causeway; Rilean, W. W.; Riley's Trailer Park and Miniature Home; Rock Springs; Rod'n Reel Court; Roosevelt Boulevard; Ross Allen's Reptile Institute; Ross Allen's Reptile Institute and Wildlife Show; Sabal Motel; San Juan de Ulloa Hotel; San Juan Hotel; Scenic Highway; Schnieder, John W.; Seaquariam; Seminoles; Shady Lake; Shalimar Motor Court; shell; Shell Emporium; Shipley, Grace E.; Shipley, Lewis; Silver Lake Country Club and Golf Course; Silver Palms Motel; Silver Springs; Silver Springs Boulevard; Silver Springs Cafeteria and Restaurant; Silver Spurs Rodeo; Sinclair Gas and Oil; Singing Tower; Skyline Motel; Slaughter, A. C.; Smigel's Auto Clinic; Smith, A. W.; South Bay Service Station; South Lake Realty company; Southernaire Motel; Spinning Wheel Motel; Spook Hill; Sportsman's cottages and Fishing Resort; Spring Side Motel; Squire Restaurant; SR-200; SR-25; SR-40; SR-50; SR-540; SR-80; STAPLES' Cottages; Starling Motel; State Bank; State Road 50; State Road 80; Steak House; Stephen Foster Memorial; Sue and Jim Isbell's Motel with Restaurant; Sue's Motel; Sugar Bowl; Sun Plaza Motor Manor; Sunoco; Suwannee River; Suwannee River Court; Tall Pines Motel; Talton, William G.; Targonski, Benjamin; Taylor's Citrus Candy Factory; Terra Ceia Court and Restaurant; Texaco Products; The Belle of Suwannee; The Brahma; The Carriage Cavalcade; The City Beautiful; The Fern City of Florida; The Jacaranda City; The Jungle Cruise; The Key Wester; The Prince of Peace Memorial; Thibault, Alyce; Thomas, P. E.; Tom Sawyer Motor Inns; Tommy Bartlett's Deer Ranch; Topical Wind Motel; Tower View Motel; Trade Winds Cafeteria; Tradewins Motel and Restaurant; Trailer city; Tropical Motor Hotel & Frazer's Steak House; Tucker, O. J.; tupperware; Tupperware Home Parties, Inc.; Tupperware Museum of Dishes; U.S. Highway 27; U.S. Sugar Mill; UF; University Court Motel; University of Florida; US 92; US-17-; US-25; US-27; US-27A; US-301; US-441; US-441-27; US-98; Ustler Brothers; Vaughan & Co.; Venetian Court; Vo-Mac Groves; W. W. Rilea Cottages; Wall Streetl Empire Hotel; Walt Wellman Groves; Waverly; Waverly Citrus Growers Cooperative; Wayside Motel; Webb, J. L.; Webb's Drive-In Restaurant; Wellman, Walt; White House Hotel; William G. Talton and Sons; Williams, E. L.
Letter from James D. Beggs, Jr. to Charles O. Andrews (April 9, 1941)
Letter from J. D. Beggs (March 13, 1941)
Letter from Charles O. Andrews to James D. Beggs, Jr. (April 4, 1941)
Lawn Bowling Handbook
History of Orlando Post Office Promotion
Tags: Charles O. Andrews; Charles Oscar Andrews; Claude Denson Pepper; Claude Pepper; Downtown Orlando; Downtown Orlando Post Office; Federal Building; Greater Orlando Chamber of Commerce; J. Mark Wilcox; James M. Mead; James Mark Wilcox; James Michael Mead; Joe Hendricks; Joseph Edward Hendricks; orlando; post offices; U.S. Post Office Department