Browse Items (29 total)
- Tags: terrorist attacks
Oral History of Debbie Simmons
Tags: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting; activism; activists; Barbara Poma; Brian De Hubert-Arbagast; chamber of commerce; Charlene Bell; Christian Coalition; civil rights; Civil Rights Movement; David Boies; Debbie Simmons; Dick Shaw; discrimination; Dorothy Coleman; Eileen Bell; Family Research Council; Gay and Lesbian Bisexual Student Union; gay marriage; GLBSU; GLBT; GLBT History Museum of Central Florida; GLBTQ+; Glenda Evans Hood; government; gun violence; Harvey Bernard Milk; homophobia; homosexuality; Human Relations Board of the City of Orlando; Human Rights Campaign; James T. “Jimmy” Brock; John Butler Booke; John Hugh "Buddy" Dyer; Joy Metropolitan Community Church; Karen Goode; Keith Morrison; Ken Kasmerski; Lake Eola Park; lesbians; LGBT; LGBT+ Center Orlando; LGBTIQ; LGBTQ; LGBTQ+; Liberty Council; Linda Welch Chapin; Maitland Civic Center; Mallory Wells; Marcy Singhouse; marriage equality; Mary Brooks; mass shootings; Metropolitan Business Association; Mike Sipoligo; National Coming Out Day; National Gay and Lesbian History Month; Obergefell v. Hodges; Orange County Regional History Center; orlando; Orlando Anti-Discrimination Committee; Orlando Regional Pride; parades; Phyllis Murphy; Prop 8; Proposition 8; Pulse massacre; Pulse nightclub; Pulse nightclub shooting; Radisson Hotel Group; Sam Singhouse; Sandy Fink; Sara Raffel; Shelbie Press Print & Copy; Stonewall Riots; Ted Olsen; terrorist attacks; The Center on Mills; The Watermark; Tom Dyer; UCF; University of Central Florida; University of Central Florida Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Student Union; Vicki Vargo; Vicky Meechum
Oral History of Patty Sheehan
Tags: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting; Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome; activism; activists; African-American caucus; AIDS; Asian Winter New Year; Asian-American community; Audubon Park Covenant Church; Bill Stevens; Bob Brings; Brian Arbogast de Hubert-Miller; Caryn Elaine Johnson; Charles "Chase" Smith; city commissioner; civil rights; Civil Rights Movement; Cleve Jones; Democratic Party; Democrats; discrimination; divorce; DNC; Edith "Edie" Windsor; Edwin DeJesus; elections; feminist movement; feminists; Florida Department of Agriculture; Gary Bailey; Gay Lesbian Bisexual Community Services; gay marriage; Gay-related Immune Deficiency; Geoffrey Cravero; GLBCS; GLBT; GLBT History Museum of Central Florida; GLBT Services; GLBTQ+; governmnet; Greenwood Cemetery; Grid; gun violence; hate crimes; HIV; homophobia; homosexuality; HRC; human immunodeficiency virus; Human Rights Campaign; immigration; It Gets Better Project; Jingle Eve; John Hugh "Buddy" Dyer; Kalynn Smith; Lake Eola; Lake Eola Bandshell; Lake Eola Fountain; Lake Eola Park; Latinx; LCN Express; lesbians; LGBT; LGBTIQ; LGBTQ; Lou Tozer; Loving - Commitment - Networking. A Women's Organization; Main Street districts; March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay and Bi Equal Rifhts and Liberation; marriage equality; mass shootings; Michael Wanzie; Michael's March; Mills 50 District; municipal government; Names Project; NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt; orlando; Orlando city commissioner; Orlando City Hall; Orlando City SC; Orlando Regional Pride; Patty Sheehan; Paul Efthemios Tsongas; pedestrian safety; public art; public service; Pulse massacre; Pulse nightclub; Pulse nightclub shooting; Pulse tributes; QLatinx; sidewalks; slow food movement; Teresa Jacobs; terrorist attacks; tyranny of the majority; UCF; United States v. Windsor; University of Central Florida; urban chickens; Walt Disney World; Westboro Baptist Church; When We Rise; Whoopie Goldberg; women's liberation movement; women's movement
Memorial Signs Outside Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts
Tags: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting; Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts; GLBT; gun violence; hate crimes; LGBT; LGBTIQ; LGBTQ; mass shootings; memorial; memorial items; orlando; Orlando Strong; Orlando United; Pulse nightclub; Pulse nightclub shooting; Pulse tributes; signs; terrorist attacks; tribute items; vigil
Memorial Items Outside Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts
Tags: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting; Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts; GLBT; gun violence; hate crimes; LGBT; LGBTIQ; LGBTQ; mass shootings; memorial; memorial items; orlando; Orlando Strong; Orlando United; Pulse nightclub; Pulse nightclub shooting; Pulse tributes; terrorist attacks; tribute items; vigil
If We Stand Together Hope Will Find A Way
Tags: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting; art; Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts; GLBT; gun violence; hate crimes; LGBT; LGBTIQ; LGBTQ; mass shootings; memorial; orlando; Orlando Strong; Orlando United; painting; Pulse nightclub; Pulse nightclub shooting; Pulse tributes; rainbow; rainbow flag; sign; terrorist attacks; vigil
Crowd at Vigil for Pulse
Orlando United Banner at Orlando City Hall
Tags: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting; banners; Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts; GLBT; gun violence; hate crimes; LGBT; LGBTIQ; LGBTQ; mass shootings; memorial; orlando; Orlando City Hall; Orlando Strong; Orlando United; Pulse nightclub; Pulse nightclub shooting; Pulse tributes; terrorist attacks; vigil
Flowers at Pulse Vigil at Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts
John "Buddy" Dyer at Pulse Vigil at Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts
Tags: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting; Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts; GLBT; gun violence; hate crimes; John Hugh "Buddy" Dyer; LGBT; LGBTIQ; LGBTQ; mass shootings; mayors; memorial; orlando; Orlando Strong; Orlando United; Pulse nightclub; Pulse nightclub shooting; Pulse tributes; terrorist attacks; vigil
Pulse Vigil at the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts
Tags: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting; crowd; Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts; flags; flowers; GLBT; gun violence; hate crimes; LGBT; LGBTIQ; LGBTQ; mass shootings; memorial; orlando; Orlando Strong; Orlando United; Pulse nightclub; Pulse nightclub shooting; Pulse tributes; signs; terrorist attacks; vigil
Oral History of Scott Peterson
Tags: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting; Asheville; chorus; Denver; Des Moines; Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts; Facebook; first responders; first responders breakfast; fundraisers; GALA Choruses Festival; Gay and Lesbian Association of Choruses; gay marriage; Geoffrey Cravero; GLBT; GLBTQ+; gun violence; hate crimes; homophobia; homosexuality; JMCC; Joy MCC; Joy Metropolitan Community Church; LGBT; LGBTIQ; LGBTQ; Love Is; mass shootings; Melbourne; Miami; Minneapolis; Montreal; orlando; Orlando Gay Chorus; outreach events; Parliament House; Plaza Theater; Pulse massacre; Pulse nightclub; Pulse nightclub shooting; Pulse tributes; Sarah Schneider; Scott Peterson; social media; terrorist attacks; The Plaza Live; True Colors; Uncut; University of Northern Iowa; vigils; You’ll Never Walk Alone
Oral History of Richard Lamberty
Tags: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting; A Prayer for Children; acquired immune deficiency syndrome; AFL-CIO; AIDS; American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations; April Follies; ATM machines; automated teller machine; Ava Kaye; ballroom dancers; ballroom dancing; Barbara Zoloth; BART; Bay Area Rapid Transit; bullying; cash machines; Casselberry; Catholicism; Catholics; CBS News; Center for Humanities and Digital Research; CHDR; Christian fundamentalism; Christianity; coffee concerts; Colonial Plaza Mall; Croatian War of Independence; dance instructors; Dance Vision International Dancers Association; dancers; defense; Denver; Diane Jarmolow; Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts; DVIDA American Smooth Bronze Syllabus manual; El Paso; Ellen DeGeneres; ESSDA; European Same-Sex Dancing Association; Facebook; Finding Dory; fundamentalism; fundraisers; GALA Choruses Festival; Gay and Lesbian Association of Choruses; Gay Games; Geoffrey Cravero; GLBT; GLBT Community Center of Central Florida; gun control; gun regulations; gun violence; Harris Corporation; hate crimes; hijab; HIV; hoedowns; homophobia; homosexuality; human immunodeficiency virus infection; James A. Rode; Japan; Jim Brown; John F. Kennedy Space Center; Joy MCC; Joy Metropolitan Community Church; Kennedy Space Center Vigil; kinesiology; KSC; Latin Night; LGBT; LGBT Center of Central Florida; LGBTIQ; LGBTQ; Lockheed Martin; Longwood; March Madness; March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay, and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation; Martin Marietta Corporation; mass shootings; NASA; NASSPDA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; New Mexico; North American Same-Sex Partner Dance Association; OGC; online credits; online shopping; Orange Blossom Dance Festival; Orange County Convention Center; orlando; Orlando Cloggers; Orlando Gay Chorus; Orlando Strong; Orlando United; Orthodox Muslims; outreach events; Parliament House; Port Arthur massacre; Pulse; Pulse massacre; Pulse nightclub; Pulse nightclub shooting; Pulse tributes; RA; rainbow flags; religious fundamentalism; rheumatoid arthritis; Rollins College; round dancing; same-sex; San Francisco; Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida; space; spell check; square dancers; square dancing; St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church; St. Matthew’s Tavern at the Orlando Beer Garden; Steve Jobs; terrorism; terrorist attacks; terrorists; The Center; The Plaza Live; Tom Slater; transgender; True Colors; TRW Space and Defense Park; TRW, Inc. Space and Defense; typeahead; UCF; Uncut; University of Central Florida; vigils; World Outgames; You'll Never Walk Alone; Yugoslav Wars
Oral History of Reverend Margaret E. "Peggy" Howland
Tags: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting; Charleston; choralography; chorus; Denver; Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts; Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church; FAVO; female clergy; first responders; first responders breakfast; fundraisers; GALA Choruses Festival; Gay and Lesbian Association of Choruses; gay marriage; Geoffrey Cravero; Glad Tidings; GLBT; GLBTQ+; gun control; gun regulation; gun violence; Harold Wright; hate crimes; homophobia; homosexuality; Hope and Help Center of Central Florida; I Could Have Danced All Night; James A. Rode; JMCC; Joy Metropolitan Community Church; Kenya; Latinx community; LGBT; LGBTIQ; LGBTQ; Margaret E. "Peggy" Howland; mass shootings; ministers; Mother Emanuel Church; My Fair Lady; Orange County Convention Center; orlando; Orlando Gay Chorus; Orlando Museum of Art; Orlando Strong; Orlando United; outreach events; Park Lake Gay-Straight Partnership; Park Lake Presbyterian Church; PJ Galas Finster; Plaza Live; Portland; post-traumatic stress disorder; Presbyterian; Presbyterian Church General Assembly; Presbyterian Peace Fellowship; PTSD; Pulse massacre; Pulse nightclub; Pulse nightclub shooting; Pulse tributes; Sandy Hook Elementary School; terrorist attacks; The Faith Arts Village of Orlando; The King and I; True Colors; University of Pennsylvania; vigils; We Kiss in a Shadow; Witness Our Welcome; women clergy; You’ll Never Walk Alone; Zebra Coalition
Oral History of Patrick Herman
Tags: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting; A Salute to the American Flag; America the Beautiful; assault rifles; Bob Carr Theater; Come Out With Pride Orlando; Cyndi Lauper; Cynthia Ann Stephanie Lauper; Denver; Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts; Facebook; Fort Lauderdale; Fort Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus; fundraisers; GALA Choruses Festival; Gay and Lesbian Association of Choruses; GLBT; gun control; gun regulation; gun violence; hate crimes; homosexuality; John Hugh “Buddy” Dyer; Kissimmee; Latin dancing; LGBT; LGBTIQ; LGBTQ; mass shootings; Miami; New Port Richey; November 2015 Paris attacks; orlando; Orlando City Soccer Club; Orlando Gay Chorus; Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra; Orlando Strong; Orlando United; outreach events; Patrick Herman; Pennsylvania State University; Pulse massacre; Pulse nightclub; Pulse nightclub shooting; Pulse tributes; Sarah Schneider; terrorist attacks; True Colors; vigils; Washington, D.C.
The Watermark, Vol. 8, No. 20, September 27-October 10, 2001
Tags: 9/11; Adam Pascal; Al Cardenas; Alicia "Keys" Augello Cook; American Airlines Flight 11; American Airlines Flight 77; Andy Humm; Anita Ward; Ben Kingsley; Berry Berenson; bisexual; Bobby Smith; Brendon James Fraser; Bruce Ground; California Alliance for Pride and Equality; Cecilia M. Burke; Charles Nelson Reilly; Christopher "Chris" Tucker; Christopher Labonte; Cindi Black; Cindy Adams; Claudia Shippe; Colin Luther Powell; Coy Luther "Luke" Perry III; Craig Kenneth Bruderlin; Dan Brandhorst; Dana Thomas Carvey; Daphne Rubin-Vega; Darcel Stevens; David Angell; David Bianco; David Charlebois; David Connelly; David Drake; David Scoven; David William Duchovny; DaVonda Simmons; Denise Rich; Dorothy Thompson; Dr. Earl Fox; Edgar Garzon; Edward Harrison Norton; Edward Regan "Eddie" Murphy; Elizabeth Téa "Leoni" Pantaleoni; Ellen Lee DeGeneres; Elvira Kurt; Equality Florida; Ewan Gordon McGregor; Felicia Donatelli; Frances Ann O'Connor; Frank DeCaro; Franklin Edward "Frank" Kameny; Fred Klingenhager; GALIXY; Gary Sanford; gay; Gay and Lesbian Idea Exchange for Youth; Gay Games; Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Community Center; Georgia Rasdale; Gerald Maxwell Rivera; GLBCC; Glen White; Haley Joel Osment; Headdress Ball; Heather Headley; Heather Joan Graham; homosexuality; homosexuals; Hope & Help Center; Hugh Michael Jackman; Human Rights Campaign; Idina Menzel; James Brolin; James Lawrence King; James Melville "Mel" White; Jarrod Emick; Jason Stuart; Jeremy Click; Jerry G. Melvin; Jerry Lamon Falwell; Jim Bina; Joey Gomez; John Cameron Mitchell; John Ellis "Jeb" Bush Sr.; John McKay; Jonathan David Larson; Joseph "Joey" Mulrey McIntyre; Julie L. Jones; Kay Thompson; Keith Boykin; Keith Folse; Kelly Ann McGillis; Kevin Kladakis; Krishna Bhanji; Kyle Bradford; Larry Kramer; Laugh Out Loud - Tampa; Laura Jeanne Reese Witherspoon; Lee Carlton; lesbians; LGBT; LGBTQ+; Linda Lerner; Lisa Tillman-Healy; Lorri L. Jean; Lou Chibbaro Jr.; Louis Kirby; Manuel Crespo; Maribell Camarillo; Marion Gordon "Pat" Robertson; Mark Bingham; Marlon Brando Jr.; Matthew Christopher Bourne; Matthew Jay Roach; Michael "Mike" John Myers; Michael E. Guest; Michael J. Andrew Fox; Michael Judge; Michael Slaymaker; Milos Zeman; Molly Kathleen Ringwald; Nadine Smith; National Gay and Lesbian Task Force; NGLTF; Nicole Mary Kidman; O-QUAC; orlando; Orlando Queer Academics; Out & About Books; Palm Properties; Parliament House; Patricia Nell Warren; Patrick Wilson; Pinellas Juvenile Welfare Board; queers; questioning; Ralph Buchdlter; Red Cross; Richard Alva "Dick" Cavett; Robert Anthony DeNiro Jr.; Robert Hepler Lowe; Robert John Wagner Jr.; Ronald Gamboa; Rose Ferlita; Rush Hudson Limbaugh III; Russ Crumley; same-sex; Scott Pruit; September 11 Attacks; September 11th Fund; Silver Lake Communications; Southeast Regional Gay Men's Health Summit; Stephanie Shippae; Susie Porter; Suzanne Jacobs; Tampa; Tampa Bay Gay Men's Chorus; Tampa Bay Women's Chorus; Tampa International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival; Taylor Dayne; terrorism; terrorist attacks; The Watermark; Thomas Burnett; Thomas Charles Feeney III; Tim Hanes; Tim Povtak; Timothy J. Maude; Tison Pugh; Todd Evans; trans; transgender; Troy Deroy Perry Jr.; United Airlines Flight 175; United Airlines Flight 93; Vince Rockland; Wendy Chioji; William Hall Macy Jr.; Willie Logan; World Trade Center
Names of Pulse Victims
Tags: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting; Akyra Monet Murray; Alejandro Barrios Martinez; Amanda Alvear; Angel L. Candelario-Padro; Anthony Luis Laureanodisla; Antonio Davon Brown; Brenda Lee Marquez McCool; Christopher Andrew Leinonen; Christopher Joseph Sanfeliz; Cory James Connell; Darryl Roman Burt II; Deonka Deidra Drayton; Eddie Jamoldroy Justice; Edward Sotomayor Jr.; Enrique L. Rios, Jr.; Eric Ivan Ortiz-Rivera; Frank Hernandez; Franky Jimmy Dejesus Velazquez; Geraldo A. Ortiz-Jimenez; Gilberto Ramon Silva Menendez; GLBT; gun violence; hate crimes; Jason Benjamin Josaphat; Javier Jorge-Reyes; Jean C. Nives Rodriguez; Jean Carlos Mendez Perez; Jerald Arthur Wright; Joel Rayon Paniagua; Jonathan Antonio Camuy Vega; Juan Chevez-Martinez; Juan P. Rivera Velazquez; Juan Ramon Guerrero; Kimberly Morris; Leroy Valentin Fernandez; LGBT; LGBTIQ; LGBTQ; Luis Daniel Conde; Luis Daniel Wilson-Leon; Luis Omar Ocasio-Capo; Luis S. Vielma; Martin Benitez Torres; mass shootings; Mercedez Marisol Flores; Miguel Angel Honorato; orlando; Orlando Strong; Orlando United; Oscar A Aracena-Montero; Paul Terrell Henry; Peter O. Gonzalez-Cruz; Pulse memorial; Pulse nightclub; Pulse nightclub shooting; Pulse tributes; Rodolfo Ayala-Ayala; Shane Evan Tomlinson; Simon Adrian Carrillo Fernandez; Stanley Almodovar III; terrorist attacks; Tevin Eugene Crosby; Xavier Emmanuel Serrano Rosado; Yilmary Rodriguez Solivan
St. Matthew's Tavern Pulse Tribute
Tags: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting; bars; GLBT; gun violence; hate crimes; LGBT; LGBTIQ; LGBTQ; mass shootings; Mills 50; orlando; Orlando Strong; Orlando United; Pulse nightclub; Pulse nightclub shooting; Pulse tributes; St. Matthew's Tavern; St. Matthew's Tavern at the Orlando Beer Garden; terrorist attacks
Rainbow Flags
Pulse Sign
Orlando United
Memorial Items Notice
For Only Love Can Conquer Hate
Tags: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting; billboards; GLBT; Gringos Locos; gun violence; hate crimes; LGBT; LGBTIQ; LGBTQ; Marvin Gaye; Marvin Pentz Gay Jr.; mass shootings; Milk District; murals; orlando; Orlando Strong; Orlando United; Pulse nightclub; Pulse nightclub shooting; Pulse tributes; Sportstown Billiards; T.G. Lee Dairy; terrorist attacks
Pulse's Temporary Fence
Water Cooler
Pulse Memorial Items
Tribute Candles
Tags: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting; GLBT; gun violence; hate crimes; LGBT; LGBTIQ; LGBTQ; mass shootings; memorial candles; novena candles; orlando; Orlando Strong; Orlando United; prayer candles; Pulse nightclub; Pulse nightclub shooting; Pulse tributes; religious candles; ritual candles; santeria; terrorist attacks; tribute candles
Oral History of Emmanuel J. Agon Kresky
Tags: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting; Andrew Springer; Beautiful Together; Candlelight Processional; Carol Studer; Cathedral Church of St. Luke; Cory Connell; Denver; Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts; Emmanuel "Manny" J. Agon Kresky; Epcot; Expedia, Inc.;; Facebook; From Broadway with Love: A Benefit Concert for Orlando; From Sissies to Superstars; fundraisers; GALA Choruses Festival; Gay and Lesbian Association of Choruses; GLBT; gun control; gun regulation; gun violence; hate crimes; homophobia; homosexuality; J.D. Casto; John Hugh “Buddy” Dyer; Lake Eola Park; Latinx community; LGBT; LGBTIQ; LGBTQ; mass shootings; Nicholas Agon Kresky; Oliver Button; Orange County Regional History Center; orlando; Orlando City Soccer Club; Orlando Gay Chorus; outreach events; Parliament House; Pleasure Island (Walt Disney World); Publix Supermarkets, Inc.; Pulse massacre; Pulse nightclub; Pulse nightclub shooting; Pulse tributes; rainbow flags; Ron Legler; Sarah Schneider; social media; Southern Nights; Sydney Opera House; terrorist attacks; True Colors; University of Central Florida Center for Emerging Media; vigils; We Are Family; White House; You’ll Never Walk Alone
Oral History of Nicholas Agon Kresky
Tags: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting; Brew City Chorus; Cable News Network; Chorus Connection; CNN;; Colorado; Denver; Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts; Duluth; Facebook; fundraisers; GALA Choruses Festival; Gay and Lesbian Association of Choruses; GLBT; gun control; gun regulation; gun violence; hate crimes; homosexuality; Joy MCC; Joy Metropolitan Community Church; LGBT; LGBTIQ; LGBTQ; mass shootings; Michigan; Milwaukee Pride; Minnesota; Nicholas Agon Kresky; orlando; Orlando Gay Chorus; Orlando Strong; Orlando United; outreach events; pet therapy; Pillow Talk; Pulse massacre; Pulse nightclub; Pulse nightclub shooting; Pulse tributes; Rainbows over Broadway; Sarah Schneider; social media; terrorist attacks; theme parks; UCF; University of Central Florida; University of Central Florida Center for Emerging Media; vigils
Oral History of Joel Strack
Tags: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting; Absalon Figueroa; AIGA Orlando’s Love by Design; American Institute of Graphic Arts; Aubrey Connelly-Candelario; Boston Gay Men's Chorus; Center for Humanities and Digital Research; Charlie Callahan; CHDR; chorus; choruses; David Schuler; fundraisers; GALA Choruses Festival; gay; Gay and Lesbian Association of Choruses; Gay Community Services; Gay Men’s Chorus of Tampa; GCS; GLBT; GLBT Community Center of Central Florida; gun violence; hate crimes; Hispanics; homosexuality; homosexuals; James A. Rode; Joel Strack; Joy Metropolitan Community Church; Kayla Campana; Latinas; Latinos; LGBT; LGBT Center of Central Florida; LGBTIQ; LGBTQ; Linda Knutson; Man of La Mancha; mass shootings; Men in Tights; mixed vocal group; music; nightclubs; orlando; Orlando City SC; Orlando City Soccer; Orlando City Soccer Club; Orlando Gay Chorus; Orlando Museum of Art; Orlando Repertory Theatre; Orlando United; outreach events; Penny Jo Chessmen; Pulse; Pulse massacre; Pulse memorial; Pulse nightclub shooting; rainbows; River City Mixed Chorus; Rob Noll; Rollins College; SATB chorus; Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida; Soprano Alto Tenor Bass chorus; Sounds of Freedom Band and Color Guard; South Florida Gay Men’s Chorus; terrorism; terrorist attacks; terrorists; Terry Thomas; The Center; The REP; tributes; Tyler Campbell; UCF; University of Central Florida; Valencia College; vigils; You'll Never Walk Alone