Browse Items (11 total)
- Tags: Sanford Junior High School
Seminole High School French Avenue Campus
Seminole County Public Schools Teachers and Salaries, 1913-1954
Tags: 10th Street; 11th Avenue; 12th Street; 13th Street; 14th Street; 15th Street; 16th Street; 17th Street; 19th Street; 1st Street; 20th Street; 21st Street; 2nd Avenue; 2nd Street; 3rd Street; 4th Street; 5th Street; 6th Street; 7th Street; 8th Street; 9th Street; Aberdeen; Adena; Aloma Avenue; Apalachicola; Apopka; Arran; Ashby Street; Ashley Street; Auburndale Avenue; Avocado Avenue; Axson; Baimbridge; Baldwin; Bay Avenue; Beach Street; Beardall Avenue; Benson Springs; Bernesville; Blenton; Blount Street; Boston; Brigend; Brisson Avenue; Buffalo; Burbank; Burlington; Bushnell; Calhoun; Cambridge; Cameron; Cameron Avenue; Cameron City; Campbell; Casselberry; Catalina Drive; Celery Avenue; Center Street; Chancellor; Chatham; Chattahoochee; Chipley; Christmas; Chuluota Primary; Chuluota Primary School; Chuluota School; Church Creek; Cincinnati; Citrus Heights; Clark Avenue; Clermont; Cleveland; Cliffdale; Cloudland Park; Colbert; College Hill Street; Concord Avenue; Cottondale; Country Club Road; County Road 427; Cowan Apartments; CR 427; Crooms Academy; Cumming; Cypress Avenue; Cypress Street; Dade City; Danbury; Daytona Beach; DeLand; Delton; Dexter; Dixie Highway; Dothan; Douglas; Douglas Street; Dublin; East Side; East Side Primary School; Eastside Primary School; Edmund; educator; Eighth Street; elementary school; Eleventh Avenue; Elliot Avenue; Elm Avenue; employee; Eufsuls; Eustis; F Street; Fern Park; Fifteenth Street; Fifth Street; First Street; Floral Heights; Forest City School; Forsyth; Fort Meade; Fort Reed; Fourteenth Street; Fourth Street; Franklin Street; Franklinton; French Avenue; Frostproof; Gabriella Colored School; Gainesville; Gamble Street; Geneva Avenue; Geneva Colored School; Geneva Elementary School; Geneva School; Genius Drive; Georgetown; Glendale; Goggansville; Goldsboro Primary School; Grandview Avenue; Haines City; Halb Avenue; Havana; Hawthorne; Hemingwet; Hermits Trail; Hewlett; Hickory Avenue; high school; Highland; Hinson; Holly Avenue; Hopper Academy; Howry Street; Hungerford School; Indian Mound Village; Jackson Street; Jacksonville; Jasper; Jefferson; Jefferson Street; Jessamine Avenue; Jonesboro; Key West; Kingstree; Kissimmee; Kolokee; Ky-Bama Lodge; Lake Avenue; Lake Butler; Lake Mary Road; Lake Mary School; Lake Monroe Colored School; Lake Monroe School; Lake Wales; Lake Worth; Lakeland; Lakemont; Lakeview Drive; Lakewood; Langley; Langley Apartments; Las Olas Boulevard; Laurel Avenue; Leesburg; Lewisberg; LHS; Live Oak; Livingston Street; Lloyd; Loch Arbor Court; Locust Avenue; Longwood School; Louisville; Lyman Elementary School; Lyman High School; Madison; Madison Street; Magnolia Avenue; Main Street; Maitland; Maple Avenue; Marianna; Marietta; Maripose Street; Mars Hill; Maryville; Mascotte; Masonville; McCombe Street; Mellonville Avenue; Menlo; Merritt Street; Miami; Midway; Miller Avenue; Minnesota Avenue; Moncrif Avenue; Montezuma Hotel; Monticello; Montverde; Morgan City; Moultrie; Mount Dora; Mount Olive; Mount Vernon; Myrtle Avenue; New Canton; New Milford; New Port Richey; New Smyrna Beach; Nineteenth Street; Ninth Street; O'Brien; Oak Avenue; Oak Street; Oakland; Ocoee; OHS; Olive Street; Orange Avenue; orlando; Osceola; Osceola School; Osteen; Oviedo; Oviedo Colored School; Oviedo High School; Oviedo School; Oxford Junction; Ozark; Palatka; Palmetto Avenue; Paris; Park Avenue; Parramore Street; Pearson; Pecan Avenue; Pelham; Pendergrass; Peninsula Drive; Penn Avenue; Pensacola; Persimmon Avenue; Pine Avenue; Pinehurst; Poinsetta Avenue; Ponce Park; Portsmouth; public school; Punta Gorda; Quitman; Raleigh; Randall Circle; Reus Street; Richland; Richmond Avenue; Ridgewood Avenue; Rock Hill; Rosalia Drive; Rose Court; Rose Court Apartments; Rosenwald; Rosenwald No. 1; Roslindale; Roundtree Avenue; Route 1; Route 2; Route A; Roxbury Road; Ruthledge; Salem; Salisbury; San Lanta Apartments; Sand Lake Road; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford High School; Sanford Junior High; Sanford Junior High School; Sanford Primary School; Sanford Vocational School; Sans Souci Avenue; school; SCPS; Seaboard Oil Company; Second Avenue; Second Street; Sellors Street; Seminole County; Seminole County Public Schools; Seminole County School Board; Seminole High School; Seminole Rosenwald No. 1; Seventeenth Street; Seventh Street; Shady Lane; Shady Lane Drive; Sharon; Shepherd Avenue; SHS; Silver Lake; Sipes Avenue; Sixteenth Street; Sixth Street; SJHS; snow Hill Road; Sorrento; South Side Primary School; Southside Primary; Southside Primary School; Spurling Street; St. Augustine; St. Petersburg; Steubenville; Summerlin Avenue; Sumter; Sunset Drive; Swan Street; Swanton; Tallahassee; Tampa; Tangerine; teacher; Teckla; Tekona Park; Tenth Street; Third Street; Thirteenth Street; Tifton; Triplet Street; Tuscaloosa; Twelfth Street; Twentieth Street; Twenty-First Street; Umatilla; Union Avenue; Valdosta; Valencia Drive; Vernville; Vidette; Vienna; Virginia Drive; Vistabula; Vradenburgh; Wagner Colored School; Waits Street; Waleska; Washington; Washington Avenue; Wauseon; Welbourne Street; Wellborn; West Point; West Side Primary School; Westside Primary School; Whigham; Wichita; Wildmere Avenue; Wildwood; Willow Avenue; Wilson; Wilson School; Winfree Avenue; Winston-Salem; Winter Garden; Winter Haven; Winter Park; Woodsbridge; Wrightsville; Youngstown
Sanford Landmark School Building Hosts Reunion and its Last Hurrah
Tags: alumni; anford; Banana Boys; Celery Fed; Celery Feds; DeSormier, Vicki; French Avenue; Green, Margaret; high school; high school reunion; jazz band; Lynch, Elizabeth; Morris, Gladyse; Pelham, Dan; Sanford Chamber of Commerce; Sanford Junior High School; Sanford Middle School; Sanford Morning Signal; school; Seminole High School; Shoemaker, Elizabeth; Smith, Walter; Sprout, Margaret; Stemper, Gladyce; The Sanford Herald; Thornton, Dave; Thornton, Jane; time capsule; Tommy; Vincent; Wright, Roy
Sanford Junior High School Graduating Class, 1936-1937
Program of the Board of Supervisors of the Seminole Soil and Water Conservation District, 1963
Tags: abandoned flowing wells; agricultural development; agriculture; artesian water; beans; beef cattle; birds; Black Hammock; cabbage; carrots; celery; Charles A. Wales; chlorides; citrus; conservation; corn; cropland; drainage; egg production; Elbert Cammack; environmental protection; erosion; farmers; farming; flowing wells; Geneva; industrial development; irrigation; Jack Dodd; Lake Harney; Lake Jessup; Lake Monroe; lakes; land development; land use; leguminous cover crops; lettuce; livestock; nemeatodes; overgrazing; pasture development; ponds; poultry; poultry farms; Puzzle Lake; Ralph Hammond; recreation; recreational land; row crops; Sanford; Sanford Junior High School; Seminole County; Seminole Soil and Water Conservation District; soil; Soil and Conservation Service; soil depletion; SSCD; SSWCD; St. Johns River; streams; U.S. Department of Agriculture; USDA; vegetables; W. W. Linz; water; water control; Wells; wildlife; wind
Oral History of Patricia Ann Black and Billy Hardy
Tags: 10th Street; 11th Street; 1st Street; 25th Street; African Americans; Army; Bay Avenue; Bigham, Patricia Ann Black; Black, Patricia Ann; car; Celery Avenue; Celery Soup: Florida's Folk Life Play; child molestation; Clemens, Jimmy; Columbus, Georgia; Creative Sanford, Inc.; Crooms Academy; Crooms High School; desegregation; Eleventh Street; First Street; football; Hardy, Bill; Hopper Academy; Howard, Pat; integration; Jacobson, Manuel; Jacobson, Sarah; Jones, Willie; Lakeview Middle School; Martin, Trayvon Benjamin; Mellonville Avenue; migrant worker; miscegenation; National Honor Society; New York; NHS; North Rose Wolcott School; Oldsmobile Starfire; Operation Desert Storm; oral history; race relations; Rexall; Rochester, New York; Roman-Toro, Freddie; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Junior High School; Sanford Middle School; school; segregation; Seminole High School; sexual abuse; taboo; Tenth Street; Thompson, Trish; U.S. Route 17-92; veteran
Oral History of Garnett White
Tags: 10th Street; 7th Street; 9th Street; aluminum; American Cancer Society; automobiles; B.L. Perkins' Store; bass; bicycles; bikes; Bluitt Stevens; Bobbi Goff; Boy Scouts of America; butchers; Carl McWaters; cars; celery; Chase and Company; citrus; citrus groves; Crooms Academy of Information Technology; Downtown Sanford; Eagle Scouts; Ed White; Elizabeth Wigham; Elm Avenue; farmers; farming; First Federal Savings & Loan; Garnett White; Golden Rusty; golf caddies; Greater Sanford Regional Chamber of Commerce; Hall; Harriet; Harrington; high schools; Historical Society of Central Florida; icehouses; Jacobs; Jaycees; Joseph Morris; Joshua Coffin Chase; Judy White; Lake Monroe; Laurel Avenue; Linda McKnight Batman Oral History Project; Lyman High School; Mac Cleaver; metal drives; mites; Monroe; motor vehicles; muck; muck farms; Museum of Seminole County History; newspaper routes; newspapers; Ninth Street; oilers; Operation Deep Freeze; orlando; Oviedo High School; packing houses; paper boys; Paulette Casen; Paulette White; Pelham, Georgia; quartermasters; railroads; railways; Ransidey; real estate; real estate agents; real estate appraisal; real estate brokers; real estate licenses; recessions; Red Hill Groves; reefers; refrigeration; rubbers; rust mites; Sanford; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford Jaycees; Sanford Junior Chamber of Commerce; Sanford Junior High School; Sanford-Seminole County Chamber of Commerce; Sanford-Seminole County Junior Chamber of Commerce; school lunches; Seminole County; Seminole High School; Seminole State College; Seventh Street; Southside Elementary; St. Augustine; Student Museum; Sydney Octavius Chase, Jr.; Sydney Octavius Chase, Sr.; Ted White; Tenth Street; The Florida Times-Union; The Sanford Herald; Triple S Groceteria; U.S. Navy; war effort; Winterville, Georgia; World War II; WWII
Oral History of David Scott
Tags: assisted living; Barfield; Beautiful Lee; burials; camphor trees; cattle ranchers; cattle ranching; cemeteries; cemetery; chickens; Chihuahua; crackers; David Scott; dogs; Downtown Sanford; Echols Bedding Company; Edward Scott; elderly; Flora Scott; Grady Scott; graves; Helen Scott; Helen Scott Atkinson; Holcomb, Susan; Homer Little; Humphrey; Kim Nelson; Kissimmee; Lake Mary; Lake Monroe School; Larry's New & Used Mart; Movieland Drive-In; Museum of Seminole County History; nursing homes; Old Folks Home; orange groves; oranges; Oviedo; pastures; pigs; Poppy; race relations; Rachel Lee; Ratliff Towing; retirement homes; Ritz Theatre; Sam McFradden; Sanford; Sanford Junior High School; segregation; Seminole High School; Susan Holcomb
Names Make 'The News'
Tags: 124th Infantry; Aiken, Dick; Alexander, Viola; Allen; Back, Audrey; Beard; Bill Bobstay; Bob Beckett; Bobbynette; Bouffie; Brower, Nancy; Brumley, Herman; Callahan, Bob; Cameron, Shirley; Captain Corcoran; Clark, Catherine; Clark, Dorothy; Clark, Louise; Column, Nancy; Conelly, Daphne; Cousin Hebe; Cranston, Ralph; Dean, Rolland; Dick Deadeye; Dunn, Doris; Eich, Shirley; Evans, Roberta; Florida National Guard; Florida Showcase; Foots; French Avenue; Geiger, Robert; Gilbert, William Schwenck; Gleason, Hanel Matthews, Harriet; Glee Club; Grantham, Clarence; H.M.S. Pinafore; Hickson, Helen; high school; Hinson, Juanell; Hoge, Leroy; Hutchins, Georgia; Jackson, Ruth; Josephine; King, Betty; Little Buttercup; Lucy; Lyons, Dorothy; Matthews, Betty; Matthews, Evelyn; Matthieux, Mildred; Matthieux, Orrie; McWhorter, Elsie; Meekins, Carey; Meisch, Sylvia; Miller, Betty; Morrison, Dorothy; Morrison, Sallie; Mrs. Cripps; opera; Orin Stenstrom family; Page, Martha; Park, Charles Sr.; Perkins, Martha; Phyllis; Powell, Neil; Raborn, M. L. "Sonny"; Rackstraw, Ralph; Robson, Mildred; Rucker, Wayde; Sacket, Milton; Sanford; Sanford Junior High School; Sanford Middle School; school; Seminole High School; Seminole High School Glee Club; Sir Joseph Porter; Smith, Walter; Speer, Andrew; Stenstrom, Julian; Stevens, Rebecca; Sullivan, Arthur; Tew, Mary Helen; The Sanford Herald; Toll, Audrey; Turner, Walter; Walsh, Lillian; Ward; Ward, Ed; WCPX; WDBO; Whitmore, Barbara; Williams, Nancy
Demolition of Seminole High School
Annual Report of the Board of Supervisors of the Seminole Soil and Water Conservation District, 1961
Tags: Al Furman; Allen Sandifer; Ben Wiggins; Bill West; Bonner L. Carter; C. A. Wales; cattle ranching; Cecil Tucker II; Central Florida Experiment Station; Charles Chellman; citrus; citrus farming; conservation; Curtin Green; Don Farrens; Elbert Cammack; Farm Bureau; farmers; farming; FFA; Homer Ballard; Horace White; irrigation, water control; Jack P. Dodd; John Winter; orlando; Phil Westgate; R. V. Forbes; Ralph Hammond; ranching; Robert E. Lee; Sanford; Sanford Junior High School; Seminole County; Seminole High School; Seminole Soil and Water Conservation District; SHS; Soil and Conservation Service; SSWCD; U.S. Department of Agriculture; USDA; Vo-Ag; W. W. Linz