Browse Items (30 total)
- Tags: pollution
A to Z: Zellwood Drainage and Water Control District Brochure
Tags: agriculture; Arch Hodges; bean; Beauclair Canal; Belle Glade; cabbage; celery; chemical; Connecticut Mutual; corn; crop; Crop Reporting Service; Dalton Harrison; drainage; employee; endive; escarole; Everglades; Everglades Experiment Station; expenditure; farm; farmer; farming; fertilize; fish; fisheries Division; fishing; Florida Agricultural Extension Service; Florida Humus Company; Florida Legislature; Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission; George B. Hills; government; Henry Swanson; infrastructure; John F. White; labor; Lake and Stream Survey; Lake Apopka; Lake County; Lake Jem; legislative branch; legislature; lettuce; muck; Oakland; peat; pesticide; pollution; R. V. Allison; radish; rainfall; recharge; Reconstruction Finance Corporation; RFC; Richard Whitney; snap bean; soil; spending; spinach; state government; sweet corn; tax; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; U.S. Department of Agriculture; U.S.. Geological Survey; USDA; vegetable; vegetation; W. T. Cox; wage; water; water quality; worker; Zellwood Drainage and Water Control District; Zellword
Annual Report of the Board of Supervisors of the Seminole Soil and Water Conservation District, 1956
Tags: Bahia grass; Bahia grasses; beef; Bonner L. Carter; C. A. Wales; C. H. Galloway; cattle; cattle ranching; Cecil Tucker II; chlorides; citrus; conservation; dairy; Econlockhatchee; Econlockhatchee River; farm drainage; farming; fertilizers; FFS; fire control; fires; fishing; Florida Forest Service; flowing wells; Frank Russell; game fishing; Hairy Indigo; Henry Wight; Hubam clovers; Huban clovers; irrigation; Jack Barraclough; milk; nitrogen; oats; partridge peas; pollution; rainfall; Ralph Hammond; ranching; recreation; rotational system; rye; Sanford; Seminole County; Seminole Soil and Water Conservation District; Soil and Conservation Service; SSWCD; timber; timber management; U.S. Department of Agriculture; U.S. Geological Survey; USDA; USGS; W. W. Linz; water control; wildlife preservation
Annual Report of the Board of Supervisors of the Seminole Soil and Water Conservation District,1971
Tags: Charles A. Wales; conservation; Hemarthria Altissima; Hubert Bagwell; James E. Hughes; Jim Hughes; Joe Hopkins; John Winter; natural resources; pollution; radio; Seminole County; Seminole Soil and Water Conservation District; Soil and Conservation Service; SSWCD; timber; U.S. Department of Agriculture; University of Florida; USDA; W. W. Linz; wildlife; wildlife management; WTRR
Apopka Restoration Plan Revealed
Florida Historical Quarterly, Episode 29: Vol. 94, No. 4, Spring 2016
Tags: Afghanistan; American Communist Labor Party; ammonia; Armand Hammer; Bank of America; Brad Massey; cold war; communism; communists; company towns; convict leasing; Daniel S. Murphree; détente; draglines; Eastern Bloc; embargos; environmentalism; environmentalists; Ex-Im Bank; Export-Import Bank; FHQ; Florida Historical Quarterly; Ford Motor Company; globalization; Heinz Alfred Kissinger; Henry Alfred Kissinger; Henry Kissinger; Hooker Chemical Company; International Ore and Fertilizer Company; Jefferson Lake Sulphur Company; labor; laborers; mines; mining; Morocco; Muammar Gaddafi; Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar Gaddafi; Nikita Khrushchev; Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev; Occidental Petroleum Corporation; OPEC; Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries; Osceola National Forest; Oxy; Peace River; phosphate; pollution; price setting; recycling; Richard Bernard Stone; Richard Milhous Nixon; Richard Nixon; Richard Stone; Ronald Reagan; Ronald Wilson Reagan; socialism; socialists; Soviet Union; Soviet-Afghan War; Soviets; Stalinization; strip mining; Sunshine Skyway Bridge Disaster; trade deals; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; USSR; World War II; WWII
Inspection of Fish Kills at Lake Apopka, Florida
Tags: agricultural pollution; agriculture; Argulus; bacteria; bass; Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife; C. W. Sheffield; catfish; copepod; Crop Reporting Service; DDT; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; disease; DOI; Eastern Fish Disease Laboratory; Eddie Cromwell; farm; farming; fish; fish kill; fishing; Florida Game and Fresh Water Commission; FWS; gizzard shad; Harold L. Moody; insecticide; Lake Apopka; muck farm; Oliver Cope; Orange County Board of Health; parasite; pathogen; pesticide; pollution; protozoan; research; Scyphidia; speckled bullhead; spotted bullhead; spray; Thomas L. Wellborn, Jr.; threadfin shad; trematode; Trichodina; U.S. Department of Agriculture; U.S. Department of the Interior; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; USDA; water; water conservation; water quality
Lake Apopka Haul Seine Catch - 1966
Tags: agricultural pollution; algae; bass; black crappie; bluegill; catfish; conservation; crappie; eutrophication; Fernandina Beach; fish; fish kill; fish oil; fish oil industry; fishing; Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission; gar; gizzard shad; Lake Apopka; lakes; mudfish; Nassau Oil and Fertilizer Company; Orange County Conservation Fund; oxygen; plankton; pollution; seining; shell crackers; turtle; water; water conservation; water quality
Lake Apopka Water Quality Measurements, 1961-1962
Tags: agricultural pollution; aluminum; barium; boron; ca; calcium; carbon trioxide; carbonate; chromate; copper; flouride; iron; Lake Apopka; lignin; manganese; metaphosphate; nitrate nitrogen; nitrogen ammonium nitrogen; orthophosphate; phosphate; pollution; silica; silicon dioxide; sulfate; tannin; water; water quality
Lake Apopka Woes Not Answered
Tags: agricultural pollution; agriculture; algae; Apopka; Apopka Beauclair Canal; bass; Bob Sherman; C. W. Sheffield; chemical; DDT; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; Don Rider; Ed Zagar; farmer; farming; fish camps; fish kill; fishing; Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission; Florida State Board of Health; hyacinth; insecticide; K. K. Hufstutler; lake; Lake Apopka; oxygen content; pesticide; pollution; research; Robert "Bob" W. Sherman; spraying; The Orlando Evening Star; water pollution; water quality; West Orange County; Winter Garden; Zellwood
Lake Apopka, Florida Fish Kill Report by Eugene W. Surber
Tags: A. D. Aldrich; agricultural pollution; agriculture; algae; algal poisoning; Aquatic Biology Section; Bacillus columnaris; bacteria; bass; black crappie; bluegill; bullhead; catfish; Chic Archer; Cincinnati, Ohio; corn; crappie; crop; Cytophaga columnaris; Dactylogyrus; DDT; detritus; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; Duda; Eugene W. Surber; farming; fish; fish kill; fishing; flatworm; Flavobacterium columnare; Flexibacter columnaris; Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission; Florida State Board of Health; game fish; gill; gizzard shad; Graham; Harold L. Moody; insecticide; Joe E. Burgess; lake; Lake Apopka; Lake Harris; MacDonald Flying Field; Montverde Fish Camp; Oakland; oxygen; parasite; parathion; pesticide; phytoplankton; plankton; planktonic algae; pollution; research; Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center; Russell Fielding; Scyphidia; speckled bullhead; spray; supersaturation; toxaphene; Trichodina; Turk; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; water; water conservation; water quality; Winter Garden; Zellwood; Zellwood Drainage and Water Control District
Letter from Andy Ireland to Harold L. Moody (June 17, 1981)
Letter from Arthur W. Sinclair to Claude Roy Kirk, Jr. (July 13, 1966)
Tags: agricultural pollution; agriculture; Arthur W. Sinclair; bass; black bass; chambers of commerce; Claude Roy Kirk, Jr.; executive branch; fish; fishing; Florida Magazine; government; governor; Governor of Florida; Kirk for Governor; Lake Apopka; Lake County; orange county; pan fish; political campaign; pollution; Republican; sports; sports fishing; state government; The Orlando Sentinel; tourism; tourists; water; water quality; Winter Garden; Winter Garden Chamber of Commerce
Letter from Doyle C. Golden to A. D. Aldrich (August 26, 1963)
Tags: A. D. Aldrich; acetonitrile; agricultural pollution; agriculture; Apopka Beauclair Canal; bass; Burke Chester; catfish; chlorinated hydrocarbon; Crown Point; DDD; DDE; DDT; dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; dieldrin; Division of Chemistry; Doyle C. Golden; endrin; fish; fishing; Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission; gas chromatography; Gator Cove; Hog Island; ichlorodiphenyldichloroethane; insecticide; L. E. Cromwell; Lake Apopka; pesticide; Pine Island Point; pollution; rotenone; Tallahassee; U.S. Department of Agriculture; USDA; water; water conservation; water quality; Winter Garden
Letter from F. G. Banks to Clayton Phillippy (September 5, 1963)
Tags: agricultural pollution; agriculture; bass; Burke Chester; catfish; Clayton Phillippy; DDT; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; Doyle C. Golden; Eddie Cromwell; F. G. Banks; fish; fisheries Division; fishing; Florida Game and Freshwater Commission; gas chromatography; gizzard shad; insecticide; James "Jim" P. Clugston; Jim Clugston; Lake Apopka; Lakeland; Lakeland Hills Boulevard; pesticide; pollution; research; Tallahassee; U.S. Department of Agriculture; USDA; water; water conservation; water quality
Letter from Harold L. Moody to James B. Lackey (July 22,1966)
Tags: agricultural pollution; agriculture; conservation; fish; fish kill; fishing; Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission; Harold Ashley; Harold L. Moody; J. W. Bickerstaff; James B. Lackey; John W. Woods; Lake Apopka; lakes; pesticide; pollution; River Fishery Project Leader; sewage; sewage treatment; spraying; waste; waste treatment; water; water conservation; water quality; Winter Garden
Letter from Harold L. Moody to John W. Woods (October 21, 1965)
Tags: agricultural pollution; agriculture; algae; aquatic plants; catninetail; cattail; Charles Harris; common water nymph; conservation; corn dog grass; eelgrass; Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission; George Norel; great bulrush; guppy grass; Harold L. Moody; Hog Island; Illinois pondweed; John W. Woods; Lake Apopka; lakes; light; light penetration; Mark Anthony; najas grass; Najas guadalupensis; O. E. Frye; pickerelweed; plants; pollution; pondweed; Pontederia cordata; Potamogeton illinoensis; punk; rain; Schoenoplectus Tabernaemontana; Scirpus validus; softstem bulrush; southern naiad; southern waternymph; submergent plant; Tallahassee; tape grass; Typha; V. americana; Vallisneria americana; vegetation; water; water conservation; water quality; water-celery; wild celery; Winter Garden; Woodland Street
Letter from Harold L. Moody to O. E. Frye, Jr. (June 11, 1962)
Tags: agricultural pollution; Apopka Moose Head Lodge; Bill Fulford; Bill Turk; Board of Commissioners; Bob Sherman; chamber of commerce; chemical; DDT; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; diethyl parathion; dissolved oxygen; Don McAllister; fish camp; fish kill; fishing; fishing lodge; Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission; Folidol; freshwater fishing; frog; Harold L. Moody; insecticide; Jeb Stuart; Joe Jacobs; John A. Sutton; Lake Apopka; Lake County Board of Commissioners; M. W. Hammond; O. E. Frye Jr.; Orange County Board of Commissioners; oxygen; parathion; parathion-ethyl; pesticide; pollution; snake; sportsfishing; Tom Denmark; turtle; W. R. Peavy, Jr.; water quality; Winter Garden Chamber of Commerce
Letter from Henry F. Swanson (January 21, 1966)
Tags: aquifers; Brevard County; Cape Kennedy; city planning; Cocoa; Florida Agricultural Extension Service; Henry F. Swanson; hydrologic cycle; hydrology; Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences; Maitland; Michigan Avenue; orange county; Orange County Agricultural Center; Orlando Florida; pollution; rain; rainfall; Seminole County; soil; Tom Adams; topography; UF; University of Florida; water; water quality; Winter Park; zoning
Letter from James B. Lackey to Harold L. Moody (July 28, 1966)
Tags: agricultural pollution; agriculture; algae; aquatic plants; blue green algae; botulinus poisoning; ciliate; conservation; dioxygen; fertilizer; fish kill; green algae; Harold L. Moody; industrial waste; James B. Lackey; Lake Apopka; lakes; Microcystis aeruginosa; Morgan; oxygen; plants; pollution; sewage; sewage treatment; waste; water; water conservation; water quality; zooflagellate
Letter from John R. Thoman to A. D. Aldrich (July 25, 1963)
Tags: A Rapid Screening Method for DDT in Milk by Gas Chromatography; A. D. Aldrich; agricultural pollution; agriculture; Atlanta, Georgia; bass; bluegill; Chemistry and Physics Section; chlorinated hydrocarbon; DDD; DDE; DDT; dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; Eugene W. Surber; fish; fishing; Florida Game and Fresh Water Commission; gas chromatography; Harvey Boyle; ichlorodiphenyldichloroethane; insecticide; J. E. Campbell; K. A. Busch; Lake Apopka; Mary L. Schafer; Milk and Food Section; pesticide; pollution; Public Health Service; Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center; Seventh Street; Tallahassee; TDE; Tennessee Avenue; Tennessee Street; U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare; water; water conservation; water quality; Water Supply and Pollution Control
Letter from O. E. Frye, Jr. to John A. Sutton (June 21, 1962)
Tags: agricultural pollution; Attorney General; Bill Fullford; Bill Turk; Board of Commissioners; Bob Sherman; Central Boulevard; chamber of commerce; Congress; Democrat; Democratic Party; Don McAllistor; election; fish; fish kill; Florida Democratic Primary Election; Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission; Florida's 11th Congressional District; Harold L. Moody L.; insecticide; Jeb Stuart; Joe Jacobs; John A. Sutton; judge; justice; Lake Apopka; Lake County Board of Commissioners; lawsuit; M. W. Hammond; Moon Head Lodge; O. E. Frye, Jr.; Orange County Board of Commissioners; pesticide; pollution; primary election; Tom Denmark; U.S. House of Representatives; W. R. Peavy, Jr.; water conservation; water quality; wildlife; Winter Garden Chamber of Commerce; Woods, John W.
Letter from Oland J. Kershaw to Arthur W. Sinclair (May 23, 1966)
Tags: American Legion; Arthur W. Sinclair; bumper sticker; Central Florida Anti-Water Pollution Association; chambers of commerce; conservation; environmentalism; Indian River; Indian River Shellfish Association; Lake Apopka; Lake Apopka Fishing Camp; Oland J. Kershaw; Paradise Heights; pollution; Saint Johns River; St. Johns River; Tampa Bay; Thomas F. Ritter, Sr.; Veterans of Foreign Wars; VFW; water; water pollution; water quality; Winter Garden; Winter Garden Chamber of Commerce
Letter from Robert "Bob" W. Sherman to Henry F. Swanson (June 19, 1963)
Tags: agricultural pollution; agriculture; bass; Bob W. Sherman; catfish; DDT; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; farmer; farming; fish; fish camp; fish kill; fishing; gizzard shad; Henry F. Swanson; insecticide; Killarney; Killarney Court; Killarney Fish Camp; Lake Apopka; orange county; Orange County Extension Office; orlando; pesticide; pollution; Robert "Bob" W. Sherman; water; water conservation; water quality; West Orange County; Zellwood; Zellwood Drainage and Water Control District
Letter from Sally Cameron to Arthur W. Sinclair (July 25, 1966)
Tags: agricultural pollution; agriculture; Arthur W. Sinclair; City of Winter Garden; Claude Roy Kirk, Jr.; executive branch; fisher; fisherman; fishing; government; governor; Governor of Florida; Kirk for Governor; Lake Apopka; political campaign; pollution; Sally Cameron; sports; sports fishing; state government; tourism; tourists; water; water quality; Winter Garden
Letter from William "Don" D. McAllister to V. D. Patten (June 15, 1966)
Tags: agricultural pollution; agriculture; airplane; conservation; Don McAllister; fish camp; fish kill; fishing; Florida State Board of Health; Gene McNair; Johnson's Fish Camp; Lake Apopka; lakes; pesticide; plane; pollution; spraying; V. D. Patten; water; water conservation; water quality; William "Don" D. McAllister; Winter Haven; Zellwood; Zellwood Farms
Memorandum from Leesburg Fisheries Experiment Station to John W. Woods (May 28, 1964)
Tags: agricultural pollution; agriculture; Apopka Beauclair Canal; chironomid larvae; citrus; DDT; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; fish; fishing; Florida State Board of Health; George Reid; Hurricane of 1947; hyacinth; insecticide; Joe E. Burgess; John W. Woods; lake; Lake Apopka; Lee; Leesburg; Leesburg Fisheries Experiment Station; Orange County Sportsman Association; Peace River Basin; pesticide; pollution; research; sanitation; SBH; sewage; shad; Summary Report of Lake Apopka; waste; water; water quality; William Erwin; Winter Garden
Notice of Public Hearing on Lake Apopka Restoration
Tags: environmental restoration; FDNR; FDOT; FDPC; First Federal Savings and Loan Association; Florida Department of Natural Resources; Florida Department of Pollution Control; Florida Department of Transportation; Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission; Florida Senate; GFC; Kenneth A. Plante; Lake Apopka; pollution; Walter Sims
Oral History of Bobby Martin
Tags: alligators; American eels; Archie Smith; Bill Belleville; Black Hammock Fish Camp; boating the line; Bobby Martin; Camay soaps; catfish; catfish farming; catfish farms; catfishing; Cecil Dile; Clarence Coir; commercial fishermen; commercial fishing; Daniel Motta; Dog Track Road; eel pots; eeling; electrolysis action; fish; fish traps; fishers; fishing; fishing empty hooks; game wardens; gators; hoop nets; hyacinths; jump lining; Lake Harney; Lake Jesup; Lake Monroe; Longwood; monkey fishing; monkey machines; Mullet Lake Park; Museum of Seminole County History; oxidation; pesticides; poaching; pollution; Sanford; Sanford Boat Works & Marina; ship stores; shotgun houses; shrimp; shrimp trawls; shrimping; skip jacks; snails; SR 17-92; St. Johns River; State Road 17-92; stay lining; stingrays; Tampa; trot lines; Tuskawilla Road; Vietnam War; Waits' Fish House; Woodruff Creek
The Tallahassee News Release, June 1962
Tags: agricultural pollution; bass; Bob Peavy; citrus; citrus industry; DDT; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; diethyl parathion; fish kill; fishing; fishing lodge; Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission; Florida State Board of Health; Folidol; gizzard; Harold L. Moody; insecticide; Lake Apopka; lake whitefish; parathion; parathion-ethyl; pesticide; pollution; press release; sewage; Talahassee; The Tallahassee News; threadfin shad; waste; water quality; Winter Haven
Undesirable Factors Cited in Report of 'The Big Pond', Lake Apopka; 1962-1964
Tags: agricultural pollution; agriculture; Bureau of Sanitary Engineering; citrus; citrus industry; City of Winter Garden; David B. Lee; DDT; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; draining; farmer; farming; fertilizer; fish; fishing; Florida Inland Sportsfishing Host; Florida State Board of Health; Free of 1962-1963; freeze; hyacinth; insecticide; irrigation; lake; Lake Apopka; Lake Apopka Chapter; Orange County Health Department; oxygen; packing; Percy D. Blunt; pesticide; pollution; processing; research; Robert W. Sherman; SBH; sewage; sewage treatment plant; spray; waste; water; water conservation; water quality; William R. Pomeroy; Winter Garden