Browse Items (13 total)
- Collection: Sanford Baseball Collection
New York Giants Farm Clubs: Location of Ball Diamonds, Sanford, Florida
Sanford Municipal Athletic Field
Merchants Day Baseball Game Ticket
The Historic Sanford Memorial Stadium, located at 1201 South Mellonville Avenue…
Sanford Baseball Association Game Ticket
Sanford Memorial Stadium Blueprint
Historic Sanford Memorial Stadium, 2011
Tags: ballpark; baseball; baseball diamond; baseball field; baseball stadium; bleachers; Cravero, Geoffrey V.; dugout; field; Historic Sanford Memorial Stadium; logo; Mellonville Avenue; Rinker Stenstrom Field; Sanford Municipal Athletic Field; scoreboard; Spring Training; stadium; Stenstrom Field; Stentrom, Rinker
The Giants' Camp For Boys Application
The San Francisco Giants' Camp for Boys, Sanford, Florida
Official Schedule for the Sanford Lookouts, Florida State League
Sanford entered…
Tags: 2nd Street; Amoco Gasoline; Amoco Oils; baseball; Celery Printing Co.; Celery Printing Company; Daytona; DeLand; Florida State League; Gainesville; Leesburg; Lookouts; orlando; Palatka; Pharis; Pharis Tires; Reitz, W. H.; Sanford; Sanford Ave.; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Lookouts; Second St.; Second Street; St. Augustine
Florida State League All-Star Baseball Game Souvenir Score Card
Tags: All-Star; All-Star Baseball Game; Ashton; baseball; Bauer; Bill's Package Store; Bowl Drome; Campbell; Celery Printing Co.; Celery Printing Company; Coca-Cola Bottling Works; Crowder; Daugherty; Daytona; DeLand; Florida State League; Gainesville; Gillespie; Groat; Harrington; Hayes; Hearn; Howingston; Hudson; Hyder; Jeter; Johnson; justice; Kennedy; Kimball; Kimbrell; Klein; lake; Leesburg; Marion; McKee, C. E.; Municipal Ball Park; Musial; Nehi Bottling Company; Nixon; Onis; orlando; Par-T-Pak; Park Ave.; Park Avenue; Parker, Clyde; Pruett; Reitz, Bob; Rexall Store; Roberts; Royal Crown Cola; Russell; Sanford; Sanford Seminoles; Score card; Seminoles; Skeen; St. Augustine; Toenes; Touchton Drug Company; Wayton
Florida State League, Class D
Tags: Abreau, Jose E.; Adair; Agnew, Sam; Albany; Aleno, Charles; Aleno, Chuck; Alexander, Dale; Alonzo, Guillermo; American Baseball League; American League; Amoriello, Clarence; Anderson, Arnold; Anderson, Don; Anderson, Donald E.; Andrews; Andrews, George; Appoleano, Vincent; Atlanta, Georgia; Bagli, Guy A.; Bailes, Harry; Baird, Charlie R.; Baldwin; Balla, Joe; Bardin, Benjamin; Barnett; baseball; Bass, Dick; bat boy; Batts, Aubine L.; Bauer; Beckwith, Arthur; Belacovy, Rudy; Belbeck, Ross H.; Bell, David R.; Benton, Rex; Berry, John; Bevell; Bevil, Lou; Bevil, Louis; Bevilacqua, Louis; Biles, Walter D.; Biles, Walter D., Jr.; Bissen, Charles J.; Blackmon; Blalock, James A.; Bodine, Charlies R.; Bodner, Joseph R.; Boell, E. H.; Boerner, George A.; Boim, Irving; Bolling; Boyd; Bozutto, Albert; Bradshaw, John; Bray; Bray, Clarence; Braziel, Dennis E., Jr.; Braziel, Ty; Brewer, Forrest; Bride, David W.; Brinkman, John Henry; Broome, Bob; Broome, Robert J.; Brown, James; Bryant, Alphonso, Jr.; Buck, Lyle; Buck, Shaw; Buck, Shaw S.; Bumgarner, Jack E.; Bunch, Jake; Buonato, Nicholas G.; Buonato, Nick; Burke, David L.; Burns; Buscher, Bucky; Bussey, Earle; Butler, Jim; Camp, Julian P.; Campbell, Earl; Campbwell, Lem; Carroll; Caswell, Fred; Caswell, William, F.; Celeryfeds; Chandler, David C.; Chapmas, H. W.; Chicago Cubs; Chiros, Francis L.; Cimock, Ben; Ciolek; Ciolek, Eugene, F.; Class D; Cleary, Joseph G.; clemmons; Clemons; Clifton, Lloyd M.; Coker, Don J.; Cole; Collns, Jack; Combs, Al; Conn; Conn, Harold; Conroy; Conroy, Mike; Cook, Arthur E.; Cook, Jim; Cooney, John W.; Cooper, Glenn; Cordele; Cox, J. Edward; Crammer, Norman; Cranford, John H., Jr.; Creamer, Harry B.; Creel; Cunningham, Wesley L.; Cuthbertson, Worth; Danson, Elwyn; Danyol; Daublender, James; Davis, Edwin; Davis, Ewin; Davis, Kerry; Davis, W. J.; Day; Daytona Beach; Dean, James H.; DeLand; DeLand Red-Hats; Deland Sun-News; Denier, Stephen; DeSouzas, Carlos; DeVincenzi; Dixon, Sam V.; Doerflinger, Eugene; Donnelly; Douglas, Roy; Drews; Driggers, Avon Lee; Dulaney; Dulaney, Ralph; Eaton; Eckenroth; Edwards, Spence, Eaton, Joe O.; Eichler; Emerson, Edmund; Emerson, Jeff; Ermer; Evelyn; Farameili, Julio L.; Farkas, Richard J.; Faulkner, Thomas G.; Faweett, Robert H.; Fazzio, Alvin J.; Festa, Anthony; Filipski, Henry; Filipski, Henry R.; Finch, John W.; Fisher, E. V.; Fitzgerald, Jerry; Florida State League; Ford, Donald T.; Foster, William M.; Fowler, Abraham L.; Fox, Ray S., Jr.; Fragale, Edward M.; Fralick; Francis Field; Francis, Fred; Friel, Bill; Frye; Fuchs, Bill; Fuchs, William; Fuller, B. R.; Fultz, Charles G.; Fultz, George; G-Men; Gaddis, Walley L.; Gainesville; Galbraith, Kenneth W.; Gallegos, Teen; Ganzel, John; Gardner, Gerald E.; Garmon, Brice C.; Garrett, Glenn; Garrison, John R.; Geary; Georgia-Florida League; Gibson, Paul; Gillard, G. E.; Girk, Charles; Gleason, James G.; Glover, Bobby H.; Goff; Goicoecha, Len; Goicoichea, Leonardo; Gomez, Julio L.; Good, Bill; Good, Wilbur; Good, Wilbur D.; Goodman, Jean G.; Gormish, Paul; Gormish, Paul R.; Gornickil Cary; Granberg, Eugene; Gray, Henry L.; Green, George E.; Green, James M.; Grennan, George A.; Groat, Soddy; Grunwald, Alfred R.; Haefner; Hair, Robert; Hall, William L.; Hallman, Dick; Hallman, Richard F.; Hamby, John G.; Harbin, Howard B.; Hardin, Nelson; Harper, Eddie; Harridge, Will; Harrington, Walter R.; Harrison, W. J.; Hartley, Grover; Haslup; Hausey; Hayes, Bob; Head, Lee; Hearn, Richard; Hechler, James W.; Heiner, Harold; Helner, Hal; Henderson, Richard T.; Henry, Clayton G.; Herlong, A. S.; Herlong, A. S., Jr.; Herlong, Judge; Herrington, James W.; Herrington, Jimmy; Hitt, Ray; Hoag, James D.; Hoag, Myril; Hoag, Myril O.; Hoffman, Grant E.; Hoffman, William R.; Howell, Lester; Howell, Robert J.; Howingston; Hudson, F.; Hudson, Sid; Hughes, George S.; Humphries, Oscar; Hyatt, Robert C.; Hyde, Thomas D.; Hyde, Tommy; Hyder, Ralph; Ippolito, Emilio; Ivey, Robert; Ivey, Wylie C.; Jeter, Cleo; Johns, Kenneth L.; Johnson, Douglas E.; Johnson, Harold; Johnson, Sidney L.; Jones, Cowboy; Jones, Joseph A.; Judy, George A.; Judy, Lyle; Justice, Joseph; Kalosch; Kalosh, Pete; Kane; Karales, Christopher B.; Karpinski, Stan; Karpinskiy, Stan; Karpinskiy, Stanley; Keller; Kelly, Robert E.; Kennedy; Kennington; Kerr, Dick; Ketcher, Jim; Kettles, Carl; Kettles, Carl F.; Kinard, Buster; King, Stanley M., Jr.; Kirkland; Kirkland, Faulene; Klein; Klein, Louis; Knepper, Roy A.; Korpa, Edward W.; Koval; Krider, John; Kristie, Francis M.; Kroeninger, Casey; Krysko, Valentine E.; Kunes, Blaine; Labda, Godfrey; Labda, Godfrey J.; Lacy, Guy; Lake, Bernard D.; Lake, Buddy; Lamaka, Walter C.; Land, Warren E.; Lane; Langston, Mayo E.; Lariscey, Larry; Lastres, Danilo B.; Lavelle; Lavely, Elmer; Leach, Nelson; Lee, Robert E.; Leeper, Mason; Leesburg; Leiphart, Glenn W.; Leitz; Leitz, Bill; Lemly, Reid; Leonhardt; Levy, Ed; Lewis, William E.; Ligget, H. M.; Lisberger, Philip; Livingston, Ike; Lockman, Charles R.; Lopez, Harvey; Lorenz, Jack; Lorenz, John E.; Loveys, William, Jr.; Lybrand, Craig; Madjeski, Ted; Madjeski, Theodore E.; Major, Gene; Makowsky; manager; Manning, Gerald A.; Martin, C. B.; Martin, Edward; Maseda, Joe Garcia; Mathias; Mathias, F.; Mauney, Marvin J.; McCammon, Jack; McCarty, Edward J.; McCormick; McCrone, Clarence; McCullough, James; McCurdy, Howard; McDougal; McFann, Edwin; McGahagin, Alston; McGahagin, Alston, Jr.; McGarvey, Warren W.; McGloin; McGrath, William A.; McManus, John J.; McMullen, Jim; McMullen, Whitey; McNeece; McNulty, Joseph P.; McPhail, Gordon J.; McShane, Don; McWhorter; Meadows, Herman V.; Meadows, Lee; Mejido, Juan; Mendizabal, Candido; Mesa, Alfredo; Mihalik, Mickey; Miller, Eugene; Miller, Gibbs; Minarck, William J.; Minsal; Mize, Charles L.; Mobley, Alan; Mobley, Alan H.; Mobley, Allen; Moody, William R.; Moore, Eddie; Moore, John; Moore, John P., Jr.; Moore, Raymond E.; Moretti, Bart; Morgan, Lucius; Morton; Morton, E. Glenn; Moss, Joe; Mott; Mottelier, Herman; Moultrie Packers; Munch, William G.; Municipal Ball Park; Murray, Don; Murray, Donald S.; Murray, Walter; Musial; Napier, Rudolph; Napoles, Jose; Nash; National Association; Nepote, Donald A.; New York Yankees; Newell; O'Callaghan, Thomas C.; Ocala; Occhailini; Odum, Harvey; Oliver, Benjamin; Onis, Manuel; orlando; Orlando Senators; Osthoff, Wilbur; Overstreet; Owens; Padgett, Elbert; Padgett, Ernest L.; Palatka; Palatka G-Men; Patterson, Pat; Paulick, Frank; Pavlich; Pawlick, John; Payne, James G.; Pearson, Thomas L., III; Peek, John H.; Pender, William T.; Perez, J.; Perez, Juan; Perez, Mario; Perez, Mario L.; Perez, Ralph; Petrucci, Don; Pickett, Glenn, Jr.; Pinder; Pirtle, Vernon; Pirtle, Vernon A.; Pittman; Pittman, Floyd Junior; Prempas, Louis; Price; Price, Charles W.; Pritchard, Robert; Pruett; Puffer, Jerry; Quesada, Vicente F.; Rabe, Bill; Rabe, William J.; Ramsey, Claude A.; Rauscher, George F.; Rauscher, Robert F.; record book; Red-Hats; Regalado, Ramiro D.; Rhodes, Herbert H.; Rice, Harry; Richetti, Eugene; Ricketson, Donald L.; Ridaught, Leon; Ridgway, Charles R.; Ridgway, Charlie; Risk; Roberson; Roberson, Jim; Roberston, Samuel D.; Rodgers, Bill; Rodgers, Raw Meat; Roede; Rogers, Edward; Rogino; Roman, Robert a.; Rosa, Ted; Roth, Philip; Rott, Rudolph; Rotunno, Rocco; Rowland, Warren W.; Rowland, Wilton P.; Ryan, Don; Ryan, George; Saavedra, Jesus; Saints; Samuely, Max; Sanders, Jimmy; Sanford; Sanford Celeryfeds; Sanford Seminoles; Sapp, E. B., Sr.; Satterfield, Ralph; Savage, John; Sawyers, Charles W.; Schall, Peter; Schantel, Jim; Schiro; Schneider; Schoendienst, Joe; Seaone, Isaac; Sehon; Selbee, William; Senators; Shabala, Stephen; Shaugnessy; Sheppard, William D.; Shiles, Harold E.; Shirley, John; Sifft, George; Silverman, Jerome; Simmons, Bunny; Sincore, Sam; Sisler, William, Marcil, Leo, Jr.; Skeen; Sloan, Melton; Smart, Charles P.; Smith, Lucian C.; Smith, Orin M.; Smith, Thommie; Snider, Floyd T.; Sofia, Michael T.; Solter, Demond E.; Sosebee, James H.; Sosh, John; Sparkman; St. Augustine; St. Augustine Saints; Stablefield, Elvin F.; Stanton, William G.; Starr, Harry; Stebbins; Stebbins, Jay; Stefani; Steinecke, Bill; Steinecke, William B.; Stewart; Stewart, Harold J.; Sticoo, Joseph F.; Stillwell, Arhur E.; Stillwell, Art; Straub, Arthur E.; Sullivan, Elbert B.; Summers, Bill; Swailes, Alex; Swindells; Swindells, Fred; Sylvester, Joseph; Tafaro, Dan A.; Tallahassee; Taylor, E. K.; Teeter; Tetrault, Thomas L.; Theard; Theobold, John; Thomas; Thomas, Herb; Thomas, Robert; Thomasville; Thompson, Averill; Thorpe; Thorpe, Benjamin; Thorpe, Bob; Throop, Rex; Throop, Rex E.; Tiemann, Jerry; Tinker, Joe; Tomat, John; Toncoff, John; Tonsick, Albert; Toth, Frank J.; Townsend, James O.; Trammell, Wes; Troutman, George H.; Turecki; Turnage, Jimmy; Tuttle, Robert A.; Tyler, Earl Q.; umpires; Upright, Herman; Valci, Charles; Valdez, Armand; Van Kinnamon, Carl; Vander Molen, Hilbert; Varner; Veale; Vega, Guillermo; Vega, Tony; Vickers-Smith, Lillian; Vinajeras, Efrain; Vitter, Joe; Vitter, Joseph A.; Voshell; Waddell, Bordie L.; Wagner, Robert B.; Walton, Lee; Wamplar, George B.; Ward, Michael B.; Washingston; Washington, John E.; Waycross; Wayton; Weathers, Charles; Weaver, R. L.; Weigel, Carl; Wenclewicz, Walter; Wenclewixz, Walter; West, Tommie; White, Edward C.; White, John E.; Wickle, Harrison; Wilkes, Jack; William A.; Williams, Charles; Willingham; Willshaw, Edward M.; Wilson, James E.; Winston, H. R.; Wishba, Joseph; Womack; Wright; Yde, Emil; Zander, Joe; Zedalis, Stanley; Zeleznock; Zinchak, James; Zuba, Martin M.; Zupanic
All-Star Baseball Game Ticket
Sanford entered the world of pro ball in 1919 with the…
The Florida State League All-Stars Ballot
Tags: 100th anniversary; Albritton; Alexander; All Stars; All-star game; bank; baseball; bat boy; Bradley; Brewer; Buck; Bunchl Walters; catcher; center fielder; Chapman; Chidress; Ciccone; Clark; Cole; Colone; Coombs; cross; Davis; Daytona; DeLand; Dillon; Donnelly; Drews; Dwyer; Eichler; Elliot; Emerson; Ferrazzi; first baseman; Florida State League; Frye; Gainesville; Gallagher; Ganzel; Geary; Geigerich; Gobel; Goolsby; Groat; Haefner; Hartley; Hartman; Hayes; Hazel; Helm; Heltzel; Herr; Holland; Hudson; Ivey; Jones; Judy; Kennedy; Kerr; Kinard; Kirkland; lake; Leach; Leesburg; left fielder; Leonhardt; Livingston; Lurtz; manager; Mancini; Martin; McGloin; McMullen; McShane; Mobley; Newcomb; Newell; Niedson; Noblett; Occhaillni; Ogle; Onis; orlando; Palatka; Petropoulos; Popovich; Quimby; Rabe; Radney; Reitz; Reynolds; right fielder; Rinaldt; Risk; Rodgers; second baseman; sheffield; Shelton; Sheppherd; short stop; Shroba; Smathers; Smith; Sparkman; St. Augustine; Steen; Stefani; Stephens; third baseman; Toenes; Trammell; Trania; Valci; Voshell; Walker; Wayton; Weigle; West; Willis; Womack; Wozniak; Zawlocki