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- Tags: roadside tourism
"At Weekiwachee Springs It's All Done Under..."
"Merman Perry"
Tags: Becky Watson; Delee Perry; Ed Darlington; Florida tourism; Hattie Carver; mermaids; natural springs; Newton "Newt" Perry; parks; Rebecca Schwandt; roadside attractions; roadside tourism; swimming; tourist attractions; underwater filmmaking; underwater photography; Weeki Wachee Springs State Park
"Newton Perry Has Enviable Record"
"Perry 'Choked Up' At Dedication"
"The Human Fish"
"Weekiwachee Springs Maids Make Difficult Underwater Feats and Ballet Look Simple"
1969 Weeki Wachee Springs Annual Mermaid Reunion Schedule
Ann Blyth and Newton "Newt" Perry on the Underwater Set of "Mr. Peabody and the Mermaid" at Weeki Wachee Springs State Park
Ann Tanzler with Weeki Wachee Mermaids and Press Release
Arlene Brooks Practicing Ballet in the Mermaid Villa
Baboon and Raccoon from Weeki Wachee's Jungle Cruise
Bicentennial Edition of Weeki Wachee Springs' Trifold Brochure, Featuring Mermaid Rebecca Young
Bonnie Georgiadis
Bonnie Georgiadis and Weeki Wachee Mermaids
Bonnie Georgiadis at an Archeological dig at Weeki Wachee Springs, July, 1970.
Bonnie Georgiadis Releasing Rehabilitated Bald Eagle
Business Card of E. D. Gothberg, Owner of Weeki Wachee Motor Lodge
Construction of Hercules Beetle Sculpture at Weeki Wachee Springs
Courtesy Admission Ticket to Weeki Wachee Springs
Document Detailing the Acrobatic Routine Performed by Rita King at a Weeki Wachee Mermaid Reunion
Eileen Perry Hogshead
Employee Rules and Regulations for the May Museum of the Tropics
Entrance to the May Museum of the Tropics
Exterior of the Underwater Theater at Weeki Wachee Springs State Park
Exterior of Underwater Theater at Weeki Wachee Springs State Park
Fish Swimming in Front of an Underwater Filming Tank
Florence and Charles McNabb Holding Trophies won During a Diving Competition
Florence McNabb, Charles McNabb, and Their Two Sons, David and Michael, Leaving Church
Football Players
Geanie L.W. Brooks in Weeki Wachee Springs Mermaid Uniform Operating a Caterpillar D-7 Bulldozer
Geanie L.W. Brooks with her Four Children in Front of Weeki Wachee's Mermaid Villa
General Company Rules for Mermaids, Swimmers & Trainees
Greetings from Weeki Wachee, Florida
Hand-written Note Admitting Becky Young into Weeki Wachee Springs for Interview
Holiday Inn Staff Posing in Front of Hotel Sign in Celebration of 9th Anniversary
Inside the May Museum of the Tropics
John Hamlet with Boar
John May Building the May Museum of the Tropics
Lauren Dodson Posing in her Mermaid Uniform at the Weeki Wachee Springs Docks
Letter from Charles P. Kimball to John M. May (June 7, 1957)
Letter from Dorothy Gray, Ltd. Publicity Director Mayreen Logan to Weeki Wachee Mermaid Rebecca Stahlhut Thanking Her for Modeling Their Products
Letter from Gaye Guinta to Delee Perry (March 31, 1997)
Tags: Delee Perry; diving; Florida tourism; Gaye Guita; mermaids; Museum of Florida History; museums; natural springs; Newton "Newt" Perry; parks; Rebecca Schwandt; roadside attractions; roadside tourism; swimming; tourist attractions; underwater filmmaking; underwater photography; Weeki Wachee Springs State Park
Letter from Joe D. Seltzer to John M. May (June 17, 1959)
Letter from John M. May to Directors of St. Petersburg Springs Co (January 28, 1957)
Letter from John M. May to Joe D. Seltzer (July 7, 1959)
Letter from John M. May to John T. Creighton (November 20, 1963)
Letter from John M. May to John T. Greighten (November 20, 1963)
Letter from John M. May to Myrtle Colson (January 14, 1959)
Letter from John M. May to Myrtle Colson (May 7, 1959)
Letter from John M. May to Myrtle Colson (September 27, 1958)
Letter from John M. May to the Employees of the May Museum of the Tropics (January 8, 1959)
Letter from John May to Joe and Martha Seltzer (February 25, 1962)
Letter from Myrtle Colson to John M. May (February 23, 1957)
Letter from Myrtle Colson to John M. May (February 25, 1959)
Letter from Myrtle Colson to John M. May (June 1, 1958)
Letter from Myrtle Colson to John M. May (March 1, 1959)
Letter from Myrtle Colson to John M. May (March 28, 1956)
Letter from Myrtle Colson to John May (February 11, 1961)
Letter from Val Darling to Newton "Newt" Perry (March 26, 1981)
Man and Mermaid at Weeki Wachee Springs
Man with Advertising Posters
Map of Weeki Wachee after ABC Bought the Attraction
May Museum Exhibit
Mermaid Geanie L.W. Brooks Dressed as a Witch Posing Underwater
Mermaid Motel
Mermaid Swimming in Front of an Underwater Filming Tank Designed by Newton "Newt" Perry
Mermaid Trainer Bonnie Georgiadis Displaying Proper Form for 6 Trainees
Mermaid Underwater with Air Hose
Mermaid Villa
Mermaids Performing at Weeki Wachee Springs State Park
Nancy Tribble as a Weeki Wachee Mermaid
New Basis of Pay for Mermaids Effective August 1, 1956
Newspaper Article Announcing the Employment of Rebecca Young as a Weeki Wachee Springs Mermaid
Newt Perry's Aquatic Theater
Newton "Newt" Perry and Woman Dancing Underwater
Newton "Newt" Perry Bartending Underwater
Newton "Newt" Perry Diving from Platform
Newton "Newt" Perry Dressed as Santa Claus Decorating an Underwater Christmas Tree
Newton "Newt" Perry Dressed as Santa Claus with Mary Darlington
Newton "Newt" Perry Filming Underwater
Newton "Newt" Perry in Underwater Theater at Weeki Wachee Springs State Park
Newton "Newt" Perry Repairing Underwater Film Set
Newton "Newt" Perry Underwater With Female Swimmer and Air Station Postcard
Newton "Newt" Perry with Sea Turtle
Newton "Newt" Perry, Johnny Sheffield, and Johnny Weissmuller
Tags: Delee Perry; diving; Florida tourism; Johnny Sheffield; Johnny Weissmuller; mermaids; natural springs; Newton "Newt" Perry; parks; Rebecca Schwandt; roadside attractions; roadside tourism; Silver Springs; swimming; Tarzan Finds a Son; tourist attractions; underwater filmmaking; underwater photography; Weeki Wachee Springs State Park