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- Tags: American League
Florida State League, Class D
Tags: Abreau, Jose E.; Adair; Agnew, Sam; Albany; Aleno, Charles; Aleno, Chuck; Alexander, Dale; Alonzo, Guillermo; American Baseball League; American League; Amoriello, Clarence; Anderson, Arnold; Anderson, Don; Anderson, Donald E.; Andrews; Andrews, George; Appoleano, Vincent; Atlanta, Georgia; Bagli, Guy A.; Bailes, Harry; Baird, Charlie R.; Baldwin; Balla, Joe; Bardin, Benjamin; Barnett; baseball; Bass, Dick; bat boy; Batts, Aubine L.; Bauer; Beckwith, Arthur; Belacovy, Rudy; Belbeck, Ross H.; Bell, David R.; Benton, Rex; Berry, John; Bevell; Bevil, Lou; Bevil, Louis; Bevilacqua, Louis; Biles, Walter D.; Biles, Walter D., Jr.; Bissen, Charles J.; Blackmon; Blalock, James A.; Bodine, Charlies R.; Bodner, Joseph R.; Boell, E. H.; Boerner, George A.; Boim, Irving; Bolling; Boyd; Bozutto, Albert; Bradshaw, John; Bray; Bray, Clarence; Braziel, Dennis E., Jr.; Braziel, Ty; Brewer, Forrest; Bride, David W.; Brinkman, John Henry; Broome, Bob; Broome, Robert J.; Brown, James; Bryant, Alphonso, Jr.; Buck, Lyle; Buck, Shaw; Buck, Shaw S.; Bumgarner, Jack E.; Bunch, Jake; Buonato, Nicholas G.; Buonato, Nick; Burke, David L.; Burns; Buscher, Bucky; Bussey, Earle; Butler, Jim; Camp, Julian P.; Campbell, Earl; Campbwell, Lem; Carroll; Caswell, Fred; Caswell, William, F.; Celeryfeds; Chandler, David C.; Chapmas, H. W.; Chicago Cubs; Chiros, Francis L.; Cimock, Ben; Ciolek; Ciolek, Eugene, F.; Class D; Cleary, Joseph G.; clemmons; Clemons; Clifton, Lloyd M.; Coker, Don J.; Cole; Collns, Jack; Combs, Al; Conn; Conn, Harold; Conroy; Conroy, Mike; Cook, Arthur E.; Cook, Jim; Cooney, John W.; Cooper, Glenn; Cordele; Cox, J. Edward; Crammer, Norman; Cranford, John H., Jr.; Creamer, Harry B.; Creel; Cunningham, Wesley L.; Cuthbertson, Worth; Danson, Elwyn; Danyol; Daublender, James; Davis, Edwin; Davis, Ewin; Davis, Kerry; Davis, W. J.; Day; Daytona Beach; Dean, James H.; DeLand; DeLand Red-Hats; Deland Sun-News; Denier, Stephen; DeSouzas, Carlos; DeVincenzi; Dixon, Sam V.; Doerflinger, Eugene; Donnelly; Douglas, Roy; Drews; Driggers, Avon Lee; Dulaney; Dulaney, Ralph; Eaton; Eckenroth; Edwards, Spence, Eaton, Joe O.; Eichler; Emerson, Edmund; Emerson, Jeff; Ermer; Evelyn; Farameili, Julio L.; Farkas, Richard J.; Faulkner, Thomas G.; Faweett, Robert H.; Fazzio, Alvin J.; Festa, Anthony; Filipski, Henry; Filipski, Henry R.; Finch, John W.; Fisher, E. V.; Fitzgerald, Jerry; Florida State League; Ford, Donald T.; Foster, William M.; Fowler, Abraham L.; Fox, Ray S., Jr.; Fragale, Edward M.; Fralick; Francis Field; Francis, Fred; Friel, Bill; Frye; Fuchs, Bill; Fuchs, William; Fuller, B. R.; Fultz, Charles G.; Fultz, George; G-Men; Gaddis, Walley L.; Gainesville; Galbraith, Kenneth W.; Gallegos, Teen; Ganzel, John; Gardner, Gerald E.; Garmon, Brice C.; Garrett, Glenn; Garrison, John R.; Geary; Georgia-Florida League; Gibson, Paul; Gillard, G. E.; Girk, Charles; Gleason, James G.; Glover, Bobby H.; Goff; Goicoecha, Len; Goicoichea, Leonardo; Gomez, Julio L.; Good, Bill; Good, Wilbur; Good, Wilbur D.; Goodman, Jean G.; Gormish, Paul; Gormish, Paul R.; Gornickil Cary; Granberg, Eugene; Gray, Henry L.; Green, George E.; Green, James M.; Grennan, George A.; Groat, Soddy; Grunwald, Alfred R.; Haefner; Hair, Robert; Hall, William L.; Hallman, Dick; Hallman, Richard F.; Hamby, John G.; Harbin, Howard B.; Hardin, Nelson; Harper, Eddie; Harridge, Will; Harrington, Walter R.; Harrison, W. J.; Hartley, Grover; Haslup; Hausey; Hayes, Bob; Head, Lee; Hearn, Richard; Hechler, James W.; Heiner, Harold; Helner, Hal; Henderson, Richard T.; Henry, Clayton G.; Herlong, A. S.; Herlong, A. S., Jr.; Herlong, Judge; Herrington, James W.; Herrington, Jimmy; Hitt, Ray; Hoag, James D.; Hoag, Myril; Hoag, Myril O.; Hoffman, Grant E.; Hoffman, William R.; Howell, Lester; Howell, Robert J.; Howingston; Hudson, F.; Hudson, Sid; Hughes, George S.; Humphries, Oscar; Hyatt, Robert C.; Hyde, Thomas D.; Hyde, Tommy; Hyder, Ralph; Ippolito, Emilio; Ivey, Robert; Ivey, Wylie C.; Jeter, Cleo; Johns, Kenneth L.; Johnson, Douglas E.; Johnson, Harold; Johnson, Sidney L.; Jones, Cowboy; Jones, Joseph A.; Judy, George A.; Judy, Lyle; Justice, Joseph; Kalosch; Kalosh, Pete; Kane; Karales, Christopher B.; Karpinski, Stan; Karpinskiy, Stan; Karpinskiy, Stanley; Keller; Kelly, Robert E.; Kennedy; Kennington; Kerr, Dick; Ketcher, Jim; Kettles, Carl; Kettles, Carl F.; Kinard, Buster; King, Stanley M., Jr.; Kirkland; Kirkland, Faulene; Klein; Klein, Louis; Knepper, Roy A.; Korpa, Edward W.; Koval; Krider, John; Kristie, Francis M.; Kroeninger, Casey; Krysko, Valentine E.; Kunes, Blaine; Labda, Godfrey; Labda, Godfrey J.; Lacy, Guy; Lake, Bernard D.; Lake, Buddy; Lamaka, Walter C.; Land, Warren E.; Lane; Langston, Mayo E.; Lariscey, Larry; Lastres, Danilo B.; Lavelle; Lavely, Elmer; Leach, Nelson; Lee, Robert E.; Leeper, Mason; Leesburg; Leiphart, Glenn W.; Leitz; Leitz, Bill; Lemly, Reid; Leonhardt; Levy, Ed; Lewis, William E.; Ligget, H. M.; Lisberger, Philip; Livingston, Ike; Lockman, Charles R.; Lopez, Harvey; Lorenz, Jack; Lorenz, John E.; Loveys, William, Jr.; Lybrand, Craig; Madjeski, Ted; Madjeski, Theodore E.; Major, Gene; Makowsky; manager; Manning, Gerald A.; Martin, C. B.; Martin, Edward; Maseda, Joe Garcia; Mathias; Mathias, F.; Mauney, Marvin J.; McCammon, Jack; McCarty, Edward J.; McCormick; McCrone, Clarence; McCullough, James; McCurdy, Howard; McDougal; McFann, Edwin; McGahagin, Alston; McGahagin, Alston, Jr.; McGarvey, Warren W.; McGloin; McGrath, William A.; McManus, John J.; McMullen, Jim; McMullen, Whitey; McNeece; McNulty, Joseph P.; McPhail, Gordon J.; McShane, Don; McWhorter; Meadows, Herman V.; Meadows, Lee; Mejido, Juan; Mendizabal, Candido; Mesa, Alfredo; Mihalik, Mickey; Miller, Eugene; Miller, Gibbs; Minarck, William J.; Minsal; Mize, Charles L.; Mobley, Alan; Mobley, Alan H.; Mobley, Allen; Moody, William R.; Moore, Eddie; Moore, John; Moore, John P., Jr.; Moore, Raymond E.; Moretti, Bart; Morgan, Lucius; Morton; Morton, E. Glenn; Moss, Joe; Mott; Mottelier, Herman; Moultrie Packers; Munch, William G.; Municipal Ball Park; Murray, Don; Murray, Donald S.; Murray, Walter; Musial; Napier, Rudolph; Napoles, Jose; Nash; National Association; Nepote, Donald A.; New York Yankees; Newell; O'Callaghan, Thomas C.; Ocala; Occhailini; Odum, Harvey; Oliver, Benjamin; Onis, Manuel; orlando; Orlando Senators; Osthoff, Wilbur; Overstreet; Owens; Padgett, Elbert; Padgett, Ernest L.; Palatka; Palatka G-Men; Patterson, Pat; Paulick, Frank; Pavlich; Pawlick, John; Payne, James G.; Pearson, Thomas L., III; Peek, John H.; Pender, William T.; Perez, J.; Perez, Juan; Perez, Mario; Perez, Mario L.; Perez, Ralph; Petrucci, Don; Pickett, Glenn, Jr.; Pinder; Pirtle, Vernon; Pirtle, Vernon A.; Pittman; Pittman, Floyd Junior; Prempas, Louis; Price; Price, Charles W.; Pritchard, Robert; Pruett; Puffer, Jerry; Quesada, Vicente F.; Rabe, Bill; Rabe, William J.; Ramsey, Claude A.; Rauscher, George F.; Rauscher, Robert F.; record book; Red-Hats; Regalado, Ramiro D.; Rhodes, Herbert H.; Rice, Harry; Richetti, Eugene; Ricketson, Donald L.; Ridaught, Leon; Ridgway, Charles R.; Ridgway, Charlie; Risk; Roberson; Roberson, Jim; Roberston, Samuel D.; Rodgers, Bill; Rodgers, Raw Meat; Roede; Rogers, Edward; Rogino; Roman, Robert a.; Rosa, Ted; Roth, Philip; Rott, Rudolph; Rotunno, Rocco; Rowland, Warren W.; Rowland, Wilton P.; Ryan, Don; Ryan, George; Saavedra, Jesus; Saints; Samuely, Max; Sanders, Jimmy; Sanford; Sanford Celeryfeds; Sanford Seminoles; Sapp, E. B., Sr.; Satterfield, Ralph; Savage, John; Sawyers, Charles W.; Schall, Peter; Schantel, Jim; Schiro; Schneider; Schoendienst, Joe; Seaone, Isaac; Sehon; Selbee, William; Senators; Shabala, Stephen; Shaugnessy; Sheppard, William D.; Shiles, Harold E.; Shirley, John; Sifft, George; Silverman, Jerome; Simmons, Bunny; Sincore, Sam; Sisler, William, Marcil, Leo, Jr.; Skeen; Sloan, Melton; Smart, Charles P.; Smith, Lucian C.; Smith, Orin M.; Smith, Thommie; Snider, Floyd T.; Sofia, Michael T.; Solter, Demond E.; Sosebee, James H.; Sosh, John; Sparkman; St. Augustine; St. Augustine Saints; Stablefield, Elvin F.; Stanton, William G.; Starr, Harry; Stebbins; Stebbins, Jay; Stefani; Steinecke, Bill; Steinecke, William B.; Stewart; Stewart, Harold J.; Sticoo, Joseph F.; Stillwell, Arhur E.; Stillwell, Art; Straub, Arthur E.; Sullivan, Elbert B.; Summers, Bill; Swailes, Alex; Swindells; Swindells, Fred; Sylvester, Joseph; Tafaro, Dan A.; Tallahassee; Taylor, E. K.; Teeter; Tetrault, Thomas L.; Theard; Theobold, John; Thomas; Thomas, Herb; Thomas, Robert; Thomasville; Thompson, Averill; Thorpe; Thorpe, Benjamin; Thorpe, Bob; Throop, Rex; Throop, Rex E.; Tiemann, Jerry; Tinker, Joe; Tomat, John; Toncoff, John; Tonsick, Albert; Toth, Frank J.; Townsend, James O.; Trammell, Wes; Troutman, George H.; Turecki; Turnage, Jimmy; Tuttle, Robert A.; Tyler, Earl Q.; umpires; Upright, Herman; Valci, Charles; Valdez, Armand; Van Kinnamon, Carl; Vander Molen, Hilbert; Varner; Veale; Vega, Guillermo; Vega, Tony; Vickers-Smith, Lillian; Vinajeras, Efrain; Vitter, Joe; Vitter, Joseph A.; Voshell; Waddell, Bordie L.; Wagner, Robert B.; Walton, Lee; Wamplar, George B.; Ward, Michael B.; Washingston; Washington, John E.; Waycross; Wayton; Weathers, Charles; Weaver, R. L.; Weigel, Carl; Wenclewicz, Walter; Wenclewixz, Walter; West, Tommie; White, Edward C.; White, John E.; Wickle, Harrison; Wilkes, Jack; William A.; Williams, Charles; Willingham; Willshaw, Edward M.; Wilson, James E.; Winston, H. R.; Wishba, Joseph; Womack; Wright; Yde, Emil; Zander, Joe; Zedalis, Stanley; Zeleznock; Zinchak, James; Zuba, Martin M.; Zupanic
Street Map of Orlando
Tags: Albertson Apartments; Albertson Public Library; Alexander Apartments; Alexander Place; Allen Apartments; Allison, F. A.; Amelia Street; America Street; American League; American Legion; American Legion Building; Amherst Apartments; Anderson Street; Angebilt Church of the Nazarene; Angebilt Hotel; Ansonian Apartments; Associated Press; Atlanta Avenue; Atlantic Apartments; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Auten Apartments; Avalon Hotel; Babcock, H. C.; Bailey, M. D., Jr.; Batchelder, C. F.; Beacham Theatre; Big Tree Park; Bird Sanctuary; Bowling Club House; Bradshaw Apartments; Brass, George F.; Brethern in Christ Church; Broadway Apartments; Broadway Avenue; Broadway Methodist Church; Buena Vista Apartments; Butt-Bettes Investment Company; Calvary Presbyterian Church; Carl-Clayton Apartments; Carlyn Manor; Cary Apartments; Cathcart Avenue; Central Avenue; Central Christian Church; Cheney Court Apartments; Cheney Place; Cherokee Junior High School; Christian and Missionary Alliance; Church of God; Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; Church of the Open Bible; Church Street; Claybaugh, Nat; College Park Baptist Church; Colonial Drive; Colonial Orange Court Hotel; Columbia Avenue; Columbia Broadcasting System; Colvin Apartments; Community Church of God; Concord Avenue; Concord Grammar School; Concord Park Methodist Church; Concord Park School; Condict, H. V.; Confederate Soldiers, Sailors, and Statesmen Memorial; Congregation Ohev Sholem Synagogue; Congregational church; Conway Road; Cook Avenue; Cook, Thomas; Court Street; Crotts Apartments; Daetwyler Azalea Gardens; Delaney Street; Delaney Street Baptist Church; Delaney Street School; Dickson Azaela Park; Dixie Avenue; Dixie Highway; Dodendorf Apartments; Dubsdread Country Club; Duke Hall; Dwellere; Eastern Air Lines; Edgewater Drive; Elks Club; Elvan Apartments; Empire Hotel; Eola Drive; Ernestine Street; Estes Apartments; Estes, V. W.; Exposition Park and Fair; Fern Creek Avenue; Fern Creekl Walker Memorial Methodist Church; First Baptist Church of Orlando; First Church of Christ, Scientist; First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Orlando; First Methodist Church of Orlando; First National Bank at Orlando; First Presbyterian Church of Orlando; First Unitarian Church of Orlando; Florence Apartments; Florida Motor Lines; Florida Public Service Company; Florida Sanitarium; Floyd-Lindorf Realty Company; Forst Gatlin Hotel; Fosgate Apartments; Frederick, Harlow G.; Frey Apartments; Gaston Edwards Park; Geeslin & Miller, Inc.; Gifford Arms; Gladstone Apartments; Goss Memorial Methodist Protestant Church; Grand Avenue Grammar School; Grand Theatre; Gray, M. Beck; Greater Orlando Chamber of Commerce; Guernsey, Frank D.; Guernsey, S. Kendrick; Hamlin Orange Grove; Hampton Avenue; Harlow G. Frederick, Inc.; Harold Shepherd Realty Company; Hartley Apartments; Harwood Avenue Apartments; Helen Street; Highland Avenue; Hillcrest Avenue; Hillcrest Grammar School; Holbrook, J. P.; Holyoke Apartments; Horse Shoe Club House; Hughey Street; Huttig, J. N.; Hyer & Davis; Hyer Avenue; Ivanhoe Apartments; Ivanhoe Boulevard; J. P. Holbrook Investment Company; Jackson Street; Jefferson Court Hotel; Jefferson Street; Jefferson Street Church of Christ; Jermone Realty Company; Jones, Elmer L.; Kaley Avenue; Kaley Avenue Grammar School; Kenhurst Apartments; Klock Apartments; Kuhl Avenue; Lake Adair; Lake Apopka; Lake Cherokee; Lake Concord; Lake Copeland; Lake Davis; Lake Eola; Lake Eola Bandshell; Lake Eola Fountain; Lake Estelle; Lake Formosa; Lake Ivanhoe; Lake Lancaster; Lake Lawson; Lake Lucerne; Lake Lurna; Lake o' the Woods Apartments; Lake Rowena; Lake Street; Lake Sue; Lake Underhill; Lake Virgina; Lakeview Street; Lamar Hotel; Lawn Bowling Club; Lawton Investment Companu; Leon Hotel; Liberty Avenue; Linwood Apartments; Livingston Apartments; Livingston avenue; Livingston Street; Llanymor Hotel; Long Apartments; Lucerne Hotel; Lucerne Park Baptist Church; Luker Apartments; Madison Apartments; Magil Apartments; Magnolia Avenue; Main Street; Mann Apartments; Manuel Courts Apartments; Mariposa Street; Marks Street; Marks Street Grammar School; Masonic Temple; McKelvey, Vernon; McNutt, Heasley & Bailey; Mead Botanical Gardens; Memorial Junior High School; Miller Memorial Baptist Church; Mills Avenue; Mills Street; Minnichaha Apartments; Minnie Paul Apartments; Montana Avenue; Moss, M. J., Jr.; Murchison Company; National Airlines; New Apartments; New England Avenue; New Greenhurst Apartments; New Keystone Apartments; New Poinsettia Apartments; Normant Apartments; North Park Baptist Church; O-Po-Le-O; O. P. Swope, Inc.; O'Neal Investment Company; Orange Avenue; Orange County Armory; Orange Farms Company; Orange Fountain; Orange General Hospital; Orange Hotel; Orlando Christian Church; Orlando Country Club; Orlando Municipal Airport; Orlando Municipal Auditorium; Orlando Recreation; Orlando Reeves Memorial; Orlando Senior High School; Orlando Tennis Club; Orlando Transit Company; Orlando Unity Center; Orlando Utilities Commission Plant; Orlando Visitors Card Club; Orlando Vocational School; Osceola Hotel; Overstreet Land Company; Packard, J. H.; Palmetto Street; Palms Apartments; Park Avenue; Park Lake; Park Lake Presbyterian Church; Park View Apartments; Parramore Avenue; Parsons Apartments; Pearl Hotel; Pentecostal Assembly of God; Phillips, Welborn; Pine Castle; Pine Street; Price, W. K.; Princeton Avenue; Princeton Avenue Grammar School; Raleigh Street; Reeves Memorial Methodist Church; Reformed Presbyterian Church; Rex-McGill Investment Company; Rialto Theatre; Richey, E. H.; Richmond Hall; Ridgewood Apartments; Ridgewood Avenue; Robinson Avenue; Rollins College; Roque Club House; Rosalind Avenue; Rosalind Club; Rose, Walter W.; Roxy Theatre; Ruth Street; Salvation Army Citadel; San Juan de Ulloa Hotel; San Juan Hotel; Sanland Springs Tropical Park; Schoolfield Apartments; Schwob Apartments; Seaboard Air Line; Seventh Day Adventist Church of Orlando; Shepherd, Harold; Shuffleboard Club House; Simpson-Staton Company; Slayton, E. F.; Sligh Boulevard; Smith, Henry D.; Smith, Wyan; Solarium; South Street; Southern Apartments; Spann Apartments; Spring Lake; St. James Apartments; St. James Roman Catholic Cathedral; St. Johns River; St. Luke's Cathedral; St. Regis Apartments; Stewart, J. C.; Stoner, E.; Summerlin Street; Summerline Hotel; Sunshine Park; Sweet Pea Wall; Swope, O. P.; Taylor Apartments; Thornton Lane; Tinker Field; Tinker, Joe; Tremont Hotel; Trenton Street; Trinity English Lutheran Church; United Press and International News Service; University Club; Vergowe Agency; Wall Street; Walter W. Rose Investment Company; Washington Avenue; Washington Senators; WDBO; Weber Avenue; Wekiwa River; Wekiwa Springs; Wells Home Apartments; West Central Grammar School; Westmoreland Drive; Wild Rose Apartments; Wilmot, Fred W.; Wilson Apartments; Wood Apartments; Wynholm Apartments; Wyoming Hotel; Yale Avenue
Clark C. Griffith Memorial at Tinker Field
Tags: American League; baseball; baseball field; Baseball Hall of Fame; baseball player; baseball stadium; Brooklyn Dodgers; Chicago Cubs; Cincinnati Reds; Cook, Thomas; Downtown Orlando; Electric Daisy Carnival; Griffith, Clark Calvin; memorial; Minnesota Twins; National Register of Historic Places; Old Fox; orlando; Orlando Rays; Orlando Tigers; pitcher; shortstop; Spring Training; stadium; Tampa Avenue; Tinker Field; Tinker, Joseph B.; Washington Senators