Browse Items (19 total)
- Tags: preservation
Letter from Cecil A. Tucker II to George Percy (May 15, 1991)
Tags: 13th Street; Board of Seminole County Commissioners; Bronough Street; Bush Boulevard; citrus; citrus packing house; Division of Historical Resources; farmers’ market; French Avenue; museum; National Register of Historic Places; packing house; Percy, George; preservation; R. A. Gray Building; restoration; Sanford; Sanford State Farmers' Market; Seminole County Commission; Seminole County Commissioners; Seminole County Historical Society; Special Category Grant; Tallahassee; Thirteenth Street; Tucker, Cecil A. II
Sanford State Farmers' Market Mezzanine Office/Storage Floorplan
The Sanford State Farmers' Market, located at 1300 South French Avenue, was founded in 1934 in order to provide a central location in which farmers…
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 4: Gentrification and Urban Renewal: Revitalizing Central Florida’s African American Communities
Tags: African American; African-American community; African-American neighborhood; Amway Center; apartheid; Bank of America; Basie, William James "Count"; Bellows, Dan; Beyond the Theme Parks: Exploring Central Florida; Brotemarkle, Benjamin D.; Carver Shores; casino; Chambliss, Julian C.; Chapman, Oliver E.; Chase, Loring; civil rights; Civil Rights Movement; Community Redevelopment Agency; CRA; Cravero, Geoffrey; crime; Crossing Division Street: An Oral History of the African-American Community in Orlando; desegregation; Dexter's; displacement; doctor; documentary; Downtown Orlando; East Winter Park; elderly; Ellington, Edward Kennedy "Duke"; ethnicity; Faribanks Avenue; federal courthouse; FHS; Fitzgerald, Ella James; Florida A&M University; Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University; Florida Frontiers; Florida Historical Society; Florida House of Representatives; Florida Legislature; gentrification; Habitat for Humanity; Hannibal Square; Hannibal Square Community Land Trust; heritage; historic preservation; historic restoration; HOTEL; I-4; integration; Interstate Highway 4; Jones High School; legislature; Lester, Connie L.; Livingston, Fairolyn; Mediterranean revival architecture; Morris Avenue; museum; Nap Ford Community School; orlando; Orlando Avenue; park; Park Avenue; Parramore; physician; podcast; preservation; property value; race; race relations; real estate; real estate bubble; real estate development; real estate industry; real estate value; revitalization; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Richmond Heights; Rogers, James Gamble; Rollins College; school; segregation; Shady Park; South Street Casino; taxes; Thompson, Gerladine F.; tourist; U.S. 17-92; U.S. Route 17-92; urban development; urban renewal; Valencia Community College; VCC; Washington Shores; Webster Avenue; Wells, William Monroe; Wells' Built Hotel; Wells' Built Museum of African American History and Culture; West Winter Park; Winter Park; Winter Park Community Center; World War II; WWII
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 11: Harry T. Moore: An Interview with Dr. Jim Clark
Tags: Apopka; Apopka KKK; Apopka Ku Klux Klan; assassination; baseball; bomb; Brevard County; Brevard County NAACP; Brevard County National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; Brooklyn, Earl J.; Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka; citrus; citrus industry; civil rights; civil rights activist; Civil Rights Leader Harry T. Moore and the Ku Klux Klan in Florida; Civil Rights Movement; Clark, Jim; desegregation; documentary; FBI; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Florida State Attorney; hate group; historic preservation; integration; investigative journalism; journalism; journalist; King, Martin Luther, Jr.; KKK; klansman; Ku Klux Klan; labor; laborer; Lake County; McCall, Willis V.; Moore, Harriette Vyda Simms; Moore, Harry Tyson; murder; NAACP; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; newspaper; newspaper editor; newspaper publisher; open records law; orange county; Orange County Sheriff; Orange County Sheriff's Office; orlando; Orlando Magazine; podcast; Powell, Angelea; preservation; public records law; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Robinson, Jack "Jackie" Roosevelt; Sacher, John; Sanford; segregation; sheriff; Simms, Harriette Vyda; Star, Dave; The Orlando Sentinel; tourism; tourist; UCF; UF; University of Central Florida; University of Florida; Winter Park Magazine; Wolfinger, Norman "Norm" Robert
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 12: Lawton House: Cracker Architecture in Oviedo, Florida
Tags: Baptist; Baptist Church; Bible; Broadway; Broadway Street; Bruce, Miriam "Mimi"; City of Oviedo; Classic Cracker: Florida's Wood-Frame Vernacular Architecture; County Road 419; cracker; cracker architecture; cracker house; documentary; Downtown Oviedo; education; elementary school; First Baptist Church of Oviedo; Friendship Park; Haase, Ronald W.; historic preservation; historic restoration; historical society; hurricane; Hurricane Donna; Lawton House; Lawton, Charlotte Lee; Lawton, James; Lawton, Lottie Lee; Lawton, T. W.; Lee, Charlotte; mayor; Mayor of Oviedo; OHS; Oviedo; Oviedo Historical Society; Oviedo Recreation and Parks Department; Oviedo Woman's Club; park; Pettit, Josh; podcast; porch; preservation; Recreation and Parks Department; restoration; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Sacher, John; school; school superintendent; Seminole County School Superintendent; T. W. Lawton Elementary; White, Lars
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 13: The Jones High School Historical Society, Inc.
Tags: African American; African-American community; African-American school; anniversary; Church Street; Colonial Revival architecture; commemoration; desegregation; documentary; education; exhibit; FCAT; Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test; Garland Avenue; high school; historic preservation; historical society; integration; Jefferson Street; Johnson Academy; Jones High School; Jones High School Historical Society, Inc.; Jones High School Through the Ages; Jones, L. C.; Kirkpatrick, Bonita; Mills, Lisa; museum; orlando; Paramore; Parramore Avenue; podcast; preservation; race relations; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Rickards, Audrey Hightower; Rio Grande Avenue; scholarship; school; segregation; The Orlando Sentinel; The Orlando Times; Washington Street
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 17: Public History in Central Florida: The Kerouac House: A Legacy of Perseverance
Tags: abstract expression; alcoholic; alcoholism; Amram, David; art; author; Baudelaire, Charles Pierre; Beat Generation; Beowulf; Burroughs, William S.; Clouser Avenue; College Park; Corso, Gregory; Darden Foundation; documentary; Florida Magazine; Gannon, Barbara A.; Ginsberg, Allen; Ginsberg, Irwin Allen; Hemingway House; historic preservation; Homer; Jack Kerouac House; Kealing, Bob; Kerouac in Florida: Where the Road Ends; Kerouac, Jack; Key West; literature; Lowell, Massachusetts; music; New York City, New York; On the Road; orlando; podcast; poet; poetry; preservation; Quattro, Joseph; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Rollins College; Socrates; The Dharma Bums; The Odyssey; Turnbull, Lindsey; WESH-TV; writer
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 18: Winter Garden's 20th Century: Boom, Bust and Rebirth
Tags: ACL; Atlantic Coast Railroad Company; Avalon; bust; Cappleman, Kay; Central Florida Museum; cinema; citrus; citrus grove; citrus industry; Cross, Phil; documentary; Downtown Winter Garden; Dr. Philips; farming; freeze; Gannon, Barbara A.; Garden Theatre; Gotha; grove; historic preservation; historic renovation; housing; hurricane; land boom; land development; McMillan, Alana; National Railway Historical Society; news; Niemi, Nicholas; night life; Oakland; orange; orange grove; orange industry; Plant Street; podcast; Polk County; population growth; preservation; railroad; real estate; real estate industry; renovation; revitalization; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; shipping; suburb; suburban; Tavares; Tavares, Eustis & Gulf Railroad; theater; theme park; turpentine; turpentine industry; Walt Disney World; West Orange Trail; WGHF; Windermere; Winter Garden; Winter Garden Heritage Foundation
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 19: The Home of Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune
Tags: African American; African American school; Anderson, Patrick; Bethune-Cookman College; Bethune-Cookman University; Bethune, Mary Jane McLeod; civil rights; civil rights activist; college; Cookman Institute; Daytona Beach; Daytona Educational and Industrial Training School; documentary; Dodson, Roger; educator; Florida A&M University; Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University; Gamble, James; Grant; HBCU; historic house; historic preservation; historic renovation; historically black colleges and universities; house; Hurston, Zora Neale; Jacksonville; Lindsay, Anne; Long, Nancy; Mary McLeod Bethune Foundation; middle class; museum; podcast; preservation; Procter & Gamble Company; Reddrick; renovation; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; school; State of Florida; Symonette, Margaret; teacher; The Life and Legacy of Mary McLeod Bethune; UCF; university; University of Central Florida; Volusia County; White Sewing Machine Company; White, Thomas H.
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 25: The Railways of Central Florida
Tags: Brooksville; Central Florida Railroad Museum; CFRM; citrus; citrus industry; City of Winter Garden; Cross, Phil; documentary; historian; historic preservation; historic restoration; historical society; Killarney; Murphee, Daniel S.; museum; National Railway Historical Society; Neimi, Nicholas; NRHS; Oakland; orange county; podcast; preservation; railroad; restoration; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Speer, James G.; Spring Lake; Tavares and Gulf Railroad Company; Tildenville; West Orange County; WGHF; Winter Garden; Winter Garden Heritage Foundation; Winter Garden Music Fest
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 36: Harry T. Moore, Part 2
Tags: African American; assassination; Barnes, Althemese; Barton, Juanita; Beiler, Rosalind J.; block voting; bomb; Brevard County; Brevard County NAACP; Brevard County National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; citrus; citrus industry; civil rights; civil rights activist; Civil Rights Movement; Clark, Jim; Dickson, Oscar; documentary; educator; equal pay; Evers, Medgar Wiley; FBI; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Florida African-American Heritage Preservation Network; Florida State Attorney's Office; Gary, Bill; Green, Ben; Harry T. and Harriette V. Moore Cultural Complex; historic preservation; homesite development committee; Jacksonville; John Gilmore Riley Research Center; King, Martin Luther, Jr.; KKK; Ku Klux Klan; labor; Lake County; law enforcement; lynching; martyr; McCall, Willis Virgil; Moore Cultural Complex, Inc.; Moore Festival; Moore, Angela; Moore, Harriette Vyda Simms; Moore, Harry Tyson; murder; museum; NAACP; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; open records law; orange; orange county; orange industry; orlando; park; podcast; police; police brutality; Poole, T. H.; preservation; principal; public history; public record; race relations; racism; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Sanford; segregation; Simms, Harriette Vyda; teacher; terrorism; terrorist; The Orlando Sentinel; UCF; University of Central Florida; voter registration; voting; voting rights; wages; white supremacy; Wolfinger, Norm; Wolfinger, Norman "Norm" Robert
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 38: The Wells Built Hotel
Tags: African American; African-American Heritage Trail; Association to Preserve African American Society, History and Tradition, Inc.; Bethune, Mary Jane McLeod; Beyond the Theme Parks: Exploring Central Florida; Brevard County; Brotemarkle, Benjamin D.; Caldwell, Erkskine Preston; Calloway, Cab; Calloway, Cabell "Cab"; Campanella, Roy; casino; Charles, Ray; Chitlin' Circuit; civil rights; Coleman, Bessie; Coleman, Elizabeth "Bessie"; community center; Cravero, Geoffrey; Crossing Division Street: An Oral History of the African-American Community in Orlando; cultural heritage tourism; dance; Daytona Beach; doctor; documentary; Earhart, Amelia Mary; Eatonville; entertainer; FHS; Florida Frontiers; Florida Historical Society; Groveland; Groveland 4; Groveland Boys Trial; Groveland Four; historic preservation; historic restoration; historic site; HOTEL; Hurston, Zora Neale; King, B.B.; King, Riley B.; Larson, Peter L.; Marshall, Thurgood; Moore, Harry Tyson; museum; musician; National Register of Historic Places; orlando; Parramore; PAST; Perkins, Paul C.; physician; podcast; preservation; restoration; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Robinson, Jack "Jackie" Roosevelt; Robinson, Jackie; Robison, Ray Charles; segregation; South Street; South Street Casino; The Wells' Built Hotel: A New Guest Checks In; Thompson, Gerladine F.; tourism; tourist attraction; Trust for Public Land; voter registration; voter registration movement; voting; voting rights; Wells, William Monroe; Wells' Built Museum of African American History and Culture; WMFE
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 42: The Hontoon Island Totems
Tags: anthropology; anthropomorphism; archaeology; Bennett, Charles Edward; bird; Buonarroti Simoni, Michelangelo di Lodovico; craft; da Vinci, Leonardo di ser Piero; DeLand; Early Historic Period; Fort Caroline; Foster, Amy; Hasbrouck, Kim; historic preservation; Hontoon Island; Hontoon Island State Park; Jacksonville; Long, George; material culture; Michelangelo; Middle St. Johns River; Morris, Craig; mound; myth; mythology; Native American; otter; owl; park; pelican; pine; Prehistoric Period; preservation; religion; Renaissance; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Sassaman, Kenneth E.; shark; shark teeth; spirituality; St. Johns River; state park; symbol; symbolism; The Florida Anthropologist; Timucua; Timucuan; Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve; Timucuan Preserve; totem; UF; University of Florida
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 43: The Winter Garden Heritage Foundation
Tags: archive; Cappleman, Kay; Central Florida Railroad Museum; city commission; City Commission of Winter Garden; City of Winter Garden; Cross, Phil; depression; documentary; Downtown Winter Garden; economic depression; economic recession; Edgewater Hotel; festival; Garden Theatre; historic landmark; historic preservation; historic renovation; historic restoration; HOTEL; landmark; library; Main Street Florida; Martínez-Fernández, Luis; mayor; Mayor of Winter Garden; McMillan, Alan; museum; National Railway Historical Society; Neimi, Nicholas; podcast; preservation; railroad; recession; Rees, John; renovation; restoration; revitalization; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; rural; suburb; suburban; suburbanization; Tavares and Gulf Railroad Company; Tavares and Gulf Railroad Depot; West Orange County; WGHF; Winter Garden; Winter Garden Heritage Foundation; Winter Garden Heritage Museum; Winter Garden History Center
A History of Central Florida, Episode 5: Hontoon Owl Totem
Tags: A History of Central Florida; Amerindian; Ancient Egypt; anthropology; anthropomorphism; archaeology; British Museum; Bullen, Ripley Pierce; burial; burial mound; DeLand; Egypt; Florida Museum of Natural History; Ford, Chip; Fort Caroline; historic preservation; Hontoon Island State Park; Hontoon Owl Totem; Indian; Milanich, Jerald T.; Morris, Craig; muck; Native American; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; otter; owl; Ozymandias; pelican; preservation; Ramesses II; Robert Cassanello; Ruhl, Donna; Smith, Horace; St. Johns Culture; St. Johns River; Timucua; Timucuan; Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve; totem; UF; University of Florida; Wallis, Neill J.
Oral History of Richard Tobias Sloane
Tags: A-5; advanced training; aircraft; airplanes; airports; auxiliary service; B-52; B-52 Memorial Park; Baldwin Park; basic training; Blue Jacket Park; Boeing B-52 Stratofortress; Bronze Star with V Device; BUPERS; Bureau of Naval Personnel; captains; Carli Van Zandt; Carolyn Van Zandt; Central Florida Research Park; Combat Action Award; Commander Carrier Group 8; Community Veterans History Project; conscription; CVHP; Dave Arms; deployments; destroyers; discipline; drafts; engineering; engineers; ensigns; Fernando Maldonado; Garcia; Get Me to the Church on Time; graduations; Great Lakes, Illinois; Grinder; Groucho Marx; gunnery officers; Harry Smith; historical preservation; historical restoration; Honey Bun; Jim Allen; Julius Henry Marx; Lake Baldwin; Legion of Merit; Lieutenant Junior; Lone Sailor Memorial Project; LSMP; LST; LTJG; Luis De Florez; Luis De Florez Building; Lydia and the Tattooed Lady; McCoy AFB; McCoy Air Force Base; Mekong Delta; memorials; military spouses; military training; military wife; military wives; Milwaukee; monuments; Morale, Welfare, and Recreation; MWR; My Fair Lady; NAS Sanford; Naval Air Station Sanford; Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Divisions; Naval Destroyers School; Naval Education and Training Command; Naval Training Center; Naval Training Center Great Lakes; Naval Training Center Orlando; Naval War College; Navy E Ribbon; Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society; NAWCTSD; NETC; Newport, Rhode Island; NMCRS; North American A-5 Vigilante; NTC Great Lakes; NTC Orlando; Nuclear Power School; nurses; OCS; Officer Candidate School; Officer Car; orlando; Orlando International Airport; Orlando-Sanford International Airport; parks; planes; preservation; Purple Heart; Queens, New York City, New York; RA-5C; RA-5C Vigilante; recruit training; Recruit Training Center; Recruit Training Center Orlando; recruits; Repair Division Officer; Research Park; retirement; Richard T. Sloane; Richard Tobias Sloane; river patrols; River Section 35; Rockbridge; RTC Orlando; Sanford; Santa Barbara; selective service; Service School Command; Service Schools Command; SERVSCOLSCOM; simulations; simulators; South Pacific; Surface Warfare Advisor; Surface Warfare Officers School; The Navigator; training; U.S. Naval War College; U.S. Navy; United Service Organization; USO; USS Blue Jacket; USS Garcia; USS Hassayampa; USS Milwaukee; USS Rockbridge; USS Santa Barbara; USS Wisconsin; veterans; Vietnam; Vietnam War; Vietnamese; volunteers; Ward Room; wars; Weapon Systems Officer; Wisconsin
A History of Central Florida, Episode 38: Citrus Industry
Tags: 14th Avenue; A History of Central Florida; Adams Citrus Products Reception Center; advertising; Arcadia; Barbadoan; Bluebird; Caribbean Islander; citrus; Citrus Belt; citrus grove; citrus industry; Citrus Tower; Clarke, Bob; Clermont; Crescitelli, Jim; Deer Island; Dipper; Dunedin; factory; FDA; Flagler, Henry Morrison; Ford, Chip; Fourteenth Avenue; freeze; frozen concentrate; fruit preservation; Gibson, Ella; Gus Hall Citrus Fruit; Hall, Gus; Harrell, George "Speedy"; Hazen, Kendra; Indian River; Indian River Citrus Museum; Indian River Packing Company; Jamaican; Jax; juice; Just Fine; Keene, R. D.; Kelley, Katie; Killarney; labor; Lake Garfield; Long, Mark Howard; Main Street; marketing; Minute Maid; Mormino, Gary Ross; OCRHC; orange; orange county; Orange County Regional History Center; orange grove; orange industry; orange juice; orlando; packing; packing house; packing industry; Parramore; Parramore Road; pineapple orange; Plant, Henry Bradley; podcast; preservation; R. D. Keene, Inc.; RICHES; Robert Cassanello; Saint Augustine; sawdust; shipping; shipping industry; Spain; Spaniard; Spanish; spoilage; The Orange State; U.S. Food and Drug Administration; UCF; University of Central Florida; Valencia orange; Velásquez, Daniel; Vero Beach; WGHF; Whole Sun; Winter Garden; Winter Garden Heritage Foundation; Winter Garden Heritage Museum; World War II; WWII
Annual Report of the Board of Supervisors of the Seminole Soil and Water Conservation District, 1954
Tags: agriculture; birds; Bonner L. Carter; C. A. Wales; caladiums; citrus; conservation; farmers; farming; fire control; fires; George Harden; Gloriosa; grasses; Hairy Indigo; Henry Wight; Homer Osborne, Ed Cameron; John D. Martin; partridge peas; preservation; Ralph Hammond; Sanford; Seminole County; Seminole Soil and Water Conservation District; soil; soil improvement; SSWCD; The Farm Forester; W. W. Linz; water; water control
Work Plan of the Seminole Soil Conservation District, 1948
Tags: agriculture; C. A. Wales; conservation; crop land; crop rotation; dams; drainage; environmental protection; erosion; farm planning; farmers; farming; fire breaks; fire control; fires; forestry; irrigation; pasture development; preservation; R.F. Cooper; R.T. Milwee; Sanford; seed production; Seminole County; Seminole Soil and Water Conservation District; soil; soil improvement; SSCD; SSWCD; Tom McLain, Jr.; U.S. Department of Agriculture; USDA; water; water control; wildlife management; woodland management