Browse Items (13 total)
- Tags: Confederacy
Lawton Family History
Tags: A. B. Lawton; A. B. Lawton and Company; A. C. Lawton; Abraham Lincoln; Adam Fowler Brisbane; African Americans; Albany, Georgia; Alex Lawton; Alexander Benjamin Lawton; Alexander Cater Lawton; Alexander J. Lawton; Alexander James Lawton; Alexander Robert Lawton; Allen Hagen; American Civil War.; American Revolution; American Revolutionary War; Anderson Peeler; Andrew Aulin, Sr.; Anglicanism; Anglicans; Anna Lawton; Annie Elizabeth Miller; Annie Narcissa Lawton Long; Arcadia; Archibald T. McIntyre; Asa Lawton; B. F. Porter; B. S. Fuller; Baker County, Georgia; Baptists; Battle of New Orleans; Benjamin F. Lawton; Benjamin Lawton; Benjamin T. D. Lawton; Benjamin Themistocles Dion Lawton; Benny Lawton; Beulah Lawton Hughes; Birdie Lawton Grogan; Black Swamp Academy; Black Swamp Company; Black Swamp, South Carolina; Bluffton, South Carolina; Bobby Lawton; C. J. Lawton; C. J. McDonald; Caddo Parish, Louisiana; Carolyn L. Harrell; Cassandra C. Tillman; Charlotte Ann Lawton; Charlotte Esther Lawton Peeples; Chattahoochee; Cheshire; churches; Clara Curtis Lawton Lienhard; Clara Isabella Lawton Wheeler; Clara Isabelle Lawton; colonial; colonies; colonists; colony; Confederacy; Confederate Army; Confederate States of American; Confederates; corn; Coy K. Johnson; Cuthbert; David Montague Laffitte; Dower; E. H. Peeples; E. Haviland Hillman; E. L. Lawton; Edisto Island Plantation; Edisto Island, South Carolina; Edward P. Lawton; Edward Peeples; Elizabeth Mary Brisbane; Emma Lenora Lawton; Emma Lenora Lawton Aulin; Episcopalians; Eusebia Lawton; farmers; farms; Francis McLeod; Friske; Frog Legel, Louisiana; Gary Lawton Grogan; George Mossee; Georgia Cavalry Regiment; Gerald Marshall Church; GloriAnna Lawton Brisbane; Godfrey; Grooverville, Georgia; Hanahan's; Hector Irving Cook; Henry Carter; Henry Clay; Henry Clay, Sr.; Hepsibah Baptist Church; Hernando County; Hilton Head Island, South Carolina; I. Clayton Ramsey; Inabinett, E. L.; indigo; Isadore Perry Lawton; J. A. Malette; J. A. Mallett; J. L. Simkins; J. T. Herring; James Clark; James Connell; James K. Polk; James Knox Polk; James Stoney Lawton; James Tillman Grogan; James Tillman Grogan, Sr.; James Wilburn Grogan; Jane Ann Grogan Church; Jane Mosse Lawton; Jared Everitt; Jefferson County; Jefferson Davis; Jefferson Finis Davis; Jeremiah Clark; Jeremiah Lawton; Joe Lawton; John C. Cochran; John Calder; John Grimball Ann Grimball Robert; John Hanahan; John Hughes; John Lawton; John N. Dugger; John Seabrook; John Sealy; John Sheffield; John T. Lyons; John Thomas Wheeler; Joseph James Lawton; Joseph Lawton; Joshua B. Everette; Josiah A. Everette; Josiah A. Flournoy; Josiah Everett; Josiah Flournoy; Josiah Lawton; Josie Adams; Judson Lawton; Kathryn Lawton; Lawton and Allied Families Association; Lawton, Dowell, and Company; Lawtonville Baptist Church; Lawtonville Cemetery; Lawtonville, South Carolina; Lebanon Cemetery; Leonard Tuggle; Liberty Baptist Church; Lona Lawton; Lona Lawton Aulin; Louisiana Purchase; Lucina Walker Lawton; Lucinda Walker Landrum; Macon, Georgia; Margaret Grogan; Martha Lawton; Martha S. Lawton; Martha S. Lawton Gwynn; Mary Ann Mosse; Mary Ann Whaley Lawton; Mary Cater Lawton; Mary Cater Rhoades; Mary Cater Rhodes; Mary Clarke Lawton; Mary Edla Laffitte; Mary Elizabeth Lawton Mathews; Mary Gwynn Lawton; Mary Hannah Aulin Grogan; Mary Harris; Mary Jane Lawton; Mary Jane Lawton Laffitte; Mary Lawton; Mary Martha Grogan Lundy; Mary Mathews Lawton; Mary Stone Fickling; Mary Stone Grimball Lawton; Mary Winborn Lawton; Mattie Lawton; May River Baptist Church; Monticello; Moses Linton; Mulberry Grove Plantation; My Husband; My Little Daughter Clara; N. Dudley; N. M. Lawton; Narcissa Melissa Lawton; Nine Mile Post Road; Oglethorpe, Georgia; Oliveros; On the Death of Littly Benny; orange county; Oviedo; Oviedo Cemetery; Pages Home Place; pastors; Paul Grimball; Phoebe Norton Mosse; Phoebe Sarah Lawton Willingham; Pierre Robert; pioneers; Pipe Creek Church; plantations; planters; poems; poetry; preachers; Presbyterians; Prince William's Parish; Providence Grimball Mikell; R. W. Lawton; rice; Robert E. H. Peeples; Robert Hurst; Robert Lauder; Robert Themistocles Lawton; Robert William Lawton; Robertville, South Carolina; Ruth Miller Thomas; Ruth Thomas; s. Manning; Samuel Fickling; Samuel J. Ray; Samuel L. Dowell; Samuel Perry; Sanford Bason; Sarah A. Godfrey Lawton; Sarah Lawton; Sarah Mathews; Sarah Roberts Lawton; Sarah Seabrook; SavAnnah River Association; Savannah, Georgia; settlers; slavery; slaves; South Carolina Militia; St. John's Parish; St. Marks; St. Peter's Parish; Stacey Allene Church; Steamboat Landing Road; Summer Oaks; T. Willingham; The Death Bed; The Georgia Telegraph; The Lawtons of Summer Oaks; The Level; The Southern Enterprise; Theodore Dehon Mathews; Thirza Lawton Polhill; Thomas A. Bailey; Thomas County Historical Museum; Thomas County, Georgia; Thomas Grimball; Thomas Hill; Thomas J. Lawton; Thomas O. Lawton, Jr.; Thomas Polhill; Thomas Rhodes; Thomas Willingham; Thomas Winborn; To My Babe; To My Old Album; Tom Cobbs; Tom Lawton; Tommie Lawton; Tommy Lawton; Two Sister's Ferry; U.S. Census of 1860; Union; W. A. Cumming; W. J. Lawton; W. S. Lawton; W. T. Lawton; Walker Gwynn; Walter Gwynn; Wiley Blewet; William Henry Brisbane; William Henry Lawton; William Hilliard; William Lawton; William Lawton, Jr.; William Mathews; William Peeler; William S. Lawton; William S. Lawton and Company; William Seabrook; William Seabrook Lawton; William Stegall; William Tilly; William Warren Rogers; Winborn Asa Lawton; Winborn Benjamin Lawton; Winborn Joseph Lawton; Winborn Lawton; Winborn Lawton, Jr.; Winborn Theodore Lawton; Winnie Lawton; Winny Lawton
Oral History of James Marion Jones
Tags: A. P. Hill; A3J Vigilante; airplane crashes; airplanes; Ambrose Powell Hill, Jr.; American Civil War; Army of Northern Virginia; assistant principals; athletes; Babe Ruth Leagues; Baptists; baseball; baseball leagues; basketball; basketball players; Batts Mitchell; Batts Nusum Mitchell; Betty Palmer Sprat; Bill Ward; Broadway Street; Burt Ward; C. A. Dewberry; Carrigan and Boland Realty; churches; Confederacy; Confederate States of America; Confederates; CSA; Dawn Raquel Jones Jensen; dental kits; dentists; Desta Horner; Drawdy-Rouse Cemetery; education; educators; elementary schools; Elizabeth Tammaro; Emma Jean Mitchell Jones; farmers; general stores; Great Day in the Country; high schools; J. B. Jones; J. M. Jones; Jack Caliber; Jackson Heights; Jackson Heights Middle School; James Marion Jones; JHMS; Jimmy Jones; John Batts Jones, Jr.; John Jones; Johnny Jones; junior high schools; Kathy Jones; Lawton Chiles Middle School; Lawton House; LCMS; Macon, Georgia; Mary Jones Bird; Mayberry R.F.D.; middle schools; Mitchell Hammock; Mitchell Hammock Road; Navy Reserve; North American A-5 Vigilante; Novella Driggers Aulin; OES; Officer Candidate School; OHS; OJC; OJSHS; Orlando Junior College; Oviedo; Oviedo Baptist Church; Oviedo Cemetery; Oviedo Elementary School; Oviedo High School; Oviedo Historical Society; Oviedo History Harvest; Oviedo Junior-Senior High School; Oviedo School; Pam Jones; plane crashes; planes; post offices; postal service; postmasters; Richmond–Petersburg Campaign; Robert E. Lee; Robert Edward Lee; Rouse Road; schools; SCPS; Seminole County Public Schools; Siege of Petersburg; Siege of Vicksburg; South Seminole Junior High School; South Seminole Middle School; sports; SSJHS; SSMS; students; Sweetwater Park; swimming pools; teachers; TMS; Tuskawilla Middle School; UCF; UF; University of Central Florida; University of Florida; vacations; Vietnam War; War of Northern Aggression; Work Projects Administration; Works Progress Administration; WPA
Skull of Lewis Thornton Powell
Confederate Soldiers, Sailors, and Statesmen Memorial at Lake Eola
Tags: Abernathy, B. G.; Annie Coleman Chapter No. 225; Bowers, Katherine; Central Avenue; Confederacy; Confederate Soldiers, Sailors, and Statesmen Memorial; Confederate States of America; CSA; Downtown Orlando; Lake Eola; Lake Eola Park; Main Street; memorial; monument; orlando; sailor; soldier; statesman; UDC; United Daughters of the Confederacy; United Daughters of the Confederacy of Orlando, Florida
Early Settlers of Orange County, Florida: Reminiscent-Historic-Biographic
Tags: 149th Pennsylvania Volunteer Company D; 1st Regiment Florida Volunteer Infantry; 2nd Regiment; A. A. Stone and Son; Abrams & Bryan; Addison, Illinois; Alabama; Alachua; Alden; Alexander, Elise; Allen, Edbert; Altamonte; Altamonte Springs; Altamonte Springs Hotel; Amarillo, Texas; American Antiquarian; American Revoluation; Anderson County, South Carolina; Angier, Edna I.; Ansonia, Connecticut; Apopka; Apopka Bank; Apopka Board of Trade; Apopka City; Apopka Drainage Company; Arkansas; Article 19; Astor; Astor Hotel; Athens, Georgia; Atlanta, Georgia; Atlantic City, New Jersey; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Augusta, Georgia; Back to the Soil; Baltimore College; Bank of Oakland; Barber, Andrew J.; Barber, Joseph A.; Barber, Maggie S. Simmons; Battle Creek, Michigan; Battle of Gettysburg; Battle of Shiloh; Battle of Vicksburg; Beck, Nannie Woodruff; Bedford County, Virginia; Beecher, Thomas K.; Beeman, H. L.; Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks; Berry, Jeane V.; Berry, Thomas W.; Berry, W. T.; Bingham School; Bird, Mary A.; Blakely, William P.; Blanchard, Charles; Blitz, J. M.; Board of Trade; Bogy Creek; Boone, C. A.; Boone's Early Orange; Boston, Massachusetts; Bradshaw; Bradshaw, Elise Alexander; Bradshaw, John Neill; Branche's Book Store; Brockton, Massachusetts; Brunswick, Georgia; Buck Horn Academy; Buck Tails; Buffalo, New York; Bullock; Burlington, Indiana; Burritt College; C. A. Boone and Company; Caldwell, C. V.; Calhoun County, Michigan; California; Cameron, Texas; Camp Monroe; Carnell, Willie; Carothers, Alice Bennett; Carson and Newman College; Carter; Center Township, Pennsylvania; Central Avenue; Chalmette, Louisiana; Chapman; Chapman, E. G.; Chapman, Foster; Chapman, John C.; Chapman, John T.; Chapman, Mattie P.; Chapman, R. Ethelyn; Chapman, Thomas A.; Chapman, William A.; Charleston Block; Chase Grove; Chasel Graves, James W.; Cheney & Odlin; Cheney, J. M.; Chicago, Illinois; China Grove; Church Street; Cincinnati Commercial; Citizens' National Bank of Orlando; citrus; Civil War; Clark County, Indiana; Clay Spring; Clay springs; Clerwater, Minnesota; Clouser, C. A.; Clouser, J. B.; Coacoochee; Cobb County, Georgia; Cockney; Coffee, John; Collins, Ailsey; Colorado; Columbia County; Columbia, Mississippi; Comanche, Oklahoma; Commandery; Como, Tennessee; Cones, Elliot; Confederacy; Confederate Army; Congress; Constitution; Conway; Conyers Academy; Conyers, Georgia; Cook's Ferry; Council Oak; County Antrim; county commissioner; Covington, Georgia; Cracker culture; Crawford, George W.; Crawfordville, Georgia; Creek Indians; Creeks; Crisey & Norris; Crown Point; Crown Point, Indiana; Cuba; Curtis & O'Neal; Curtis, Fletcher & O'Neal; Dade County; Dann Real Estate Agency; Dann, R. Edgar; Danville, Pennsylvania; Davidson College; Davis, E. H.; Davis, Frank H.; Davis, Mary; Demans, P. A.; Devlin, Minnie Elizabeth; Dickenson, Cynthia Ann Roberta; Dillard, J. L.; District School Trustees; Dixie; Dolive, W. L.; Dollins, Alice J. Rushing; Dollins, Alice Strickland; Dollins, Carl W.; Dollins, Hugh; Dollins, Hugh D.; Dollins, Kellie Rushing; Dollins, L. J.; Dollins, Mary; Dollins, Thomas A.; Dr. Stark; Dreer's; Dubuque, Iowa; Duke, James K.; Duke, Mary Kerr; Dule West, South Carolina; DuPage County, Illinois; Eastman's Business College; Efurt, Thuringia, Germany; Elizabethtown, New Jersey; Elks Club; Elm Grove Academy; Elmire Female College; Emmett, Michigan; Empire Hotel; England; Erksine College; Eureka; Everglades; Ewing, Earl W.; Ewing, Willie Carnell; Fairfield; Farrel Iron Foundry; FEC; Fernandez, Hallie G.; Fernandez, Henry Gore; Fifth New Hampshire Regiment; Fifth Tennessee Infantry; First Baptist Church of Orlando; First National Bank of Cameron; First Presbyterian Church of Orlando; Fleming; Flemming, Francis P.; Florida; Florida Association of Architects; Florida Board of Architecture; Florida Citrus Exchange; Florida Cracker; Florida Midland Railroad; Florida Railroad Commission; Florida State Legislature; Florida State Senate; Fogg, N. H.; Ford Estate; Forest; Forst house; Fort Christmas; Fort Gatlin; Fort Mellon; Fort Myers; Fort Reed; France; Francis, Margaret M.; Franklin County, Tennessee; freemason; freeze; Fruit Growers' Association; Fudge, James; Gadsen County; Gainesville; Gainesville, Alabama; Galia County, Ohio; Gallowy, Nannie; Gardner, Maine; Garrett, Hardy; General Florida Statutes; Georgia; Georgia University; Giles, Edna Adelima; Giles, James L.; Giles, Leroy B.; Gore, Mahlon; Gotha; Gotha, Germany; Grand Theatre; Grant, Ulysses S.; Graves, Anna L.; Graves, Arthur F; Graves, George T.; Graves, Helen Louise; Graves, I. W.; Graves, James W.; Graves, Minnie M.; Great Freeze; Greek architecture; Greeley; Greensboro, Alabama; Greenwood; Griffin, :Lawrence Jefferson; Griffin, Able; Griffin, Benjamin Luther; Griffin, Helen; Griffin, Henrietta E.; Griffin, Hilda; Griffin, John W.; Griffin, Rebekah Wilcox; Griffin, Samuel S.; Griffin, Stanley S.; Griffin, Willie L. Vick; Griffin, Yancey R.; Grundy County, Illinois; Guilford, Connecticut; Guinnett County, Georgia; Guyette County, Georgia; Gwinnett County, Georgia; Halifax County, North Caroline; Halstead, Murat; Hand, C. M.; Hand, Carey; Hand, Charlie M.; Hand, Elijah; Hand, Harry E.; Hand, Henry; Happersett, S. H.; Happersett, Stella Alcesta Rollins; Harlem, Illinois; Harrisburg High School; Harrison, Minnie Odella; Havana, Illinois; Heard National Bank of Jacksonville; Henck, E. W.; Herd County, Georgia; Hernando County; Hertford County, North Carolina; Hill, Ben; Hill, W. J.; Hillsboro, Tennessee; Hiwassee College; Hoffner, Charles H.; Hoffner, Edna I. Angier; Hoffner, Harry A.; Holshouser, Cynthia Ann Roberta Dickenson; Holshouser, Linnie Wilkins; Home Guards; Homestead; Honduras; Hoole, James L.; Hoosier Springs Grove; House of Representatives; Houston, Texas; Howard, Clarence E.; Howard's Grove, Wisconsin; Hudnal, Edward; Hudson; Hudson Battery; Hudson, Alfred B.; Hughey, J. P.; Hughey, John; Hull, Emily Harriett; Hull, William Benjamin; Hupple, Bernhart; Hupple, Friederika; Hyers, T. G.; Illinois; Indian architecture; Indian River; Indian River, Georgia; Ireland; Irmer, Lillian Maguire; Iron Bridge; Ironton, Ohio; Italy; J. B. Clouser and company; Jackson; Jackson, Helen Augusta; Jackson, Joseph; Jacksonvile; Jefferson City, Tennessee; Jerome, H.; Jerome, R. P.; John Hopkins Hospital; Johnson, Joseph, E.; Jones, John W.; Jones, W. S.; Journegan; Kendrick; Kentucky; Kerr, John P; Kerr, Margaret; Kerr, Mary; Kerr, Sarah Howard; Killingworth, Connecticut; Kilmer, Washington; Kincaid, M. C.; King Philip; King, Murray S.; Kirkwood; Kissimmee; Knights of Pythias; Knights Templar; Krez, Conrad; Kunz, George f.; Lake Apopka; Lake Butler; Lake Charity; Lake Conway; Lake Eola; Lake Faith; Lake Hope; Lake Howell; Lake Jessamine; Lake Monroe; Lake Osceola; Lakeland; Lakeview Cemetery; Laughlin, Frances; Lebanon, Ohio; Lee County, Texas; Lee University; Lee, A.; Lewis, Arthur A.; Lewis, Grace; Lewis, James M.; Lewis, Joseph M.; Lewter, Elva jouett; Lewter, Frederick Augustus; Lewter, Frederick Augustus, Jr.; Lewter, Irma; Lewter, Jewell; Lewter, John T.; Lewter, Laura Louise; Lewter, Linnie Wilkins Holshouser; Lewter, Mary Davis; Lewter, Medora Inex; Lewter, Robert Dickenson; Lewter, Roberta; Lewter, William Ferderick; Lewter, Zelma Kight; Lightwood Camp; Litchfield; Lockhart; Loganville, Georgia; London, England; Longwood; Longwood Hotel; Lord, Charles; Louisville, Kentucky; Loveless, Harry; Lovell House; Lucerne Circle; Lucerne Theatre; Lumsden, H. A.; Luther, E.; Luther, Martin; Lynch, William Brigham; MacDonald, Robert; Macon, Georgia; Madison, James; Magnolia Avenue; Magnolia Hotel; Magruder, C. B.; Magruder, James Bailey; Maguire, Charles Hugh; Maguire, David O.; Maguire, Fred H.; Maguire, J. O.; Maguire, Lillian; Maguire, Margaret M.Francis; Maguire, Rayner F.; Maguire, Thomas C; Maguire, Washington University; Main Street; Maine; Maitland; Manchester High School; Manchester, New Hampshire; Marion County; Marks; Martin, Matthew; Martin, William; Maryland; Mason; Masonic Lodge; Masons; Massey & Warlow; Massey & Willcox; Massey, Keating & Willcox; Massey, L. C.; Massey, Louis C.; Matchett, J. W.; Mathews, Monroe; McAdow, Marian A.; McKinley, William; Meadows; Mecca; Mellen, Charles; Mellonville; Mercer University; Methodist Episcopal Church, South; Metropolitan Museum of Arts; Miles, Elizabeth J.; Miller, A. C.; Mills; Minor, Tyrannus J.; Missionary Baptist Church; Mitchell; Mizell, Joshua; Monroe; Moore County, Tennessee; Moore's Business College; Mosquito County; Mount Olivet Cemetery; Murfreesboro, North Carolina; Murphy, North Carolina; Muscatine, Iowa; Muzzy Eva L.; Muzzy, Eden; Nashville, Tennessee; Nassaua; National Guard of Florida; Native Birds of Song and Beauty; Nehrling, Carl; Nehrling, Elizabeth Ruge; Nehrling, Henry; Neill, John L.; Neill, Sarah Clay; New Mexico; New Orleans, Louisiana; New Smyrna, Florida; New York; Newton, A. B.; Newton, Alice Bennett Carothers; Newton, Isaac; Newton, Minnie Odella Harrison; Niemeyer, F. J.; North Carolina; North Carolina University; Northampton County, North Carolina; O'Neal, William R.; Oak Lodge; Oak Ridge; Oakland; Ocoee; Odd Fellows; Odlin, L.; Ohio; Orange Avenue; Orange Belt Railroad; orange county; Orange County Board of Commissioners; Orange County Board of Public Instruction; Orange County Court; Orange County Criminal Court; Orange County Democratic Executive Committee; Orange County Fair Association; Orange County Pioneers' Association; Orange County School Board; Orange County, North Carolina; oranges; orlando; Orlando Bank and Trust Company; Orlando Board of Trade; Orlando Coast Line Railroad; Orlando Country Club; Orlando Driving Park Association; Orlando Electric Lighting; Orlando High School; Orlando Telephone Company; Orlando Water company; Osborn, L. C.; Osceola; Osceola County; Overstreet Crate Company; Overstreet Turpentine Company; Overstreet, Elizabeth; Overstreet, Hazel; Overstreet, Mildred; Overstreet, Moses M.; Overstreet, R. Ethelyn; Overstreet, Rachel E.; Overstreet, Robert T.; Palatka; Palm Beach; Palm Cottage; Palmer, Jerome; Palmer, W. L.; Palmer, Willis L.; Panola County, Mississippi; Paris, Tennessee; Parramore, Minnie M. Grave; Patrick, W. A.; Pennfeld, Michigan; Pennington Grove; Pennsylvania; People's Party; Peoples Bank of Sanford; Peoples National Bank of Orlando; Perry County, Pennsylvania; Pettus Artillery; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Pickens; Pigue; Pike County, Mississippi; Pine Castle; Pine Street; Plant City; Plymouth; Porter, Dwight D.; Pughkeepsie, New York; R. H. White Dry Goods Company; Randolph Peninsula; Rawlins, Anna L. Grave; Rawls, E. Judson; Reasoner Brothers; Richmond College; Richmond, Virginia; Roanoke, Virginia; Roberts, Alice J.; Robinson Avenue; Robinson Spring; Robinson, Samuel Austin; Rock Ledge, Georgia; Rollins College; Rollins, Florida Estelle; Rollins, Helen; Rollins, Helen Augusta Jackson; Rollins, John H.; Rollins, Stella Alcesta; Roman architecture; Roosevelt, Theodore; Roper; Roper, Alice; Royal and Select Master Masons of Florida; Royal Arch Masons; Rushing, Kellie; Russell County, Alabama; Rutland's Ferry; Sadler, Alice L.; Sadler, Anna E.; Sadler, John H.; Sadler, Minnie M. Tilden; Salem, Michigan; Saline County, Illinois; Sanford; Sanford High School; Saulsbury, North Carolina; Saunders-Massey, Elizabeth M.; Savannah, Georgia; Schohant, New York; Sea Island cotton; Seaboard Coast Air Line Railroad; Searcy, James; Searcy, John Neill; Searcy, Robert; Searcy, Sarah Clay Neill; Secession Convention; Secoffee; Second Seminole War; Seegar, S. J. T.; Seminole County; Seminole County Bank; Seminole County Sheriff; Seminole Hotel Company of Winter Park; Seminole Indians; Seminole Wars; Seminoles; Senate; Sentinel Printing; settlers; Shakespeare, William; Shannon, Mississippi; Sheboggan County, Wiscosin; Shelbyville, Indiana; Sherman; Shiloh; Shine, Elizabeth Agnes; Simmons, Maggie S.; Simpson, William; Sims Grove; Sims, B. M.; Sims, Eugene O.; Sims, J. Walter; Smith, Elizabeth J. Miles; Smith, Walter; Smith, William; South Apopka; South Apopka Supply Company; South Carolina; South Florida Fair Association; South Florida Foundry and Machine Company; South Florida Railroad; South Lake Apopka Citrus Growers' Association; Southern Express Company; Spanish Mission architecture; Spanish-American War; Sparkman; Speer; Speer, A.; Speer, Alice Roper; Speer, Gertrude K.; Speer, J. G.; Speer, James P.; Speer, Jason P.; Speer, Sidney; Speer, William; Spencer County, Tennessee; St. Augustine; St. Johns County; St. Johns River; State Bank of Orlando; Staunton, Virginia; Steinmetz, John B.; Stevens County, Oklahoma; Stewart, J. C.; Stone, A. A.; Stone, Alvord Alonzo; Stone, L. L.; Stone, Lovell Lazell; Strickland, Alice; Strong, Edward Malten; Sub-Tropical Mid-Winter Exposition; Summer Street; Summerlin Hotel; Summerlin House; Swedes; Sweeney, Robert; Switzerland; T. J. Minor and Brother; Taft, William H.; Talbot County, Georgia; Tallahassee; Tampa; Tampa & Gulf Railroad; Taylor Safe Manufacturing Company; Telfair County, Georgia; Tennessee; Texas; Thayer, Jessie M.; The Arcade; The Auk; The Citizen; The Jacksonville Times-Union; The Lodge; The Orange County citizen; The Orange County Reporter; The Orlando Reporter-Star; The Orlando Star; The Reporter-Star; The Seminole; The Sentinel; The Tampa Tribune; Thompson, Albert; Thompson, Dexter C.; Three Graces Lakes; Tiedkie; Tilden; Tilden, L. F.; Tilden, Minnie M.; Titusville; Toronto, Canada; Town Herman, Wisconsin; Trammell, Park; Tullahoma, Tennessee; Turner, Anna Belle; Tuscaloosa County, Alabama; Tyner, C. R.; Union; University Law School; University of Pennsylvania; Vanderbilt; Vermont; Vick, J. H.; Vick, Willie L.; Vicksburg; Virginia; Wakalla, South Carolina; Wallerfield Sarah A.; Walton, Edwin S.; Warlow, T. Picton; Warnell Lumber Company; Warnell Lumber company Millers; Washington Place; Washington, D. C.; Watkins Block; Watson; Weathersbee, Allen; Wekiva River; Wekiwa River; Wekiwa Springs; Welaka; West Virginia; White, W. G.; Whitner, J. N.; Wiggs, Annie B.; Wilcox County, Georgia; Wilcox, Mark; Wilcox, Rebekah; Winter Garden; Winter Garden Water and Light Company; Winter Park; Wisconsin Men of Progress; Witherington, Anna Belle Turner; Witherington, H. H.; Woodruff & Watson; Woodruff, Ailsey Collins; Woodruff, Elizabeth Agnes Shine; Woodruff, Emma; Woodruff, Frank; Woodruff, Frank L.; Woodruff, Minnie Elizabeth Devlin; Woodruff, Nannie Galloway; Woodruff, Seth; Woodruff, Seth W.; Woodruff, W. W. W.; Woodruff, William W.; World's Fair; Yowell-Duckworth Building; Yulee Railroad; Zellwood
A History of Central Florida, Episode 40: Icons of Hate
Tags: 1st Avenue; A History of Central Florida; African American; assassination; Before His Time: The Untold Story of Harry T. Moore, America's First Civil Rights Martyr; bomb; Central Boulevard; Chamberlain, J. N.; Christmas; civil rights; civil rights activist; Civil Rights Movement; Civil War; Clarke, Bob; Confederacy; Confederate Flag; Confederate States of American; Confederate veteran; Democrat; Democratic Party; desegregation; Dixon, Thomas; Evers, Medgar Wiley; First Avenue; Flagler Street; Ford, Chip; fraternal organization; Freedom Avenue; Gibson, Ella; Greater Miami Estates; Green, Ben; Griffith, D. W.; Harry and Harriette Moore Memorial Park; Harry T. and Harriette V. Moore Cultural Complex; hate group; Hazen, Kendra; Hialeah Riding Academy; Hughes, Langston; Imperial Wizard; integration; Kelley, Katie; Kendall Road; King, Martin Luther, Jr.; KKK; Klan Circus; Klan robe; Krome Avenue; Ku Klux Klan; Ku Klux Klan of Florida, Inc.; Meacher Brothers; Miami; Mims; Moore, Harriette V.; Moore, Harry T.; murder; NAACP; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; Newton, Michael; OCRHC; orange county; Orange County Regional History Center; orlando; parade; podcast; poem; political rally; race relations; racism; Reconstruction; RICHES; Robert Cassanello; segregation; Simmons, William Joseph; slave; slavery; South; Southern Democrat; Spingarn Medal; St. Johns Manor; terrorism; terrorist; The Ballad of Harry Moore; The Birth of a Nation; The Invisible Empire: The Ku Klux Klan in Florida; Velásquez, Daniel; veteran; Vigilante; vigilantism; White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan; White League; white power; World War I; WWI
Florida Historical Quarterly, Episode 5: Vol. 88, No. 4, Spring 2010
Tags: Army; civil rights; Civil Rights Movement; Confederacy; Confederates; Connie Lester; construction; Coral Gables; David Nelson; demographics; demography; Derrick E. White; desegregation; Dixie; Dixie's Land; education; extracurricular; FDOA; FHQ; Florida Department of Agriculture; Florida Historical Quarterly; football; fortifications; forts; Gainesville; Great Depression; I Wish I Was in Dixie; integration; LeRoy Collins; Miami; military slave rentals; music; Navy; Navy Yards; Old South; Pensacola; Pensacola Navy Yard; race relations; Robert Cassanello; segregation; slavery; slaves; songs; sporting; sports; Sun Belt; Thomas Hulse; Thomas LeRoy Collins; tourism; UA; UF; UM; University of Alabama; University of Florida; University of Miami; World Fair
Florida Historical Quarterly, Episode 10: Vol. 90, No. 1, Summer 2011
Tags: African Americans; American Civil War; Antebellum Florida; Auburn system; bishops; civil rights; Coleman F. Carroll; Confederacy; Confederate States of America; Confederates; Connie Lester; crime against property; crime against public order and morality; crime against the person; crimes; criminal justice; CSA; Daniel S. Murphree; desegregation; Federal Writers Project; FHQ; FHS; Florida Atlantic University; Florida Historical Quarterly; Florida Historical Society; Harry T. Moore; Harry Tyson Moore; indigenous; integration; Irvin D. S. Winsboro; James M. Denham; Judeo-Christian; KKK; Ku Klux Klan; law enforcement; laws; Mark Newman; Miami; Miami bombings; Michael Gannon; Mike Denham; Nation Magazine; Native Americans; New Deal; New York System; Palmetto Country; penitentiaries; penitentiary systems; Pensacola; prosecutions; punishments; race; race relations; racism; Raymond A. Mohl; Reconstruction; religions; research; Robert Cassanello; Roman Catholicism; Roman Catholics; seamen; segregation; sheriffs; social history; South Florida; Southern Exposure: Making the South Safe for Democracy; Spanish; Stetson Kennedy; storytelling; The Jim Crow Guide; The Pensacola Gazette; The Pittsburgh Courier; U.S. Marshals; violence; Vivian Miller; William B. Mack; William H. Hunt
Florida Historical Quarterly, Episode 28: Vol. 94, No. 3, Winter 2016
Tags: Abiaka; African Americans; Alexander H. Darnes; American Civil War; American Indians; Amerindians; Andersonville Prison; Andrew Jackson; Camp Sumter; Charles A. Tingley; Christine A. Rizzi; colonialism; colonials; colonies; colonization; colony; Confederacy; Confederates; Daniel S. Murphree; David Levy Yulee; doctors; Edmund Kirby Smith; Elmira Prison; ethnogenesis; FHQ; Florida Historical Quarterly; freedman; freedmen; fugitive slaves; Harriet Beecher Stowe; Harriet Elisabeth Beecher Stowe; Indian Removal Act; indigenous; Jacksonville; James Fenimore Cooper; James G. Cusick; Jane Landers; Jim Crow South; Jules Gabriel Verne; Jules Verne; landscapes; Larry Rivers; literature; Matthew J. Clavin; Maurice O'Sullivan; Miccosukee; Mikasuki; military; Native Americans; novels; Osceola; Patsy West; physicians; poetry; POW; prisoner camps; prisoners; Prisoners of War; Reconstruction; Robert Saunders, Jr.; runaway slaves; Sam Jones; Second Seminole War; segregation; segregationists; Seminole War; Seminoles; slavery; Spanish; Stephen Crane; terrains; Third Seminole War; Union; Walt Whitman; Walter Whitman; Wilbur Wightman Gramling
A History of Central Florida, Episode 14: Cannonball
Tags: A History of Central Florida; Abraham Lincoln; American Civil War; Barbara Gannon; Bethany Dickens; blockade runners; blockades; Bob Clarke; cannonballs; cannons; Caribbean Islands; Chip Ford; Civil War; Confederacy; Confederate Navy; Confederate States of America; Daniel Velásquez; Ella Gibson; emancipation; Emancipation Proclamation; Florida Memory Project; iron; iron shots; Katie Kelley; Kendra Hazen; Library of Congress; Navy; New Smyrna; New Smyrna Museum of history; OCRHC; Orange County Regional History Center; Robert A. Taylor; Robert Cassanello; Sams Avenue; smugglers; smuggling; U.S. Navy; Union; Union Navy; United States of America
Daughters of the Confederacy Ribbon
Club News
Tags: American Civil War; anniversary; Battle of Fredericksburg; civic club; Civil War; club; Confederacy; Confederate; Confederate State of America; CSA; FFWC; Florida Federation of Women's Clubs; James F. Holly, Jr.; Jefferson Davis; Jefferson Davis Chapter; Oviedo; Oviedo Woman's Club; OWC; Robert E. Drake; UDC; United Daughters of the Confederacy; Walter A. Williams; Woman's Club; women
Diary of Narcissa Melissa Lawton: Summer Oaks Plantation, Georgia, 1862
Tags: 4th of July; acute coryza; Albert Sidney Johnston; Alex Lawton; Alexander Benjamin Lawton; American Civil War; American independence; Army; Baptists; Battle of Fort Pulaski; battles; Behn; Blewet; Bob Lawton; Bobby Lawton; Book of Genesis; Book of Job; Brilly; Brown; Call; Capers Bird; Carrie Clarke; Cases of Conscience Concerning Evil Spirits Personating Men, Witchcrafts, Infallible Proofs of Guilt in Such as are Accused with that Crime; Childs; Christians; civil wars; Clara J. Lawton; Cobb's Legion; Columbus Smith; common cold; Confederacy; Confederate Army; Confederate States of America; Confederates; Crawford; Daniel; Daniell; Davies; Dixie Boys; Dugger; Eaton; Emma Lenora Lawton Aulin; Everette; Fort Hatteras; Fort Pulaski; Fourth of July; Georgia Legion; Godfrys; Griffin, Georgia; Groover Station; Grooverville, Georgia; Hagan; head cold; Hills; Independence Day; James Hart; John Everette; John Tilman; Jones; Jordan; Joshua Everette; Linton; Lona Lawton; Lou Jones; M. Lawton; Madden; Malott; Martha S. Lawton Gwynn; Mattie Lawton; McColluk; McDonald; McIntosh; McLendon; measles; Melton; Methodists; Monticello; morbilli; Mount Olive Church; Narcissa Melissa Lawton; nasopharyngitis; New Lawton; Ocilla River; Pat Godfrey; Piscola; preachers; red plague; rhinopharyngitis; Richmond, Virginia; Robert W. Lawton; rubeola; Savannah, Georgia; sermons; servants; Siege and Reduction of Fort Pulaski; Siege of Fort Pulaski; slavery; slaves; smallpox; Summer Oaks Plantation; T. R. R. Cobb; The Christian Index; The Siege of Derry, or, Sufferings of the Protestants: A Tale of the Revolution; Thomas Lawton; Thomas Reade Rootes Cobb; Thomasville, Georgia; Tom Lawton; Tommy Lawton; Variola vera; wars; Winny Lawton; Yankees