Browse Items (8 total)
- Tags: Ben Jones
A Time to Keep: History of the First Methodist Church of Oviedo, Florida, 1873-1973
Tags: A. Bradford Dinsmore; B. G. Smith; Ben Jones; bishop; Bob Soka; C. R. Clonts, Sr.; Centennial Song; Charles Evans; Charles Niblack; Christian; Christianity; church; clergy; Dan Beistel; David Evans; David W. Rutherford; Don Ulrey; Don Weaver; E. W. Stoner; Eldon Simmons; F. E. Schoenbohm; Fay Stoner; Fellowship Hall; First Methodist Church of Oviedo; Florida Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church; Frank Scharf; Frazier Vail; Harold Jordan; Helen Leinhart; hymn; James Partin; James Staley; Jerry Vick; Joe Smith; Joel D. McDavid; Johann Sebastian Bach; John Evans; John Phillip Coree; Johnie Conley; Kathryn Lawton; L. H. Webb; Lake Jessup; Larry Neely; Lee Gary; Leon Oliff; Libby Lanier; Lift Your Eyes Unto the Harvest; Linda Oliff; Martha Leinhart; Methodism; Methodist; minister; Old 100th; Old Hundred; Old Hundredth; pastor; Phillip Coree; pioneer; prayer; Prelude and Fugue in F Major; Randy Noles; religion; religious service; reverend; Richard Adicks; Rise Up, O Men of God; Robert J. Hughes; Ruth Street; song; Stainer; Susan Clonts; Thomas Moon; Tyson; Virgil Thomson; Walter Rawlson; worship
R. W. Estes Celery Company Ledger, 1947-1950
Tags: . A. Harris; A. Aulin; A. Duda and Sons; A. E. Bramble and Son; A. H. Malcom Company; A. J. Lossing Transfer and Storage; A. J. Peterson; A. K. Rossetter; A. W. Towne Agency; Abbott & Cobb; ACL; Adkins and Adkins Company; agriculture; Airplane Dusting Service of Zellwood; Alex Leinhart; American Red Cross; American Rug and Linoleum Company; Anderson Brothers; Andrew Carraway Agency; Annie C. Merriweather; Annie Laura Bennett; Annie May Davis; Antioch Missionary Baptist Church; Arch Eug. and Construction Company; Asa Pendleton; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Austin, Inc.; B. E. Taylor; B. J. Ward; B. Jones; Bailey Motor Company; Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; Bank of Zephyrhills; Beggs Company; Ben G. Wainwright; Ben Jones; Ben Jones Drug Company; Bertha Mason; Bethel Methodist Church; Bill Crey; Bill Slater; Bisese & Console; Black Hammock Drainage Fund; Block B; Blunk Furniture Company; BO; Bob Jones University; Borden's Dairy; Boy Scouts of American; Brainard and Horne Trucking Company; Britt Tractor Company; Brown and Loe, Inc.; Buster Henderson; Byron Thompson and Company, Inc.; C. D. Beggs; C. G. Rakeshaw; C. G. Shaffer; C. Henderson; C. O. Smith; C. R. Clonts; C. R. Clonts and Associates; C. T. Nublack; C. T. Walker Radiator Shop; C. W. Baker; cabbage; California Spray and Chew Company; Camp Bearwalla; Carraway & Smothers; Caruso Fruit Distributors; celery; Celery City Printing Company; celery industry; Cell-u-Mop Company; Central Avenue; Central City Bag Company; Central Florida Bag Exchange; Central Florida Quick Freeze and Storage Company; Charles G. Shaffer; Charles J. Collins; Charles T. Niblack; Chase and Company; Cherrito Celery Company; Chester D. Hiatt; Citizens Bank of Oviedo; City Ice and Fuel Company; Clarence Ashe; Clarence Henderson; Cleveland Celery Market; Clontz Zellwood Farms; Commissioner on Claims; Community Church; Community Produce Company; Consumers Lumber and Veneer Company, Inc.; Cook's Pharmacy; Cook's Prescription Stop; Cooperative Inspection Fund; Crawford Amoco Service; D. Caruise; D. R. Ulrey; D. Rubey; D'Arrigo Brothers Company; Demase and Manna; Dick Harrow; Dorothy Pulmley; DOT; Duda Tire Sales, Inc.; Dunham concrete Company; E. G. Kilpatrick, Jr.; E. L. Kempf; E. P. Collins; E. Williams; Earl Higgingbotham; Earnest Ingram; Eastwest Produce; Econlockhatchee Hunt Club; Elberta Crate and Box Company; Eleanor Lotz; Elwyn Evans; Estes, Ulrey, & Gore; Evelyn Williams; F. A. Long Farm; F. Washington; Falkner, Inc.; farm; Farm and Home Irrigation Supplies; Farm and Home Machinery Company, Inc.; farmer; farming; Farnell's Grocery; feed; Fernald Laughton; fertilizer; Fields Firestone Store; Firestone Stores, Inc.; First National Bank; First National Bank of Orlando; Florida Bank and Trust Company; Florida Farmer Corporation; Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association; Florida Fruit Digest Company; Florida Power Corporation; Florida State Bank; Florida State Bank of Sanford; flower; Food Machinery Corporation; Frank Marshall; Fred Diplin; Fred Washington; freight; Frisco; G. C. Williams; G. J. Rhodes; G. M. Arie; Garrett-Holmes, Inc.; George A. Speer, Jr.; George Armistead Smathers; George D. Daudes; George H. Spohn; George Jakobian; Georgia Crate and Basket Company; Gibbs Corporation; Gibbs Machine Company Shop; Good Neighbors Magazine; Grace C. Hardy; Grady Page; Grant Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church; Grant Chapel AME Church; Great Southern Stores, Inc.; grower; Growers and Shippers League of Florida; growing; Gulf Fertilizer Company; H. & W. B. Drew Company; H. M. Gleason; H. P. Newhouse; H. P. Newhouse Celery Company; H. T. Kitson; H. W. Lowell; Haley Stewart Electric Company; Halloway Concrete Products; Harry Becker; Harry Beeker and Company; Harry P. Leu; Hays and Russell, Inc.; Hazel W. Nowell; Heintzelman Motors, Inc,; Helen E. Leinhart; Henry A. Russell Seed Company; Henry Detriville; Hern's Photo Supply; Hiatt's Dairy; Hill Implement Company; Hinky Dinky Stores; Howard Gould; Howard Young; Hubert Lee Gray; Hungerford School; Hunt Mercury Company; Hunt's Garage; Hunt's Tuxedo Feed Store; Hutchinson Tractor Equipment Company; ICRR; Illinois Central Railroad; Independent Supply Company; Industrial Equipment Company; insecticide; insurance; Internal Revenue Service; Ira Tossie; IRS; J. A. Harris; J. Baker; J. C. Faircloth; J. C. Hutchinson; J. C. Kassell; J. D. Dillon and Sous Stores Company; J. D. Driggers; J. D. Moore; J. E. Clontz; J. E. Jackson; J. F. Wilson; J. Frank Wilson; J. Miller; J. R. Chappell; J. W. Craddock; J. William Martin; J. Y. Harris; Jack C. Kassell; Jack C. Kendall; Jack F. Wakeman; Jack Gore; James Apothecary; James Craddock; James Gilbert Lyerly; James H. Gut Agency; James Miller; Jim Wilson; Jimmie Cowan; Joe Leinhart; Joe Merritt; Joe Priest; John A. Eick; John Deere; John L. Galloway; John Miceli; John Rocher Chappell; Jones and McLaughlin Trucking Service; Jones Prescription Shop; Joseph L. Stecher; K. Brown; K. C. Baker; Karl Daul; Karl Schneeder; Kay Estes; Kennong Bearing Service; Kilgore Seed Company; Kingman and Hearty, Inc.; Kissam Builders Supply Company; Kooter Brown; Krick Weather Service, Inc. J. H. Daniell; Kroger Company; L. A. Hardy; L. W. Wilkerson; labor; LaJune Estes; Lake Charm Fruit Company; Lake Jessup; Lakeland Cash Feed Company; Lee Brothers; Lee Daniels; Leight Banana Case Company; Leinhart Floral Gardens; Leland Chubb, Jr.; Lena I. Hunt; Levy Grant; Lloyd's Furniture Company; Loniel E. Metcalf; Lonnie Wilkerson; Lot 26; Lot 3; Lot 45; Louis Roesch Company; lumber; M. C. Hagan; M. L. Gore; M. M. Estes; M. P. Mickler Company, Inc. G. M. Arie; M. Roth; M. Vinson; Mallory; Mamie Allen; Mandell; March of Dimes; Martin; Martin Equipment Company; Mary I. Young; Mary King; Masonic Home Endowment Fund; Mathers; Mattie McCoy; Max Leinhart; Medlock Tractor Company; Megan Sladek; Mercury 6; Merrill Wattles; Methodist Church of Oviedo; Mill Suppliers, Inv.; Millikan Brothers Garage; Milton Gore; Miracle Concrete Company; Mitchell Company; Monroe Vinson; Montgomery Ward Company; Morgan; Morgan Tire and Battery Company; Mount Zion Baptist Church; National Bellas Hess; National Marketing Company; National Society for Crippled Children; Nelson and Company, Inc.; New York Life Insurance Company; New York, New Haven, and Hartford Railroad Company; O. P. Hendon; O'Neal Branch Company; Orange Belt Truck and Track company; Orange Memorial Hospital; Orlando Farm Equipment Store; Orlando Forge; Orlando Office Supply Company; Oviedo; Oviedo Baseball Club; Oviedo Drug Company; Oviedo Farm Equipment Store; Oviedo Garage; Oviedo Lumber and Supply Company; Oviedo Lumber Company; Oviedo School; Oviedo Service Station; P. C. McMichen; P. C. McMicher; P. H. Lansing's Garage; P. I. Oviedo Drug Store for Medicine; Patrick Fruit Company; Paul E. Mary; Paul W. Heasley; Paymaser Corporation; payroll; pecan; Pennie Olliff; Pennsylvania Railroad Company; Pentland and Gray; Pere Marquette; Perkinson-Robison; Peter P. Volante; Peter P. Volaute; Peter S. Schaulan; Phillip Zwigg; Pioneer Fruit; Plywood Industries, Inc.; Produce Reporter Company; Prudential Insurance Company; Public Relations Service; R. C. DeGuehery; R. H. Johnson; R. K. Evans; R. L. Ragsdale; R. L. Scarick; R. L. Slavik; R. L. Stephens; R. N. Fisk Company; R. R. Bass; R. R. Stephens; R. S. Carlson; R. S. Woodruff; R. W. Estes; R. W. Estes Celery Company; Ralph Sirianni; Ratliff and Sons; Ray Clontz, Jr.; Remington-Rend, Inc.; Reynolds Produce company; Rice, Frew, and Rice Company, Inc.; Richard Allen; Richard H. Walker, Jr.; Roger W. Gidley; Rome Lincoln Mercury company; Ruby H. Estes; Russell R. Jones; Rutland's; S. E. Parker; S. F. Long; SAL; Salvation Army; Samuel P. Mandell; San Juan Drug company; Sanford Produce Company; Sarah Vinson; Seaboard Air Line Railroad; Sears, Roebuick, and Company; Seatt Mill Work Company; Seminole County Chamber of Commerce; Seminole County Farm Bureau; Seminole County Motors; Seminole County Tuberculosis Health Association; Seminole Truck and Tractor Company; Senter Brothers; Seventeen Magazine; Sherman Concrete Company; shipper; shipping; Smathers for Senate Club; Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company; Southern Chemicals, Inc.; Southern Crate and Veneer Company; Southern Pipe and Supply company; St. Louis-San Francisco Railway; Standard Growers' Association; Standard Oil Company; Stanley P. Curtis; Stephens Brothers; Steward; Stock Yard District Agency; Strickland-Morrison, Inc.; Super Concrete, Inc.; Swift and Company; T. Cobb; Texas Company; Thad L. Lingo; The Lions club; The Orlando Morning Star Sentinel; The Sanford Herald; The Shoe Box; Theodore Glassmire; Thomas H. Daniell; Thomas H. Daniell, Jr.; Thomas Lumber and Supply Company; Thomas Moon; Tilden; Tilden Tiling; Title Guaranty and Abstract Company of Sanford; Town of Oviedo; Treasurer of the United States; U.S. Collector of Internal Revenue; U.S. Department of the Treasury; USDOT; V. H. Slay; W. A. Meek; W. A. Teague; W. C. Hutchinson; W. F. Maulding; W. G. Kilby; W. J. Chance; W. j. Flowers; W. J. Lawton; W. L. Daniels; W. T. Whitehead; W. Vincent Roberts; wage; Walker Fertilizer Company; Walton Wall; Ward's Garage; Ward's Garage and Filing Station; warehouse; warehousing; Wesco Foods; Wesley Reddick; Wesleyan College; Western Union Telegraph Company; Wheeler; William C. Hutchinson; William Enderlsin and Company; Willie Cray; Willie Daniell; Wilson-Horne; Winpark Roofing company; Womarath; Woody's Radio Shop; Yoriville; Young Harris Supply Company; Yowell-Drew Ivey Company
The Central Florida Press, Vol. 1. No. 9, June 20, 1930
Tags: 1st Street; A. L. Betts; A. L. Medcalf; A. P. Farnell; A. W. Wagner; ACL; Adkins; Aisne-Marne American Cemetery and Memorial; Aldred Cone; Alene Cone; Alive Story; Allen Thompson; Allen's Garage; Alton Shuman; American Appraisal Company; American Association of University Women; American Gold Star Mothers, Inc.; Andrew Duda; Andrew Jakubcin; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Augusta D. Covington; B. F. Overstreet; B. F. Ward; B. F. Wheeler; B. R. Gray; Ballard's Insurance Feeds; Baptist Church; Baptist Church of Oviedo; Baptists; Barbara Jakubcin; Bauman; Bauman Brothers; Because; Ben Jones; Bernice Stine; Biscayne Bay; Black Hammock; Blanche Leonard; Bob Murphy's Garage; Bogard; Bon Homme Hotel; Boy Scouts of America; Bristol; Bryan's Store; C. B. Searcy; C. C. Jackson; C. E. Mariner; C. J. Broom; C. J. Broom, Jr.; C. L. West; C. M. Coin; C. S. Lee; C. T. Niblack; C. W. Mathison; Canal Point; Carlton Cain; Carolyn Lockette; cars; Carter's Filling Station; Celery City; Central Florida Council; Central Florida Log Rollers' Association; Chapman; Charles Simeon Lee; Charles W. Summersill; Charley West; Charlie West; Chevrolet; Chuluota; Chuluota Sunday schools; churches; Churchwell's; Civic League; Clarence Huder; Clark Harvey; Claude C. Jackson, Jr.; Clifton Tribble; Clinton Hyatt; David Haverstick; Daytona Beach; District 3; Dixie Highway; Donald Leinhart; E. A. Dukes; E. A. Farnell; E. D. Koontz; E. T. Summersill; Edson Goit; Edwin Sutton; Elizabeth Lawson; Elmin a Howard; Emma Abbot Lyman; Ernest Amos; Essex Coach First National banks; Esther Prosser; Evelyn Wheeler; F. L. Anderson; F. S. Cone; Farnell; FCE; FEC; Federal Farm Broadway; First Baptist Church of Orlando; First National Bank Building; First Street; FLDOE; Florida Bank; Florida Citrus Exchange; Florida Department of Education; Florida East Coast railroads; Florida Gold Star Mothers; Florida Light and Power Company; Florida Public Service Commission; Floyd Wagner; Fort Myers Growers' Association; Fort Pierce; Fort Pierce Financing and Construction Company; Fort Pierce Growers' Association; Frank Armstrong; Fred Cooper; Fred Henry Davis; Fruitland parks; Ft. Pierce; G. A. Meckley; G. H. Norton; G. W. Bower; Gayle Marshall; Geneva; Gold Star Mothers Club; Gold Star Mothers, Inc.; Goldie Eva Beckley; Goldie Eva Beckley Lee; Good Gulf Casoline; Grace Lewis; Gray; Gray's Market; H. Clay Crawford; H. E. Fuller; H. F. McGowan; Haines; Harold Varn; Harry E. Wing; Harry M. Papworth; Harry W. Turner; Hart; Hathaway's Park Avenue; Hazel Shuman; Heitz; Henry Clay Crawford; Herbert F. Chaffer; Hilda Butler; Hotel Commission; Howard Lindsey; Howard Turner; I. N. Lane; J. A. Thompson; J. A. Young; J. Allen Thompson; J. B. Jones; J. C. Bills; J. C. Johnson; J. Dean Adcock; J. H. Allen; J. L. Malcolm; J. M. Chaffer; J. N. Thompson; Jack C. Kassell; Joe Leinhart; Joe Mikler; John Bills; John Duda; Joseph Leinhart; Julia Tart; Julie Geiger; Katherine Young; King Brown; L. D. Webster; L. H. Gore; Lake Catherine; Lake Conway; Lake Monroe; Lake Okeechobee; League of Municipalities; Lois Mitchem; Lois Ruddell; Lois Rudell; Longwood; Lyman schools; Margaret Jackson; Margaret Lindsey; Marietta Mitchem; Martin Stanko; Mary Bivins; Mary Frances Stine; Mathieux' Store; Max Leinhart; Maxine Leinhart; Mead; Metcalf and Son; Mills; Miriam Koontz; Mitchem; Munjar; N. F. Lozette; Nelson and Company, Inc.; O. P. Sloan; Oak Crest Poultry farms; Oak Island; Olga Jakubcin; Olive Lezette; Olivia McCarty; Opal Peters; Orange General Hospital; Oreon Burnett; orlando; Oviedo; Oviedo Barber Shop; Oviedo Department Store; Oviedo Drug Store; Oviedo Masonic Lodge No. 243; Oviedo Meat Market; Oviedo Mirror; Oviedo Public Library; Oviedo Service Station; P. T. Coleman; P. T. Wakefield; P. W. Gray; Paul Butler, Jr.; Paul T. Butler; Pauline Mills; Pauline Moran; Pauline Wallace, Maddox; Penney Farms; R. A. Gray; R. R. Murphy; R. R. Williams; Ralph Bosford; Randall Electric Company; Reason Kirkland; Ripley's Believe It or Not!; Robert Andrew Gray; Robert B. Butler; Roy Williams; Ruby Peters; S. L. Murphy; S. S. Hinchliff; Sadine Leinhart; Sadye's Sale; Sanford; Sanford Atlantic National Bank; Sanford Chamber of Commerce; Sanford High School; Sanford Sheriff's Office; Sanlando Springs; Secretary of State; Seminole Associational Sunday schools; Seminole Bank Building; Seminole County; Slavia; Slavia Drainage District; Southern Bell Telephone Company; St. Johns River; St. Petersburg; Standard Service Station; Stover; Supreme Motor Oil; Ted Harvey; The Central Florida Press; The Morris Stores; The Sanitary Fish Truck; Theo Aulin; Theodore Tice; Thomas Johnson; Thomas Wheaton; V. H. Sley; Virginia Spencer; W. C. Cawthon; W. D. Stine; W. F. Wells, Jr.; W. L. Seig; W. P. Tart; W. R. Kimbrell; W. S. Entzminger; W. T. Chance; Walter M. Blakely; White-Highleyman Agency; Wholesale Potato House; William Walker; Woodmen of the World; Woodrow Shuman; World War I; WWI
The Oviedo Heritage '77, June 30, 1977
Tags: 4th of July; A. Duda and Sons, Inc.; ACL; Andrew Aulin, Sr.; Andrew Duda; Andrew Duda, Jr.; Andy Duda, Jr.; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; B. F. Wheeler, Sr.; Ben Jones; Ben Ward Agency, Inc.; Benjamin Franklin Wheeler, Sr.; Black Hammock; Black Tuesday; Boy Scouts of America; Broadway Street; C. R. Clonts; C. R. Clonts and Associated Growers; Central Avenue; Citizens Bank of Oviedo; Donna Neely; Downtown Oviedo; Edith Mead; F. W. Talbott; Ferdinand Duda; First Baptist Church of Oviedo; First United Methodist Church of Oviedo; Florida Technological University; Fourth of July; FTU; Great Crash; Great Depression; Greyhound Lines, Inc.; Gwynn; Gwynn's Cafe; Henry Foster; Independence Day; J. B. Jones; J. B. Jones and Brothers; J. H. Lee; John Duda; John Hiram Lee; Jones Grocery; Jonnie Conley; Joseph Watts; July 4th; July Fourth; Katherine Duda; Lake Apopka; Lake Charm; Lake Jessup; Lake Jessup Settlement; Larry Neely; Lee and Todd Real Estate Company; Mead Botanical Garden; Mead Manor; Nelson and Company, Inc.; OHS; Old Time History of By Gone Days of Lake Jessup Settlement; Olliff's Barber and Style Shop; orlando; Oviedo; Oviedo City Hall; Oviedo Historical Society; Oviedo Railroad Depot; Peters Shoes; Pot Latch; R. W. Estes; Randy Noles; S. F. Long; SAL; Seaboard Air Line railroads; Seminole County; Slavia; Solaria's Wharf; Southland Produce; Spencer's Store; Steen Nelson; Stock Market Crash of 1929; Sweetwater Park; T. L. Mead; T. W. Lawton; The Oviedo Heritage; The Oviedo Outlook; Theodore Luqueer Mead; Thomas Willington Lawton; W. G. Kilbee; W. J. Martin; Wall Street Crash of 1929; Wheeler Fertilizer; World War II; WWII; Zellwood
Citizens Bank Founded in 1946
Tags: Andrew Duda, Jr.; Andy Duda, Jr.; B. F. Wheeler, Sr.; banking; banks; Ben Jones; Benjamin Franklin Wheeler, Sr.; Broadway Street; C. R. Clonts; Citizens Bank of Oviedo; F. W. Talbott; J. H. Lee; John Hiram Lee; Larry Neely; Lawton Elementary School; Olliff's Barber and Style Shop; Oviedo; Oviedo City Hall; Oviedo High School; Pot Latch; S. F. Long; T. W. Lawton; T.W. Lawton Elementary School; The Oviedo Heritage; The Oviedo Outlook; Thomas Willington Lawton; W. G. Kilbee; W. J. Martin; World War II; WWII
Oviedo Mirror
Tags: A. P. Farnell; ACL; Aldred Cone; Alene Cone; appendicitis; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Augusta D. Covington; B. F. Ward; Ben Jones; Bernice Stine; C. E. Mariner; C. J. Broom; C. S. Lee; C. T. Niblack; C. W. Mathison; Carolyn Lockette; cars; Charles Simeon Lee; Charlie West; Chevrolet; Clark Harvey; Daytona Beach; Donald Leinhart; E. D. Koontz; Elizabeth Lawson; Elmin a Howard; Evelyn Wheeler; F. S. Cone; Farnell; First Baptist Church of Orlando; Fred Cooper; G. W. Bower; Gayle Marshall; Goldie Eva Beckley; Goldie Eva Beckley Lee; Gray; Gray's Market; H. F. McGowan; Harold Varn; Hazel Shuman; health care; Heitz; Hilda Butler; hospital; J. A. Thompson; J. B. Jones; J. C. Johnson; J. Dean Adcock; J. L. Malcolm; J. N. Thompson; Julia Tart; Katherine Young; King Brown; L. H. Gore; Lake Conway; library; Lois Mitchem; Lois Ruddell; Marietta Mitchem; Mary Bivins; Max Leinhart; Maxine Leinhart; Mills; Miriam Koontz; Mitchem; N. F. Lozette; O. P. Sloan; Oak Island; Olive Lezette; Olivia McCarty; Orange General Hospital; Oreon Burnett; Oviedo; Oviedo Mirror; Oviedo Public Library; Pauline Wallace, Maddox; R. R. Murphy; R. R. Williams; Ralph Bosford; Reason Kirkland; Roy Williams; S. L. Murphy; Sadine Leinhart; Southern Bell Telephone Company; surgery; Ted Harvey; The Central Florida Press; Thomas Johnson; Thomas Wheaton; V. H. Sley; W. D. Stine; W. P. Tart; W. R. Kimbrell; W. T. Chance; White-Highleyman Agency; William Walker; Woodrow Shuman
Oviedo, Circa 1960
Tags: A. A. Myers; A. Bradford Dinsmore; A. D. Sauer, Jr.; A. D. Sauer, Sr.; A. F. Cotton; A. L. Ruddell; A. M. Jones; A. W. Meares; African Methodist Episcopal; Agnes Smith; Alexandria Subdivision; Alice Brannon; Allison; AME; Amos Laster; Andrew Aulin; Andrew Aulin, Jr.; Andrew John McCulley; Andrew Leinhart; Anita King Crawford; Anna Leinhart; Annabelle Linger Lawton; Annette Sullivan Shrumpert; Annie Ethel Lee Carter; Antioch Missionary Baptist Church; Antonio Solary; Appleby; Arthur Evans; Arthur Metcalf; Arthur Riles Hunter; August D. Covington; Augusta Clause; Aulin Avenue; Aulin's Addition; B. F. Ward, Jr.; B. F. Wheeler III; B. F. Wheeler, Jr.; B. F. Wheeler, Sr.; B. G. Smith; B. J. Solomon; Bank of Oviedo; Baptists; Bay Street; Ben Blackburn; Ben Jones; Ben Wheeler; Benjamin Franklin Wheeler III; Benjamin Franklin Wheeler, Jr.; Benjamin Franklin Wheeler, Sr.; Bertha Huggins; Bertha Leinhart; Bertha P. Dixon; Bessie Fay Myers Fly; Bethany Circle; Betty Colbert; Beverly Hughes Evans; Bill Chance; Bill Jenkins, Jack Jenkins; Black Hammock; Blaine Edwards; Block Youth Building; Bob Cameron; Bob Gibbs; Bob King; Bob Ragsdale; Bob Slavik; Bob Ward; Bobby Standlifer; Bowers; Boyd Clonts; Brewster; Broadway Street; Bub Sloan; Bud Claxton; Butler Court Road; C. D. Crutchfield; C. J. Marshall; C. K. Phillips; C. L. West; C. N. Ogg; C. R. Clonts; C. R. Clonts, Jr.; C. S. Lee; C. T. Edwards; C. T. Niblack; cabins; Calvin Whitney; Carl Farnell; Catherine Young Gore; celery; Central Avenue; Charles Evans; Charles Niblack; Charles P. Williams; Charles Roy Clonts, Jr. Charles Roy Clonts, Sr.; Charles Shaffer; Charles Simeon Lee; Charlotte Lee Lawton; Chase Piano Company; Chester W. Shipley; Christine Leinhart; Chuluota; churches; citrus; city halls; Claire Lee Evans; Claire Lee Wheeler; Clara Deering; Clara Mariner; Clarence Ashe; Clark Street; Cleo Gore Leinhart; Clonts and Staley Block Company; Clyde Holder; Colonial architecture; Congregate Meals Program; construction; Courier Field; Crystal Shores; Curtis Estes; Cyrus B. Dawsey; D. D. Daniels; D. E. Hart; Dan Denmark; Daniel B. Hohn; Daniel Gore; David Corey; David Evans; David Hunter; Dawsey; Deering Harvester Company; Delco; Della Barnett; dentists; Dick Mitchell; Division Avenue; doctors; don Carraway; Don Shaffer; Don Ulrey; Donna Neely; Dora Kelsey; Dorothy Courier; Dorothy Lee; Douglas Jackson; Douglas Philpot; Downtown Oviedo; Dozier's; Drady Mathers; E. C. Harper; E. J. Moughton; E. M. Olliff; E. T. Standlifer; E. W. Stone; Earl Koontz; Edna Staley; education; Edward W. Stoner; Edwin A. Farnell; elementary schools; Elida Slavik; Elizabeth Farnell; Emmett Waltz; Emory Asbell; Ephfrom Whipper; Eric Anderson; Eric Anderson Subdivision; Essie Mae Clonts; Evelyn Alpaugh; Fay Stoner; Federation of Senior citizens Clubs of Seminole County, Inc.; Fellowship Hall; Fernando Daniel; Ferrell Beasley; First Baptist Church of Oviedo; First United Methodist Church of Oviedo; fisher; Florida State Road 419; Florida Technological University; Flournoy Jernigan; Foster Chapel; Fountainhead Baptist Church; Frank C. Morgan; Frank W. Talbott; Frank Wheeler; Franklin Street; Frazier Vail; Fred Dyson; Fred Robbins; Fred Tingley; FTU; Future Farmers of America; G. L. Baker; G. M. Arie; G. S. Abell; G. S. Moon; G. W. Johnson; Gammon and Deering Company; Garden Cove; Garden Street; Garth Bowers; Geneva; Geneva Abell; Geneva Drive; George C. Crawford; George Carlton; George Jakubcin; George K. Hollingsworth; George Lee Lawton; George Means; George Morgan; Georgia Lee Lawton; Georgian-Colonial architecture; Germans; Gladys Basford; Gladys Leinhart; Glen Stoner; Glenda Conley; Glenna B. Stoner; Goldie Eva Beckley Lee; Gordon Pendarivs; Gordon W. Johnson, Jr.; Gove Hill; Graham Avenue; Grant Chapel; Grant Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church; Grant Chapel AME Church; groves; Guy Lingo; H. B. McCall; H. C. Park; H. R. Spencer, Sr.; Haig; Hamlin; Hansel; Hardem Webb; Harold Jordan; Harry P. Leu Company; Hazel Haley; Helen Leinhart; Helen Terrell; Henry Foster; Henry Jackson; Henry McAlister; Henry Whittier; Henry Wolcott; Herbert McCarley; Herbert Metcalf; Hettie Ragsdale; High Street; Hillcrest Avenue; Hillcrest Drive; Hillcrest Gardens; Holland Construction Company; homes; houses; housing; Howard-Packard Land Company; Howell Williams; Hubert E. Davis; Huggins Brothers, Inc.; Hugh Gregory; Hugh Morris; immigrants; Internal Improvement Fund; Irene Hollenbeck; Irvin Claxton; J. B. Jones; J. B. Jones, Jr.; J. B. Ludlow; J. Emmett Kelsey; J. Enoch Partin; J. H. King; J. H. Lee III; J. H. Lee IV; J. H. Lee, Jr.; J. H. Lee, Sr.; J. H. Staley; J. L. Walker; J. N. Thompson; J. W. Burns; J. W. McIntosh; J. Wes Evans; Jack T. Bryant; Jack Williams, Sr.; Jackson Heights Middle School; Jackson Heights School; Jake Gore; Jamerson Construction Company; James Arthur Partin; James D. Hagin; James Davidson; James Gamble Rogers; James H. Lee; James Hiram Lee III; James Hiram Lee IV; James Hiram Lee, Jr.; James Hiram Lee, Sr.; James J. Egan; James Marion Jones; James Wilson; Jane Cochran Moon; Jane Hill Walker; Jean Jordan; Jeanette Mills; Jenkins Realty Company; Jennifer Adicks; Jennings Neeld; Jerry Jacobs; Jessie Shaffer; Jewel Dean; JHMS; Jim Jones; Jim McGowan; Jim Staley; Jimmy McGowan; Joe Faircloth; John Batts Jones, Sr.; John Branscomb; John Courier; John Drury; John McCulley; John Ridenour; John Smith; John W. Evans, Sr.; Johnie Conley; Johnnie Conley; Johnnie Wright; Johnny Jones; Joseph Leinhart; Josephine Munson; Juanita Beasley; Julia Gaulden; Julia Lee Matheson; Katherine Teague; Kathryn Lawton; Katie Ruddell; King Street; Kinney; Kirby Buckelew; Kirby Grant; Kirkpatrick; L. B. Moore; L. E. Jordan; L. J. Flowers; L. L. Day; L. L. Faulk; Lake Charm; Lake Charm Circle; Lake Charm Fruit Company; Lake Charm Memorial Chapel; Lake Jessup Avenue; Lake Jesup; Langston; Lawton Elementary School; Leah Koontz; Lee Gary; Lee H. Gore; Lena Leinhart; Leon Olliff; Leon Ragsdale; Libby Wainwright; Lillian Lee Lawton; Link Hart; Lloyd Koontz; Lois Jones; Lois Ruddell; Long Lake; Lonnie Metcalf; Loretta E. Hohn; Lottie Lee Lawton; Louis Edward Jordan, Sr.; Louis Leinhart; Louise B. Gore; Louise Brown Gore; Louise Wilson; Lucille Campbell; Lucille Niblack; Lucille Partin Niblack; Lynum Brothers; M. C. Hagen; M. L. Gary; M. L. Wright; M. M. Estes; Madeline Foltz; Mae King; Magnolia Street; Main Street; Margaret Culpepper Wolcott; Margaret Harper; Marguerite Covington; Marguerite Parson Partin; Marion Estes; Marsh harvester; Martha King Spinks; Martha Staley Leinhart; Marvin L. Wright; Mary Alice Aulin; Mary Brannon; Mary C. Wolcott; Mary Etta Chance; Mary Leinhart; Mary Leinhart Wright; Mary Ninde; Mary Young; Max Leinhart; Mead Manor; Meals on Wheels; Mediterranean architecture; Memorial Building; Meredith Brock; Merritt Staley; Methodists; middle schools; Mildred Adicks; Mills M. Lord; Milton Gore; Mimi Wheeler; Minnie King; Minnie Means; Myrtle Street; N. F. Lezette; Nanearl Bradley; Nannie B. Giles; neighborhoods; Nell George Morgan; Nell King Morgan; Nelson and Company; Nita Rawlson; Novella Carter Aulin Driggers; O. Gus Wolcott; O. P. Swope; OES; OHS; Olive Babbitt; Olive Lezette; Oliver Farnell; Oliver Swope; oranges; Oreon Burnett; orlando; Orlando Drive; Ouida Anderson Wolcott; Oviedo; Oviedo City Council; Oviedo City Hall; Oviedo Clinic; Oviedo Department of Public Safety; Oviedo Elementary School; Oviedo High School; Oviedo Historical Society; Oviedo Land Company; Oviedo Oaks; Oviedo School; Oviedo Woman's Club; Oviedo: Biography of a Town; OWC; Owens; P. B. Boston; Patsy A. Booth; Paul M. Campbell; Paul Mikler; Paul Slavik; Peck; Pennie Olliff; Pete McCall; Peter C. H. Pritchard; Peter Helliar; Phil Coree; physicians; pioneers; Plant System; porches; R. B. Black; R. F. Cooper; R. J. Lawton; R. W. Estes; R. W. Lawton; R. W. Whittier; railroad depots; railroads; Ransford C. Pyle; Richard Adicks; Richard Apel; Richfield; Rick Snow; Robert Holloway; Robert L. Ward; Robert Lawton, Jr.; Robert R. Barber; Robert Soka; Roberta Sparks Lingo; Roger Slavik; Rollins College; Ross F. Dunn; Ruby Estes; Ruby Jones; Russell Daniel; Ruth Davidson; Ruth Metcalf; S. E. Kirkland; S. J. Lewis and Company; S. L. Murphy; S. R. Rembert; Sam Stephens; Sam Swope; Samuel L. Robinson; Samuel Lincoln Murphy; Samuel William Swope; Sanford; Sanford and Indian River Railroad; Sans Souci; schools; Schweizer Associates; SCPS; Seminole County Public Schools; Shed Grove; Sky King; Slavia; Smith Street; Solary's wharf; South Florida Railroad; Sparks Lee Clonts Ridenour; Sparks Lee Ridenour; Spencer R. Wainwright; SR 419; St. Hebrew African Methodist Episcopal Church; St. Hebrew AME Church; Stalnick; Stan Tillman; Stanley Brokhausen; Stanley Muller; Stanley T. Muller; Steen Nelson; Steve Somers; Steven Sommers; Stewart Catchell; Stewart Gatchell; Sweetwater Creek; T. C. Brannon; T. L. Lingo, Jr.; T. L. Lingo, Sr.; T. W. Lawton; T. W. Lawton Elementary School; Ted Estes; Tedford; Terry Raburn; Thelma Lee Clonts; Thelma Tew; Theodore Luqueer Mead; Thomas K. Brown; Thomas Moon, Sr.; Thomas Ratliff; Thomas Staley; Thomas Weaton; Thomas Willingham Lawton; Todd Whitney; Tom Deal; Tom Hollingsworth; Tom Purdom; Tom Risher; Tommy Estes; tony Daniels; UCF; University of Central Florida; V. H. Sley; Virginia Mikler; Virginia Staley; W. A. Clark; W. A. Teague; W. B. Williams; W. B. Young; W. C. Alpaugh; W. C. Betsy Anne Carter Apel; W. G. Mikell; W. H. Martin; W. J. Lawton; W. J. Varn; W. K. Kimble; W. P. Carter; W. Rex Clonts; W. T. Chance; W. W. Young; Wallace Sommerville; Walter A. Teague; Walter Cart; Walter Carter; Walter Eugene Olliff; Walter Guynn; Walter Gwynn; Warren McCall; Wayne Standlifer; Whispering Oaks; Wiley Abell; William Browning; William H. Deering; William Hyatt; William Marr; William R. Marr; William Wiley Lee; William X. Ninde; Willie Poole; Willis; Winborn Joseph Lawton; Windmeadow Farms; Winter Park; Women's Society for Christian Service; Wyatt L. Wyatt; Wyatt Lawrence Wyatt; Yarborough; Young Harris; Zack Spinks; Zetta Leinhart
The Oviedian, Vol. VII
Tags: A. D. Sauer, Jr.; Agnes Herring Estes; Alberta Long; Aldred Cone; Alease Glassmire; Alice Adams; Alice Brannon; Alice Kathryn Aulin; Alicia Hepburn; Allen Cone; Anabel Denepe; Andrew Mertan; Anette Tripp; Anna Cedar; Annie Alice Kennedy; Annis Thompson; Arthur Hunter; Arthur Metcalf; Arthur Richards; Audrey Urich; Barbara Lee; Barbara Wheaton; basketball; Ben Jones; Ben Wainwright; Bennett Kimble; Bennie Ward; Bernice Wilson; Bessie Mae Carver; Betty Beatty; Betty Bradley; Betty Mikler; Beulah Borgard; Billy Casteel; Billy Gammage; Billy Rainer; Billy West; Blanche Duda; Bobby Hamil; Bobby Malcolm; Bobby Parker; Bobby Ragsdale; Bonita Woods; Buck Gammage; C. R. Clontz; Carlin McKinnon; Catherine Young; Cecil Jackson; Charles Aulin; Charles Lee, Jt.; Charles Olliff; Charline Weitman; Charlotte Beasley; Charlotte Lawton; Charlotte Sjoblon; Christine Jackson; Clarence Kelsey; Curtis Mitchem; Daniel Lukas; Darlene Allen; Deryl Brown; Donald Knight; donald Posengate; Doris Smith; Dorothy Lee; Dorothy R. Link; Dorthy Niblack; Dusan Lukas; Earl Beasley; Edith Clement; education; educator; Edward Dual; Edward Jordan, Jr.; Edward Parker; Edward Partin; Edwin Hamil; Eleane Wainright; Elizabeth Farnell; Elizabeth Gore; Elizabeth Hunter; Elizabeth Lawton; Elizabeth Mickler; Elizabeth Simmons; Elizabeth Young; Elmer Dann; Emile Cox; Emily Mitchem; Ena Piloian; Ernestine North; Esta Gammage; Ethel Davis; Eugene Allen; Eugenia Sumner; Eunice Clarke; Evelyn Bond; F. L. Smith; faculty; Ferrell Beasley; Florence Wheeler; Floyd Cooper; Floyd Wagner; Frances Beatty; Frank Wheeler, Jr.; Fred Kasell; Fred Townsend; Gene Gore; George Duda; George Jakubcin; George Kelsey; Geraldine Story; Gladys Kelsey; Grace Ann Maloy; Harold Jordan; Harold Varo; Harper; Harrie Ross; Harvey Kelsey; Helen Leinhart; Helen Slack; Herbert Davis; high school; Hope Allen; Ila Barton; Inex Smith; J. A. Bistline; J. B. Jones, Jr.; J. L. Malcolm; J. T. Hickson; Jack King; Jack Malcolm; Jack Varn; Jackie Kasell; Jacqueline Mills; James Davis; James Henry cooper; James Lawton; James Partin; Jammie Maloy; Jean Chance; Jerry Wilkerson; Jimmie Lee; Joanne Mesk; Joe Beasley; Johanna Dalbo; John Henry Wilson; John Jakubcin; John Lawton; Johnnie Piloian; Johnny Lundy; Josephine Godwin; Joyce Wainright; Juanita Johnson; Julia Jakubcin; June Cromwell; June Mariner Durbin; Katharine Houghton Hepburn; Kathryn Aulin; Kathryn Aulin Bunch; Kathryn Hepburn; Kathryn Lawton; Kellus Booker; Khadra Culpepper; L. E. Jordan; L. V. Moore, Jr.; Lacy Arie; Laddie Mariner; Leile Mae Wester; Leon Olliff; Leroy Woods; Levon Tanner; Lex Abell; Lillian Jakubcin; Lois Ruddell; Lona Aulin; Louise Parker; Lowell Thomas; Lowell Tripp; Lucila King; Lucille Gore; Lucille Partin; Lucy Piloian; Madeline Borgard; Maggie Harris; Malcolm Jones; Maple Swope; Margaret Harper; Margaret McCulley; Margie McClellan; Marguerite Partin; Marian Buoillon; Marion Borgard; Marion Stanko; Marjorie Wilkerson; Marlowe Link; Martha A. Moon; Martha Carraway; Martha Talbott; Mary Barr; Mary Frances Jordan; Mattie Pearl Jordan; Maurice Jacobs; Maxine Young; Meredith Horton; Merritt Staley; Mickey Chalker; Milan Jakubcin; Mildred Dinda; Mildred Lane; Mildred Wheaton; Milton Gore; Minnie King; Mona Dalbo; Morgan Tripp; Mr. Housewife; Naomi McCulley; Naomi McNeal; Nary Potter; Nell Williams; Nellie Bedenbaugh; Nellie Tindall; North; OHS; Olga Duda; Olga Jakubcin; Olive Lezette; Oliver Cromwell; Oliver Jacobs; Oviedo; Oviedo High School; Palmer Argo; Paul Lukas; Paul Mickler; Pauline Prevatt; Pennie Mitchem; Pete Aulin; Pete Hunt; Polly Mill; principal; R. F. Cooper; Ralph King; Rankin Shrewsbury; Ray Beasley; Reese Moon; Rex Clonts; Robert Lee; Robert Murphy; Roland Barnes; Roy Clontz; Russell Junt; Ruth Austin; Ruth Berns; Ruth Young; Sally Tippen; Sanlando; Sarkie Poloian; school; Selma Inex Smith; Seminole County School Board; Sharon Murphy; Sherdell Owen; Shirley Morgan; Sidney Carraway; Smith; Sonata Americana; Sparks Lee Lingo; Spencer Wainright; sport; Stella Booker; stenographer; student; T. L. Lingo; T. W. Lawton; teacher; Teddy Kimble; The Oviedian; Thomas Darling; Thompson; Tommy Staley; Turner Mae Owens; Valita Tripp; Viana Pope; Vickie Hepburn; Virginia Helgeson; Virginia Tortley; Virginia Wilkerson; Virginia Wright; Vivian Wheaton; W. A. Ward, Jr.; W. M. Haynes; Walter Carter; Walter Teague; Wanda Lee Anderson; Wayne Miller; Wiley Abell; Willa May Soles; Willingham Lawton; Woodrow Shuman; World War II; WWII; yearbook