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- Tags: South Carolina
The Long History of the African American Civil Rights Movement in Florida
Tags: 101st Airborne Division; 14th Amendment; 15th Amendment; 99th Fighter Squadron; A Red Record; African Americans; Afro-Cubans; American Civil War; Anderson, Patrick; Asa Philip Randolph; Atlanta Exposition; Bahamians; Barton, Juanita; beach; beaches; Bethel Baptist Institutional Church; Bethune-Cookman College; Bethune, Mary McLeod; Black Cabinet; Booker Taliaferro Washington; Brevard County; Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters; Brown v. Board of Education of Topek; bus boycotts; Callovi, Andrew; Central Florida; Cepero, Laura; Chambers v. Florida; Chaney, James; Charles Kenzie Steele; Chicago, Illinois; civil disobedience; civil rights; Civil Rights Act of 1875; Civil Rights Act of 1964; Civil Rights March; Civil Rights Movement; Clara White Mission; Cocoa; Cocoa Elementary School; Confederates; Constitution; Constitutional League of Florida; Cook, Jennifer; Cookman Institute; Corbett, Joseph Francis II; Dale Mabry Field; Davis, Ed; Davis, John A.; Daytona Beach; Democratic Party; desegregation; discrimination; disfranchisement; Double V Campaign; Dwight David Eisenhower; Eartha M. M. White; Eartha Mary Magdalene White; Eatonville; educators; Eisenhower, Dwight D.; Englehardt, Tanya; equal pay; exhibits; FDR; Federal Council of Negro Affairs; Fifteenth Amendment; Florida Civil Rights Act; Florida Memorial college; Florida Photographic Collection; Florida Streetcar Segregation Law; Florida Supreme court; Florida Teachers Association; Flynn, Jacob; Fort Lauderdale; Fourteenth Amendment; Franklin D. Roosevelt; Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Franklin, William; Freedom Riders; Freedom Rides; Freedom Summer; Garvey, Marcus; Gary, Bill; Gibson v. Board of Public Instruction of Dade County; Goff, Cynthia; Goodman, Andrew; Grant, Ulysses S.; Great Depression; Greensboro Sit-in; Greensboro, North Carolina; Groveland; Groveland Four; Harry T. & Harriette V. Moore Cultural Complex, Inc.; Hawkins, Virgil D.; Holland; Houser, Barbara; Houston, Texas; Howard, Willie James; Hurston, Zora Neale; Ida Bell Wells-Barnett; Ike Eisenhower; Jacksonville; Jakes, Wilhelmina; Jim Crow South; King, Martin Luther, Jr.; KKK; Knoxville, Tennessee; Ku Klux Klan; Library of Congress; Lincoln, Abraham; Literary and Industrial Training School for Negro Girls; Little Rock 9; Little Rock Central High School; Little Rock Nine; Little Rock, Arkansas; Live Oak; Lloyd, Rustin; lynchings; Madison County; Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Jr.; Marshall, Thurgood; Mary Jane McLeod Bethune; McCall, Willis V.; McDivitt, Anne Ladyem; Miami; Michael Henry Schwerner; Mississippi Plan; Montgomery Bus Boycott; Montgomery, Alabama; Moore, Harriette V.; Moore, Harriette Vyda Simms; Moore, Harry T.; Moore, Harry Tyson; NAACP; National Afro-American League; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; National Equal Rights League; NERL; New Deal; New York; Niagara Movement; Ocoee Massacre; Ocoee Riot; Omaha, Nebraska; Orchard Villa Elementary School; Palatka; Parks, Rosa; Patterson, Carrie; Payne, Jesse; Petitt, Joshua; Plessy v. Ferguson; Progressive Voter's League; protests; Pulaski, Tennessee; race relations; race riots; racial equality; racism; Randolph, A. Philip; Reconstruction; Red Summer of 1919; Republican Party; Robert Cassanello; Rosa Louise McCauley Parks; Rosewood Massacre; Saunders, Robert; Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture; Schwerner, Michael; Scottsboro Boys; Scottsboro, Alabama; SCOTUS; segregation; Selma, Alabama; separate but equal; Shepard; sit-ins; slavery; Sociedad la Union Marti-Maceo; soldiers; South Carolina; Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases; St. Augustine; State Library and Archives of Florida; Steele, C. K.; Supreme Court; Supreme Court of the United States; Syracuse, New York; Tallahassee; Tallahassee Bus Boycott; Tampa; teachers; The Long History of the African American Civil Rights Movement in Florida; Timothy Thomas Fortune; To Secure These Rights: The Report of the President's Committee on Civil rights; Truman, Harry S.; Turnbull, Lindsey; Tuskegee University; Tuskegee, Alabama; U.S. Armed Forces; U.S. Army; U.S. Supreme Court; UF; UNIA; Union; Universal Negro Improvement Association; University of Florida; veterans; voting; voting rights; Voting Rights Act of 1965; W. E. B. Du Bois; wade-ins; Waldron, J. Milton; Washington, Booker T.; Wells, Ida B.; Wetmore, J. Douglas; white supremacy; White, Clara; William Edward Burghardt Du Bois; Williams, Alice; Willis Virgil McCall; Wolfe, Jon; Woolworth; Woolworth's; World War II; WWII
Early Settlers of Orange County, Florida: Reminiscent-Historic-Biographic
Tags: 149th Pennsylvania Volunteer Company D; 1st Regiment Florida Volunteer Infantry; 2nd Regiment; A. A. Stone and Son; Abrams & Bryan; Addison, Illinois; Alabama; Alachua; Alden; Alexander, Elise; Allen, Edbert; Altamonte; Altamonte Springs; Altamonte Springs Hotel; Amarillo, Texas; American Antiquarian; American Revoluation; Anderson County, South Carolina; Angier, Edna I.; Ansonia, Connecticut; Apopka; Apopka Bank; Apopka Board of Trade; Apopka City; Apopka Drainage Company; Arkansas; Article 19; Astor; Astor Hotel; Athens, Georgia; Atlanta, Georgia; Atlantic City, New Jersey; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Augusta, Georgia; Back to the Soil; Baltimore College; Bank of Oakland; Barber, Andrew J.; Barber, Joseph A.; Barber, Maggie S. Simmons; Battle Creek, Michigan; Battle of Gettysburg; Battle of Shiloh; Battle of Vicksburg; Beck, Nannie Woodruff; Bedford County, Virginia; Beecher, Thomas K.; Beeman, H. L.; Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks; Berry, Jeane V.; Berry, Thomas W.; Berry, W. T.; Bingham School; Bird, Mary A.; Blakely, William P.; Blanchard, Charles; Blitz, J. M.; Board of Trade; Bogy Creek; Boone, C. A.; Boone's Early Orange; Boston, Massachusetts; Bradshaw; Bradshaw, Elise Alexander; Bradshaw, John Neill; Branche's Book Store; Brockton, Massachusetts; Brunswick, Georgia; Buck Horn Academy; Buck Tails; Buffalo, New York; Bullock; Burlington, Indiana; Burritt College; C. A. Boone and Company; Caldwell, C. V.; Calhoun County, Michigan; California; Cameron, Texas; Camp Monroe; Carnell, Willie; Carothers, Alice Bennett; Carson and Newman College; Carter; Center Township, Pennsylvania; Central Avenue; Chalmette, Louisiana; Chapman; Chapman, E. G.; Chapman, Foster; Chapman, John C.; Chapman, John T.; Chapman, Mattie P.; Chapman, R. Ethelyn; Chapman, Thomas A.; Chapman, William A.; Charleston Block; Chase Grove; Chasel Graves, James W.; Cheney & Odlin; Cheney, J. M.; Chicago, Illinois; China Grove; Church Street; Cincinnati Commercial; Citizens' National Bank of Orlando; citrus; Civil War; Clark County, Indiana; Clay Spring; Clay springs; Clerwater, Minnesota; Clouser, C. A.; Clouser, J. B.; Coacoochee; Cobb County, Georgia; Cockney; Coffee, John; Collins, Ailsey; Colorado; Columbia County; Columbia, Mississippi; Comanche, Oklahoma; Commandery; Como, Tennessee; Cones, Elliot; Confederacy; Confederate Army; Congress; Constitution; Conway; Conyers Academy; Conyers, Georgia; Cook's Ferry; Council Oak; County Antrim; county commissioner; Covington, Georgia; Cracker culture; Crawford, George W.; Crawfordville, Georgia; Creek Indians; Creeks; Crisey & Norris; Crown Point; Crown Point, Indiana; Cuba; Curtis & O'Neal; Curtis, Fletcher & O'Neal; Dade County; Dann Real Estate Agency; Dann, R. Edgar; Danville, Pennsylvania; Davidson College; Davis, E. H.; Davis, Frank H.; Davis, Mary; Demans, P. A.; Devlin, Minnie Elizabeth; Dickenson, Cynthia Ann Roberta; Dillard, J. L.; District School Trustees; Dixie; Dolive, W. L.; Dollins, Alice J. Rushing; Dollins, Alice Strickland; Dollins, Carl W.; Dollins, Hugh; Dollins, Hugh D.; Dollins, Kellie Rushing; Dollins, L. J.; Dollins, Mary; Dollins, Thomas A.; Dr. Stark; Dreer's; Dubuque, Iowa; Duke, James K.; Duke, Mary Kerr; Dule West, South Carolina; DuPage County, Illinois; Eastman's Business College; Efurt, Thuringia, Germany; Elizabethtown, New Jersey; Elks Club; Elm Grove Academy; Elmire Female College; Emmett, Michigan; Empire Hotel; England; Erksine College; Eureka; Everglades; Ewing, Earl W.; Ewing, Willie Carnell; Fairfield; Farrel Iron Foundry; FEC; Fernandez, Hallie G.; Fernandez, Henry Gore; Fifth New Hampshire Regiment; Fifth Tennessee Infantry; First Baptist Church of Orlando; First National Bank of Cameron; First Presbyterian Church of Orlando; Fleming; Flemming, Francis P.; Florida; Florida Association of Architects; Florida Board of Architecture; Florida Citrus Exchange; Florida Cracker; Florida Midland Railroad; Florida Railroad Commission; Florida State Legislature; Florida State Senate; Fogg, N. H.; Ford Estate; Forest; Forst house; Fort Christmas; Fort Gatlin; Fort Mellon; Fort Myers; Fort Reed; France; Francis, Margaret M.; Franklin County, Tennessee; freemason; freeze; Fruit Growers' Association; Fudge, James; Gadsen County; Gainesville; Gainesville, Alabama; Galia County, Ohio; Gallowy, Nannie; Gardner, Maine; Garrett, Hardy; General Florida Statutes; Georgia; Georgia University; Giles, Edna Adelima; Giles, James L.; Giles, Leroy B.; Gore, Mahlon; Gotha; Gotha, Germany; Grand Theatre; Grant, Ulysses S.; Graves, Anna L.; Graves, Arthur F; Graves, George T.; Graves, Helen Louise; Graves, I. W.; Graves, James W.; Graves, Minnie M.; Great Freeze; Greek architecture; Greeley; Greensboro, Alabama; Greenwood; Griffin, :Lawrence Jefferson; Griffin, Able; Griffin, Benjamin Luther; Griffin, Helen; Griffin, Henrietta E.; Griffin, Hilda; Griffin, John W.; Griffin, Rebekah Wilcox; Griffin, Samuel S.; Griffin, Stanley S.; Griffin, Willie L. Vick; Griffin, Yancey R.; Grundy County, Illinois; Guilford, Connecticut; Guinnett County, Georgia; Guyette County, Georgia; Gwinnett County, Georgia; Halifax County, North Caroline; Halstead, Murat; Hand, C. M.; Hand, Carey; Hand, Charlie M.; Hand, Elijah; Hand, Harry E.; Hand, Henry; Happersett, S. H.; Happersett, Stella Alcesta Rollins; Harlem, Illinois; Harrisburg High School; Harrison, Minnie Odella; Havana, Illinois; Heard National Bank of Jacksonville; Henck, E. W.; Herd County, Georgia; Hernando County; Hertford County, North Carolina; Hill, Ben; Hill, W. J.; Hillsboro, Tennessee; Hiwassee College; Hoffner, Charles H.; Hoffner, Edna I. Angier; Hoffner, Harry A.; Holshouser, Cynthia Ann Roberta Dickenson; Holshouser, Linnie Wilkins; Home Guards; Homestead; Honduras; Hoole, James L.; Hoosier Springs Grove; House of Representatives; Houston, Texas; Howard, Clarence E.; Howard's Grove, Wisconsin; Hudnal, Edward; Hudson; Hudson Battery; Hudson, Alfred B.; Hughey, J. P.; Hughey, John; Hull, Emily Harriett; Hull, William Benjamin; Hupple, Bernhart; Hupple, Friederika; Hyers, T. G.; Illinois; Indian architecture; Indian River; Indian River, Georgia; Ireland; Irmer, Lillian Maguire; Iron Bridge; Ironton, Ohio; Italy; J. B. Clouser and company; Jackson; Jackson, Helen Augusta; Jackson, Joseph; Jacksonvile; Jefferson City, Tennessee; Jerome, H.; Jerome, R. P.; John Hopkins Hospital; Johnson, Joseph, E.; Jones, John W.; Jones, W. S.; Journegan; Kendrick; Kentucky; Kerr, John P; Kerr, Margaret; Kerr, Mary; Kerr, Sarah Howard; Killingworth, Connecticut; Kilmer, Washington; Kincaid, M. C.; King Philip; King, Murray S.; Kirkwood; Kissimmee; Knights of Pythias; Knights Templar; Krez, Conrad; Kunz, George f.; Lake Apopka; Lake Butler; Lake Charity; Lake Conway; Lake Eola; Lake Faith; Lake Hope; Lake Howell; Lake Jessamine; Lake Monroe; Lake Osceola; Lakeland; Lakeview Cemetery; Laughlin, Frances; Lebanon, Ohio; Lee County, Texas; Lee University; Lee, A.; Lewis, Arthur A.; Lewis, Grace; Lewis, James M.; Lewis, Joseph M.; Lewter, Elva jouett; Lewter, Frederick Augustus; Lewter, Frederick Augustus, Jr.; Lewter, Irma; Lewter, Jewell; Lewter, John T.; Lewter, Laura Louise; Lewter, Linnie Wilkins Holshouser; Lewter, Mary Davis; Lewter, Medora Inex; Lewter, Robert Dickenson; Lewter, Roberta; Lewter, William Ferderick; Lewter, Zelma Kight; Lightwood Camp; Litchfield; Lockhart; Loganville, Georgia; London, England; Longwood; Longwood Hotel; Lord, Charles; Louisville, Kentucky; Loveless, Harry; Lovell House; Lucerne Circle; Lucerne Theatre; Lumsden, H. A.; Luther, E.; Luther, Martin; Lynch, William Brigham; MacDonald, Robert; Macon, Georgia; Madison, James; Magnolia Avenue; Magnolia Hotel; Magruder, C. B.; Magruder, James Bailey; Maguire, Charles Hugh; Maguire, David O.; Maguire, Fred H.; Maguire, J. O.; Maguire, Lillian; Maguire, Margaret M.Francis; Maguire, Rayner F.; Maguire, Thomas C; Maguire, Washington University; Main Street; Maine; Maitland; Manchester High School; Manchester, New Hampshire; Marion County; Marks; Martin, Matthew; Martin, William; Maryland; Mason; Masonic Lodge; Masons; Massey & Warlow; Massey & Willcox; Massey, Keating & Willcox; Massey, L. C.; Massey, Louis C.; Matchett, J. W.; Mathews, Monroe; McAdow, Marian A.; McKinley, William; Meadows; Mecca; Mellen, Charles; Mellonville; Mercer University; Methodist Episcopal Church, South; Metropolitan Museum of Arts; Miles, Elizabeth J.; Miller, A. C.; Mills; Minor, Tyrannus J.; Missionary Baptist Church; Mitchell; Mizell, Joshua; Monroe; Moore County, Tennessee; Moore's Business College; Mosquito County; Mount Olivet Cemetery; Murfreesboro, North Carolina; Murphy, North Carolina; Muscatine, Iowa; Muzzy Eva L.; Muzzy, Eden; Nashville, Tennessee; Nassaua; National Guard of Florida; Native Birds of Song and Beauty; Nehrling, Carl; Nehrling, Elizabeth Ruge; Nehrling, Henry; Neill, John L.; Neill, Sarah Clay; New Mexico; New Orleans, Louisiana; New Smyrna, Florida; New York; Newton, A. B.; Newton, Alice Bennett Carothers; Newton, Isaac; Newton, Minnie Odella Harrison; Niemeyer, F. J.; North Carolina; North Carolina University; Northampton County, North Carolina; O'Neal, William R.; Oak Lodge; Oak Ridge; Oakland; Ocoee; Odd Fellows; Odlin, L.; Ohio; Orange Avenue; Orange Belt Railroad; orange county; Orange County Board of Commissioners; Orange County Board of Public Instruction; Orange County Court; Orange County Criminal Court; Orange County Democratic Executive Committee; Orange County Fair Association; Orange County Pioneers' Association; Orange County School Board; Orange County, North Carolina; oranges; orlando; Orlando Bank and Trust Company; Orlando Board of Trade; Orlando Coast Line Railroad; Orlando Country Club; Orlando Driving Park Association; Orlando Electric Lighting; Orlando High School; Orlando Telephone Company; Orlando Water company; Osborn, L. C.; Osceola; Osceola County; Overstreet Crate Company; Overstreet Turpentine Company; Overstreet, Elizabeth; Overstreet, Hazel; Overstreet, Mildred; Overstreet, Moses M.; Overstreet, R. Ethelyn; Overstreet, Rachel E.; Overstreet, Robert T.; Palatka; Palm Beach; Palm Cottage; Palmer, Jerome; Palmer, W. L.; Palmer, Willis L.; Panola County, Mississippi; Paris, Tennessee; Parramore, Minnie M. Grave; Patrick, W. A.; Pennfeld, Michigan; Pennington Grove; Pennsylvania; People's Party; Peoples Bank of Sanford; Peoples National Bank of Orlando; Perry County, Pennsylvania; Pettus Artillery; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Pickens; Pigue; Pike County, Mississippi; Pine Castle; Pine Street; Plant City; Plymouth; Porter, Dwight D.; Pughkeepsie, New York; R. H. White Dry Goods Company; Randolph Peninsula; Rawlins, Anna L. Grave; Rawls, E. Judson; Reasoner Brothers; Richmond College; Richmond, Virginia; Roanoke, Virginia; Roberts, Alice J.; Robinson Avenue; Robinson Spring; Robinson, Samuel Austin; Rock Ledge, Georgia; Rollins College; Rollins, Florida Estelle; Rollins, Helen; Rollins, Helen Augusta Jackson; Rollins, John H.; Rollins, Stella Alcesta; Roman architecture; Roosevelt, Theodore; Roper; Roper, Alice; Royal and Select Master Masons of Florida; Royal Arch Masons; Rushing, Kellie; Russell County, Alabama; Rutland's Ferry; Sadler, Alice L.; Sadler, Anna E.; Sadler, John H.; Sadler, Minnie M. Tilden; Salem, Michigan; Saline County, Illinois; Sanford; Sanford High School; Saulsbury, North Carolina; Saunders-Massey, Elizabeth M.; Savannah, Georgia; Schohant, New York; Sea Island cotton; Seaboard Coast Air Line Railroad; Searcy, James; Searcy, John Neill; Searcy, Robert; Searcy, Sarah Clay Neill; Secession Convention; Secoffee; Second Seminole War; Seegar, S. J. T.; Seminole County; Seminole County Bank; Seminole County Sheriff; Seminole Hotel Company of Winter Park; Seminole Indians; Seminole Wars; Seminoles; Senate; Sentinel Printing; settlers; Shakespeare, William; Shannon, Mississippi; Sheboggan County, Wiscosin; Shelbyville, Indiana; Sherman; Shiloh; Shine, Elizabeth Agnes; Simmons, Maggie S.; Simpson, William; Sims Grove; Sims, B. M.; Sims, Eugene O.; Sims, J. Walter; Smith, Elizabeth J. Miles; Smith, Walter; Smith, William; South Apopka; South Apopka Supply Company; South Carolina; South Florida Fair Association; South Florida Foundry and Machine Company; South Florida Railroad; South Lake Apopka Citrus Growers' Association; Southern Express Company; Spanish Mission architecture; Spanish-American War; Sparkman; Speer; Speer, A.; Speer, Alice Roper; Speer, Gertrude K.; Speer, J. G.; Speer, James P.; Speer, Jason P.; Speer, Sidney; Speer, William; Spencer County, Tennessee; St. Augustine; St. Johns County; St. Johns River; State Bank of Orlando; Staunton, Virginia; Steinmetz, John B.; Stevens County, Oklahoma; Stewart, J. C.; Stone, A. A.; Stone, Alvord Alonzo; Stone, L. L.; Stone, Lovell Lazell; Strickland, Alice; Strong, Edward Malten; Sub-Tropical Mid-Winter Exposition; Summer Street; Summerlin Hotel; Summerlin House; Swedes; Sweeney, Robert; Switzerland; T. J. Minor and Brother; Taft, William H.; Talbot County, Georgia; Tallahassee; Tampa; Tampa & Gulf Railroad; Taylor Safe Manufacturing Company; Telfair County, Georgia; Tennessee; Texas; Thayer, Jessie M.; The Arcade; The Auk; The Citizen; The Jacksonville Times-Union; The Lodge; The Orange County citizen; The Orange County Reporter; The Orlando Reporter-Star; The Orlando Star; The Reporter-Star; The Seminole; The Sentinel; The Tampa Tribune; Thompson, Albert; Thompson, Dexter C.; Three Graces Lakes; Tiedkie; Tilden; Tilden, L. F.; Tilden, Minnie M.; Titusville; Toronto, Canada; Town Herman, Wisconsin; Trammell, Park; Tullahoma, Tennessee; Turner, Anna Belle; Tuscaloosa County, Alabama; Tyner, C. R.; Union; University Law School; University of Pennsylvania; Vanderbilt; Vermont; Vick, J. H.; Vick, Willie L.; Vicksburg; Virginia; Wakalla, South Carolina; Wallerfield Sarah A.; Walton, Edwin S.; Warlow, T. Picton; Warnell Lumber Company; Warnell Lumber company Millers; Washington Place; Washington, D. C.; Watkins Block; Watson; Weathersbee, Allen; Wekiva River; Wekiwa River; Wekiwa Springs; Welaka; West Virginia; White, W. G.; Whitner, J. N.; Wiggs, Annie B.; Wilcox County, Georgia; Wilcox, Mark; Wilcox, Rebekah; Winter Garden; Winter Garden Water and Light Company; Winter Park; Wisconsin Men of Progress; Witherington, Anna Belle Turner; Witherington, H. H.; Woodruff & Watson; Woodruff, Ailsey Collins; Woodruff, Elizabeth Agnes Shine; Woodruff, Emma; Woodruff, Frank; Woodruff, Frank L.; Woodruff, Minnie Elizabeth Devlin; Woodruff, Nannie Galloway; Woodruff, Seth; Woodruff, Seth W.; Woodruff, W. W. W.; Woodruff, William W.; World's Fair; Yowell-Duckworth Building; Yulee Railroad; Zellwood
Oral History of Warren McFarland
Tags: A&P grocery; abbreviations; ACL; agency checks; Alaska; American Morse Code; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; auditors; audits; Avon Park; Avon Park Atlantic Coast Line Train Station; barge lines; bugs; California; carpal tunnel syndrome; Central Florida Railroad Museum; Chicago, Illinois; communication limits; communications; computer-assisted train dispatching; conscription; CTS; Dallas, Texas; Department of Transportation; DOT; drafts; equal pay; extra boards; FCC; Federal Communications Commission; first solid-state amplifiers; first transcontinental telegraphs; Florida Boom; Frances Perkins Building; freight warehouses; Geoffrey Cravero; grocery clerks; grocery stores; Guglielmo Marconi; ham radio operators; ham radios; Hawaii; historical preservation; HOS; Hours of Service; ICC; International Morse Code; Interstate Commerce Commission; landline telegraphers; landline telegraphs; landline telegraphy; Montana; Morse Telegraph Club, Inc.; Nevada; Ocala; Ocala Union Station; Ohio; orlando; paid vacations; Pony Express; Prince Albert tobacco cans; railroad agents; railroad depots; Railroad Morse; Railroad Safety and Service Agent; railroad stations; railroading; railroads; railways; regulations; resonators; Ronald Reagan; Ronald Wilson Reagan; safety inspections; SAL; Samuel Finley Breese Morse; Samuel Morse; San Francisco, California; Seaboard Air Line Depot; Seaboard Air Line Railroad; social clubs; solid-state amplifiers; sounders; South Carolina; speed keys; stagecoach routes; TAPS; Tavares & Gulf Railroad; telegraph instruments; telegraph keys; telegrapher's paralysis; telegraphers; telegraphs; telegraphy; telephones; teletypes; Tennessee; text abbreviations; The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company; train depots; train dispatchers; train dispatching; train stations; trains; Trans-Alaska Pipeline System; transcontinental telegraphs; UCF; University of Central Florida; Utah; Virginia; Warren McFarland; Washington, D.C.; waybills; Western Union; Winter Garden; wireless telegraphers; wireless telegraphs; wireless telegraphy; World War II; WWII; yard checks
"The Entrance of the Faith in the Eastern Part of the Peninsula and Some Early Presbyterian Plantings in the Region of Saint Johns Presbytery" Manuscript
Tags: Americus, Georgia; Apopka; Army; Baker, Archibald; baptism; Beresford; Boone, Cornelia Frances; Boone, Janette Bruce; Boone, Mattie; Bruce, Agnus Donald; Bruce, Cornelia Frances Marks; Caldwell, Andrew C.; Caldwell, Andrew Curran; Caldwell, Julie Doak; Caldwell, Robert Ernest; Caldwell, Sallie Davidson; Christiania, Norway; church; church elder; circuit rider; Columbia County; Convention of the General Assembly; Darlington; deacon; DeLand; Dubose, John C.; education; elder; enterprise; Episcopal Church; Episcopalian; Episcopalianism; Euchee Valley; evangelism; evangelist; Evangelist of Florida Presbytery; Everglades; Fort Dallas; Fort Maitland; Fort Mellon; Fort Read; Galloway, Francis Lee; Galloway, Nancy; Gamble, William G.; Gould; Gould, Benjamin; Gound, Benjamin; Graften, C. W.; Green; Greensboro, North Carolina; Harrington; Holland; Holland, Ella; Holland, Herbert; Holland, Sarah Cochrane; Holland, Ursula; Lake Apopka; Leesburg; Little, James; Luraville; Madison; Maitland; Mar's Bluff, South Carolina; Markes, Maggie; Marks; Marks, Adeline Tomlinson; Marks, Jacinta; Marks, Maggie; Marks, Matthew R.; marriage; Mason; Mason, Zolotus; McCorkle, S. V.; McCormack, J. W.; McIlvaine, William E.; McLean, Josephine; McLean, Madison; McLean, Maggie; Mecklenburg County, North Carolina; Mellonville; Methodism; Methodist; Methodist church; Miami; Micanopy; mission; Montgomery, F F.; Montgomery, John W.; Native American; Nichols, Maria Stone; North Carolina; North Florida; Oakland; orange county; Orange House; orlando; Pensacola; pioneer; Presbyterian; Presbyterian church; Presbyterianism; Read, Ford; Rees, Margaret Bruce; religious education; reverend; Rossetter; Rossetter, Appleton T.; Saint Johns Presbytery; Sanford; school; Scotland; Seminole; Seminole War; settlement; Silver Lake Church; South Carolina; Speer; Speer, James G.; St. Johns River; Stagg, John W.; Stockton; Stockton, North Carolina; Sumter County; Sunday school; Suwannee County; Tallahassee; Telford; Telford, R. L.; Telford, William B.; The Early Planting of Presbyterianism in West Florida; The Entrance of the Faith in the Eastern Part of the Peninsula and Some Early Presbyterian Plantings in the Region of Saint Johns Presbytery; Tufts, Edgar; Turner, George D.; U.S. Army; Volusia County; Walton County; Watson; wedding; Weinrich, Charles; West Florida; Whipple; Whitner, Amelia Melvina Howard; Whitner, B. F.; Whitner, B.F.; Whitner, J. N.; Whitner, Joseph Newton; Whitner, Mary Golphin; Whitner, Sarah Jane Church; Willy, John; Woodruff, Nancy Galloway; Woodruff, W. W.; Wylly, George W.; Young People's Musical Group