Browse Items (26 total)
- Tags: airplanes
Action Center USA
Tags: airplanes; airports; amusement parks; Arnold Daniel Palmer; Arnold Palmer; arts; automobiles; baseballs; Billy Kelly; boating; boats; Bruce Devlin; Bruce William Devlin; Cape Kennedy; cars; Central Florida Museum; chambers of commerce; church; churches; citrus; citrus groves; Citrus Open Golf Tournament; City Beautiful; City of Orlando; cold war; colleges; Colonial Plaza Mall; Commerce; County of Orange; Dean Refram; Delta Air Lines; dog racing; Doug Sanders; Downtown Orlando; Eastern Air Lines; Elegant Company; festivals; Florida Symphony Orchestra; Florida Technological University; footballs; FTU; George Alfred Christian Knudson; George Douglas Sanders; George Knudson; Glover; golf; golfers; Graduate Engineering Education System; Grant Gravitt; Herndon Municipal Airport; highways; I-4; industrial parks; Interstate 4; jai alai; Jim Carlton; Joan Roberts; Julius Boros; Julius Nicholas Boros; Lake Eola; Lake Eola Park; libraries; library; Loch Haven Art Center; Mad Tea Party; manufacturing; marching bands; Martin Marietta Corporation; McCoy AFB; McCoy Air Force Base; McCoy Jetport; Minnesota Twins; Minute Maid Company; monorails; motor vehicles; National Airlines; orange county; Orange County School System; oranges; orchestras; orlando; Orlando Area Chamber of Commerce; Orlando businesses; Orlando Central Park; Orlando Junior College; Orlando Panthers; Orlando Public Library; Orlando Twins; paintings; parks; planes; Player; retail; roads; Rollins College; Rule; schools; Seven Dwarfs; shopping; shopping malls; shops; space; space age; space race; sports; Spring Training; stores; Sunny Fader; synagogues; Tangerine Bowl; technology; Tel Air Interests, Inc.; theme parks; Tupperware Brands; UF; University of Florida; Vanda Cosmetics; Walt Disney; Walt Disney World Resort; Walter Elias Disney; water skiing; Weiskopf; Winter Park; Winter Park Sidewalk Art Festival; Xerox Corporation
B-52G Model from McCoy Air Force Base
Barrage T-Shirt
Dr. Calvin D. Fowler Interviewed After Astronaut Gordon Cooper's Spaceflight
Tags: airplanes; Astronaut Group 1; astronauts; Atlas 130D; Cal Fowler; Calvin D. Fowler; Cocoa Beach; Faith 7; Goddard Space Flight Center; Gordo Cooper; Gordon Cooper; John Glenn; John Herschel Glenn, Jr.; Kearsarge; Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr.; MA-9; Manned Spacecraft Center; Mercury; Mercury 7; Mercury Control Center; Mercury Seven; Mercury-Atlas; Mercury-Atlas 9; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Original Seven; outer space; planes; Project Mercury; Robert B. Voss; space exploration; space programs; spaceflight; USS Kearsarge; Wiley Hardeman Post; Wiley Post
Evolution of Heavy-Duty Power Generation and Industrial Combustion Turbines in the United States
Tags: 191-9; 1973 Oil Crisis; 501F Advanced Combustion Turbine; 501F rotors; 701F; A. J. Scalzo; A286; Advanced Turbine Systems; airplanes; AISI 310; AISI 422; American Society of Mechanical Engineers; ASME; Atoms for Peace Program; ATS; Baldwin Company; blast furnace engines; BOT; burner outlet temperature; Chance Vought Corsair; Chicago Works; clean coal; cogeneration; cold war; compressor integral vanes; cooling systems; CURVIC; DCF; direct coal-fired; directionally solidified; Discalloy 24; DOE; Dow Chemical Company; DS; Dwight D. Eisenhower; Dwight David Eisenhower; ECONOPAC; ECY768; engines; Fiat Avio; Fuel Use Act; G. S. Howard; Gas Turbine Age; Gleason Works; Hastelloy X; Hayes International; Haynes Stellite 31; heat recovery; heavy-duty power generation; hybrid burners; IGCC; Ike Eisenhower; IN617l International Nickel Company; IN713L U500; industrial combustion turbines; integrated gasification combined cycle; International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition; J30; J34; jet fighters; Joule-Brayton cycle; LCF; leading edge groove; LEG; low cycle fatigue; M. Decorso; Marine Gas Cooled Reactors Program; McDonnell Douglas FH-1 Phantom; McDonnell F2H Banshee; McDonnell FH Phantom; MGCR; MHI; Mississippi River Fuel Company system; Mitsubishi Heavy Industries; Morgantown Energy Technology Center; NACA; NACA 65; Northeast Blackout; nuclear power plants; nuclear submarines; nuclear subs; Oil Embargo; orlando; packaged power plants; Patuxent Flight Test Center; PFB; PGBU; Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad; planes; Power Generation Business Unit; pressurized fluidized bed; Public Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, PURPA; R. L. Bannister; railroads; Rankine cycle; RIT; rotor inlet temperature; SC; Sermetech International Incorporated; Sermetel 5380DP; simple cycle package; single crystal; single row 1 vanes; Special Metals Companies; steam turbines; TG501; thermodynamics; turbine discs; U.S. Department of Energy; U.S. Naval Test Laboratory; U.S. Navy; U.S. Steel Corporation; U520; Union Railroad; W101; W121; W122; W171; W191; W201; W201RE; W21; W251; W251 B12; W251A; W251AA; W251B; W251B10; W251B12; W251B8; W251BS; W301; W31; W352; W41; W501A; W501AA; W501B; W501D; W501D5; W52; W62; W72; W81; W82; W92; WE19A; WE19B; West Texas Utilities; West Texas Utilities San Angelo's Power Station; Westinghouse Electric Corporation; Westinghouse Research Laboratory; Wolverine; World War II; WWII; X-750; X45
First Flight Test of the WE19B Engine Under Chance Vought Corsair FG-1
Géromois, le 29 Mai, Ayez une Pensée pour Dean POST
Tags: 352nd Fighter Group; 357th Fighter Group; 364th Fighter Squadron; airplanes; André Clair; aviators; bombers; Boulevard Kelsch; Clefcy; crash; crashes; Dean N. Post, Jr.; Evelines; Gérardmer, France; Harris; KIA; killed in action; Martimpré, France; Nathan Lévy; pilots; planes; U.S. Army; U.S. Army Air Corps; veterans; World War II; WWII
Lieutenant Dean N. Post, Jr.'s Airplane After Crash
Missing Air Crew Report for Second Lieutenant Doyle Fleming Nee
Missing Air Crew Report Statement for First Lieutenant Doyle Fleming Nee
Missing Crew Report for Lieutenant Dean N. Post, Jr.
Newark Airport Postcard
Oral History of Alice Kathryn Aulin Bunch
Tags: aircraft; airplanes; Alice Kathryn Aulin Bunch; Andrew Aulin III; Andrew Aulin, Jr.; Andy Aulin; AWS; bank tellers; banks; Baptist Training Union; Baptist Young Peoples Union; Baptists; Bettye Jean Aulin McGill; Bettye Jean Aulin Reagan; Billy Beatrice Bunch Parrot; BTU; BYPU; Charles Warren Aulin; church; churches; citrus; Downtown Orlando; Downtown Oviedo; Evans; Frank Wheeler; Frank Wheeler, Jr.; history harvests; Lawton; Lee; Llewellyn Roberts Bartlett, Jr.; Martha Lenora Aulin Wheeler; Mary Alice Powell Aulin; Mary Bunch; Mary Kathryn Bunch Hamby; Mary Leonora Aulin Bartlett; Mattie Aulin Wheeler; Methodists; Naval Training Center Orlando; Nelson and Company; NTC Orlando; OHS; oranges; orlando; Oviedo; Oviedo Historical Society; Oviedo History Harvest; Oviedo School; packing; planes; Porsha Dossie; Richard Burdette Bunch; Robert Lee Wheeler; sailors; servicemen; soldiers; Steen Nelson; swimming pools; U.S. Army Air Force Aircraft Warning Service; U.S. Navy; World War II; WWII
Oral History of Curt Sawyer
Tags: 45th Parallel North; 75th Ranger Regiment; Air Assault Badge; Air Assault School; Airborne School; aircraft; airplanes; alcohol; alcoholic beverages; Army Air Assault School; Army Airborne School; Army Ranger; balaclava; bugle notes; C-130; C-141; C-160; Community Veterans History Project; Connie Mack; Cornelius Alexander McGillicuddy II; Cornelius Alexander McGillicuddy III; Corsica, France; cows; Curt Sawyer; CVHP; Demilitarized Zone; Democratic People's Republic of Korea; Department of Veterans Affairs; deployments; DMZ; Dojuan Sawyer; DPRK; DZ; Ed Hoyt; Edison Community College; education; Eglin AFB; Eglin Air Force Base; enlistment; fast strobing; firstie; Florida SouthWestern State College; Fort Benning, Georgia; Fort Myers, Florida; Forty-Fifth Parallel North; French Foreign Legion; GI Bill; Guard Post Ouellette; Itaewon, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, South Korea; Iver; Jeep; Joint Readiness Training Center; JRTC; Jump School; Korean War; Land Rovers; line platoons; Lisa Dojuan; Lockheed C-130 Hercules; Lockheed C-141 Starlifter; military benefits; military education; military training; North Korea; Officer Basic Corps; parachutes; planes; plebe years; plebes; R&R; Ranger; Ranger Regiment; Ranger School; RB-15; Republic of Korea; rest and recuperation; Robin Dunn; ROK; Sabalauski Air Assault School; San Francisco, California; Savannah, Georgia; scout platoon; scout platoons; Seoul, South Korea; Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944; Seventy-Fifth Ranger Regiment; soju; soldiers; South Korea; Special Operations Command; Tennessee; training; Transall C-160; TSAAS; U.S. Army; U.S. Army Special Operations Command; U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs; United States Military Academy at West Point; USASOC; USMA; VA; veterans; Veterans Affairs; watch caps; West Point; yearly; Zodiac
Oral History of George G. McGuire
Tags: 2nd Lieutenant; African Enterprise; AFROTC; Air Force; Air Force Reserve Officers' Training Corps; aircraft; airplanes; Ambassador; AMC; ammunition procurement division; Armed Forces Staff College; Army Materiel Command; Army Military Intelligence Readiness Command; BAA; baht; Bangkok, Thailand; bargains; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; bribery; bribes; business administration; Buy American Act of 1933; C-130; cargo; Chokchai Building; Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints; CID; comfort girls; Community Veterans History Project; Congress; conscription; construction; consultants; contract administrators; contracting; contractors; corruption; Criminal Investigator's Department; CVHP; DCAS; declaration of war; Defense Contract Administration Services; deputy directors; DOD; Downtown Bangkok; drafts; Durban, South Africa; engineering; engineers; Fawley, England; Fussa, Japan; George C. McGuire; George Washington University; GWU; hospitals; Judy Scherer; Korea; Lake Washington; LDS Church; legislation; lieutenant colonel; Lockheed C-130 Hercules; McCoy AFB; McCoy Air Force Base; Ministry of Defense; MIRC; Missouri; Mom Rajawongse Seni Pramoj; Mormonism; Mormons; NAS Sand Point; Naval Air Station Sand Point; New Jersey; New York City, New York; New York Harbor; Norfolk, Virginia; Notre Dame, Indiana; OIA; oil; oil refineries; oil refinery; orlando; Orlando AFB; Orlando Air Force Base; Orlando International Airport; Osan AB; Osan Air Base; OSI; planes; President of Thailand; presidents; procurement centers; procurement officers; prostitutes; prostitution; Pyeongtaek-si,South Korea; regulations; Reserve Officers' Training Corps; retirement; Rock Island Arsenal; Rose Marie Scherer; ROTC; sailboats; sailing; scandals; Seattle, Washington; Second Lieutenant; Seni Pramoj; Seni Pramoj, Mom Rajawongse; Seoul, South Korea; sex workers; Single Manager for Conventional Ammunition; Squadron Officer School; Statue of Liberty; Summit, New Jersey; Thai; Thai Ministry of Defense; Thailand; tour of duty; U.S. Air Force; U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations; U.S. ambassador; U.S. Army; U.S. Army Materiel Command; U.S. Army Military Intelligence Readiness Command; U.S. Department of Defense; U.S. Navy; UND; University of Notre Dame; University of Notre Dame du La; USAF; USAFOSI; veterans; Vietnam; Vietnam War; Warsaw, Missouri; Washington, D.C.; Whiteman AFB; Whiteman Air Force Base; World War II; WWII; Yokota AB; Yokota Air Base
Oral History of Gordon Pierce and Trina Cothrin
Tags: A School; A-4; Afghanistan; aircraft carriers; airplanes; Arctic Ocean; aviation maintenance administrators; aviation metalsmiths; aviation structural mechanics; Baldwin Park; basic training; boot camps; Bruce Pierce; Buffalo, New York; CENTCOM; Chief Yeoman; cold war; Community Veterans History Project; Company Commander; Correctional and Instructional Standards Division Officer; CVHP; Douglas A-4 Skyhawk; education; Enduring Freedom; enlistment; F-14; facsimile; fax; Fighter Squadron 124; firefighting; Firefighting School; fires; Fleet Logistics Support Squadron 58; Florida State Road 436; Global War on Terror; Gordon Pierce; graduations; Great Lakes, Illinois; Grinder; Grumman F-14 Tomcat; GWOT; instructors; Islamic Republic of Afghanistan; Jacksonville; James Pierce; Key West; liquid oxygen; Lone Sailor Memorial Project; LSMP; MacDill AFB; MacDill Air Force Base; Master Chief Petty Officer; memorials; Memphis, Tennessee; Meridian, Mississippi; military education; military training; Miramar, San Diego, California; NAS Jacksonville; NAS Key West; NAS Meridian; NAS Miramar; NAS Sanford; Naval Air Station Jacksonville; Naval Air Station Key West; Naval Air Station Meridian; Naval Air Station Miramar; Naval Air Station Sanford; Naval Nuclear Power Training Command; Naval Station Great Lakes; Naval Training Center Orlando; NAVSTA Great Lakes; Navy Achievement Medal; Navy Commendation Medal; NS Great Lakes; NTC Orlando; Nuclear Power School; OEF; Olongapo, Philippines; Operation Enduring Freedom; orlando; Pensacola; Philippines; planes; Qatar; QWIP Technologies; recruit training; Recruit Training Center Orlando; Recruit Training Command; recruits; Republic of the Philippines; Roger Jordan Sims; RTC Orlando; sailors; Sanford; Sims, Roger Jordan; Skyhawk; SR-436; State of Qatar; swimming; Tampa; terrorism; terrorists; Tomcat; Tommy Foreman; Trina Cothrin; Trina Pierce; U.S. Army; U.S. Naval Reserve; U.S. Navy; United States Central Command; USCENTCOM; USS Blue Jacket; USS Coral Sea; USS Forrestal; USS Franklin D. Roosevelt; USS John F. Kennedy; USS Wasp; VA-72; VC-7 Tallyhoers; veterans; VF-11 Thunderbolt; VF-124; VF-171; Vietnam War; VR-58; War in Afghanistan; War on Terror
Oral History of James Marion Jones
Tags: A. P. Hill; A3J Vigilante; airplane crashes; airplanes; Ambrose Powell Hill, Jr.; American Civil War; Army of Northern Virginia; assistant principals; athletes; Babe Ruth Leagues; Baptists; baseball; baseball leagues; basketball; basketball players; Batts Mitchell; Batts Nusum Mitchell; Betty Palmer Sprat; Bill Ward; Broadway Street; Burt Ward; C. A. Dewberry; Carrigan and Boland Realty; churches; Confederacy; Confederate States of America; Confederates; CSA; Dawn Raquel Jones Jensen; dental kits; dentists; Desta Horner; Drawdy-Rouse Cemetery; education; educators; elementary schools; Elizabeth Tammaro; Emma Jean Mitchell Jones; farmers; general stores; Great Day in the Country; high schools; J. B. Jones; J. M. Jones; Jack Caliber; Jackson Heights; Jackson Heights Middle School; James Marion Jones; JHMS; Jimmy Jones; John Batts Jones, Jr.; John Jones; Johnny Jones; junior high schools; Kathy Jones; Lawton Chiles Middle School; Lawton House; LCMS; Macon, Georgia; Mary Jones Bird; Mayberry R.F.D.; middle schools; Mitchell Hammock; Mitchell Hammock Road; Navy Reserve; North American A-5 Vigilante; Novella Driggers Aulin; OES; Officer Candidate School; OHS; OJC; OJSHS; Orlando Junior College; Oviedo; Oviedo Baptist Church; Oviedo Cemetery; Oviedo Elementary School; Oviedo High School; Oviedo Historical Society; Oviedo History Harvest; Oviedo Junior-Senior High School; Oviedo School; Pam Jones; plane crashes; planes; post offices; postal service; postmasters; Richmond–Petersburg Campaign; Robert E. Lee; Robert Edward Lee; Rouse Road; schools; SCPS; Seminole County Public Schools; Siege of Petersburg; Siege of Vicksburg; South Seminole Junior High School; South Seminole Middle School; sports; SSJHS; SSMS; students; Sweetwater Park; swimming pools; teachers; TMS; Tuskawilla Middle School; UCF; UF; University of Central Florida; University of Florida; vacations; Vietnam War; War of Northern Aggression; Work Projects Administration; Works Progress Administration; WPA
Oral History of Lawrence Paul Levine
Tags: accounting; advanced training; Airframe Repair School; airframe repair specialists; airframe repairman; airframe repairmen; airplanes; Amarill, Texas; Amarillo AFB; Amarillo Air Force Base; anti-war movement; basic training; Boeing 707; Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker; Brown University; BU; Bureau of Customs and Border Protection; Burlington County, New Jersey; C-141 Galaxy; colorblindness; Community Veterans History Project; conscription; Custom Service; CVHP; Detachment 51; draft board; draft lottery; drafts; education; enlistment; Europe; F-101; F-105; F-4; fast food restaurants; fiber glassing; fiberglass; firearms; Frankfurt am Main, Germany; G.I. Bill; Germany; Good Conduct Medal; gun ranges; guns; instructors; Ishihara Color Test; jet; jet fighter; jets; KC-135; Lackland AFB; Lackland Air Force Base; Larry Levine; Lawrence Paul Levin; marching; marriages; Mary Hughes Young; McDonald's; McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II; McDonnell F-101 Voodoo; Mcguire AFB; Mcguire Air Force Base; metal; military draft; military education; military training; pacifism; pacifists; peace movement; phantom jets; planes; protests; Providence, Rhode Island; pylon; Republic F-105 Thunderchief; Rhein-Main AB; Rhein-Main Air Base; RIT; riveting; Rochester Institute of Technology; Rochester, New York; San Antonio, Texas; Selective Service System; Sergeant; Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944; sharpshooters; sharpshooting; Shaw AFB; Shaw Air Force Base; sheet metal; Staff Sergeant; Sumter, South Carolina; TDY; temporary duty; The Platters; TI; training; U.S. Air Force; U.S. Air Force in Europe; U.S. Army; U.S. Army Air Corps; U.S. Bureau of Customs and Border Protection; U.S. Customs Service; United Service Organization; USAFE; USO; veterans; Vietnam; Vietnam War; World War II; WWII
Oral History of Richard Tobias Sloane
Tags: A-5; advanced training; aircraft; airplanes; airports; auxiliary service; B-52; B-52 Memorial Park; Baldwin Park; basic training; Blue Jacket Park; Boeing B-52 Stratofortress; Bronze Star with V Device; BUPERS; Bureau of Naval Personnel; captains; Carli Van Zandt; Carolyn Van Zandt; Central Florida Research Park; Combat Action Award; Commander Carrier Group 8; Community Veterans History Project; conscription; CVHP; Dave Arms; deployments; destroyers; discipline; drafts; engineering; engineers; ensigns; Fernando Maldonado; Garcia; Get Me to the Church on Time; graduations; Great Lakes, Illinois; Grinder; Groucho Marx; gunnery officers; Harry Smith; historical preservation; historical restoration; Honey Bun; Jim Allen; Julius Henry Marx; Lake Baldwin; Legion of Merit; Lieutenant Junior; Lone Sailor Memorial Project; LSMP; LST; LTJG; Luis De Florez; Luis De Florez Building; Lydia and the Tattooed Lady; McCoy AFB; McCoy Air Force Base; Mekong Delta; memorials; military spouses; military training; military wife; military wives; Milwaukee; monuments; Morale, Welfare, and Recreation; MWR; My Fair Lady; NAS Sanford; Naval Air Station Sanford; Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Divisions; Naval Destroyers School; Naval Education and Training Command; Naval Training Center; Naval Training Center Great Lakes; Naval Training Center Orlando; Naval War College; Navy E Ribbon; Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society; NAWCTSD; NETC; Newport, Rhode Island; NMCRS; North American A-5 Vigilante; NTC Great Lakes; NTC Orlando; Nuclear Power School; nurses; OCS; Officer Candidate School; Officer Car; orlando; Orlando International Airport; Orlando-Sanford International Airport; parks; planes; preservation; Purple Heart; Queens, New York City, New York; RA-5C; RA-5C Vigilante; recruit training; Recruit Training Center; Recruit Training Center Orlando; recruits; Repair Division Officer; Research Park; retirement; Richard T. Sloane; Richard Tobias Sloane; river patrols; River Section 35; Rockbridge; RTC Orlando; Sanford; Santa Barbara; selective service; Service School Command; Service Schools Command; SERVSCOLSCOM; simulations; simulators; South Pacific; Surface Warfare Advisor; Surface Warfare Officers School; The Navigator; training; U.S. Naval War College; U.S. Navy; United Service Organization; USO; USS Blue Jacket; USS Garcia; USS Hassayampa; USS Milwaukee; USS Rockbridge; USS Santa Barbara; USS Wisconsin; veterans; Vietnam; Vietnam War; Vietnamese; volunteers; Ward Room; wars; Weapon Systems Officer; Wisconsin
Oral History of William Reuter
Tags: Action in the Gulf of Sidra; aircraft; aircraft carriers; airplanes; anti-terrorism; astronauts; aviation; aviation simulations; aviation simulators; aviators; Baldwin Park; Base Realignment and Closure; Bill Reuter; bleed air fuel leak; blue water operation; Boeing F/A-18 Hornet; BRAC; Challenger disaster; Chief Test Pilot; cold war; college; colleges; Columbia; Columbia disaster; Commanding Officer; commendation; commendations; Community Veterans History Project; CVHP; Daniel Bradfield; David M. Brown; David McDowell Brown; education; Executive Officer; F-18; Henry Brubaker; Key West; Key West High School; KWHS; Lake Baldwin Park; Legion of Merit; Libya; Line of Death; Lone Sailor Memorial Project; LSMP; McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet; medals; memorials; military education; modeling; monuments; NAS Patuxent River; NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Naval Air Station Patuxent River; Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division; Naval Support Activity; Naval Support Activity Orlando; Naval Training Center; Naval Training Center Orlando; NAWCTSD; Norway; NSA Orlando; NTC Orlando; outer space; Patuxent River, Maryland; pilots; planes; Recruit Training Center; Recruit Training Center Orlando; Reserve Officers' Training Corps; ROTC; RTC Orlando; science of learning; Soviet Union; Soviets; Space Shuttle Challenger; Space Shuttle Challenger disaster; Space Shuttle Columbia; Space Shuttle Columbia disaster; SU; terrorism; Test Pilot School; test pilots; U.S. Air Force; U.S. Navy; UCF; UF; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; universities; university; University of Central Florida; University of Florida; USSR; veterams; veteran; wars; warzones; William C. McCool; William Cameron McCool; William Reuter; Willie McCool; XO
Orlando Remembered Exhibits at the Orlando City Hall
Tags: A/C; air conditioning; airplanes; badges; batons; billy clubs; billy sticks; blackjacks; city commissioners; city councils; city governments; city halls; City of Orlando; cops; cosh; coshes; Downtown Orlando; fire alarms; gavels; George A. Baker, Jr.; groceries; grocery stores; handcuffs; heating; horns; Howard Grocery Company; instruments; keys; law enforcement; municipal governments; nightsticks; Orlando City Commission; Orlando City Council; Orlando City Hall; Orlando Remembered; planes; police officers; saps; truncheons; Wilbur H. Strickland