Browse Items (14 total)
- Tags: Ocoee
Amy Lalanne, Josie Lemon Allen, Sandy Cawthern and Harry Coverston
Early Settlers of Orange County, Florida: Reminiscent-Historic-Biographic
Tags: 149th Pennsylvania Volunteer Company D; 1st Regiment Florida Volunteer Infantry; 2nd Regiment; A. A. Stone and Son; Abrams & Bryan; Addison, Illinois; Alabama; Alachua; Alden; Alexander, Elise; Allen, Edbert; Altamonte; Altamonte Springs; Altamonte Springs Hotel; Amarillo, Texas; American Antiquarian; American Revoluation; Anderson County, South Carolina; Angier, Edna I.; Ansonia, Connecticut; Apopka; Apopka Bank; Apopka Board of Trade; Apopka City; Apopka Drainage Company; Arkansas; Article 19; Astor; Astor Hotel; Athens, Georgia; Atlanta, Georgia; Atlantic City, New Jersey; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Augusta, Georgia; Back to the Soil; Baltimore College; Bank of Oakland; Barber, Andrew J.; Barber, Joseph A.; Barber, Maggie S. Simmons; Battle Creek, Michigan; Battle of Gettysburg; Battle of Shiloh; Battle of Vicksburg; Beck, Nannie Woodruff; Bedford County, Virginia; Beecher, Thomas K.; Beeman, H. L.; Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks; Berry, Jeane V.; Berry, Thomas W.; Berry, W. T.; Bingham School; Bird, Mary A.; Blakely, William P.; Blanchard, Charles; Blitz, J. M.; Board of Trade; Bogy Creek; Boone, C. A.; Boone's Early Orange; Boston, Massachusetts; Bradshaw; Bradshaw, Elise Alexander; Bradshaw, John Neill; Branche's Book Store; Brockton, Massachusetts; Brunswick, Georgia; Buck Horn Academy; Buck Tails; Buffalo, New York; Bullock; Burlington, Indiana; Burritt College; C. A. Boone and Company; Caldwell, C. V.; Calhoun County, Michigan; California; Cameron, Texas; Camp Monroe; Carnell, Willie; Carothers, Alice Bennett; Carson and Newman College; Carter; Center Township, Pennsylvania; Central Avenue; Chalmette, Louisiana; Chapman; Chapman, E. G.; Chapman, Foster; Chapman, John C.; Chapman, John T.; Chapman, Mattie P.; Chapman, R. Ethelyn; Chapman, Thomas A.; Chapman, William A.; Charleston Block; Chase Grove; Chasel Graves, James W.; Cheney & Odlin; Cheney, J. M.; Chicago, Illinois; China Grove; Church Street; Cincinnati Commercial; Citizens' National Bank of Orlando; citrus; Civil War; Clark County, Indiana; Clay Spring; Clay springs; Clerwater, Minnesota; Clouser, C. A.; Clouser, J. B.; Coacoochee; Cobb County, Georgia; Cockney; Coffee, John; Collins, Ailsey; Colorado; Columbia County; Columbia, Mississippi; Comanche, Oklahoma; Commandery; Como, Tennessee; Cones, Elliot; Confederacy; Confederate Army; Congress; Constitution; Conway; Conyers Academy; Conyers, Georgia; Cook's Ferry; Council Oak; County Antrim; county commissioner; Covington, Georgia; Cracker culture; Crawford, George W.; Crawfordville, Georgia; Creek Indians; Creeks; Crisey & Norris; Crown Point; Crown Point, Indiana; Cuba; Curtis & O'Neal; Curtis, Fletcher & O'Neal; Dade County; Dann Real Estate Agency; Dann, R. Edgar; Danville, Pennsylvania; Davidson College; Davis, E. H.; Davis, Frank H.; Davis, Mary; Demans, P. A.; Devlin, Minnie Elizabeth; Dickenson, Cynthia Ann Roberta; Dillard, J. L.; District School Trustees; Dixie; Dolive, W. L.; Dollins, Alice J. Rushing; Dollins, Alice Strickland; Dollins, Carl W.; Dollins, Hugh; Dollins, Hugh D.; Dollins, Kellie Rushing; Dollins, L. J.; Dollins, Mary; Dollins, Thomas A.; Dr. Stark; Dreer's; Dubuque, Iowa; Duke, James K.; Duke, Mary Kerr; Dule West, South Carolina; DuPage County, Illinois; Eastman's Business College; Efurt, Thuringia, Germany; Elizabethtown, New Jersey; Elks Club; Elm Grove Academy; Elmire Female College; Emmett, Michigan; Empire Hotel; England; Erksine College; Eureka; Everglades; Ewing, Earl W.; Ewing, Willie Carnell; Fairfield; Farrel Iron Foundry; FEC; Fernandez, Hallie G.; Fernandez, Henry Gore; Fifth New Hampshire Regiment; Fifth Tennessee Infantry; First Baptist Church of Orlando; First National Bank of Cameron; First Presbyterian Church of Orlando; Fleming; Flemming, Francis P.; Florida; Florida Association of Architects; Florida Board of Architecture; Florida Citrus Exchange; Florida Cracker; Florida Midland Railroad; Florida Railroad Commission; Florida State Legislature; Florida State Senate; Fogg, N. H.; Ford Estate; Forest; Forst house; Fort Christmas; Fort Gatlin; Fort Mellon; Fort Myers; Fort Reed; France; Francis, Margaret M.; Franklin County, Tennessee; freemason; freeze; Fruit Growers' Association; Fudge, James; Gadsen County; Gainesville; Gainesville, Alabama; Galia County, Ohio; Gallowy, Nannie; Gardner, Maine; Garrett, Hardy; General Florida Statutes; Georgia; Georgia University; Giles, Edna Adelima; Giles, James L.; Giles, Leroy B.; Gore, Mahlon; Gotha; Gotha, Germany; Grand Theatre; Grant, Ulysses S.; Graves, Anna L.; Graves, Arthur F; Graves, George T.; Graves, Helen Louise; Graves, I. W.; Graves, James W.; Graves, Minnie M.; Great Freeze; Greek architecture; Greeley; Greensboro, Alabama; Greenwood; Griffin, :Lawrence Jefferson; Griffin, Able; Griffin, Benjamin Luther; Griffin, Helen; Griffin, Henrietta E.; Griffin, Hilda; Griffin, John W.; Griffin, Rebekah Wilcox; Griffin, Samuel S.; Griffin, Stanley S.; Griffin, Willie L. Vick; Griffin, Yancey R.; Grundy County, Illinois; Guilford, Connecticut; Guinnett County, Georgia; Guyette County, Georgia; Gwinnett County, Georgia; Halifax County, North Caroline; Halstead, Murat; Hand, C. M.; Hand, Carey; Hand, Charlie M.; Hand, Elijah; Hand, Harry E.; Hand, Henry; Happersett, S. H.; Happersett, Stella Alcesta Rollins; Harlem, Illinois; Harrisburg High School; Harrison, Minnie Odella; Havana, Illinois; Heard National Bank of Jacksonville; Henck, E. W.; Herd County, Georgia; Hernando County; Hertford County, North Carolina; Hill, Ben; Hill, W. J.; Hillsboro, Tennessee; Hiwassee College; Hoffner, Charles H.; Hoffner, Edna I. Angier; Hoffner, Harry A.; Holshouser, Cynthia Ann Roberta Dickenson; Holshouser, Linnie Wilkins; Home Guards; Homestead; Honduras; Hoole, James L.; Hoosier Springs Grove; House of Representatives; Houston, Texas; Howard, Clarence E.; Howard's Grove, Wisconsin; Hudnal, Edward; Hudson; Hudson Battery; Hudson, Alfred B.; Hughey, J. P.; Hughey, John; Hull, Emily Harriett; Hull, William Benjamin; Hupple, Bernhart; Hupple, Friederika; Hyers, T. G.; Illinois; Indian architecture; Indian River; Indian River, Georgia; Ireland; Irmer, Lillian Maguire; Iron Bridge; Ironton, Ohio; Italy; J. B. Clouser and company; Jackson; Jackson, Helen Augusta; Jackson, Joseph; Jacksonvile; Jefferson City, Tennessee; Jerome, H.; Jerome, R. P.; John Hopkins Hospital; Johnson, Joseph, E.; Jones, John W.; Jones, W. S.; Journegan; Kendrick; Kentucky; Kerr, John P; Kerr, Margaret; Kerr, Mary; Kerr, Sarah Howard; Killingworth, Connecticut; Kilmer, Washington; Kincaid, M. C.; King Philip; King, Murray S.; Kirkwood; Kissimmee; Knights of Pythias; Knights Templar; Krez, Conrad; Kunz, George f.; Lake Apopka; Lake Butler; Lake Charity; Lake Conway; Lake Eola; Lake Faith; Lake Hope; Lake Howell; Lake Jessamine; Lake Monroe; Lake Osceola; Lakeland; Lakeview Cemetery; Laughlin, Frances; Lebanon, Ohio; Lee County, Texas; Lee University; Lee, A.; Lewis, Arthur A.; Lewis, Grace; Lewis, James M.; Lewis, Joseph M.; Lewter, Elva jouett; Lewter, Frederick Augustus; Lewter, Frederick Augustus, Jr.; Lewter, Irma; Lewter, Jewell; Lewter, John T.; Lewter, Laura Louise; Lewter, Linnie Wilkins Holshouser; Lewter, Mary Davis; Lewter, Medora Inex; Lewter, Robert Dickenson; Lewter, Roberta; Lewter, William Ferderick; Lewter, Zelma Kight; Lightwood Camp; Litchfield; Lockhart; Loganville, Georgia; London, England; Longwood; Longwood Hotel; Lord, Charles; Louisville, Kentucky; Loveless, Harry; Lovell House; Lucerne Circle; Lucerne Theatre; Lumsden, H. A.; Luther, E.; Luther, Martin; Lynch, William Brigham; MacDonald, Robert; Macon, Georgia; Madison, James; Magnolia Avenue; Magnolia Hotel; Magruder, C. B.; Magruder, James Bailey; Maguire, Charles Hugh; Maguire, David O.; Maguire, Fred H.; Maguire, J. O.; Maguire, Lillian; Maguire, Margaret M.Francis; Maguire, Rayner F.; Maguire, Thomas C; Maguire, Washington University; Main Street; Maine; Maitland; Manchester High School; Manchester, New Hampshire; Marion County; Marks; Martin, Matthew; Martin, William; Maryland; Mason; Masonic Lodge; Masons; Massey & Warlow; Massey & Willcox; Massey, Keating & Willcox; Massey, L. C.; Massey, Louis C.; Matchett, J. W.; Mathews, Monroe; McAdow, Marian A.; McKinley, William; Meadows; Mecca; Mellen, Charles; Mellonville; Mercer University; Methodist Episcopal Church, South; Metropolitan Museum of Arts; Miles, Elizabeth J.; Miller, A. C.; Mills; Minor, Tyrannus J.; Missionary Baptist Church; Mitchell; Mizell, Joshua; Monroe; Moore County, Tennessee; Moore's Business College; Mosquito County; Mount Olivet Cemetery; Murfreesboro, North Carolina; Murphy, North Carolina; Muscatine, Iowa; Muzzy Eva L.; Muzzy, Eden; Nashville, Tennessee; Nassaua; National Guard of Florida; Native Birds of Song and Beauty; Nehrling, Carl; Nehrling, Elizabeth Ruge; Nehrling, Henry; Neill, John L.; Neill, Sarah Clay; New Mexico; New Orleans, Louisiana; New Smyrna, Florida; New York; Newton, A. B.; Newton, Alice Bennett Carothers; Newton, Isaac; Newton, Minnie Odella Harrison; Niemeyer, F. J.; North Carolina; North Carolina University; Northampton County, North Carolina; O'Neal, William R.; Oak Lodge; Oak Ridge; Oakland; Ocoee; Odd Fellows; Odlin, L.; Ohio; Orange Avenue; Orange Belt Railroad; orange county; Orange County Board of Commissioners; Orange County Board of Public Instruction; Orange County Court; Orange County Criminal Court; Orange County Democratic Executive Committee; Orange County Fair Association; Orange County Pioneers' Association; Orange County School Board; Orange County, North Carolina; oranges; orlando; Orlando Bank and Trust Company; Orlando Board of Trade; Orlando Coast Line Railroad; Orlando Country Club; Orlando Driving Park Association; Orlando Electric Lighting; Orlando High School; Orlando Telephone Company; Orlando Water company; Osborn, L. C.; Osceola; Osceola County; Overstreet Crate Company; Overstreet Turpentine Company; Overstreet, Elizabeth; Overstreet, Hazel; Overstreet, Mildred; Overstreet, Moses M.; Overstreet, R. Ethelyn; Overstreet, Rachel E.; Overstreet, Robert T.; Palatka; Palm Beach; Palm Cottage; Palmer, Jerome; Palmer, W. L.; Palmer, Willis L.; Panola County, Mississippi; Paris, Tennessee; Parramore, Minnie M. Grave; Patrick, W. A.; Pennfeld, Michigan; Pennington Grove; Pennsylvania; People's Party; Peoples Bank of Sanford; Peoples National Bank of Orlando; Perry County, Pennsylvania; Pettus Artillery; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Pickens; Pigue; Pike County, Mississippi; Pine Castle; Pine Street; Plant City; Plymouth; Porter, Dwight D.; Pughkeepsie, New York; R. H. White Dry Goods Company; Randolph Peninsula; Rawlins, Anna L. Grave; Rawls, E. Judson; Reasoner Brothers; Richmond College; Richmond, Virginia; Roanoke, Virginia; Roberts, Alice J.; Robinson Avenue; Robinson Spring; Robinson, Samuel Austin; Rock Ledge, Georgia; Rollins College; Rollins, Florida Estelle; Rollins, Helen; Rollins, Helen Augusta Jackson; Rollins, John H.; Rollins, Stella Alcesta; Roman architecture; Roosevelt, Theodore; Roper; Roper, Alice; Royal and Select Master Masons of Florida; Royal Arch Masons; Rushing, Kellie; Russell County, Alabama; Rutland's Ferry; Sadler, Alice L.; Sadler, Anna E.; Sadler, John H.; Sadler, Minnie M. Tilden; Salem, Michigan; Saline County, Illinois; Sanford; Sanford High School; Saulsbury, North Carolina; Saunders-Massey, Elizabeth M.; Savannah, Georgia; Schohant, New York; Sea Island cotton; Seaboard Coast Air Line Railroad; Searcy, James; Searcy, John Neill; Searcy, Robert; Searcy, Sarah Clay Neill; Secession Convention; Secoffee; Second Seminole War; Seegar, S. J. T.; Seminole County; Seminole County Bank; Seminole County Sheriff; Seminole Hotel Company of Winter Park; Seminole Indians; Seminole Wars; Seminoles; Senate; Sentinel Printing; settlers; Shakespeare, William; Shannon, Mississippi; Sheboggan County, Wiscosin; Shelbyville, Indiana; Sherman; Shiloh; Shine, Elizabeth Agnes; Simmons, Maggie S.; Simpson, William; Sims Grove; Sims, B. M.; Sims, Eugene O.; Sims, J. Walter; Smith, Elizabeth J. Miles; Smith, Walter; Smith, William; South Apopka; South Apopka Supply Company; South Carolina; South Florida Fair Association; South Florida Foundry and Machine Company; South Florida Railroad; South Lake Apopka Citrus Growers' Association; Southern Express Company; Spanish Mission architecture; Spanish-American War; Sparkman; Speer; Speer, A.; Speer, Alice Roper; Speer, Gertrude K.; Speer, J. G.; Speer, James P.; Speer, Jason P.; Speer, Sidney; Speer, William; Spencer County, Tennessee; St. Augustine; St. Johns County; St. Johns River; State Bank of Orlando; Staunton, Virginia; Steinmetz, John B.; Stevens County, Oklahoma; Stewart, J. C.; Stone, A. A.; Stone, Alvord Alonzo; Stone, L. L.; Stone, Lovell Lazell; Strickland, Alice; Strong, Edward Malten; Sub-Tropical Mid-Winter Exposition; Summer Street; Summerlin Hotel; Summerlin House; Swedes; Sweeney, Robert; Switzerland; T. J. Minor and Brother; Taft, William H.; Talbot County, Georgia; Tallahassee; Tampa; Tampa & Gulf Railroad; Taylor Safe Manufacturing Company; Telfair County, Georgia; Tennessee; Texas; Thayer, Jessie M.; The Arcade; The Auk; The Citizen; The Jacksonville Times-Union; The Lodge; The Orange County citizen; The Orange County Reporter; The Orlando Reporter-Star; The Orlando Star; The Reporter-Star; The Seminole; The Sentinel; The Tampa Tribune; Thompson, Albert; Thompson, Dexter C.; Three Graces Lakes; Tiedkie; Tilden; Tilden, L. F.; Tilden, Minnie M.; Titusville; Toronto, Canada; Town Herman, Wisconsin; Trammell, Park; Tullahoma, Tennessee; Turner, Anna Belle; Tuscaloosa County, Alabama; Tyner, C. R.; Union; University Law School; University of Pennsylvania; Vanderbilt; Vermont; Vick, J. H.; Vick, Willie L.; Vicksburg; Virginia; Wakalla, South Carolina; Wallerfield Sarah A.; Walton, Edwin S.; Warlow, T. Picton; Warnell Lumber Company; Warnell Lumber company Millers; Washington Place; Washington, D. C.; Watkins Block; Watson; Weathersbee, Allen; Wekiva River; Wekiwa River; Wekiwa Springs; Welaka; West Virginia; White, W. G.; Whitner, J. N.; Wiggs, Annie B.; Wilcox County, Georgia; Wilcox, Mark; Wilcox, Rebekah; Winter Garden; Winter Garden Water and Light Company; Winter Park; Wisconsin Men of Progress; Witherington, Anna Belle Turner; Witherington, H. H.; Woodruff & Watson; Woodruff, Ailsey Collins; Woodruff, Elizabeth Agnes Shine; Woodruff, Emma; Woodruff, Frank; Woodruff, Frank L.; Woodruff, Minnie Elizabeth Devlin; Woodruff, Nannie Galloway; Woodruff, Seth; Woodruff, Seth W.; Woodruff, W. W. W.; Woodruff, William W.; World's Fair; Yowell-Duckworth Building; Yulee Railroad; Zellwood
History of Orange County, Florida: Narrative and Biographical
Tags: Albertson Public Library; American Red Cross; Apopka; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Autrey, L. M.; Beacham, B.; Beardall, William; Bithlo; Blackman, Lucy Worthington; Blackman, William Fremont; Boyer, Chauncey A.; Bradshaw, J. N.; Browne, Charles A.; Cawston, Arthur H.; Central Avenue; Cheney, J. M.; Christ, C. D.; Coursen, W. A.; Court Street; Crawford, George W. Yancey, T. A.; Dick, E. A.; Dickenson, R. M.; Dickson, H. H.; E. O. Painter Printing Company; Edwards, William; Ferguson, F. L.; Fort Christmas; Fort Gatlin; Fuller, John T.; Giles, James L.; Glenn, William; Gotha; Greenwood Cemetery; Guild, William A.; Hand, Carey; Hill, S. B.; Holt, Chauncey; Holt, Hamilton; Hutchins, Victory; Jenkins, R. A.; Johnson, S. A.; Lawton, J. A.; Lehmann, Karl; Lewter, F. A.; Lynch, W. B.; MacDonald, R. D.; Maitland; Martin, W. E.; Morse, C. H.; Mosquito County; Newton, V. B.; O'Neal, W. R.; Oakland; Ocoee; Orange Avenue; orange county; Orange County Chamber of Commerce; Orange County Courthouse; Orange General Hospital; orlando; Orlando Chamber of Commerce; Orlando Municipal Auditoriuml; Palmer, Willis L.; public schools; Rand, Frederic H.; Robinson; Robinson, B. M.; Robinson, Samuel A.; Rollins College; Safford, Mary A.; Sanford; settlers; Simmons, J. W.; Sinclair's Real Estate Agency; Speer, James G.; Sperry, Frank Ezra; Sweetapple, H. B.; Swope, O. P.; Taft; Tangerine; Temple, W. C.; The Making of Hawaii: A Study in Social Evolution; Tilden, L. W.; town well; Townsend, L. C.; Ward, C. H.; Whitman, Alton B.; Whitner, J. N.; Windermere; Winter Garden; Winter Park; Wright, A. L.; Yale University; Yowell, N. P.; Zellwood
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to Brockelman Brothers (January 20, 1928)
Tags: ACL; arsh seedless; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company; Brockelman Brothers, Inc.; Chase and Company; Chase Investment Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; citrus; citrus industry; dancy tangerine; dancy tangerines; Department of Agriculture; freeze; frost; grapefruit; grapefruit industry; irrigation, freeze; Isleworth Grove; Lake Butler; Native American; Ocoee; orange; orange county; orange industry; orlando; packinghouse; pineapple orange; Riverside, California; Samuel J. Shallow Company; Seminole; Shamel, A. D.; Shamel, A.D.; Tangerine; tangerine industry; U.S. Department of Agriculture; Valencia; Windermere
Letter from Joshua Coffin Chase to S. M. Crowell (June 5, 1930)
Tags: campaign; candidate; Chase and Company; Chase, Joshua Coffin; county commission; county commissioner; county government; Crowell, S. M.; District 3; election; election campaign; employee; government; grower; Isleworth Grove; labor; laborer; local government; Ocoee; orange county; Orange County Commission; Orange County Commissioner; poll; primary election; Reams, W. H.; Reams, W.H.; register voter; voter; voting; Windermere; worker
Mary Clare Allen, Valada Flewellyn, Connor Allen, Ida Law, Joy Wallace Dickinson and Harry Coverston
Ocoee Project - Genre-based Bibliography (06-25-2020)
The Alliance for Truth and Justice (ATJ) is a volunteer-based organization that engages with the community to promote education concerning the truth of…
Oral Memoirs of Robert Hickey
Tags: 1920 United States presidential election; African-American history; Apopka; Dorothy Hickey; Edgewood Cemetery; Edgewood-Greenwood Cemetery; Francina Boykin; Geoffrey Cravero; Hickey Subdivision; John Hickey; Josie Lemon Allen; Julius "July" Perry; Lucy Silonia Lott Hickey; Mose Norman; Ocoee; Ocoee Massacre; Robert Hickey
Patron Donations Help Band
Tags: band; Cocoa Beach; football; high school; holiday; homecoming; Kissimmee; Lakeview High School; marching band; Marching Blue Darters; Marching Cowboys; music; musician; Ocoee; OHS; Oviedo; Oviedo High School; Richard A. Feinberg; Sanford; Sanford Naval Academy; school; Seminole High School; sport; Winter Garden
Rachel Allen and Mary Clare Allen
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 2: The Legacy of the Ocoee Riot
Tags: African Americans; Barene, Danny; cemetery; Cheney, John Moses; City of Ocoee; civil rights; Dabbs, Lester; Dickinson, Joy Wallace; documentary; Election Day; Firpo, Julio R.; Florida Flashback; Greenwood Cemetery; Gurley, Jared; Jim Crow; KKK; Ku Klux Klan; Lake Adair; Martin Luther King Unity Parade and Celebration; massacre; Moore, Russell; Norman, Moses; Ocoee; Ocoee City Commission; Ocoee Human Relations Diversity Board; Ocoee Massacre; Ocoee Race Riot; Ocoee Riot; orange county; orlando; Ortiz, Paul; Perry, Julius "July"; Perry, July; podcast; race relations; race riot; reconciliation movement; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Samuel Proctor Oral History Program; segregation; The Orlando Sentinel; Tulsa Race Riot; Tulsa, Oklahoma; University of Florida; voting rights; West Orange Reconciliation Task Force; Wilmington, North Carolina
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, Episode 50: An Interview with Paul Ortiz, Part 2
Tags: 19th Amendment; African American; Bartow; Bethune-Cookman College; Bethune, Mary Jane McLeod; Birmingham, Alabama; boycott; Chicago, Illinois; civil rights; Civil Rights Movement; Cole, Johnnetta Betsch; Cravero, Geoffrey; debt peonage; Detroit, Michigan; disenfranchisement; documentary; Election of 1920; emancipation; Emancipation Betrayed: The Hidden History of Black Organizing and White Violence in Florida from Reconstruction to the Bloody Election of 1920; Florida Voter Registration Movement; fraternal organization; Gainesville; Grand Court Order of Calanthe; Great Depression; Great Migration; Great War; Hurston, Zora Neale; Jacksonvile; Jacksonville; Jim Crow; Johnson, James Weldon; Knights of Pythias; Lakeland; Louie, M. M.; lynching; Masons; meeting; Memphis, Tennessee; migration; Montgomery Bus Boycott; Moore, Harriette Vyda Simms; Moore, Harry Tyson; museum; NAACP; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; New York City, New York; Nineteenth Amendment; Ocoee; Ocoee Massacre; Ocoee Race Riot; oral history; orange county; Order of the Eastern Star; organizing; orlando; Ortiz, Paul; Pensacola; Pensacola Streetcar Boycott; podcast; poll tax; Randolph, A. Philip; Reconstruction; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Robert Cassanello; Samuel Proctor Oral History Program; secret society; Simms, Harriette Vyda; St. Augustine; St. Petersburg; suffrage; Tampa; Thurmond, Howard; UF; University of Florida; voter registration; voter registration movement; voting; voting rights; West Orange County; white supremacy; women's suffrage; World War I; World War II; WWI; WWII
RICHES Podcast Documentaries, RICHES Podcast Update
Tags: A History of Ocoee and Its Pioneers; African American; Betty J's Florist; Bill Maxwell; city hall; civil rights; documentary; historical commission; holiday; Human Relations Diversity Board; I Have a Dream; Lillian Elizabeth Maguire; Maguire, Nancy; Martin Luther King, Jr.; Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Parade; mayor; Mayor of Ocoee; Ocoee; Ocoee City Hall; parade; podcast; RICHES Podcast Documentaries; Robert Cassanello; Sam Scott Vandergrift; Vandergrift, Beth; William "Bill" Maxwell
Seminole County Public Schools Teachers and Salaries, 1913-1954
Tags: 10th Street; 11th Avenue; 12th Street; 13th Street; 14th Street; 15th Street; 16th Street; 17th Street; 19th Street; 1st Street; 20th Street; 21st Street; 2nd Avenue; 2nd Street; 3rd Street; 4th Street; 5th Street; 6th Street; 7th Street; 8th Street; 9th Street; Aberdeen; Adena; Aloma Avenue; Apalachicola; Apopka; Arran; Ashby Street; Ashley Street; Auburndale Avenue; Avocado Avenue; Axson; Baimbridge; Baldwin; Bay Avenue; Beach Street; Beardall Avenue; Benson Springs; Bernesville; Blenton; Blount Street; Boston; Brigend; Brisson Avenue; Buffalo; Burbank; Burlington; Bushnell; Calhoun; Cambridge; Cameron; Cameron Avenue; Cameron City; Campbell; Casselberry; Catalina Drive; Celery Avenue; Center Street; Chancellor; Chatham; Chattahoochee; Chipley; Christmas; Chuluota Primary; Chuluota Primary School; Chuluota School; Church Creek; Cincinnati; Citrus Heights; Clark Avenue; Clermont; Cleveland; Cliffdale; Cloudland Park; Colbert; College Hill Street; Concord Avenue; Cottondale; Country Club Road; County Road 427; Cowan Apartments; CR 427; Crooms Academy; Cumming; Cypress Avenue; Cypress Street; Dade City; Danbury; Daytona Beach; DeLand; Delton; Dexter; Dixie Highway; Dothan; Douglas; Douglas Street; Dublin; East Side; East Side Primary School; Eastside Primary School; Edmund; educator; Eighth Street; elementary school; Eleventh Avenue; Elliot Avenue; Elm Avenue; employee; Eufsuls; Eustis; F Street; Fern Park; Fifteenth Street; Fifth Street; First Street; Floral Heights; Forest City School; Forsyth; Fort Meade; Fort Reed; Fourteenth Street; Fourth Street; Franklin Street; Franklinton; French Avenue; Frostproof; Gabriella Colored School; Gainesville; Gamble Street; Geneva Avenue; Geneva Colored School; Geneva Elementary School; Geneva School; Genius Drive; Georgetown; Glendale; Goggansville; Goldsboro Primary School; Grandview Avenue; Haines City; Halb Avenue; Havana; Hawthorne; Hemingwet; Hermits Trail; Hewlett; Hickory Avenue; high school; Highland; Hinson; Holly Avenue; Hopper Academy; Howry Street; Hungerford School; Indian Mound Village; Jackson Street; Jacksonville; Jasper; Jefferson; Jefferson Street; Jessamine Avenue; Jonesboro; Key West; Kingstree; Kissimmee; Kolokee; Ky-Bama Lodge; Lake Avenue; Lake Butler; Lake Mary Road; Lake Mary School; Lake Monroe Colored School; Lake Monroe School; Lake Wales; Lake Worth; Lakeland; Lakemont; Lakeview Drive; Lakewood; Langley; Langley Apartments; Las Olas Boulevard; Laurel Avenue; Leesburg; Lewisberg; LHS; Live Oak; Livingston Street; Lloyd; Loch Arbor Court; Locust Avenue; Longwood School; Louisville; Lyman Elementary School; Lyman High School; Madison; Madison Street; Magnolia Avenue; Main Street; Maitland; Maple Avenue; Marianna; Marietta; Maripose Street; Mars Hill; Maryville; Mascotte; Masonville; McCombe Street; Mellonville Avenue; Menlo; Merritt Street; Miami; Midway; Miller Avenue; Minnesota Avenue; Moncrif Avenue; Montezuma Hotel; Monticello; Montverde; Morgan City; Moultrie; Mount Dora; Mount Olive; Mount Vernon; Myrtle Avenue; New Canton; New Milford; New Port Richey; New Smyrna Beach; Nineteenth Street; Ninth Street; O'Brien; Oak Avenue; Oak Street; Oakland; Ocoee; OHS; Olive Street; Orange Avenue; orlando; Osceola; Osceola School; Osteen; Oviedo; Oviedo Colored School; Oviedo High School; Oviedo School; Oxford Junction; Ozark; Palatka; Palmetto Avenue; Paris; Park Avenue; Parramore Street; Pearson; Pecan Avenue; Pelham; Pendergrass; Peninsula Drive; Penn Avenue; Pensacola; Persimmon Avenue; Pine Avenue; Pinehurst; Poinsetta Avenue; Ponce Park; Portsmouth; public school; Punta Gorda; Quitman; Raleigh; Randall Circle; Reus Street; Richland; Richmond Avenue; Ridgewood Avenue; Rock Hill; Rosalia Drive; Rose Court; Rose Court Apartments; Rosenwald; Rosenwald No. 1; Roslindale; Roundtree Avenue; Route 1; Route 2; Route A; Roxbury Road; Ruthledge; Salem; Salisbury; San Lanta Apartments; Sand Lake Road; Sanford Avenue; Sanford Grammar School; Sanford High School; Sanford Junior High; Sanford Junior High School; Sanford Primary School; Sanford Vocational School; Sans Souci Avenue; school; SCPS; Seaboard Oil Company; Second Avenue; Second Street; Sellors Street; Seminole County; Seminole County Public Schools; Seminole County School Board; Seminole High School; Seminole Rosenwald No. 1; Seventeenth Street; Seventh Street; Shady Lane; Shady Lane Drive; Sharon; Shepherd Avenue; SHS; Silver Lake; Sipes Avenue; Sixteenth Street; Sixth Street; SJHS; snow Hill Road; Sorrento; South Side Primary School; Southside Primary; Southside Primary School; Spurling Street; St. Augustine; St. Petersburg; Steubenville; Summerlin Avenue; Sumter; Sunset Drive; Swan Street; Swanton; Tallahassee; Tampa; Tangerine; teacher; Teckla; Tekona Park; Tenth Street; Third Street; Thirteenth Street; Tifton; Triplet Street; Tuscaloosa; Twelfth Street; Twentieth Street; Twenty-First Street; Umatilla; Union Avenue; Valdosta; Valencia Drive; Vernville; Vidette; Vienna; Virginia Drive; Vistabula; Vradenburgh; Wagner Colored School; Waits Street; Waleska; Washington; Washington Avenue; Wauseon; Welbourne Street; Wellborn; West Point; West Side Primary School; Westside Primary School; Whigham; Wichita; Wildmere Avenue; Wildwood; Willow Avenue; Wilson; Wilson School; Winfree Avenue; Winston-Salem; Winter Garden; Winter Haven; Winter Park; Woodsbridge; Wrightsville; Youngstown